What is 'Spirituality'?

Here we're exploring the concept of general spirituality. What does it mean to be spiritual? How do we live in a spiritual way, within society? How might being aligned with your spirituality, bring a greater sense of joy and fulfillment to your life?

We're offering points of view here, which we believe in passionately. But we're not claiming them to be the 'absolute truth' - it is our truth, designed to help catalyse an evolutionary shift in your own truth. To us, that's a key facet of the spirit - that each has their own perspective on reality, which are all equally valid. But let us challenge and continually evolve our perspective.

Articles on general Spirituality:

The Spiritual Path: How to Vision the Future?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 04:50

Especially now in this turbulent transition through society as we shift to 5D, it's utterly essential you know how to vision your future. But to be clear, I'm talking about the authentic future that's in alignment with your soul. How do you recognise the future multidimensional landscape that is landing now? Then how do you determine the next step to take? Getting this right will remove much heartache and frustration. Even when you make "mistakes" you soon get to know why and are able to steer straight once more...

1030 Reads

Eternal Student and the Ascended Masters: How do they work with us?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 06:22

On the spiritual path, what is the true measure of mastery? You may have journeyed plenty, you may have touched deep presence and be able to open into multidimensionality. You might get visions and insights into future-landing-now, or you might be able to facilitate, heal and catalyse. Yet there's a fundamental problem in ever embracing the word "master". Because there's always something to be mastered, always something to integrate. The very term itself breeds complacency...

15730 Reads

Crafting 3D Mind as Your Friend and Ally in the 5D Ascension Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 18:14

There's a tendency not to speak too much of the 3D mind in terms of alignment with the 5D shift, other than letting go of identification with it. But the energy on earth and in society is terraforming strongly through the field, and we can craft the mind as a powerful ally within our creative endeavors. We must also guard against it becoming a surreptitious prison that unconsciously limits our progression.

Let's inquire.

1849 Reads

Resurrecting our Multidimensionality: Parable of Lao Tzu and the Dragon

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 04:44

On one of the walls at Openhand HQ in Glastonbury is a favourite painting of the ancient mystic Lao Tzu playing a small harp, and in so doing, unleashing a mighty blue sky dragon. It's an inspiring picture for sure, and to me, sings volumes about resurrecting our greater multidimensionality and what can transpire when we do. It's about breaking open the limitation of the small "I' - the identity, then with subtle feeling perception, connecting and embodying the majesty of the higher dimensional self.

1838 Reads

Navigating a 5D Path of Light Through the 4th Industrial Revolution

Submitted by Open on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 15:24

The 4th Industrial Revolution on planet earth is well underway. Society is being transformed in the biggest shake up since steam power. The cogs first swung into gear with a revolutionary new "White Hat" technology called "Blockchain". It has since been seized upon by society's controllers, fuelled by an interdimensional Alien consciousness that would consume humanity into a synthetic AI based agenda. The shadow system is currently rolling out new lines of digital banking like railways into the Wild West, yet challenged at every twist and turn by Benevolents, punching holes through the ensuing density so that the light can break through.

The controllers are hell bent on transforming society in one way, but with awareness and creative willpower we can ride the inflows to ensure maximum sovereign freedom is available to those who claim it. The caterpillar has just become a crysallis. Who wants to be a butterfly?

3844 Reads

Reclaiming Your Sovereign Power under the Universal Law of "God"

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/04/2020 - 04:04

A rebellion of consciousness is happening that's starting to establish itself in the most exciting of ways. Phase 1 Lockdowns may have eased, but just as predicted, in places we're already witnessing stage 2. The erosion of civil liberties is steadily slipping in. Mandatory face masks in places and digital health passports being planned for example. BUT, there's a growing movement that's realised the state regulations and statutes introduced are subservient to Universal Common Law. It recognises the first principle of "God", our Source Creator: that of the inalienable right to self-determination, free movement and expression. Here's essential insight in how you can begin to reclaim that right.

9033 Reads

Incontrovertible Scientific Evidence that Homo Sapiens was Hybridised

Submitted by Open on Wed, 05/13/2020 - 04:13

The fact that Homo Sapiens was hybridised is now hitting mainstream science, as incontrovertible proof has been revealed both in human chromosomes and DNA, as shared in the important video below. It's highly synchronistic that it's happening at the time of greater system control and increasingly challenged earth climate. We need to be aware that our ET creators might well be positioned at some point in the near future as our "Gods and Saviours".

I maintain that those responsible for this hybridisation most certainly are not!

980 Reads

Plantary Shift of Consciousness: Becoming the Warrior in the Heart

Submitted by Open on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 05:05

Make no mistake we are at an anvil in human history. The falsehoods enacted by states around the world in the name of the virus pandemic and the bogus control of populations are being called into account by the rising of sovereign consciousness. But much more needs to be done, and not by the leaders of our world, but by regular people - the likes of you and me, for there are millions of us, governed only by consent. A quasi facist/communist takeover seeks to spread its dark veil across the planet, which free and sovereign people are being invited to challenge.

It's deceptive. It's confusing. It appears even in the guise of democracy, enacting "regulations" for "the good of the whole". But when you go into your heart, no matter how confusing to the mind, you recognise it immediately as control. It is anything other than freedom, respect and love. This is what we must stand up against and express into, in order to expose and unravel.

3703 Reads

Your Ascension and the "Infinite Game": Be the Infinite Player!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/07/2019 - 06:19

The Spiritual Journey does not lead to some final accomplishment, some 'top of the mountain' or even some state of never-ending peace. Even "The Shift" or "The Event" as some call it, is a shift within a shift. Even the mystical State of Enlightenment is not an ending but a beginning. Think about this deeply for a moment. You can stop striving right now. There's phenomenal freedom in it. And if you can find your right alignment in this "Infinite Game", it will bring you continual joy and accomplishment...

1657 Reads

The Liberating and Empowering Effect of Absolute Forgiveness

Submitted by Open on Tue, 06/05/2018 - 05:49

On Openhand's level 3 course DIVINICUS, we explore deeply into the importance of not apportioning blame and instead taking full responsibility for the lives only we are creating - at a soul level, we draw everything to ourselves in order to learn, evolve and grow. One vital aspect of this approach is that of forgiveness: realising the other person is not to blame for their distortion (and my creation) and therefore being able to forgive them. In my experience, this is one of the most liberating and empowering things we can do. But if EVERY situation is purposefully designed by the natural flow for us to self-realise, then is there truly a need for forgiveness, and if so, what might that look like?

896 Reads

The Incredible Power of "Transmutation" on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/26/2018 - 04:45

I have to pinch myself sometimes, being here in this physical body. I know well a higher dimensional existence of pure light, where thought and creativity happen at lightning speed; where you feel completely interconnected with sentient life and can travel through the cosmos in the blink of the third eye. But I am here in this dense - and wonderful! - physical body. And I'm reminded that light can still change it. In fact, consciousness can change all our 3D experiences and creations.

7462 Reads

How to Innovate to Succeed on the Spiritual Path...in 4 steps

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 08:01

There can be nothing like awakening to your deeper spirituality. To know that you are an interconnected part of the whole and loved unconditionally by the divine is the deepest blessing. There often comes with it an enormous sense of gratitude, followed by the commitment to make essential changes in your life. But quite often, in a world of disfunction and disharmony, where every offering works to enslave in the old ways, it can seem a monumental task. Monumental it can be, but you don't have to get there in one giant leap! And it's essential to realise that ALL distortion - even those of the matrix - are founded on truth. That's why lasting change can happen through progressive innovation. Here's how...

1001 Reads