What is really real?

Our reality is shaped and manifested by what we are being within. Typically many people tend to identify with the conditioned thinking and behaviours inherent in our society. This creates a matrix of collective thought forms which many then conform to. In short we create the false reality which society expects of us.

This reality only tends to offer a wafer-thin slice of the multi-dimensional, profoundly magical universe available to us. If we can let go of our conditioned beliefs and behaviours, then this new absolute authentic reality gradually unfolds into our awareness.

It begins by challenging the conditioned thinking that imprisons us. That is the purpose of the articles below...

Articles on Authentic Reality:

5D Shift: How will the New Evolution of 5D Human DNA take Form?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 05:37

These are exciting times to be alive. If you're here on the planet during the Great Shift, then you'll have a front-row seat in a spectacular rebirth leading to a New Paradigm of Existence. Let's be clear though, this is NOT about healing the old 3D reality, for it is already well past its sell-by-date. We're taking the very best consciousness from the old, raising it higher, and blending it with something entirely new in the 5D. How will that work at a human DNA level?

5873 Reads

The Ascended Masters...and the Benevolent Mission around the Earth

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 14:38

The Shift of consciousness taking place on the earth right now is a complex one, presenting plenty of knots of intervention energies with humanity working to emerge into the light. At times like these it is for sure a tortuous journey. However, there is a vertiable 'army' of supporters and guides in the ether positively willing the emergence of a New Paradigm and a new evolution of humanity to go with it. Central to that support are already ascended beings, those who've come through plenty of incarnations and now reside in higher dimensions supporting the shift. How do they most effectively work, and how can you connect with them to best illuminate your path?

To be tuned into this higher guidance at these times is utterly priceless as the challenges of the shift get more complex. The ET Opposing Consciousness is applying Artificial Intelligence to try to lock people into a synthetic agenda, which for a raft of people appears to be working. We're witnessing a parting of the waves in the Shift and it's essential to be clear where your own consciousness is headed. That's where Ascended Master energies can greatly help.

4085 Reads

The 4 Main Causes of Climate Crisis and the "Event" We're Climaxing To

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/12/2019 - 03:29

Climate Crisis is escalating day-by-day, clearly evident from increasing planetary storms, excessive heat and drought in places you wouldn't expect and vice-versa with excessive snow and ice in others. It's clearly become the next political "football" the shadowstate is using to further control society. What's essential is to consider the convergences of much larger galactic, solar and earth pole shift cycles, which are the real cause. We must embrace and equalise with these enormous processes in order to facilitate our Ascension into 5D consciousness. This is now paramount.

3346 Reads

"The Event", 11:11 Synchronicity & Galactic Superwave

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/06/2019 - 05:28

If you've been intimately involved in the Shift you'll likely have been following transformations in the sun, if not, it's high time you were. Empathic sentients the world over feel strong transformations happening with our 'heavenly father', the Solar Logos. We're entering a Grand Solar Minimum, but that doesn't mean the sun is inactive, far from it. Cyclical evidence reveals that the Sun is likely on the brink of a Nova, probably to be initiated by a galactic superwave, that would impact the whole of civilisation. How will these shifts affect our Ascension? And what might the 11:11 synchronicity be revealing to us?

16124 Reads

5D Shift: Top 10 Signs of Kundalini Activation and How Best To Repond

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 05:29

Kundalini is an essential Gateway to full awakening and alignment with the Earth's Great 5D Shift. As I travel the world working with groups of people, I'm witnessing that Kundalini is activating and rising in many more people right now. It's essential we share awareness of this highly alchemical phenomenon because it's likely to feel very destabilising physically, emotionally and mentally, whilst simultaneously opening your being to new heights of joy, psychic skills, unconditional love and interconnectivity.

So what are the key signs that kundalini might be moving in you?

7010 Reads

5D Shift: 5Jeez, The Hopi Prophecy, and the Divergence of Humanity

Submitted by Open on Sat, 06/01/2019 - 05:59

Recently I wrote about the phenomenal significance of the 5Jeez/5D synchronicity - a quantum increase in the EMF irradiation of our planet, that now needs to mark our Ascension into 5D. We're at the decision point, a crossroads in our evolution. And the illuminating synchronicity reveals another essential marker for evolving people to hoist on board: humanity has reached a divergence point in The Shift. It's clear, the majority in the mainstream head willingly into the technological abyss. And just as the historical record bears previous witness, now, a clear divergence is beginning to happen for those who're ready to begin The Shift in earnest.

