What is Meditation?

There are many definitions of what Meditation is and for us at Openhand various purposes. In many cases it is about becoming totally here and present in the moment of now. Meditation is an invaluable tool for discovering our true nature and who we really are.

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Meditation can happen through stillness, breathing, movement, connection with nature and just simply being present. There are many varied techniques.

Here below are Openhand's articles on Meditation offering much deeper consideration.

The Power of Meditation

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/06/2014 - 05:39

Right now in the world the old fear based reality has become unstable and is beginning to fracture. It's what science calls the movement of disordering free entropy. But wherever you have that destructive energy breaking things down, the miraculous thing is, reconstructive energies take shape immediately the parts of the old consciousness fragment. It is a reordering energy science calls 'neg-entropy' and the Awakening Movement knows much more appropriately as unconditional love! It's drawing us into a higher paradigm of greater energetic harmony. Meditation has the power to do this. We become channels of consciousness for the new energies to flow in. Not only is meditation powerfully healing for us, but the whole of life on our planet...

9246 Reads

Meditation: Six senses walk

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 07:31

Want to revitalise your senses? In our society there are endless distractions which tends to overload our senses - we quickly become desensitised. This makes us less aware of the truth of the moment, what the energy is really revealing to us so we don't witness the magical wonders and synchronicity of life. So how do we turn down the noise and reconnect so that we may feel the truth and beauty once more? This six senses walk will help...

13426 Reads

Morning shower meditation

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Sat, 10/06/2012 - 03:06

Want to feel invigorated in the morning? Try this... Here's a morning meditation that you can do in 5 minutes while taking a shower and is sure to rev you up better than any cafe latte. Turn the bathroom light off - you'll see why later. Set the shower to a warm comforting temperature and begin by feeling the warmth on your skin as the water trickles down your body. Imagine you are stood under a cleansing waterfall of golden light...

14713 Reads