What is universal life energy?

There is a consciousness that animates and connects all life. Some call it "Universal Life Energy" or "Unity Consciousness". Gurus, mystics and sages have spoken for centuries about universal life energy. It has been called many things including: Ki, Ka, Chi, Xi, Prana, Netter, Ihund and Biomagnetic energy to name but a few.

When we raise increase our energetic sensitivity, a natural flow can be perceived as a sense of 'rightness'. When we follow this flow, we move into alignment with the universe and life feels increasingly successful, fulfilled and abundant.

Below is a range of articles designed to expand your awareness of Universal Life Energy.

5D Shift: Tides of Change - Torsional Influx of High Vibrational Energy

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/03/2016 - 04:15

The 5D Shift is engaging higher gears now. The shadow side of humanity has fully revealed itself, particularly in our global elite 'governance'. I can feel this clearly being met by a strong response from Benevolence through the field - there's a progressive influx of higher vibrational energy stirring up the bed of this murky pond. Because the density is being so challenged, it's also meaning that the light can flow in more strongly. It's connecting the dots between people, to initiate collective positive action to confront the density and support the shift. Previously acquiescent people are feeling increasingly emboldened. How can these flows benefit you?

5168 Reads

The Purpose of Set-backs...4 Strategies to Quickly Bounce Back

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/09/2016 - 12:57

From time to time everyone is going to experience set-backs on the Spiritual Path. Maybe you put all your energy behind a particular project but it didn't work out; maybe you thought the flow was heading in a particular direction but it changed; maybe relationships didn't grow as you hoped they might. And so we hit this 'crunch moment', where the light of day reveals a new, hidden, truth. One that potentially floors you. But there's an important reason why such things happen. The point is, not how hard they hit us, but how we deal with them, and then get back up and get going again. There's a way to always take something positive...

5081 Reads

Expressing beyond Words - finding the Spiritual Samurai in You

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 07:16

We often hear in Spiritual Circles about "the importance of speaking one's truth". Yet so often, I hear from people that when they do this, such as in family groups for example, others frequently resist; they still work to pigeon-hole you into the 'norm' - they still try to stick you in that labeled box that they're comfortable with. Short of completely walking away from the relationship, what choice are you left with? Personally I believe "speaking one's truth" is a misnomer and we would better be served by speaking more in terms of "expressing one's truth". What's the subtle difference and why's it so important?

5109 Reads

The Complexity of Blending the Higher Flow with the Lower on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 17:31

Okay, so more and more people are speaking of the importance of aligning with the natural flow in life - to find greater harmony, fulfillment and at-one-ment with the divine. But there's an added complexity happening in the quantum field which I felt to bring attention to. Because if you're embarked on the spiritual path, it's sure to be affecting you. It's the realisation that at least two main - sometimes contrasting - flows are influencing your consciousness. Understanding and integrating these is going to be important to peace of mind. Because the interplay of the two, will likely affect every choice that you make...

6839 Reads

Setting Intention, Divine Manifestation and Navigating the Quantum Soup

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 17:28

Humanity has discovered an important phenomenon about reality - that it is not fixed and solid, but more a moving flow of ever-adapting consciousness - the "Quantum Soup". And most importantly, that the observer affects reality by what you focus on. So it's become a common theme then to 'set intention' and 'manifest what you desire' to happen. Or else there's the view that some destined, synchronistic, event line - 'your destiny' - is supposed to land, but only by applying such focus. I think there's truth in these viewpoints, but not the whole truth. So how do you successfully navigate the inner landscape? How do you create authentic miracles and magic?...

10821 Reads

The Process of Transformation from 3D to 5D Earth

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/16/2015 - 11:05

These are monumental times to be alive. A phenomenal shift in the consciousness of Gaia is taking place, to which all life on the planet is invited. At the culmination of 2012, she centred her consciousness in the Fifth Density giving birth to a New Paradigm. However, life here in the lower densities currently remains convoluted, intoxicated and poisonous. To the extent that if it continued, would risk the emergence of the New Paradigm and the future viability of successful co-creative harmony for all life on Earth. Thus a "Great Cleansing" is now necessary to secure the future of life on 5D Earth. A collapse mechanism of the old reality is just beginning. What will that likely entail?...

71477 Reads

Daily Inspiration for the Soul...7 ways to Innovate for Evolutionary Success

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 17:36

I think there's a huge misunderstanding about the purpose of the soul, and with that, life itself. I put it to you, that the soul is an expression of the One - of pure presence. And it's purpose is to actualise the One in every moment - as an expression. When you hit this sweet spot of life, without needing it to go a particular way, then you channel the enormity of the universal flow through you. It shapes things you couldn't possibly have previously imagined.

8008 Reads

Right Action and the Path of Light

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/06/2014 - 12:09

How do we create the lives that best serve us? We are still frequently being asked about our thoughts on manifestation: how do we create the lives that best serve us? From our perspective, in true authenticity, it is not a case of manifesting by mind led intention, rather we tune into our higher self, align with the natural energetic flow of the moment and simply allow creative "Right Action" to unfold as a natural expression of who we really are. So if you're not completely content with the circumstances of your life and you're interested in creating a more harmonious one, you might be interested in reading this point of view...

9039 Reads

Why being in the Spiritual Flow is the only way to truly Live

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 06:38

Making the choices of our higher self
Humanity's spiritual awakening is gathering at a pace. Many have awakened to the profound magic of Unity Consciousness - that cosmic energy which unites all. But what is the next step? Where do you go from there? It's all about learning to 'walk the path' by following your inner compass. So how exactly does that work? I've been consciously walking the path for a long time now and encountered many who're doing the same. Here's my sharing based on those direct experiences...

15927 Reads

"Living fully in the Now" - but what does that really mean?

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 06:33

Here's an interesting video of some Alan Watts philosphy. It offers a very powerful essay in living in the now; about how we're so often programmed in society to look to goals and aspirations ahead of us; so much so, we don't actually live in the moment, and what's worse, we don't fully engage with the moment. But I ask: why is it that so many people actually do strive for some future aspiration? Is it all negative, or is there something positive about it too?

10922 Reads

Our Immeasurable Power as 'Energy Workers'

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/19/2014 - 06:14

These are often difficult times for evolving people. We see what's going on and feel in our hearts the misalignment of humanity in so many ways. There's a natural tendency to want to fix the problems and bring mankind into a higher harmony. Indeed there are many thousands of people who've been seeded here by the Law of Attraction. Some will have a very obvious physical impact, whereas others have a different role. They see or feel the energy field to which humanity is connected. They have the inherent ability to bring their consciousness to bear in a particular situation, bring light into it and initiate realignment with the divine flow. If you're reading this, it's highly likely you are such an 'Energy Worker':

11505 Reads

The Great Realignment (part 3): Message in a Bottle

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/12/2014 - 16:52

I recently wrote about The Great Realignment that I see taking place now across our planet. It's about recognising the reharmonising force of nature that gathers when unjust, inequitable systems of consciousness are resisting the flow - like society has been doing for thousands of years. Some people asked "How can we best work with that realigning energy as it breaks the old consciousness down?" It's a vitally important question. If we can understand this universal breaking down process, then we'll understand a crucial aspects of our soul: that of true surrender, coupled with determination and will...

11585 Reads