When Things Suddenly Break Down In The Shift: What To Do?

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/20/2025 - 05:27

I'm hearing from plenty of people right now that weird and deeply challenging things are happening to them, in a very physical way. The house burns down, for example; a sudden life-threatening illness; or a car crash that shocks to the bones. Often, there follows panic mode - how to fix them? But this can just make the situation worse. What we first need to understand, is why they happened. Why did WE manifest them?

Writing on The Wall

We're going through a powerful acceleration of The Shift, as new "Avalonia" energies work to transform the vibration of the planet. There's plenty of pushback by the shadow, that's manipulating the energy field to hold the old construct desperately in place, so as to roll out the final completion of their agenda.

I do believe the Shadow Intervention has seen the writing on the wall - that the emergence of new planetary energies cannot indefinitely be thwarted. However, they can retard them for a while, so as to further develop their Simulation to take it off-world. Hence their machinations have gone into overdrive.

What does this mean for evolving people?

Sudden Breakdowns Possible

With the Shift energies surging this way and that right now, it's going to be highly discombobulating at times. But here's the part that we really need to hoist on board:

Because the external reality is the product of how our energies are moving on the inside, if we're not fully integrating and smoothing the flows, then it can create crashes and turmoil in the outer. This includes the physical construct of your own body; or else often, it reflects into some breakdown in the 'house you live in' (which can also be a metaphor of wider circumstances in your life).

All too often, at this point, I witness experienced people suddenly abandon their spiritual approach to life and the journey. Often, panic mode ensues, trying to fix the circumstances so as to stabilise once more. If you find yourself in this place, I say that's counterproductive. Counterintuitive.

What best to do?

Get up to speed with leading-edge processing in The Shift

The Most Important Diagnosis of All

In the midst of these panic-creating situations, we must first pause, and breathe deeply. We must anchor in the Sacred Ground of Being, and ask the most important question of all:

"Why did I manifest it? What is it telling me?"

It's always going to be telling you about some internal blockage or dense, resistant consciousness. In what way might you have been ignoring the Shift energies, the signs and synchronicities, the writing on the wall?

Openhand has just returned from an epic, and historic, pilgrimage through the Jordanian Desert. Besides being a tremendously illuminating journey for all involved, it had a much wider significance...

Be inspired by Openhand's pilgrimage in The Jordanian Desert

The new infusing energies of Avalonia, emerging from the planetary Torus, have been getting stuck and blocked, due principally, to Intervention suppression technology through the 4D morphic field. It's all about working to release the natural flower of life, which they're blocking by enhancing the Earth's magnetic field.

So the essential work there, was to help open the planetary throat chakra, which was being retarded in the Aegean, and through the ancient megaliths of Egypt. But here's the main point for us all at a personal level:

They cannot block the flow indefinitely. The Avalonia energies are coupling up with crucial liberational transformation by the Sun; by key planetary alignments in our solar system; and also, most importantly, by alignment with the galactic current sheet - a highly activating electromagnetic belt.

That's why I say the breakthrough energies cannot ultimately be thwarted. There's a huge realigning force that's progressively building.

It's exactly why I encourage this Openhand Breakthrough Approach to any difficult life-changing circumstances.

Learn how to apply the Openhand Breakthrough Approach

When Past Life Karma is Activating

All too often, I've witnessed evolved people, suddenly whisked off to the hospital for invasive processes because of some 'mystery illness'. Which, most likely, can be put down to karma activating.

Yes, karma will most definitely manifest physical ailments and illnesses. Which the mainstream has no clue about. Let us first summon the courage to resist this immediate, knee-jerk reaction. Instead, breathe into the situation and work to activate the karma.

I recall being in Egypt with a group once, on pilgrimage. When one of the participants went into a sudden immobility, looking like a seizure of some kind. For some in the group, the immediate reaction was to rush him to the local hospital. But it was when he collapsed down on platform 4, under a clock showing 4pm, that we in the Team instantly knew - it was 4D karma activating.

So I encouraged him to breathe, to feel into it, and ease with it. Rather than rejecting it in panic mode. He was a warrior-soul, and so this he readily did. Now, almost immediately, the karma of Sirius emerged as a knowing, through visioning, and internal reactivity in the body. He'd been caught in the explosion there in a past life.

By easing him into and through the feelings, very quickly, he was once more able to move the deadened parts of his body - enough to be able to stand up and move around. Enough to be able to continue the journey, which ultimately processed through the karma, and eased the situation. He healed through it.

