Becoing an Ascended Master: An Eternal Student of Life

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 06:22

On the spiritual path, what is the true measure of mastery? You may have journeyed plenty, you may have touched deep presence and be able to open into multidimensionality. However, this doesn't necessarily equate to being a master of the Shift itself, that which is moving everything into the Universal Torus of Life. For this, we must understand and master the process of Ascension itself. What is involved them, in becoming a, so called, Ascended Master?

The Eternal Student

When you reach a certain point on the path, where you're truly tuned into the quantum field and its magnificent flow, then you'll come to realise three interconnected fundamental truths: 1) no two moments are ever the same; 2) each situation has unique challenges and opportunities; 3) the soul is invited to find the highest expression in each circumstance and situation.

What this means is that you can never guarantee mastery in any given moment. Because you're being invited to search for, and find, a new expression of self. The good thing is it will always be based on a previous version of you. The great risk of embracing the term "master" is to breed complacency, and the likelihood that you won't deliver of your best. So the key is to always keep innovating, and working to improve on previous iterations of self.

To me, true mastery then, is to realise yourself as the eternal student. When you sit with this it helps one's life and one's journey in profound ways. First, there can be more relaxation in life itself - there is no perfection to be attained. Most importantly it means that in any given situation, you can win. Because you'll find that as you orientate yourself toward the highest expression of you that you can be, it's going to feel marvelous because the Universe will click in around you and reflect that back to you in all that you do.

Why so?

Because there's nothing else that's real, which is truly going on. The Universe is working tirelessly to actualise itself in the next grandest version. And you are that.

This then, is an important aspect of the state of what we might call, an Ascended Master - you recognise, and embrace, the process of life as an eternal student - constantly growing and evolving with the Shift itself.

Never Perfect!

This in itself is highly advanced. But it retains the humility to accept that 1) you're never perfect; 2) you're still fallible in any given situation; 3) to keep striving for the next best version of you. To me, this is the true form of mastery, and is the measure of an Ascended Master.

I like to think I can follow signs, synchronicity and flows in the quantum field pretty well. I've gotten through some big challenges and major scrapes here in the Shift.  Yet still, I find myself in challenging circumstances where I don't always know which was is up - like getting stranded in places with no immediate way forwards. The true measure of mastery in these circumstances is to always recognise the process, the purpose and the learning opportunity. Then to open out through the moment - which always furnishes a pathway and a possibility.

In adapting this kind of approach, you always end up growing, learning and evolving. You've embraced life as a process itself.

What are the Qualities of the Eternal Student?

I would say that when you're able to master life as a process, and are always consciously working in that way, this is the 'benchline' for the status of "Ascended Master" - working consciously within the Shift itself.

So what other qualities are important to embody?

It's being prepared to stop, open, tune in and feel. 
It's having the courage to follow the soul and go with the flow. 
It's recognising that each moment will have a teaching in it: 
Where do you get tight? How might you open up through it? 
Now, what's the next highest version of you, the next harmony wanting to express?

Ascended Master: Escaping the Wheel of Karma

What does happen if you follow this path of the eternal student, is that at some point, you escape the cycle of death and rebirth - you escape the wheel of karma. At this point, your incarnations become conscious - you consciously choose the nature of them, and there's no forgetting who you are, particularly your connection to the Source, which is then always your orientation in life.

So yes, at this point, you could say Ascension has been mastered. Perhaps then, the term "Ascended Master" does have some value to it, although as previously expressed here, that doesn't mean the learning ceases - it continues on from there.

I see that many more people have the capacity to escape the cycle of unconscious rebirthing within the current Shift, particularly because it's going to get so intense, and hence the learning capacity enormous. There are, therefore, great possibilities to be attained from the challenges. Pray not for a easy times, but the courage and commitment to endure the hard ones. And then all will pay off bountiful dividends!

To conclude, and as inspiration, I felt to share this video here about my own connection and understanding of the Group of 9 Ascended Masters...

If you feel it's high time to work toward escaping the unconscious cycle of death and rebirth, then get involved with the work of Openhand. It's been purposefully crafted to meet this challenge and opportunity: 

Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

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19/10/2024 Shift Update: Crucial Orientation in Life

In light of the ongoing inquiry we've been having of late, with regards to how the Council of Nine split away from the Group of 9, way back in history, (see the article here), I felt to repost this article again today, about how to align oneself with the Universe by embracing the nature of being the eternal student of life. We live in a world where we're constantly pulled toward daily objectives, goals, ambitions and aspirations. In plenty of cases this is fine, but there's a huge BUT...

Let the goal or aspiration draw out the grandest expression of you possible. Focus and orientate your being on this. Why so? Because that's what the entirety of the Universe is doing. It's not intentionally creating but actualising the next grandest version of itself.

You'll find that situations have a tendency to recreate in patterns - similar circumstances keep recreating, and the risk is to get sucked in and defined by these. However, where you're focussing instead on actualising the highest version of you, then you're actually taking mastery of the situation. You become the co-creator. Now you're actually shaping the quantum field that creates the events and circumstances themselves. They become the actualised reflection of your beingness.

In this alignment, things click in around you in flows, signs, and patterning synchronicity. It feels heavenly - that destiny is being realised. And you are that. Now you're in the real meaning and orientation of life itself. You can't help but succeed. What ever the immediate outcome of the given situation is, you feel like you're winning, and the Universe is celebrating with you.

If the sense of that resonates, then do review my article and video above today...

Eternal Student and the Ascended Masters: How do they work with us?

Bright blessings

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


When I read this post, it was so in tune with my experiences. Last weekend I was entangled in a situation which caused blockage and tension within me. I thought I had masterd these particular situations with this person a while ago, but there I was the first year student again. After realising what was going on , sitting with it and using the Openhand tools  I could slowly feel my energies changing and I could become the next hightest version of myself. What a relief and what a blessing to be  involved in the Openhand work ! I feel so much stronger in facing and dealing with daily life these days.


Watching this video Open. I have movement in the ether all around me, near and far, lights are flickering, they're here. It may have been them all along. It doesn't matter. Awesome 😆 🙏🏼

In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Wow - I can reflect the reality of that to you - totally awesome.

Yes, they're there all the time - sitting in the background, "flickering" the lights in the universe for us to feel and attune to. But not taking identity, not owning the experience.

How marvellous!

Open 🙏



Recently, I'm being called to drop even further into the divine flow of the moment. To let that take me forward and to trust in it. Especially feeling a connection to Shiva and the Divine Mother. Shiva comes through as divine action (work), truth, simplicity, focus and service. The Goddess as a surrender to the creation of each moment, manifesting from there with synchronicity and feeling.

I'm noticing though that being around others draws me out of this to a certain degree. It's like the quality of flow changes and the individual merges into kind of collective flow. However, it's difficult not to get drawn into others who have strong needs and therefore direct the flow somewhat with these, especially when they come through as distortion. 

It's coming through in me along ever increasing need for alone time and space. To the point where this becomes the norm and I only see partner and kids for a small time each week, which puts a bit of a strain on the relationship. I'm getting very sensitive to others coming in my space, especially my bed.

I'm remaining with this inquiry and navigating through it. However, I'd love to hear about other people's perspectives/experience. How do other people's needs and wishes disturb (or enhance?) the flow for you? Have you been able to integrate your individual flow into very fixed situations such as the workplace? Or do you find it a separate quality of experience when you're by yourself than when you're with others and therefore take time for both?

Much love



In reply to by Richard W


Hi Rich,

My work is a vocation so it feels to be part of the flow, it's something I'm meant to be doing to actualise the self, with encounters and experiences to learn from and grow. I quite enjoy being amidst a collective bustle and observing the synchronicities as I go, though I wouldn't want to be wading through large crowds or chatting about the weather for too long. When you're sensitive, picking up the energies and flows of other people you have to be somewhat selective. There was a time I didn't want to be around anybody and I couldn't bear to talk to anybody. Invariably they would express a view or behave in a manner that was not only alien but offensive. Gradually I've met more and more people who I resonate with, people who I like to be around, so I like people more in general. There isn't really any disparity between myself as I am, and myself with others. I have no qualms about being who I feel to be. I've found relationships can work well, given the right time and space, although essentially I experience myself as autonomous. I've never been part of any collective or group, although I may appear so on the outside, apparently I was like this from birth 😂

Interesting self exploration for me thank-you! Wishing your profuse immersion into the Divine. 

Remy 🙏🏼


In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Hi Remy,

Thank you for your sharing of where you're at with it. Yes, vocational work does tend to have more of a flow to it, I would say because you recognize more of yourself in the reflections around you. Therefore, there isn't much resistance form the surrounding field. Only that which we ourselves bring. 

I like your reflection about being selective. I have become VERY selective with who I engage with and at what level. However, it's interesting to note the selectiveness coming more and more with people who resonate too - it's about selecting which energies I wish to invite into my surroundings, which can come in through words or gestures as much as behaviours.

Yes, autonomy has been key for me too. Once I realized this, it has been almost impossible for me to go back, despite others sometimes wanting that from me.

Much gratitude,


In reply to by Richard W


Hey Rich,

I feel you in a way. I've sat with myself for generous amounts of time and I have found that for the time being this space is healing me and offering me the freedom to realign with my essence. I'm also not chasing a romantic connection - just slowly diving deeper into my own experience. What will be will be. 

To give you a specific answer as to sharing experiences with others and morphing into a shared field. I have found it necessary to some degree. It depends on how well I've tasted my own essence and how I can feel into the influence of this (shared) field. If I am clearly present in my own experience I will influence the field more than it does - me.

That is to say my output will be richer and stronger than the input. And another thing: psychological transparency. Or just transparency. The only time when anyone can irritate me with their presence  is when I don't feel ok with myself and I start judging their beingness as desirable or undesirable.

I let my body make that judgement. I trust that there is visceral way of discerning that is more efficient. Smell is one thing I use in making decisions :D

I just found that - and maybe this applies to you as well - the way in which we have been used to relate to our families and close friends or partners isn't quite true. I'm saying this because I come from a family where separation and lies were the norm.  And I have carried that norm into my relationships as well. There is a new way emerging that I haven't yet figured but I feel it and it feels relaxed and - easy. Like a sweet breeze cooling you off after a torrid day. 

Question this.


In reply to by Evangeline


I notice on reflection today, being amidst 'the crowd' highlights my path. If there are anomalies or 'spikes' in the field they show up through the crowd much clearer. And it's a training ground for meeting the power plays of others and empowering yourself, be that energies working through the unconscious other, or the people mechanics of the systems dictating societies at large. I might have been identified as an 'outsider' in the past, but during the 'lockdowns' I missed seeing people around and realised the affection I have for them however they might manifest. The collective, I'm neither in nor out.

Remy 🙏🏼

In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Not 'empowering yourself'...Raking out my distortions, yikes!

I will let you know when I've mastered it..

Asya, forgive me, I laughed 😂

In reply to by Evangeline


Hi Evangeline,

Thank you for sharing your perspective and where you're at. 

I'm with you and am particularly interested in the output being stronger than the input. It sounds like you're quite a catalyst in that way. I would say that care needs to be applied here for those more empathic, not to push away the feelings or become desensitized. When I'm clearly present I can sit in the void and watch input and output like a dance. This naturally has a huge effect on the field, but not so much in way that most people would notice. 

I like that you use smell as a signpost. Such a gift!

This new way of relating is of great interest to me and something I've been exploring for many years. You can get a sense of it on my website if you want to take a look: Parting the Waves

A pleasure exchanging with you :-)


In reply to by Richard W


I'm replying to myself here with a further thought.

