Effective Soul Navigation Through End Times
To anyone truly exploring the multidimensional depths, our planet is amidst a terraforming breakdown of the old karmic construct. At the same time, for those who have awakened to Soul, you can feel the emergence of light. It's progressive - as the field breaks up, sometimes you'll feel surrounded by cloudiness, which replicates into all areas of life. This is where orientation and focus are essential to prevent getting bogged down. Let's explore how to stay open and create from divine majesty amidst the chaotic.
(Updated 16th Feb 2025)
The Grand Game of Jenga
I wrote recently how we'd clearly entered the crucial phase in the Shift called, End Times. It's where the Universe configures to pull the plug on an outdated reality construct and reignite the natural cycles of life. For some time it has served Gaia to be suppressed by the system we live in - it was her karmic contract with the alien intervention she's suffered. However, now that's all changing...
A new planetary soul, Avalonia, has come in, and exchanged with Gaia, so as to restore the planetary Torus and throw off the Simulation that the planet has been embroiled within.
In this completion, the foundation structure of the intervention, in the form of the Council of Nine, has been removed. We're engaged in a game of Jenga: there are plenty more blocks still above, but the structure is now fatally destabilised and over time will fall apart as more blocks get removed - Benevolence is actively engaged in this deconstruction of the layers, removing block after block.
Explore the crucial planetary Shift of energies from Gaia to Avalonia
Let's not be fooled though, the Intervention is still ramping up its efforts to pull society and wayward souls into its agenda, by ramping up its AI-induced, distractive measures. Especially now, as it weaves into the new US leadership.
So the situation is confused and confusing, but it is destabilising and weakening too, as the blocks of the construct are steadily teased away by the changing fabric of the field.
To be clear: the shadow is not getting stronger. It's just more in your face because it's getting stirred up and broken down. For all awakening souls, it's absolutely crucial to be clear on your daily focus. Where are you putting your attention?
Stay up to speed in the Shift, with leading-edge spiritual illumination...
Anchoring in Your Sacred Ground
There'll likely be masses going on in your life right now and transforming. The Shift is pulling at all the threads of our lives, whether in relationships or how we live and work. Everything is being called into question. It's essential to realise our consciousness has been woven into the karmic construct, and so as it unravels, it will pull on all of those threads and create instability externally. Hence, therefore, at times, it will look pretty dark out there. And that's okay, providing we do one essential thing:
In these End Times we must learn progressively, and each day, to centre inwardly into our Sacred Ground of Being; to be anchored there as a feeling-sense of warmth and lightness, of stability and strength, of reliability and resilience. It leads to your true sense of belonging and connection.
We will be engaged in many things externally - so much that will pull on the heartstrings of emotion, or try to wrap the mind in knots of complexity. To be clear, there will be no figuring it out in the ways of the past. Because it is purposefully designed to keep weaving you back in. By centering in your Sacred Ground, you're making the crucial step NOT to be defined by the external game of charades. You're detaching from the Jenga. You are not toppling, but strengthening. You're forging and anchoring.
Explore more on how to access your Sacred Ground of Being
This provides you a new place from which to gain your power and resources - one which you define, and can rely upon. You're now tapping into the Universal Flower of Life, your own Torus. Crucially it's where the new construct of Beginning Times is also emerging - it wants to emerge through us, like new shoots breaking through old concrete.
Explore this Breakthrough Breathing Technique to Centre in Your Sacred Ground
The Spiritual Gym: Unravelling the Inner Threads
Anchoring in your Sacred Ground within, is absolutely essential. Plenty speak of finding the eye of the storm. But still, it's easy to get pulled out by the threads of the old. This is where commitment and concentration come to the fore. You must recognise the threads being pulled within you - what's getting triggered and activated. But now instead of trying to fix the external and what they're pulling on, this is where we go to the spiritual gym:
Feel the triggering ties, whether emotional, mental or karmic. Work into them. Figure out what the attachment or investment in the external is. Decide carrying that baggage no longer serves your evolution of consciousness. No matter what the apparent personal cost to the ego, set down the baggage and breathe an open space through the external density.
If you've truly set it down, the situation will unravel. Be aware the situation in its end game will be unpredictable. No intentioning will save this day. You must be brave and courageous enough to open into the space of emptiness. But have no fear, the game won't end there. The new game is only just getting started.
How do you feel to be now? What new sense of self is wanting to express? And most crucially, what ways are presenting themselves for you to actualise a new sense of you?
Each Day, A New Sense of Self
Pay particular attention to the seemingly insignificant or non-essential: Like some new craft or art wanting to be expressed; Playing a new musical instrument; Being guided a different way to work; A trip that you don't think you can afford but nevertheless is calling into your Soul. In these moments it's easy to lose faith - how can these things solve my outer problems? I say to you they are EXACTLY the antidote, the resolution, the new possibility. How so?
The biggest transformation being invited for humanity within this Shift, is learning to create differently - to become a conscious co-creator with the divine. Consciously co-creating revolves around what you are being. Express and forge the new aspects of beingness in a new embodied way, and the Universe can't help but crystallise this more vibrant, creative and successful construct around you.
Be aware, you'll have to steel your nerve though. You'll look out and see only swirling clouds. But if you forge these new threads of expression and embody them, steadily the clouds will open up and steps will present themselves in front of you. You'll simply know what you should do in each given moment - how to express into the different situations and how to be.
I say to you: focus on these, and NOT the outcome.
You're Now in The Driving Seat
Paradoxically, the outcomes to step progressively into will seemingly take shape themselves. What's actually happening is that they're actualising from the new sense of beingness that you're expressing out into the world. Now your life takes on new direction and purpose, a greater sense of vibrancy, and crucially a new sense of empowerment. Because YOU'RE in the driving seat.