3017 Reads

5GEE/5D: An Illuminating Synchronicity Signalling the Time of Our Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/09/2019 - 04:37

Nothing happens by chance. The Universal mother tongue is that of synchronicity. As The Shift unfolds we'll be seeing countless mirrors as to the way forwards. And here we are, a wave of people beginning to shift into 5D right at the time a new, highly invasive, 5GEE technology is being rolled out. Which one is truly SMART indeed! I can feel it deep in my bones that this is an illuminating signal for evolving people. This seems to mark a full-on assault to our ecosystems by an unseen consciousness. Together with abrupt climate change, environmental degradation and the Pole Shift, it's all converging. The invitation is to begin Ascension into 5D.

It will be the ride of our lives!

11135 Reads

Close Encounters with Reptilian and Draconian Entities in the 5D Earth Shift

Submitted by Open on Sun, 03/31/2019 - 04:58

Humanity is waking from aeons of isolation and disconnection, progressively rediscovering his multidimensional place in the wider Universe. It's a great sign, and completely necessary to be a part of The Shift into the New 5D Paradigm. Many veils need to fall, that have obscured the complexity of the reality we're engaged within, ones that interrelate existentially with human karma. It's clear, mankind did not evolve naturally from the apes, and is not alone within the multidimensional landscape here on earth. In fact, in many ways, Homo Sapiens has been an experiment - a slave species - to a more advanced alien intelligence, that he is now emerging from, unwinding out of.

Awareness is the key. What you fearlessly bring your awareness into, explodes the ties that bind and limit. It is with this courageous approach, that we must dig deep through the internal intervention of the "Reptilian" energies concealed within. We must confront and realign them.

8584 Reads

5D Shift: Unprecedented Mass Extinction...5 Spiritual Responses

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/16/2019 - 07:09

Creature extinction on our planet is going off the scale compared to the five previous mass extinctions. With over 200 species going extinct daily, the current rate is unprecedented in earth’s history. We’re moving now into the ‘domino effect’: the radical loss of insect species, for example, beginning to threaten countless others. Increasingly, mainstream scientific articles, journals and media, are reporting this - see the video below - and yet the majority continue life today as if it were yesterday. We must prepare now for what lies ahead.

And those ready, are invited to look in the mirror and turn their full attention to spiritual evolution, The Shift into a Higher Paradigm of Existence…

1572 Reads

Your Ascension and the "Infinite Game": Be the Infinite Player!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/07/2019 - 06:19

The Spiritual Journey does not lead to some final accomplishment, some 'top of the mountain' or even some state of never-ending peace. Even "The Shift" or "The Event" as some call it, is a shift within a shift. Even the mystical State of Enlightenment is not an ending but a beginning. Think about this deeply for a moment. You can stop striving right now. There's phenomenal freedom in it. And if you can find your right alignment in this "Infinite Game", it will bring you continual joy and accomplishment...

1657 Reads

The Metaphysics of Our Spirituality within the Universal Toroidal Field

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/22/2018 - 03:59

It's spiritual old hat these days to say "everything is interconnected". Likewise, it's spiritual old hat to say that 'everything is a part of the universal flow'. Let's go deeper:

How does this interconnection work and how does the flow come through you, thereby influencing every thought, emotion and action that you take? Most essentially, how can you effectively centre your consciousness in this natural movement, thereby bringing harmony to your life, and successful manifestation of the things you're given to create?

20628 Reads

The Liberating and Empowering Effect of Absolute Forgiveness

Submitted by Open on Tue, 06/05/2018 - 05:49

On Openhand's level 3 course DIVINICUS, we explore deeply into the importance of not apportioning blame and instead taking full responsibility for the lives only we are creating - at a soul level, we draw everything to ourselves in order to learn, evolve and grow. One vital aspect of this approach is that of forgiveness: realising the other person is not to blame for their distortion (and my creation) and therefore being able to forgive them. In my experience, this is one of the most liberating and empowering things we can do. But if EVERY situation is purposefully designed by the natural flow for us to self-realise, then is there truly a need for forgiveness, and if so, what might that look like?

896 Reads