When it comes to being around others who are quite dominant and overbearing with their energy, I feel that applying the 7 rays could be a key to maintaining individual flow or connection with the twin flame. 

For example, noticing what comes up, whether it's a question, or softness, or a playful yet firm "no", staying in the flow is not about 'doing' something in particular, but rather honouring the expression that wants to come up and then looking for reflections beyond the other people you're with.


In reply to by Richard W


Hi Rich,

I totally feel you in this, I can feel the same tendency in me when I'm around people with stronger/more catalytic or dominant energy; people who are more defined or settled within themselves and communicate their needs more clearly. I live with a partner right now who has a strong energy like that and I can easily get lost in it when he is around me. Last example is when I was meditating yesterday morning and he came in the room and I felt myself tightening in my sacrum and "drawn out" of myself and the moment, but could clearly feel that I am the one with weak energetic bounderies and shifting almost all of my attention towards him in that moment. It's very clear to me that it's something that I do. His catalytic/more masculine energy triggers me I believe because it wants to come alive in me, so I try to work to relax in it instead of letting myself be drawn out or avoiding it, which I was unconsciously doing for a while. Taking space for myself is definitely important (I am lucky to have a lot of space and seperate bedrooms), but not to avoid or oppose it as much as I was doing. It's a very challenging dynamic for sure!

Hannah 🌸

In reply to by hannah


Dear  Hannah ,

I am coming out of a relationship with a very strong distorted masculine . I was lost for a long while without realising that . 

I am currently in a relationship with another strong man ,and this comment enunciates beautifully the challenges of relating to opposite polarity without losing myself . 

Thank you ! 

Here is a song worthy of the dance between the masculine and feminine energies

In reply to by hannah


This is so important for all empaths to take note of - thanks so much for sharing Hannah.

Here's the key part you said...

I was meditating yesterday morning and he came in the room and I felt myself tightening in my sacrum and "drawn out" of myself and the moment, but could clearly feel that I am the one with weak energetic bounderies and shifting almost all of my attention towards him in that moment.

So crucially, where is the truth in this? Meaning, in every triggering reaction there is a truth at the core of it. Find the truth, express that, and break open the trigger.

If I was meditating in my own space and someone walked in, there would be a natural reaction of awareness, taking note. And probably afterwards inquiring why they came in and expressing the need for boundaries - but maybe your partner wasn't aware you were meditating?

Assuming your partner wasn't aware, then the reaction at the time can be softer - no judgment of them. But still, how does the reaction become softer? I would say two essential things: 1) that there's an internal focus on the Sacred Ground of Being which is the core from where you always come. This MUST become the essence that is the main anchor in life. 2) From the Sacred Ground, there can still be an awareness of what's going on externally and yet still be deep in meditation.

This then would be a very useful practice which can then infuse into life.

Fantastic that you noticed - that's always the first step to realisation and actualisation of a new state.
You can do it - I witness you progressively embodying new ray 1 masculine energies. So it's bound to happen anytime soon.

Love and well wishes

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Through some synchronistic flow of events I had two sessions today evening and both reflected some essential aspects of me. They were both in differrent ends of the spectrum. In the first one, I was not even fully aware I was conducting a session as I was just being in my zone and expressing myself through music and words. Very little was coming from her side. I felt I was in control. In the end she paid me which I didn't expect. If I had known she considered It as a session I would have probably tried to take in a specific direction! It was interesting because I was holding this question, how can you differentiate between life, conversation we have in general and a formal facilitation session? I think when the value of money comes in, every thing becomes a little complex. I think it's more the idea of how things should be in our minds which causes us to control. We stick to convention and safety of the known. How can we liberate ourselves from this convention which kills true creation. 


