
Whether we know it or not, reality is arrayed in multiple dimensions of consciousness and our lives are greatly influenced both positively and negatively by the various flows and interplays between them. There are benevolent energies and entities supporting our natural evolutionary unfolding and others intentionally retarding it. By becoming increasingly aware of these influences and sensitive to them, we're able to align ourselves more accurately with our destined evolutionary path and not get diverted down some blind alleyway.

Of course such etheric experiences are always dependent on the subjective perspective of the person experiencing them. These feelings are frequently abstract and challenging to rationalise. But they are a part of our lives and therefore of great benefit to understand and integrate from our own perspective.

Articles on Multidimensionality:

Group of 9 vs The Council of Nine: Powerful Field Unravellings

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/15/2024 - 05:24

When the Shift to 5D is complete, and those who've ascended look back on the twist and turn of events, we'll quietly pinch each other, and marvel at the dramas that have played out before our eyes - Shakespeare's pen will quiver! No other act could have impacted life on the planet more instrumentally than the entry of the Ascended Masters. When does benevolent intention become intervention?

685 Reads

Manifesting With Dragon Energy To Transform Our Lives

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 04:22

We're living in the year of the Dragon, within the Shift to 5D. But this is much more than just metaphorical mythology. Gaia has signaled her willingness to shed the old karmic construct. Her Torus is accelerating, as experienced by the increasingly freaky weather patterns. It's being amplified by the latest infusion of Dragon Energies. Embodying these, can provide massive alchemical quantum shifts in our lives. Here's how.

1087 Reads

Understanding the Nature of Dragon Energy and How to Embody It

Submitted by Open on Sat, 08/24/2024 - 06:42

You'd be forgiven for thinking that "Dragons" are merely mythological beasts of pure fantasy. They are not. They might best be considered as strong alchemical flows of quantum field energy, that souls of a particular nature have chosen to embody. They've become especially potent on the planet at this time to support the next phase of the Shift.

994 Reads

The Path of Ascension Across the 4D Karmic Plane is One of Absolution

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/30/2024 - 17:09

The stakes are heightening in the 5D Shift as Benevolence is turning the tables on the Shadow in the Matrix Simulation. If you're finding it easy and comfortable, you've either detached from the ascending flow, or not actually really begun. For those following the energy, they're being buffeted around by karma and intervention in the 4D. But with the strong mast of absolution, you will make it through.

955 Reads

What Advanced Civilisation Can Be Like: The Andromedan Connection

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/02/2024 - 15:57

It's becoming abundantly clear that here in the 3D/4D aspect of Gaia, we are living in a gross engineered simulation, designed to keep souls entrapped. When you consider it in detail, it's a dim shadow of what advanced, cosmic civilisation can truly be like - living in harmony with nature, and technology, that respects all life and liberates souls in the mutual journey of evolutionary freedom. Such is the nature of Andromedan civilisation. I'd say it's the pinnacle of what humanity can currently aim for.

990 Reads

Nordic Star Beings in Support of Humanity Crossing the Karmic Plane

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/07/2024 - 03:49

2024 will be a massive year as growing wave of humanity is invited to cross the karmic plane in the Great Earth Shift. As you process through your past lives, it will likely get very turbulent in all aspects of your life because you're breaking apart the very fabric of the Old Paradigm, inside yourself. There's much disruptive interference in the 4D astral layer. However, amongst other Star Being Nations, the "Nordics" are making themselves available to act in our support. Here's how.

1683 Reads

5D Ascension Shift: What Will The New 5D Paradigm Look Like?

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/30/2023 - 05:41

Imagine a World of interconnected frequencies of light dancing in harmony. Where you feel at peace, cherished and nurtured, with infinite possibility to express yourself and unfold the next highest version of you. Imagine a World where conflict has transformed into constructive confrontation to peel away that which doesn't serve, so as to find the next highest harmony. Imagine a place where there are always enough resources to be who you really are, and where fear and suffering have fallen away.

This is what it's like to live fully in 5D consciousness in the New Paradigm.
My only question is, why wait?

10266 Reads

Disclosure of Recalibration/Realliance of Intervention Energies around Ra

Submitted by Open on Sun, 11/19/2023 - 04:21

A dynamic I spoke about several years back in the book DIVINCUS, is that as we progress through the Shift and strip out various aspects of the Intervention Energies, that they would constantly recalibrate, forming new alliances and configurations. They'll keep shape-shifting until they're eventually gone or realigned to the light. So when the Annunaki Architects of the Matrix were recently healed and withdrew, it was always going to be necessary to observe how the shadow would recalibrate...

What might the new configuration have become? It's reconfiguring around the leadership of Ra.

1416 Reads

Working with the Solar Logos to Support our Evolutionary Shift to 5D

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/04/2023 - 05:04

The Main News of our Planet at this Historic Juncture is that we're sailing into a Grand Galactic Convergence of cosmic cycles that are progressively escalating their impact on all life here. At this time, too few are taking notice, due to the rampant distractions of a society gone crazy. But rather than ignoring the grand movement of celestial bodies like the Sun, the Solar Logos, we can positively work with them to activate and integrate soul, and most importantly, to restore orientation in our lives to provide meaning and purpose.

14486 Reads

Intervention: How the Moon has Impacted All Life on Earth

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/08/2023 - 04:02

I shared recently the 9 Astounding Facts that Prove the Moon is Artificial. It's now essential to explore deeper what the intentional effects are on Humanity and the Planet, so we can work to equalise with them and thereby mitigate them. The impact occurs on many levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. The ancients speak of a "Time before the Moon". Likewise, in meditation we can expand out and minimise the moon once more, by empowerment of our multidimensional being.

2979 Reads

The Human Merkabah: How Reality Creates in Spiral Dynamics

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/14/2023 - 06:08

It's high time an understanding of the Human Merkabah and how it creates reality begins to ripple through human consciousness. The lower self becomes a chalice for the higher faculties to cascade in, but then how we co-create with the divine becomes the fascinating part. The Universe manifests from spiral dynamics and so too does the Merkabah.

What does this mean in a practical sense?

1552 Reads