Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.


These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...


5D Ascension Update: Gaia Shifts Through the Dimensional Gears

Submitted by Open on Thu, 02/04/2021 - 05:00

The underlying field is shifting in intensity now. There are major infusions of light from the higher densities, especially the 5th Dimension. And like a finely crafted Swiss watch, this is turning the "cogs" in the lower dimensions. The physical frequency of Gaia is vibrant, it's positively coming alive in transformation, which we witness in the strengthening weather patterns and escalating earthquake and volcanic activity. Meanwhile the drama of the plandemonium on the human plane of the intellect is detaching - that's why it's appearing ever more surreal.

You may feel as though you're going crazy at times. That's why it's vital ascending beings extract from this lunacy and join the ascending flow.

6664 Reads

The 5D Shift and the 2 Speed Planet...How to Thrive in 3D/5D

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/27/2021 - 05:28

I've just returned from a round Britain road trip of approximately 2000 miles, taking in 5 nations in lockdown; 10 days of meditation and essential energy work to catalyse the field; I shot 10 videos to share with you of various high energy sites. The purpose was to explore and demonstrate the strong higher dimensional 5D flow, which is now positively ripping around the planet and will NOT be constrained by any bogus, unscientific, unhealthy and unlawful lockdowns.

The time has come for ascending people to take back their power, embody soul, and express it like never before. This is an act of rebellion. An act of freedom. An act of love.

1176 Reads

5D Shift: YOU are the President Now!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/25/2021 - 05:06

Finally then, a new President has been inaugurated. And it's abundantly clear (at least to me) that it signals a new dark veil being drawn over freedom and democracy - a large percentage of people feel the vote was rigged, for which there seems to be much evidence. Plenty have hung on, right to the bitter end, hoping some miracle would resolve the truth. But to me it has signalled an utterly essenital resolution: YOU are the President now! Meaning let's not rely on leaders of the old defunct and decrepit system. Let's make it increasingly irrelevant by reclaiming personal sovereignty and electing your soul as the true authority in your life.

That's the great opportunity in what unfolded.
It's time to take back personal power.
YOU are the President Now!

1536 Reads

Crypto in Aquarius: Currency Wars in The Global Fight for Freedom

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/04/2021 - 06:40

As we sail into the Aquarian Age, the fight for democracy and the emergent light shifts decidely onto the economic stage. As 2021 dawns and crypto goes ballistic, the controllers are already stabbing their pointed fingers to derail and destabilise. After a steal on democracy in THAT election, the shadow state is now taking on the crypto mavericks to constrain them, which could well be the first shot in an all-out global currency war.

It's a confused and confusing landscape. I would say a good degree of sovereign agitation is necessary to blaze the light of freedom through the global situation. What might the astrology tell us of this new "battle Front"?

1433 Reads

Flying with Eagle-Eye Spiritual Focus in 2021

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/02/2021 - 04:18

Numerology always speaks volumes. In 2020 we witnessed a clear parting of the waves, just as the Hopi Elders have prophecised, where one group of humanity heads into a high tech synthetic reality; meanwhile those with spiritual focus are choosing the higher path, one that leads to 5th Density Consciousness. 2021 signifies that those choosing the divine route, must focus with Eagle-Eye vision as we transition through the inevitable density of society and traverse the pandemic fall-out into the New Year.

We can do this. We've got it. But we must focus.

1205 Reads

Dawning Age of Aquarius and the 5D Ascension Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/28/2020 - 02:50

A lot has been written and said about the Dawning Age of Aquarius - the subject has been veritably vlogged to death! There's even been plenty of dispute about its true beginning. As I expressed in Openhand's Solstice Journal, it feels very clear to me that the great Saturn/Jupiter conjunct of this winter solstice did indeed mark the beginning of this New Age. It spoke to me through signs and synchronicity, not least the huge water bearing storm Bella, that swept through the UK on Boxing Day: we have moved from the age of Pisces and into that of the water-bearer Aquarius.
What can we intuit about the influence on planetary consciousness?
What does it tell us about how to prepare ourselves going forwards?

