5D Consciousness Courses, Seminars & Retreats

Here are our current events listings in date order:

Historic Event, to support humanity's transition through the 4D Plane of Karma. Openhand's new Book and Project Launch to support your Past Life Regressions, negate Intervention from your life, and to integrate deeper 5D Consciousness. Convergence of Star Being Nations. From Glastonbury, planetary heart chakra.
Terrestrial & Live Stream

6th-11th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert:ZOOM
It's time to activate your Spirit Light Body for 5D Ascension, and navigate from it in your daily life. Dive deep into the "Desert of the Real" with Open, strip away any distraction, journey multidimensionally and shed the layers of ancient Human karma. This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, in the energetic harmony of your own home.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

1st June: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open.

10th-15th June: Facilitator Foundation Course: 5-Days, ZOOM
Become a spiritual facilitator in the shift and develop your business as a spiritual ecosystem that naturally draws clients without efforting. Learn skills, processes and priceless insights into groundbreaking spiritual facilitation techniques including how to draw on benevolent etheric support for your divine service. Then join the ongoing Facilitator Program.
Cutting Edge Spiritual Facilitation Practices

6th July: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

8th-14th July: Facilitator Summer Conference: 7-Days, GLASTONBURY
Experience the joy and camaraderie of Openhand's annual facilitator conference, amongst the crop circles and sacred stones of the mystical Avebury. Join the adventure through the livestream, connect into the energy, have a tremendous time with kindred spirits. 50% DISCOUNT FOR ZOOM TICKETS
Cutting Edge Spiritual Facilitation Practices

Destiny is Knocking At Your Door

So much is changing in the world right now, and when seen through the right lens, there are oodles of possibility. The field is transforming and the light is beaming shafts through the darkness. What do you dream you can truly be? We're in vibrant times of alchemy, so there's tremendous possibility to break down the old limiting consciousness, let go of false self identity and make way for your soul to shine through. When you connect up with the divine flows in this way, literally ANYTHING can happen. That's the profound opportunity in the Openhand work these days. Whether online or terrestrially, we very much look forwards to hosting you and supporting your transformation. It will be our pleasure. The Sun EmojiPraying Emoji

RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES: to book places or get more information email Openhand's Event Coordinator,
Tilly Bud: