"Rise Eden Rise!" Openhand 5D Devon Retreat

Submitted by Open on Sat, 05/11/2019 - 05:38

It seems highly appropriate and synchronistic to be at the retreat centre "Eden Rise" at this phenomenal time in our history. This is the fourth in the sequence of "Living the Shift" retreats around the world, all of which have been superlative. With a wonderfully diverse group gathered, I can already tell this has all the alchemy for another amazing gathering. Once more I feel to share insights from the event with you all in the wider Openhand community. I invite you to tune in, be inspired by the energy, and apply some of the guidance to your daily life. Now more than ever, it's time for us to Rise!

1049 Reads

Blessings from Bruges with Openhand - Easter 2019 Retreat

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/18/2019 - 06:09

Hi Everyone in the Openhand Virtual Community.

Wherever you are, "Blessings", as we transition through this very poignant Easter Break 2019. I'm blessed to be hosting a rich and diverse group of souls from across the cosmos. It promises to be a real humdinger. And we'd be delighted to have you join us 'through the ether', where distance is no object. Here's how you might take part and what's involved...

991 Reads

Getting into Your "Flow State" with Openhand in Seattle

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 07:14

Openhand's Living the Shift work is all about getting people into the flow of the soul. It's a totally magical place to be - what we might call "The Zone". It's where you've released yourself from the confines of identity, the limitation of ego, as much as possible. You've let go of the need for a particular outcome, and unfolded into a sense of relaxed openness. It's not zoned out though - it's extremely attentive and aware. We've expanded more into the everythingness of infinite potential, where literally anything can happen.

The mind is quiet. It's no longing leading the show, but instead,
you're applying it as an effective tool, to bring into being exactly
what's flowing in from higher dimensional consciousness.

979 Reads

Living the Shift @ Rising Phoenix

Submitted by Open on Sun, 03/17/2019 - 19:38

Hi Openhanders! How are you diddling out there in the Great Shift?

The climate of change continues to heat up. Can you feel how powerful it's all moving? I can certainly feel many activations and accelerations for people out there: strong awakenings and movement of kundalini; processing of blockages and karma; removal of entities and implants; strong realignments in the field. Awesome!

910 Reads

Join Openhand's African Safari

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/22/2019 - 03:41

Openhand is currently in Africa! I'm travellng up through South Africa and Mozambique to a wonderful retreat in the aptly named "Turtle Cove". Come and join the adventure 'through the ether', where distance is no object. I'd like to explore our Origins with you, as a deep internal feeling to help realign from the convolutions of the past.

Here's how you can join in...

Safari with Openhand through your Evolutionary Karma

1438 Reads

Openhand Virtual La Palma Retreat 2019 - Through the Ether!

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/20/2019 - 06:00

Okay, calling everyone in the Openhand Community, you couldn't join us on the spectacular La Palma New Year Retreat, but no worries, come and join in the activities "through the ether" instead, where distance is no object. We'll be opening a portal during the week 20th-25th January, with some great meditations and inquiries to take part in. All you need do is tune into the vibe a couple of times a day. Discover more....

The Distance Just Melts Away!

2172 Reads

Openhand New Year Message - Let Each Day be a Rebirth

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/02/2019 - 06:40

Hi Everyone in the Openhand Community, a New Year has begun, a New Day, a New Opportunity. It fills my heart to reflect back on the experiences of 2018, the gatherings where we've travelled deeply together and the exchanges we've had in the virtual community. No matter where you are, no matter the challenges of the past, here, in this moment, we get the magnificent opportunity for rebirth. So as we begin 2019, let's inspire one another to seize that opportunity, this day, this moment...

253 Reads

Openhand Festive Message - "Guiding Light"

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/24/2018 - 07:06

Hi Everyone in the Openhand Virtual Community - wherever you are in the world, a fond "greetings" at this festive time. I have to admit it's not always been my favourite time of year - where the excessive conusmption and distraction seem to go into overdrive. However, I've come to manage it much better in recent times.

478 Reads

Openhand Wave 2019 - Catch the Vibe!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 09:02

The Great Planetary Shift of Consciousness rolls on. Connecting with you during the Paradigm Shift Tour was simply awe inspiring! And now we're perfectly set for the stages 2 & 3. We'll deepen the work into "Living The Shift", bringing expanded consciousness into daily life, and then "DIVINICUS" - the next evolution of humanity. We've achieved loads, but there's still plenty to do. We're forever discovering profound new aspects of self. Join us!

If you've been following us through the ether, it's time to connect with us terrestrially, on the ground, and feel the awesome vibe of soul family, all exploring, expanding and evolving together. Let's make it happen!

1343 Reads

PARADIGM SHIFT World Tour Update...Mavericks and Misfits

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/17/2018 - 06:05

I find it tremendously rewarding travelling the World meeting people in this great shift of consciousness unfolding all around us.

For me the real inspiration is watching 'misfits' and 'mavericks' realising that nothing is wrong with you, in fact everything is right with you! We don't have to hide these incredible spiritual gifts anymore. And in stepping out and being who you truly are, the realisation dawns that you're a part of a worldwide family just beginning to emerge...

974 Reads

A Moment's Life Review Amongst the Crop Circles

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/13/2018 - 05:48

It's summer time in the UK, and for Openhand, it's a slowing down period in August for a couple of weeks. The Openhand program - the 5D Shift project - runs in cycles from September to July, kind of like an educational year of inquiry, and so August is a time for reflection on the previous cycle, and anticipation of the patterns building for the next 'academic' year. This week I'm spending time in "Crop Circle Grand Central", namely Avebury in South England.

I invite you to join me for some consciousness still time, to tune in, and see what patterns on the horizon might be emerging for you?

540 Reads

DIVINICUS 18: Openhand level 3...Through the Ether!

Submitted by Open on Fri, 06/15/2018 - 04:23

The Openhand 'jewel in the crown' course, "DIVINICUS", begins today in the stupendous mountain village retreat centre "Cae Mabon", in Snowdonia, in the glorious foothills of Mount Snowden. We're sure to have an amazing week, transforming in a profound crucible from the base metal of Sapiens, to the shining light of Divinicus.

1310 Reads