True Confidence

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 16:16

What is true confidence? There's plenty who would encourage putting it on, like a hat and coat. But that's just bravado, that builds identity and ego. Your soul is meant to thrive here. All you have to do is remove the internal barriers to it's presence - to be prepared to be who you feel to be in the moment and trust that that is enough. True confidence then is having the courage to be vulnerable to the soul, allowing it to shine through, no matter what the outcome. Believe in yourself - believe in your soul.


Open *give_rose*

Personal Soveriegnty

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 15:39

When you're in relationship with another, or when you're in close connection with people, either in your private life or at work, it's phenomenal how much your energy fields blend. This is a good thing in some ways because it builds empathy, mutual understanding and growth. But where it's allowed to persist, through unconsciousness, it can lead to the denigration of personal sovereignty. Therefore it's vital to take time in your own space, working on your own energy field and what makes you tick as an individual.

Express Yourself

Submitted by Open on Fri, 04/08/2016 - 04:34

In some people, the realigning energy is immensely strong. It can well up within you, and feel so powerful, you could literally explode. It is usually to do with a situation of injustice in the wider world, although perhaps kicked off by some personal situation in the microcosm of one's life. So when it happens, let yourself express the energy. It could be a power walk in nature, working out in the gym, swimming or ecstatic dance to music - find a productive way to harness and express the energy. It'll amaze you just how productive it can be.


Surrendering into Life

Submitted by Open on Wed, 04/06/2016 - 16:41

Do you find yourself needing to let go at ever deeper levels - to just let gravity take you? I find letting go in life's situations sometimes feels like jumping off a cliff - there's that deep pull in the gut as you know you're midst something monumental, where control is impossible. Just let yourself fall into it, surrender into the only available option. You feel like you're falling backwards through thin air, with nothing holding you.

Overcoming fear

Submitted by Open on Mon, 03/28/2016 - 07:14

Fear, doubt and disbelief are not your friend - they'll retard the flow, leading to a lesser reality. But you can't simply override them with some false positivity. That bubble is sure to burst aswell. Instead contemplate the worst possible outcome which is invoking the fear. Then work into the tightness. What is it you think you need from the situation? The One in you needs nothing. Unravel it, let go of the tightness, then unleash a streaming flow of lightness through the situation. There will always be a way.


Sense of Connectivity

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 06:28

Remember, sometimes the sense of interconnectivity will go quiet a while. You could be in a filter you didn't realise was there. And benevolence wants to empower you by leaving you to work through it. It's subtle sometimes, and you may slip into a degree of doubt. That's okay. Just keep working the moment, keep feeling into it and looking for the authentic you. Soon enough a new sense of lightness will activate and sweep you up. It makes it all worthwhile.


Be ready for ebb & flow

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 17:23

Be prepared for the flow to vary in 'speed'. Sometimes things will be full on and intense, and that's the nature of the moment; the soul adopts a strong and focused energy, which is easy for the ego to own. In which case, beware of becoming disconnected and ungrounded. At other times, the flow will come to a complete stop.Then it's time to take the foot off the gas pedal. Pause, breathe, just sit in beingness and enjoy the space. Soon enough, if we're attentive and witnessing within, a new flow will activate once more.

Mastering Difficult Challenges

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/15/2016 - 18:51

I meet all kinds of people in the spiritual work that I do - dealing with some of the most challenging - crippling even - experiences imaginable. It's then when ones spirituality is truly tested - right in the thick of it. It's then that you truly make a choice - where you decide who you are: going into the heart of the challenge, courageously, penetrating it with awareness, whatever the fear. Your soul drew your path, and there's nothing you can't deal with.

You Decide Who You Are

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/11/2016 - 17:10

You decide who you are. And forget not all the little things. How do you chose to be spoken to? Do you choose to let others judge you as something less than you are? And remember, we need to expand the meaning of 'judgment'. It's also an expectation that you should, and will, behave in a particular way. Do you allow yourself to conform? Or can you find the courage to hold the space open so that totally authentic and spontaneous "you" can arise. You are indeed awesome. But you have to keep choosing it. Then you simply make the landscape respect you.


Be prepared to risk all

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 17:21

It's when there's the potential to lose the things that mean most to you, where you can learn the most. It's not easy to do though is it? It's all those touch points that draw you right in. But just as it's all crumbling before your eyes, that's when you've got to look inwards and truly feel. What is it doing to you inside? Risk losing it all, so you can unwind that new aspect of supreme being. Then you'll find something else, just as important, will take shape right before your eyes; in double quick time.


Forge your Soul

Submitted by Open on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 16:41
Forge your Soul

The spiritual mainstream often speaks about 'dropping your story', so as to drop duality. To me, this is a falsehood! If there is no 'this' and 'that' - ie without relativity - then there can be no experience at all. And for a tree to grow strong, it must also have strong roots. We are each the One, but at the same time, we are a unique expression of the One. Your story forges the soul streaming through you, just as in everyone. It's where you get attached to the story - where it becomes a drama - that's the problem, where you might be trying to control the way it goes.

Moving beyond Judgment

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 16:55
How to move beyond judgment

It's necessary to expand our idea of 'judgment' in order to advance spiritually. It's not just about judging something as 'good' or 'bad'. It's when we hold a fixed opinion; when we create a drama out of the feeling; or else when we're not fully conscious and present with feelings. Then they cement in our consciousness as some fixed relation to reality. This is what's limiting. We must learn to focus constantly, no matter what we're doing, on penetrating through the thought and feeling - to 'normalise' it.