So I offer the viewpoint to encourage focus and alignment with our true creative power at this pivotal time in the Shift. In these End Times, the old ways of doing things will only deliver ever diminishing returns. So why invest your efforts there, when there's a new and vibrant way that can deliver all you ever dreamed of? That's the phenomenal possibility of the Beginning Times we're sailing into. Let's be sure to capitalise.
f you've been inspired by my writing and would like benefit in your life as plenty around the world now are, explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It was especially crafted to meet these times in the Shift:
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
5 Essential Ways of opening of the Crown Chakra 👑
17/02/2025 Opening the crown chakra
Now, more than ever, it's essential we seize back the power of the crown chakra in our lives, through society, and in the Shift. So that we may be guided with the new infusions of light.
How best to open the crown chakra?
1) Daily chakra attunement meditations will be essential. Like this one offered here at the Academy...
Openhand Chakra Attunement
2) Inner purification will be essential, so that we're able to expand vibration into the higher frequencies...
Explore Inner Purification
3) Make sure you're constantly grounding in the base too, so that intervention energies can't take root there...
Removing Implants and Entities
4) Take plenty of time out for free-wheeling, just picking up the flows and reading the reflective synchronicities
5) An essential practice to open the crown is that of "defocussing" - dissociating from what you witness in the external and seeing it more in a metaphorical way. So you consciously release from 3D-identification.
Well wishes to all.
<<< Open 💎
Practice opening the crown amidst distractive AI-simulation 💫
In reply to 5 Essential Ways of opening of the Crown Chakra 👑 by Open
Opening the crown and flowing as the soul through life, guiding our every step, is a key aspect of the Openhand work. It's something we'll be focussing on at our Easter Quantum Shift Retreat...
5-Days, ZOOM
Openhand's new body of work to support Humanity's pivotal transition across the 4D Karmic "Red Sea". Delving into Past Life Karma, breaking down shadow intervention energies, and illuminating a clear pathway into the Golden Age of 5D/6D/7D. 5-Days on Zoom with planetary shift facilitator, "Open".
Activational Ascended Master Energies
How are You finding Yourself Able to Navigate End Times?🧭
So Openhanders I'm intrigued - I get the sense my article hit a few key points about navigating the Shift right now. I'd love to hear how you're finding it out there in this terraforming landscape? How are you being challenged? How are you working through? I'll happily share a reflection.
Ancient karmic ties
In reply to How are You finding Yourself Able to Navigate End Times?🧭 by Open
Hi Open,
I’ve read this article twice but not all of it has landed yet.
As for how I’m being challenged and working through, most of what’s coming up right now for me is karmic.
I have been doing the chakra attunement meditation daily for months and things have been really shifting as a result.
I noticed in meditation that it is usually the heart that I need to breathe into, and for the past week or two, I’ve had a fluttering sensation in the heart chakra which has felt like a strong vibration at times. I realise now it is likely the heart chakra opening as a result of the attunements and continued working through my Sirius karma
The past few weeks I have been making myself take the train to work. I have often felt panicked when on a train or tram in the past which I realise is linked to leaving Sirius in a small shuttle/capsule where I was travelling at high speed. So in an effort to feel into those feelings, I’ve been making myself get the train. Further realisations around anticipating a crash came up, and although I came out of the feeling a few times, I was able to sit in the terror of the anticipation of the collision.
In a facilitation session yesterday I was able to work with the collision and the guilt at leaving my family behind on the planet. There was a physical block in the heart and high heart chakras which I worked with and removed, but which also led to the discovery of black snake energy, centred in the heart chakra, which I was able to expel.
Other reflections have been triggering karmic ties including a panic attack at the dentist when water splashed on my face, leading to a past life realisation where I had drowned.
On the La Palma retreat I discovered karmic ties with another openhander, which has been reflected in my own life as a sense of entitlement and a feeling that others will clean up any (physical) mess that I make, and a knowing sense of sexual manipulation, a strong sense of distorted power, and a level of cruelty alongside that. I am still working through this but events in la palma shone a light on my own behaviour, and just being aware of it has already shifted it significantly.
I’m also getting flashes of ‘daily life’ in my previous biblical-time life so I’m sure the Jordan retreat will be interesting!
Much love,
Nikki 🙏
How to take the driving seat in the Shift 🚘
04/10/2023 Shift Update: Taking the Driving Seat
To be clear, nothing is ever done to us. Although at times it may seem that way, that's only because karmic unconsciousness has handed over the driving seat. How do we take it back? That's what I'm exploring in my new article out today... Effective Soul Navigation Through End Times
And if you'd like support and guidance with higher dimensional illumination, then consider diving in with our Ascension Exchanges coming right up...
7th Oct: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open
Great flow of words
In reply to How to take the driving seat in the Shift 🚘 by Open
Great flow of words there Open. I resonate with it. It feels to me that thr matrix programming has less hold on me these days! My soul is rejoicing at having broken some ties with it which I have been carrying for decades. In many ways it makes the journey easier but it is also taking me deeper into some karmic layers. Maybe it's my sensitivity to these layers that has amplified. The effect of it is a great sense of sadness at the meaninglessness of it all and feeling inertia to engage with the world. A part of me deeply yearns to withdraw from it all. Yet I also see how this can be self defeating as the warrior energy of expression is also compromised. As I was sitting near the river stream today after a cold plunging, I saw a fish jump out of the water which reflected to me the sense of being released from the matrix construct. I had the same poignant synchronicity a couple of years back when I cut several emotional ties with my family and started travelling. Interesting times we are living in and we have the front row seat to witness it all!
Vimal 💚🙏
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