Show me!

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/01/2017 - 06:17
show me

Remember going forwards, that positive change begins in all the so called "little things". It's about where you put your awareness in every moment. Where do you slip into repetitive - unconscious - patterns? Just simply bringing awareness to everything we do and asking of the universe "show me" will help bring about positive, constructive change.


Open Praying Emoji

Consciously Creating the Future

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/03/2016 - 17:18
higher mind

As you work internally on your evolution through opening the chakras, higher mind will activate. You'll get visions of future events that are beginning to land now. It's important not to hold these visions too tightly, but use them more as signposts of the direction in which to travel. The path of light leads to stepping stones, but with the accomplishment of each step, be prepared for the landscape to change. So work towards your heart-felt aspirational 'goals' yes, but don't become obsessed by them.

Pathways of Possibility

Submitted by Open on Fri, 11/04/2016 - 16:42
Openhand Pathways of Possibility

The river can flow in many ways to the ocean. If one pathway becomes blocked, another will open up. The only reason we don't sometimes see the new opportunity is because we invested so much psychologically, energetically, in one particular path. Your destiny IS NOT something you were "put here to do". The One is only interested in what YOU CAN BECOME. And the universe is tireless in providing opportunity. So lift your eyes and heart up from that broken pathway. Draw the energy back inside yourself. Soften, relax, surrender and watch for the new opportunity to arise.

Diffcult Choices on Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 17:25
Resolving Diffcult Choices on the Spiritual Path with Openhand

So often we want to be 'told what to do'. A difficult choice presents and the pathway is unclear. It seems nice to have someone 'fix it'. But this can be deceptively disempowering. Your configuration of consciousness creates the moment. If there's uncertainty, it's because in exactly that moment, you're being invited to grow through self-realisation - what's your highest truth? The uncertainty promotes the growth of who you can now become. And as that higher self aspect emerges, the clouds clear and the way forwards emerges.

Difficult Choices

Submitted by Open on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 16:06

Work not to beat yourself up about "making the wrong decision". Every decision is made as the effect of your consciousness, and given the circumstances you were in, your particular configuration could only make the choice that it did. Much more effective and productive, is to explore WHY you made the choice you did? Bringing awareness to bear then shifts your configuration of consciousness, ensuring that your choices will be more aligned in future.


Surrender & Humility

Submitted by Open on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 15:47

Surrender and humility are like a bottomless well. Just when you think you've "really, really" reached the floor, the universe shows you there's always deeper to go. But here's the paradox: you actually only ever get deeper by taking positive action. Because true spiritual surrender is not nearly the same as 'acceptance of anything goes'. The path of the soul propels you into action, to express your truth, whereupon, you discover, there are ever more accurate and accessible ways of expressing it.


Firing your Passion

Submitted by Open on Thu, 07/14/2016 - 16:00
What fires your passion?

Today (and many days) I've been thinking about passion, how essential it is to find and express your passion. The journey is all about self discovery through expression. There will be plenty of hard times if you're truly committed to uncovering the magic at the core of you. Knowing what crumbles your cookie, what makes your heart burn, what gets you up in the morning is the fuel that lights the fire of your life. When you find this, there are no obstacles that will ultimately stand in your way. For me, what fires my life is the Great Shift into the 5D. I can feel it happening.

Spiral Flow Dynamics

Submitted by Open on Fri, 06/10/2016 - 16:01
The synhcronicity of Spiral Flow Dynamics

The universal flow works in spirals. So if you find yourself sometimes seemingly running in circles, encountering the same things again and again, it's not necessarily the case that you're stuck. You could be, and it could be a distortional pattern you need to deal with. But if you feel you're progressing, and yet still seeing similar signs, it could well be that you're just going deeper. If that's the case, each cycle will not be exactly the same as before, there'll be a definite shift, a variation, like you're moving cogs on a wheel.


Stepping into the Unknown

Submitted by Open on Sat, 06/04/2016 - 16:16
Stepping into the Unknown with Openhand

Sometimes the mainstream of your soul is ready to make a step, but there are still sizable fragments of soul caught up in old distortions - old veils. It means sometimes you'll feel pulled in two different directions. Your way ahead will feel very insecure and uncertain.That's okay. Focus on the physical step you know is being invited anyway. But even if you can't fully take it, work with the feelings that come up as you begin to move your energy in that direction. You'll then hit the veils that hold you back.

What is inconvenient?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 05/28/2016 - 16:04

What is inconvenience? I think it's important to look closely into what you might consider as being inconvenient in your life. Maybe there's a deeper reason for it happening? To know, first take ownership - after all you created it. Then look inside as to how the inconvenience feels. There'll likely be some kind of tightness or frustration. Feel into that, soften with it, accept the 'diversion'. Look for a more authentic, higher-truth expression through it. When you can do this, you won't have to recreate the inconvenience again.


One Moment of Now

Submitted by Open on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 05:39
space time

I believe there's a big misunderstanding in the spiritual mainstream about 'the moment of now'. And it leads to distorted action. Everything in the universe is of one space-time-continuum - so it all moves together. That means in any one 'moment', there are influences of the 'previous moment' (the same, just in a less advanced form), together with 'future-landing-now' (the next form the universe is coming to).

Polishing Pearl's of Wisdom

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 21:08

If you're looking for spiritual mastery - if that's what you know your soul is working toward - then don't think your life needs to be some 'spiritual hunky dory'. Don't consider everything must run smoothly - especially in your relationships - because it won't always. The sand is there for the oyster to polish the pearl. So don't be afraid if your life grinds you a bit. If you can feel the light beginning to shine through the density, by working through it, then it's all okay, you're on the right path.