Just an hour after I had another prearranged session with a client. We already had a session before and agreed to take it a little deeper this time. Through out the session, I felt control from his end and my energy kept shrinking from expanded joyful sense. I did express it as well. He had his own agenda where he wanted to take it which was conflicting with my process. At the some point something I expressed about vulnerability precipitated a lot of emotions in me and I started to cry. But I recognised it not as a expression of weakness but strength. There was probably a lot of power play going on here, a dance of masculine and feminine energies. Synchronistic in the beginning, I felt to sit in the low chair compared to the high one. That's my natural state of being and i honor it. So I'm wondering how can I come from this natural state of being and yet express my boundaries. I have seen patterns of behaviours where I try to avoid conflict and be the nice guy. This session also illuminated some of that. 


I realised one crucial thing, it's that presence, our true place of control and power never diminishes and it's in the background of even our most vulnerable moments. It was liberating to feel the beauty of this power without the effort to control my experiences. In the end he didn't pay me, but it was wonderful to see how universe covered for me through the previous session. 

Vimal 🙏


30/08/2022 Finding the Eternal Student in You

As we transition into a new cycle of discovery (everyone always is!!), I felt to share this article today about realising yourself as the Eternal Student of life. I believe it brings with it a great sense of freedom but focus and orientation at the same time. I believe the term "master" has been much maligned here and is a trap for anyone thinking they are a master.

In my journey, I've discovered the constant inquiry creature at the heart of my soul. Everything in life is always changing and evolving - transforming. There's always the possibility to dig up new nuggets of soul gold, embody and express them. So to truly follow the path of growth and evolution, is to realise yourself as the student of the moment - of yourself. Then you will master that moment, that situation and configuration, before it evolves and transforms into something else, something new.

It's crucial to say, each iteration of you is the next innovation - you're not continually reinventing the wheel. You're inquiring: "how can I be more evolved and authentic in that situation?"

And it's the question that counts. Set the question forth. Then watch for the reflections and feel the transformation that wants to happen within.

When you find this constant inquiry creature, this eternal student at the heart of you, when you give up the idea of attaining "perfection", I do believe you'll find the right harmony of growth but self acceptance also. And even when you do "screw up", as you inevitably will, you can smile and laugh at yourself - forgive yourself for the fallibility.

With this in mind I share this article above today. It's getting ourselves ready, and in the right frame of mind, for the new cycle of growth and revelation to begin. It contains a video at the end which is the Openhand view on how the Ascended Masters are working with us in the shift - how they're helping reveal more of your inherent divinity.

Eternal Student and the Ascended Masters: How do they work with us?

Bright blessings

Open 🙏


In reply to by Open



So I'm intrigued Openhanders. what brings you fulfillment in life?

Speaking personally there's a feeling of completion, of joy of fulfillment, that happens when I've been working towards the integration of a new aspect of self. The new aspect brings its challenges and that's always testing, like climbing another mountain. But then when you know you've integrated it, there's tremendous satisfaction with that - which lasts just long enough to set sail with the next unfolding and inquiry.

So it's a curious blend for me - challenge, but the feeling of growth that brings fulfillment.

What about you?


In reply to by Open




Your question has raised so many variables... And depending on which level I look upon, fulfillment means a different thing.

Though for now, I will focus on the highest feeling of fulfillment I have yet experienced.

It's Presence - - -

That I give my pride over to;

Bending the knee.

With my hand on the heart, 

With tears streaming down the face.

Rivers, flowing in and out of me.

That is fulfillment.

The feeling of being completely permeated and loved with such intensity it hurts. That is fulfillment. Putting your hand on Her and feeling Her immensity in your heart. That is fulfillment. Looking into Her and dedicating your existence to Her - to Her story. That is fulfillment. Having the field respond to that with small, meaningful gifts (even as symbols). That is fulfillment. 

Letting this intervention override your own personal story - upgrading and shifting your story according to this Presence and taking practical steps. That. Is fulfillment.

Being able to utter a strong and noble NO ... to the suffocating feeling of guilt and shame - in specific situations, not just generally speaking. Finally putting your foot down.

Enough is enough.

And just like that, being liberated. That is fulfillment.



