What is 'Spirituality'?

Here we're exploring the concept of general spirituality. What does it mean to be spiritual? How do we live in a spiritual way, within society? How might being aligned with your spirituality, bring a greater sense of joy and fulfillment to your life?

We're offering points of view here, which we believe in passionately. But we're not claiming them to be the 'absolute truth' - it is our truth, designed to help catalyse an evolutionary shift in your own truth. To us, that's a key facet of the spirit - that each has their own perspective on reality, which are all equally valid. But let us challenge and continually evolve our perspective.

Articles on general Spirituality:

In the Shift And Our Lives, Why There is ONLY the Process!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/04/2024 - 05:11

We can want, yearn and desire all manner of things in our lives, or for the outcome of this mighty Shift that we're engaged in. We may be afraid or anxious of certain situations taking shape. We may want things to stay comfortable, steady and secure. None of these things we can guarantee. There is only one thing that you can be sure of - your life is a continual process of unravelling.

419 Reads

How to Alchemise Any Typical Day in the Shift: 7 Rituals

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/29/2024 - 04:42

It's becoming increasingly clear that the "Shadow Simulation" is weakening. However, it's grasp still reaches far and wide through society. It's weakening and we can break through, but it must be a constant daily practice to access the higher alchemy of light. There's a much bigger possibility available to us.

589 Reads

How to Quantum Shift Your Life in 2024

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/28/2023 - 07:14

I've already expressed how I feel this is going to be a massive year for Humanity in the Shift. A Broad wave of consciousness is being drawn onto the Karmic Plane, so we're bound to see more ructions and upheavals. But great change also offers great opportunity too, provided we see that possibility by seizing the moment. In these conditions, powerful quantum shifts in our Beings are possible, which then infuse into our lives. Let's seize the opportunity in 2024.

553 Reads

Effective Soul Navigation Through End Times

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/04/2023 - 04:00

To anyone truly exploring the multidimensional depths, our planet is amidst a terraforming breakdown of the old karmic construct. At the same time, for those who have awakened to Soul, you can feel the emergence of light. It's progressive - as the field breaks up, sometimes you'll feel surrounded by cloudiness, which replicates into all areas of life. This is where orientation and focus are essential to prevent getting bogged down.

1030 Reads

8 Steps For Maximum Catalysis in Life Situations During the Shift

Submitted by Open on Tue, 09/05/2023 - 05:06

It's becoming increasingly clear that the simulation here has gone into overdrive. Because of that, we're likely to find the shift of energies creating turbulence in all aspects of our lives, from our relationships to how we live and work. But we can successfully ride these waves and capitalise from them if we know how to work with them. It's all about equalising with any negative reactivity, unwinding through, then unleashing new aspects of Beingness. Here's how.

1144 Reads

The Power of Gratitude: including 4 Levels of Gratitude Consciousness

Submitted by Open on Wed, 04/12/2023 - 01:17

The regular expression of gratitude is a powerful practice on the spiritual path, that can spur growth and self-actualisation. It can lead to the manifestation of more soul-reflective and harmonious landscapes around you. However, if done in the wrong way, it can lead to self-denial and derailment, where you can actually block karma needing to activate, or where you're not truly confronting reality the way it genuinely is.

1046 Reads

Emergent Souls in the Shift: Stretch out Your Wings and Soar!

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 05:47

Dear Emergent Souls, yes it's complex out there in the Shift right now, yes the shadow continues its machinations, yes plenty around you are conditioned into the high-tech metaverse. BUT, there's a crucial reason YOU can see it. It's BECAUSE you're emerging from it! So take heart, have faith. Let your soul dream big and keep centering in the Sacred Ground of Being. Transcend the density by feeling the expansiveness emergent from it. You were seeded here for this. You've got this...

Beyond the Feeling of Dark and Heavy

941 Reads

5D Shift Accelerates: Are you Hungry for Change? - Finding the Courage

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 05:42

I feel truly blessed to be working with evolving people in this great shift of consciousness taking place. Our lives are being challenged in the most profound of ways, in our careers, relationships and general living circumstances. Of course, it will invoke fear: every reason why not to step forwards will arise, as you push the buttons of those around you. But this is not the time to hesitate.

8268 Reads

Setting Your Spiritual Compass to THRIVE in 2023

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/01/2023 - 05:14

These are highly challenging times on the planet in society. A great deal of ancient karmic density is being stirred up. It's so easy to get pulled into the various dramas, which then perpetuates that struggle in your life. It's important to witness the boulders, yes, BUT - then utterly crucial to focus on the path between them. The soul is working to unwind through the karmic density and create from a higher vibration. Then the clouds will clear and you'll shape a new, more harmonious landscape. This is how we can thrive in 2023.

765 Reads

Exploring Why the Need for Validation on the Spiritual Path?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 09/23/2022 - 04:19

What often keeps people tight in the box and resisting the power of transformation on the spiritual path is the need for external validation of some kind. The requirement for friends or family, for example, to respect the new you you're unfolding into. If they're not evolving as quickly as you, unsupportive or negative feedback can be severely limiting. Where does this need for this validation come from? Most importantly, how can we move beyond it...

1341 Reads

Homeostasis & Equanimity: Finding Balance and Harmony on the Path

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/02/2022 - 04:36

These are turbulent times for sure, as the planet and society shift through the gears of transformation. Each of us is connected physically and energetically through morphic fields that are activating and unravelling. That's even before we talk about the dramatic infusions of higher dimensional light. How are we to find balance and harmony through it all? The key is Homeostasis and Equanimity.

1952 Reads