1577 Reads

The Festive: Endings and Beginnings...3 Ways To Vision Your New Reality

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/24/2020 - 04:20

To us at Openhand, in keeping with ancient tradition, the winter solstice is the real completion of the year. However, of course it does blend into the festive season of Christmas too, which we really need to align with in the most productive way, considering how it's generally lost its original meaning within society. Might I suggest it's a time of transition - between endings and beginnings. If we approach it in this way, there's so much to be gained. Take time out of the mindlessness and excessive consumption (although maybe there'll be less of that this year for obvious reasons!). Instead, build in some meditation time, alone time, time for sacred ceremony.

Visit a sacred site. Conduct ceremony of letting go of an old reality and opening space for something new to begin. It's a question of dying to the past and being reborn in the present, to unleash vibrant new creativity in your life.

231 Reads

Solstice Quantum Shift 2020 - And How you Can Be a Part of It

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 06:04

We're drawing to the culmination of 2020, a year of unprecedented change within society. A great awakening accelerates across the planet, which, in the name of the bogus pandemic, the shadow state controllers are working to shut down. In the guise of the 4th Industrial Revolution, humanity is suffering a great afront to freedoms and democracy. This is a pivotal point, the resolution of which, will define whether society now slips into a period of darkness, or else emerges rebelliously and spectacularly from it as we shift into 2021. The heavens are responding. The Benevolent Mission draws close, which coincides with at least two highly symbolic cosmic conjuncts as we traverse towards the solstice:

Moving into December we have back to back solar eclipses. And as we traverse the solstice on December 21st, a Grand Conjunction of the mighty planets Saturn and Jupiter occurs. Nothing less than a quantum shift is invited from each and everyone of us, to help steer the trajectory back towards the light. Here are essential suggestions in how you might play your part.

1350 Reads

5D Shift: Essential Evidence of a Widespread Awakening Underway

Submitted by Open on Tue, 11/17/2020 - 07:02

Society is currently terraforming through the 4th Industrial Revolution, driven by two juxtaposed energies in the field: the progressive Ascension of Human Consciousness, and the shadowstate efforting - hook and nail - to lock it down. The Plandemonium is all about taking greater control of people's lives and particularly financially, which is the next wave of control to come. Meanwhile the blockchainers are opening doorways of expansion and freedom not seen since the early days of the internet. Mass adoption of cryptocurrency is here, which is a powerful tool to weaken the long arm of the shadowstate. To me, overall, the dynamic signals a widespread awakening is underway...

1733 Reads

Daily 5D Shift: Transmutation through the 4th Industrial Revolution

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 03:17

The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us. In the false pretext of the pandemic our lives and the very structure of society are being transformed. The controllers would have us move into a synthetic high tech reality that is carefully regulated and monitored. BUT, they will NOT have it all their own way! There's a heart-warming emergence of consciousness on the planet for both young and old who are challenging the narrative and determined to live freely, supported by the Benevolents and "White Hats" who are helping punch gaping holes of light through the dam.

I've been writing about mediating through the 4th Industrial Revolution recently on Openhandweb - it's essential to stay abreast of the rapidly transmuting situation that we may thrive in it...

650 Reads

Quantum Financial Reset to a 3D/5D Hybrid State Ahead

Submitted by Open on Wed, 08/19/2020 - 02:53

Since the beginning of the Plandemonium, society has been changing in unprecedented ways and not necessarily as the controllers would have it. The ongoing, catalytic and unravelling Ascension of Consciousness is wildly free and unpredictable, with maverick rebellious souls and movements popping up all over the place. That said, we stand on the verge of a quantum reset within the financial and technological fabric that underpins society, which will transform it in ways not seen since the emergence of the internet revolution in the 1990s.

We're moving inexorably towards a new 3D/5D hybrid state and it's essential to be on the right side of history in order to thrive in it.

3914 Reads

Revolutionary Evolution on Earth Accelerates....Your 10 Practical Steps

Submitted by Open on Mon, 06/15/2020 - 05:05

In this pivotal point of human history on the planet, as an energy worker in the shift, it's essential to remember that in any given moment that presents externally in life and society, YOU have the capacity to transform it by bringing your consciousness to bear in it. Let's be crystal clear, the ongoing roll out of bogus pandemic measures are only happening BECAUSE of our emaculate emergence of consciousness. What's necessary now is to strengthen this emergence by each realising that YOU are the Messiah of your own Life, and an inspiration to those around you.
Let personal revolutions accelerate!

19433 Reads