It's an important example. Because had we gone down the mainstream route, as so often people do, the karma would not have been processed. Worse still, it then likely gets locked in place, with more layers heaped on top, by the mainstream practices.

"Show Me!"

We are amidst a phenomenal transformation of planetary energies imaginable. Please hoist that on board. It means drastic situations and circumstances will likely happen to you at times, as the energies work to break through old karmic density. This is where we must catch ourselves in any knee-jerk reactivity. This is where the spiritual practices become paramount, and must lead the way.

Work always to understand why you created the situations. Own them. Ask, "Show me!" If you breathe and give it time, the signs will surely reflect. Then all you have to do is equalise with the activating karma - soften steadily through. Then the new emergence of soul energies, will have you as right as rain in no time. You'll set sail once more, toward the dawning of a bright new phase in your journey.

Intrigued by the Openhand Approach?
If what I've shared intrigues you and makes important sense, then explore further the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It was crafted to meet these times of great change and transformation - to help you successfully sail through:

Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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Hi Open,

The person you refer to in the example above has connected with me and wishes to share a realization because he feels it emphasizes the point you are making.

He now realizes he totally missed the real opportunity created in Egypt. When Sirius exploded and he was offered transhumanism he accepted because he was told he'd be good as new. But he wasn't. That carried over into this lifetime with surgeries and replacement parts that were supposed to make him good as new. They did not and instead created a lot of chronic physical pain.

Everytime something went wrong physically in this lifetime he looked to medical intervention (his words) to fix him. And even when nothing was wrong he subjected himself to testing to prove nothing was wrong. He now realizes the whole point of the Egypt experience was so he could finally learn to say no more and turn his back on medical intervention for good. As powerful as the Egypt experience was, he totally missed this and went back to his old behaviors. And his denseness (his words) led to his transition from a routine medical test undertaken to prove nothing was wrong. And what really irks him is on his death certificate it's recorded he died of natural causes.

Ann πŸ™

In reply to by Ann B


It's a powerful insight Ann - thanks for sharing. For anyone else slightly perplexed, we're referring to someone who passed on, within the Openhand community, after a fairly basic medical process.

It's important we raise this, because even now, with people who're experienced on the path, when something 'physical' happens to them (an apparent problem with the heart for example), they'll immediately rush off to the medical services without first considering if it could be karma.

I accept there will be certain situations and circumstances where you might go the mainstream route. But I can tell you, that speaking personally, other than bones breaking or something like that, I can't imagine I'd ever subject myself to treatment in the mainstream.

What happened with John, above, was tragic and astounding - a basic process that caused him to bleed to death internally.

It was a tragic waste, and sad loss.

<<< Open πŸ’Ž


20/03/2025 Shift Insight - When The Shift Hits the Fan!

We're going through a new essential phase in the Shift, where the energies of Avalonia (the New Paradigm) are working to break through. They're being thwarted at times, by Intervention energies blocking the field with technology - which accounts for some of the freaky weather we're experiencing.

But the most important thing to realise, is that these turbulent energies will impact internally. A new mysterious illness manifests, the house burns down, or some other, equally dramatic, situation occurs. At this point, it's essential we catch ourselves. All-too-often I see evolving people suddenly dump their spiritual practices and head off for the nearest emergency centre. Sadly, they're often falsely diagnosed and mistreated. Because in many circumstances, it's karma that's activating - which we can readily work through, when we know how.

Hence, I share this article above today, which is an overview of how the planetary energies are moving, how these might be impacting your life circumstances, and how best to work through.

Do share your own situations and challenges. Let's bring greater illumination.

Much love
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Since our trip to the birthing chambers in Jordan, I have been unable to tolerate any food or liquid, with it passing straight through me very quickly, accompanied by pain on reaching the stomach. I have found the only thing I can tolerate is vegetable broth. Since there was a DNA activation in the chambers, I feel it could be an integration happening but I am now holding the space for consideration of something karmic.


Nikki πŸ™βœ¨

In reply to by NikkiNoo


Hi Nikki,

My immediate sense of that is it's likely a dietary reset - to detox and cleanse the old. Have you considered fasting with it?

Well wishes
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Funnily enough I had the feeling to fast after being at the chambers that day but only employed intermittent fasting. I’ll fast now until it feels right to eat again. Thanks for the insight πŸ™