What is really real?

Our reality is shaped and manifested by what we are being within. Typically many people tend to identify with the conditioned thinking and behaviours inherent in our society. This creates a matrix of collective thought forms which many then conform to. In short we create the false reality which society expects of us.

This reality only tends to offer a wafer-thin slice of the multi-dimensional, profoundly magical universe available to us. If we can let go of our conditioned beliefs and behaviours, then this new absolute authentic reality gradually unfolds into our awareness.

It begins by challenging the conditioned thinking that imprisons us. That is the purpose of the articles below...

Articles on Authentic Reality:

Spiritual Mastery and the Soul Ray Harmonic: The Sweet Spot of Life

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/01/2024 - 04:20

People speak of spiritual mastery and might be intentionally working toward it, but what actually is it? Some would say Enlightenment is the measure, however, I would say that's just the beginning. This is where the real journey begins - the journey of self-actualisation, of what may be termed the "Soul Ray Harmonic". And that by revealing this in any given moment, the sense of spiritual mastery arises in the background of experience.

243 Reads

Why Veganism is Essential for the Ascension of Consciousness to 5D

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/05/2024 - 15:04

In recent times, it's becoming abundantly clear, just how all-encompassing the shadow simulation of reality here on the planet is, especially since the bogus pandemic. All walks of life are being manipulated to create a lower vibrational bubble, in which to entrap souls in a limiting state of inertia - a last-ditch attempt to prevent their Shift to 5D.

1264 Reads

5D Ascension Shift: What Will The New 5D Paradigm Look Like?

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/30/2023 - 05:41

Imagine a World of interconnected frequencies of light dancing in harmony. Where you feel at peace, cherished and nurtured, with infinite possibility to express yourself and unfold the next highest version of you. Imagine a World where conflict has transformed into constructive confrontation to peel away that which doesn't serve, so as to find the next highest harmony. Imagine a place where there are always enough resources to be who you really are, and where fear and suffering have fallen away.

This is what it's like to live fully in 5D consciousness in the New Paradigm.
My only question is, why wait?

10274 Reads

End Times and the Escalating Global Conflict with Materiality

Submitted by Open on Mon, 10/16/2023 - 04:17

We're moving into a time of deeply challenging World Hostility. It's been building that way for some time. It's what some of the First Nations described as a Conflict on Materiality as the Spiritual unravels through. It was always bound to happen. It's cyclical, as the Grand Galactic Convergence breaks down the old reality construct, which precipitates onto the surface of society. We must hoist on board this global phenomenon right now, so as to ease internal suffering.

Life Spirals In Cosmic Cycles

789 Reads

Effective Soul Navigation Through End Times

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/04/2023 - 04:00

To anyone truly exploring the multidimensional depths, our planet is amidst a terraforming breakdown of the old karmic construct. At the same time, for those who have awakened to Soul, you can feel the emergence of light. It's progressive - as the field breaks up, sometimes you'll feel surrounded by cloudiness, which replicates into all areas of life. This is where orientation and focus are essential to prevent getting bogged down.

1030 Reads

Working with the Solar Logos to Support our Evolutionary Shift to 5D

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/04/2023 - 05:04

The Main News of our Planet at this Historic Juncture is that we're sailing into a Grand Galactic Convergence of cosmic cycles that are progressively escalating their impact on all life here. At this time, too few are taking notice, due to the rampant distractions of a society gone crazy. But rather than ignoring the grand movement of celestial bodies like the Sun, the Solar Logos, we can positively work with them to activate and integrate soul, and most importantly, to restore orientation in our lives to provide meaning and purpose.

14498 Reads

Intervention: How the Moon has Impacted All Life on Earth

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/08/2023 - 04:02

I shared recently the 9 Astounding Facts that Prove the Moon is Artificial. It's now essential to explore deeper what the intentional effects are on Humanity and the Planet, so we can work to equalise with them and thereby mitigate them. The impact occurs on many levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. The ancients speak of a "Time before the Moon".

3211 Reads

The Human Merkabah: How Reality Creates in Spiral Dynamics

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/14/2023 - 06:08

It's high time an understanding of the Human Merkabah and how it creates reality begins to ripple through human consciousness. The lower self becomes a chalice for the higher faculties to cascade in, but then how we co-create with the divine becomes the fascinating part. The Universe manifests from spiral dynamics and so too does the Merkabah. We're actually creating with the Toroidal Flower of Life. What does this mean in a practical sense?

1655 Reads

Planetary Shift: The Greatest Opportunity of Existence is NOW!

Submitted by Open on Fri, 04/07/2023 - 02:30

You'd be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary "Event" we're concluding to will wash it all away. But you'd also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It's the greatest opportunity of existence. Here's how.

1493 Reads

Mastering The Power of Quantum Manifesting in a Terraforming World

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/07/2022 - 04:43

The balance of power on the planet is transforming strongly. But not necessarily as projected into society by the shadowside. There's a need to beware of the surface distraction, because a tremendous influx of consciousness is abound that we can each draw power from if we look up beyond the surface shenanigans. It's high time to discover and embody the true, selfless, power of quantum manifesting. Now, more than ever, this is essential to your harmony and balance in life.

1274 Reads

Star Being Nations Drawing Close to Support our 5D Ascension

Submitted by Open on Tue, 07/26/2022 - 04:37

We're at a crucial pivot within our Ascension process, where a strong reorientation is necessary to accelerate sufficiently with the Shift into 5D. The Star Beings, from many different constellations, are drawing ever closer in support. There's still much blocking going on by intervention energies in the 4D layer - the "Karmic Red Sea".

1243 Reads