The story of light infusing the body

Finding internal harmony with existence itself is the perennial struggle of being human. Mostly, humanity is unaware of the soul's infusion within the bodymind and how this happens. Yet this internal alchemy affects every thought, feeling and emotion each one of us will have.

Free flowing Kundalini is our natural alignment with the universal flow expressed through the bodymind in all our actions and intentions. It's what brings harmony to our choices leading to a successful and fulfilled life. Yet so few are currently experiencing or even know about the liberating freedom of full blown Kundalini Activation.

When unblocked by limiting karma, kundalini infuses and interacts with the bodymind through consciousness exchange points - otherwise known as 'chakras'. So actually the Chakras, Karma and Kundalini are all interlinked and really need to be understood together.

Articles on Chakras, Karma and Kundalini:

The Path of Ascension Across the 4D Karmic Plane is One of Absolution

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/30/2024 - 17:09

The stakes are heightening in the 5D Shift as Benevolence is turning the tables on the Shadow in the Matrix Simulation. If you're finding it easy and comfortable, you've either detached from the ascending flow, or not actually really begun. For those following the energy, they're being buffeted around by karma and intervention in the 4D. But with the strong mast of absolution, you will make it through.

969 Reads

The Vital Importance of Healing Our Ancestral Karma

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/14/2023 - 04:44

Karma is what's brought us, as Souls, into incarnation so as to heal and integrate. Essentially it's where we lose our memory or full integration as the God Source. We then build erroneous lifestyles and landscapes around us that don't truly serve. We may heal the Soul through past life regression therapy. But healing ancestral karma through our DNA requires an augmented approach.

1859 Reads

Humanity Crossing the Karmic Plane in 2024

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/13/2023 - 04:54

It's ten years since I first addressed the fact that the initial waves of people in the Shift were crossing the plane of karma. I was constantly seeing it activating in the Openhand work, with people regressing through their past lives and integrating through them. Now, ten years on, after all that has unfolded in society, I feel the buildup happening for a broad wave of karmic activation coming in 2024. What will that mean and how best can you transition through?

13892 Reads

Disclosure of Recalibration/Realliance of Intervention Energies around Ra

Submitted by Open on Sun, 11/19/2023 - 04:21

A dynamic I spoke about several years back in the book DIVINCUS, is that as we progress through the Shift and strip out various aspects of the Intervention Energies, that they would constantly recalibrate, forming new alliances and configurations. They'll keep shape-shifting until they're eventually gone or realigned to the light. So when the Annunaki Architects of the Matrix were recently healed and withdrew, it was always going to be necessary to observe how the shadow would recalibrate...

What might the new configuration have become? It's reconfiguring around the leadership of Ra.

1421 Reads

End Times and the Escalating Global Conflict with Materiality

Submitted by Open on Mon, 10/16/2023 - 04:17

We're moving into a time of deeply challenging World Hostility. It's been building that way for some time. It's what some of the First Nations described as a Conflict on Materiality as the Spiritual unravels through. It was always bound to happen. It's cyclical, as the Grand Galactic Convergence breaks down the old reality construct, which precipitates onto the surface of society. We must hoist on board this global phenomenon right now, so as to ease internal suffering.

Life Spirals In Cosmic Cycles

789 Reads

The Crucial Difference Between Reincarnation and Soul-Harvesting

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/20/2023 - 04:19

You might well wonder why souls would continually reincarnate here into challenging, and often crazy, situations such as the matrix. Why would you want or choose to come back? There is most definitely a great opportunity to learn, evolve and grow, to integrate through karmic challenges. Hence, in a way, we must come back in order to eventually evolve out. But let's not get confused with soul harvesting by the intervention here. Because the two are very different processes. And it's essential to understand the difference.

2266 Reads

Intervention: How the Moon has Impacted All Life on Earth

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/08/2023 - 04:02

I shared recently the 9 Astounding Facts that Prove the Moon is Artificial. It's now essential to explore deeper what the intentional effects are on Humanity and the Planet, so we can work to equalise with them and thereby mitigate them. The impact occurs on many levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. The ancients speak of a "Time before the Moon".

3193 Reads

Raising Kundalini in the 5D Shift for Divine Connection & Empowerment

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/01/2023 - 05:00

Activation of kundalini is often described as the rise of energy from the root chakra, clearing and cleansing before reuniting with soul consciousness flowing from the source and in through the crown. This free flowing divine energy creates miracles and magic all around you, feels like interconnected joy of living, and unfolds a path of light under your very feet. We've entered a phase in the 5D Shift where Kundalini is strongly activating for people...

4845 Reads

Dealing with Bone-Crunching Initiations on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/10/2022 - 06:47

I have written about this recently, but it deserves extra attention at this point in the shift: why you might be experiencing a "bone crunching" period of super intensity on the path, where many things are coming up at once, in all aspects of your life. Whether it be in your relationships, career or general living circumstances and your guides and guidance seem to have deserted you.

Recognise this? What on earth is going on?

1202 Reads

Ancient Pleiadian Reptilian Dynamic that Humanity Must Heal

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/12/2022 - 04:34

There is an ancient Pleiadian Reptilian dynamic of victim and oppressor at play within humanity with its origins further afield in the galaxy. It affects many relationships. On the one hand there's the need to be protected and looked after; on the other, the compulsion to control and manipulate. Since the human genome contains the DNA of both star nations, it's a dynamic we all need to pay attention to and resolve out, if people are to have balanced relationships.

1392 Reads

4 Key Missions of Energy and Lightworkers in the Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 05:11

It's crazy and confusing out there in society right now with much purposeful deception and misdirection. But not if you understand and focus on your mission here in the shift. What is your purpose? What did you incarnate specifically for at this moment? Understanding these crucial questions can furnish much peace of mind and dispatch wasted effort.

Here then are 4 key missions of energy and lightworkers in the shift...

1892 Reads

5D Shift: Top 10 Signs of Kundalini Activation and How Best To Repond

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 05:29

Kundalini is an essential Gateway to full awakening and alignment with the Earth's Great 5D Shift. As I travel the world working with groups of people, I'm witnessing that Kundalini is activating and rising in many more people right now. It's essential we share awareness of this highly alchemical phenomenon because it's likely to feel very destabilising physically, emotionally and mentally, whilst simultaneously opening your being to new heights of joy, psychic skills, unconditional love and interconnectivity.

So what are the key signs that kundalini might be moving in you?

7127 Reads