Shift Philosophy Articles

Here's the Openhand library of Spiritual Articles in the Shift on topics including Enlightenment, the Soul, Meditation, Spiritual Evolution, Chakras, Karma, Kundalini, Multidimensionality and the 5D Shift.

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Living in the "DreamSpace" of Joyful Multidimensionality

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/11/2013 - 05:17

People are getting to know ourselves as multidimensional beings. But in the beginning, at least, the higher dimensional experiences tend to come and go. How might we become multidimensional the whole time? It's about realising that the bodymind tends to interpret higher dimensional experiences in an earthly way. There's a requirement to interelate the subtle infusing nuances with the feedback loops you observe in the external. It's what we can call the "DreamSpace" because it feels like living an awakened, lucid dream.

15357 Reads

DISCLOSURE: Intervention on Earth (Part 3): Breaking it Down

Submitted by Open on Sun, 09/01/2013 - 07:28

Recently, the precarious situation for Humanity here on 3D Earth has greatly intensified. We're witnessing a wholesale attempt at takeover by an Opposing Consciousness acting behind the scenes, pulling the strings of power. Hitech distraction, sweeping control of business and banking, the bogus pandemic, systematic censorship, altogether strongly indicate the intention to control our planet, creating a synthetic reality with humanity enslaved within. It will not succeed. A new evolution on 5D Earth will liberate humanity and Gaia will reclaim the physical plane. This third part of the series is about how can we each be a part of that realignment...

14237 Reads

How to Work with Your Inner Guru: The Rainbow Tribe Rises

Submitted by Open on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 05:59

These are extraordinary times of great change and upheaval. Many things we've come to rely upon, the establishments and systems in society, even the very foundations of the reality we've believed in, are beginning to topple. In an environment of such turmoil, who and what can you really trust in? Gone are the times when a great saviour - a Messiah - has come to 'save the day'. Now is the time to put faith in your own soul. How best do you work with the full spectrum of your authentic beingness?

13530 Reads

DISCLOSURE: Intervention on Earth (Part 2) - Understanding The Agenda

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/20/2013 - 09:35

Increasingly, spiritual community sites are talking about an Interdimensional Intervention that's been taking place here on Earth. Such discussions are met with anything from courageous support, quiet agreement or with resistance and outright incredulity. "Where are they?" is often asked "Where's the evidence?" Well firstly the Intervention can be observed by its effects - the creation of a synthetic reality of control. But if you actually want to 'see' these entities, it is with the inner eye that you must look. We must be fully tuned into our feelings and thoughts. It is only then that the patterning of behavioural experiences yields a top-down, mutli-dimensional view.

From this perspective, what might the Intervention Agenda be?…

14939 Reads

The hidden cost of "Free Energy"

Submitted by Open on Thu, 08/01/2013 - 05:12

There's much being spoken currently about so called "Free Energy". In other words manifesting energy from the zero point field and how this might be the solution to mankind's energy problems; how it might help heal Planet Earth by developing a sustainable solution. To me it is a deceptive myth. Firstly, there is no such thing as 'free' in this context, because of cause and effect. Since all action in the universe has originated from the causality of 'everything/nothing', every action has a reaction. If I apply energy into a system, then other sentient life will be affected somewhere down the 'food chain, even if initially the impact may be unseen...

13914 Reads

Unwinding Inner Identities in the Process of Enlightenment

Submitted by Open on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 09:54

Due to escalating distractive nature of society, it's easy for the lower and higher self to get separated - to be living a life that is not truly aligned with your divine purpose. If this is happening, you'll feel dissonance internally as triggering, tightness or dis-ease. The internal separation happens as a result of programmed behaviourisms that took root early in life - neediness in relationships, poverty consciousness, or a lack of self-worth that then derail into some external need of gratification.

19053 Reads

The Immeasurable Importance of Deep Consciousness Bodywork for Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 05:49

When we embark on the mystical path of Ascension, we're essentially performing inner alchemy. Everything is consciousness, even matter and energy. They're all formed from 'elementals' of awareness. Even when people are awake to the interconnectivity of their soul, there's still varying degrees of insensitivity and identification with the physical. In other words the subtlety of the soul is getting dissipated - drowned out - within the density of Separation Consciousness. One invaluable way of dissolving this identification and catalysing our spiritual evolution - our Ascension - is through Deep Consciousness Bodywork...

13643 Reads

The Hunted Gatherer

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Tue, 02/19/2013 - 07:19

There are so many questions about the human diet. Does humanity really come from a hunter gatherer heritage as traditional anthropology would have us believe? Are we meant to eat animal protein? And what about the B12 question: if on the other hand we evolved to be vegan, which to many awakening souls feels more compassionate and natural, how can we acquire sufficient B12 in our food? The subject of human diet is such a hot potato. Perhaps there's a good reason for it...

13405 Reads

DIVINICUS - the next evolution of Humanity

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/27/2012 - 06:55

As challenging as they are, these are monumental times to be alive. Humanity is waking up from aeons of amnesia. Gaia has centred her consciousness in the Fifth Density, and powerful evolutionary transitions will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, the full magnitude of what's unfolding will be challenging to grasp. It's entirely understandable. The key is to keep walking the path of the soul, leading to our Ascension by peeling away the obscurring veils. The birth of a new multidimensional humanity is beginning to unfold from the ashes of the old reality, one which I am given to call "DIVINICUS".

17623 Reads

DISCLOSURE: Interdimensional Intervention on Earth (Part 1)

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/27/2012 - 04:16

Gaia's shift into the Fifth Density has been timed not just for earth's continued evolution, but also to deal with an Opposing Consciousness that has intervened in the natural evolutionary path of the planet. Never has this been more evident than in the escalating agenda of the last two years. Fortunately, many more people are now prepared to consider what has previously been a taboo subject. I have had many close encounters. It's essential to understand what's going on so we may equalise with it and emerge out.

34948 Reads

Aufstieg: Die 5 Gateways des erwachenden Bewusstseins

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Wed, 12/26/2012 - 06:36

Eine Landkarte der menschlichen Evolution
Wie verläuft des Prozess des spirituellen Erwachens und der Erleuchtung? Obwohl der Weg individuell ist, gibt es doch bestimmte Phasen, die alle Menschen zu durchlaufen scheinen. Menschen in verschiedenen Zeiten und Traditionen haben diese inneren „Initiationen" oder „Durchbrüche" mit verschiedenen Namen bezeichnet. Ich nenne sie die 5 Gateways (= Tore). Die Welt befindet sich in einem sehr turbulenten evolutionären Prozess. Während das Gefüge unserer Gesellschaft mehr und mehr zerfällt, ruft uns gleichzeitig ein neues Paradigma, das sich gründet auf bedingungsloser Liebe, Freude und Respekt für alles Leben. Aber die Frage ist: Wie können wir dieses Paradigma in uns selbst verwirklichen?...

14218 Reads