What is universal life energy?

There is a consciousness that animates and connects all life. Some call it "Universal Life Energy" or "Unity Consciousness". Gurus, mystics and sages have spoken for centuries about universal life energy. It has been called many things including: Ki, Ka, Chi, Xi, Prana, Netter, Ihund and Biomagnetic energy to name but a few.

When we raise increase our energetic sensitivity, a natural flow can be perceived as a sense of 'rightness'. When we follow this flow, we move into alignment with the universe and life feels increasingly successful, fulfilled and abundant.

Below is a range of articles designed to expand your awareness of Universal Life Energy.

Manifesting With Dragon Energy To Transform Our Lives

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 04:22

We're living in the year of the Dragon, within the Shift to 5D. But this is much more than just metaphorical mythology. Gaia has signaled her willingness to shed the old karmic construct. Her Torus is accelerating, as experienced by the increasingly freaky weather patterns. It's being amplified by the latest infusion of Dragon Energies. Embodying these, can provide massive alchemical quantum shifts in our lives. Here's how.

1109 Reads

Understanding the Nature of Dragon Energy and How to Embody It

Submitted by Open on Sat, 08/24/2024 - 06:42

You'd be forgiven for thinking that "Dragons" are merely mythological beasts of pure fantasy. They are not. They might best be considered as strong alchemical flows of quantum field energy, that souls of a particular nature have chosen to embody. They've become especially potent on the planet at this time to support the next phase of the Shift.

999 Reads

Calling on Star Being Support to Lay Down Your Path of Light

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/18/2023 - 04:32

The multidimensional landscape around us in the Shift is terraforming at an incredible rate. The shadowside ramps up its machinations with the metaverse by the day, but likewise, Star Being support is infusing the field ever stronger. We must not sleepwalk into each day, thinking it will be just like yesterday. As ascending people, we must seize the moment and call on the frequencies of the Star Beings to Lay down a path of divine light through our lives. Here's how.

1945 Reads

Planetary Shift: The Greatest Opportunity of Existence is NOW!

Submitted by Open on Fri, 04/07/2023 - 02:30

You'd be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary "Event" we're concluding to will wash it all away. But you'd also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It's the greatest opportunity of existence. Here's how.

1492 Reads

5D Shift Accelerates: Are you Hungry for Change? - Finding the Courage

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 05:42

I feel truly blessed to be working with evolving people in this great shift of consciousness taking place. Our lives are being challenged in the most profound of ways, in our careers, relationships and general living circumstances. Of course, it will invoke fear: every reason why not to step forwards will arise, as you push the buttons of those around you. But this is not the time to hesitate.

8268 Reads

How To Quantum Manifest Authentically with the Universal Flow

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/08/2022 - 03:54

Reams of blogs, articles and videos have been produced about intentional or quantum manifesting to gain a desired outcome. But are they really successful? And what does "success" really look like? I maintain there is a way of coming into alignment with the natural flow of the universe and harnessing its power to create abundantly in your life.

1283 Reads

Grand Galactic Convergence: Herd of Elephants No one is Talking About

Submitted by Open on Thu, 09/16/2021 - 05:22

The shadowstate has done its job well. Most are distracted as to the true scope and magnitude of the Grand Galactic Convergence that has just begun to gear up. Especially in spiritual circles, it's high time we address the pressing subject of the herd of elephants in the room that no one is talking about: the infusion of galactic energies into our solar system, at the time of the Grand Solar Magnetic Minimum, AND as Gaia's Pole Shift accelerates to completion. It's high time we engage this crucially pressing issue of our time.

3440 Reads

Your Life's Shift: It's High Time to Get Some Energy Moving!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/26/2021 - 04:55

I sense the energy field is in strong transition right now, all across the globe. It very much feels to me like the reactivation of the Dragon Leylines has gotten things moving and shifting. Stonger flows are activating in different parts of the world, which people are feeling and responding to.

812 Reads

Earth Ascension: Gaia's 5D Crystalline Grid Comes ONLINE

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/14/2020 - 16:00

Right now we're witnessing what the First Nations people described as the time of a global "conflict with materiality". It's a double-sided coin, because the light of a new paradigm steadily emerges as the lower densities progressively break down and transform. If you keep transforming within you, then you'll tune into a super-conscious 5D crystalline grid that's already forming the light foundation of the New Paradigm. It's active, and you can draw on it right now!

6082 Reads

System Shennanigans - 5D Ascension is Now!

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 06:17

For every cause there is an effect. On every occassion in world history where there has been an amplification in the electrification of our planet, be it from radar to 5Jeez, there has been a global virus pandemic, because in the physical we are electrified beings. The body is simply reacting to the toxicity. Fortunately, we are much more than physical. What this current (in my view artificially created) fear pandemic reveals, is the need in us to shift and focus life orientation. 2020 is the clear division of two pathways: either the higway to hell, or the journey into the higher 5D paradigm. Let our heavenly Ascension begin right Now.

2515 Reads