In reply to by Open


I would have to say the process of transition and metamorphosis. Toward an improved way of being or manifestation in the world. Seeing what can be done, what the moment invites, seeing what has to be done, no matter how challenging. Whilst maintaining that sense of the permanent, unchangeable, it doesn't really matter anyway. What else is there to do other than going with that flow? 


Lovely, your energy and emotions are wonderful to feel, especially given the darkness i walk in now. So much distortion from past that i still hang on to and now coming to light more and more. The old resistance i use as a defense mechanism; the constant negative feedback loops my ego engages in. i'm challenged daily. i resist and focus on ways to escape, but clarity comes more often now and i see how i am here because of the distorted energies i resonate and that no matter where i go i will never escape it until i purify and release it. Just as you always say. i am exactly where i need to be. learning acceptance. i close myself off so much and can only dream of connecting with others on deeper levels, being in harmony. Trusting. It occurred to me that in this realm, it takes work to rise up. It's easy to give in to the temptations but it takes work to overcome them and get to higher ground. Climbing the ladder out of the muck towards the light. All my old self ever wants to do is have it easy and pleasurable. And then the entitlement; i've gone through so much and suffered so much, i should be able to just rest and hide away from life. Well. As they say, there's no rest for the wicked. And i'm getting so tired of the pain, fear and anger, and the hollow things i use to numb myself from those, that i'm starting to look forward to the hard work ahead. i'm starting to welcome the fear so i can get going. Because i believe you when you say how great the reward is. To let things be. To let go of control and outcomes. To use my voice in the most authentic ways. To face unwaveringly the unknown. To let go of myself and the familiar comforts. To see who i really am and who i can really be and express myself fully and authentically and fearlessly. To fly free. Your love is palpable; a light in the dark. Thank you💙💙💙🙏Barb

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


There with you Barb 💙
The most essential point is to have a clear observation of what's actually going on. Then to keep working to break through the density - what was I attached to? What was I invested in? Time to let it all go.

Much love and well wishes

Open 🙏



Recently gathered enough strengt to get out of my 6 year old relationship. A lot has changed, i have withdrawn inwardly for myself bymyself. I have my own appartment, and don´t spend as much time with people as i used to. I always needed people around me, due to heavy childhood trauma. Now in this moment i find myself scared, afraid. Of what i don´t know... i try to lean into my body, feeling it and being catapulted into the mind most of the time.. I reckon the fear, and uncomfortableness by being alone stems from way back and is rooted deep inside. My rational mind knows i am not in danger, but as the evening grows dark and the night approaches here in Norway the fear intensifies. My screaming ego or the voice in the head is constantly looking for someone to talk to, speak to.. keep me distracted from the dreadful lonesome feeling in my self..

I have done lots of work and traveled a long and brutal way already through inner child and shadow work. But is there something i am missing here? I go into silence expecting it to disappear somehow. I see now that there is nothing to get rid of, it is there but by welcoming it, accepting it and not deeming it. Can make this chapter a little bit easier, being softer and gentler with myself with where i am at. And all i have done.

Thank you! The answer came by itself as i was writing

In reply to by Stian Solheim (not verified)


Hi Stian,

Welcome to Openhand 👍

The path is a constant journey of peeling back the layers. So until you've actually ventured down one avenue (leaving the relationship for example), you won't reveal the new layers - blocked by doubt and fear for example. The key is not to block the feelings out. First keep anchoring in the Sacred Ground of Being - that which is beyond fear. It might just be the centred sense of self within the heart for example. But then allow the fears to come up and express them. Know that they are not you - they're just a transient experience and at some point will pass. By expressing them, you illuminate what the fear is.

What I found is, that when you've been used to being in relationship, the ego craves another presence in that form. But when you've let it go, can you now find the presence in all other forms around you? In nature for example, in creatures, the breeze or the sun. Look for the companionship in all these other things. Then you'll be able to let go of needing it in a particular form.

Best wishes

Open 🙏


I think in realising that there is no perfection to be attained on the path, no "spiritual mastery", this can greatly lighten the load. What's the next best version of you that you can be now?

Open 🙏