Understanding the Nature of Dragon Energy and How to Embody It
You'd be forgiven for thinking that "Dragons" are merely mythological beasts of pure fantasy. They are not. They might best be considered as strong alchemical flows of quantum field energy, that souls of a particular nature have chosen to embody. They've become especially potent on the planet at this time to support the next phase of the Shift. So what exactly is the nature of Dragon energy, and in this year of the Dragon, how can you best embody it for maximum alchemical influence in your life?
Alchemical Upliftment
The best way to consider Dragon Energy is as an alchemical amplification of what currently exists. That could be, for example, an amplification of your own field, or it could be within the energetics of the wider field. So let's say you could benefit from more creative flow in your life, with direction, meaning and purpose, then you could call on Dragon Energy to support that inspiration.
Beware though, Dragon Energy will amplify everything - so where there is still shadow, it will amplify that too. Hence it requires great internal clarity and coherence if the energy is not to enfold you in density.
I've experienced Dragon as highly active and necessary at this juncture in the Shift. The Intervention Simulation has embedded itself across the breadth of the planet, and continues to angle and adjust for complete takeover. It's done so by retarding the natural flower of life, both within humanity and Gaia herself - through the application of sophisticated technology, now augmented by AI.
Stay up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...
I've recently returned from a pilgrimage in Tibet, including a stay at Everest Base Camp - you can see the tentacles of the simulation reaching far into the mountains, yet in the face of this, the Dragon energies are resurgent.
Many alternative commentators see the simulation takeover as already complete, but this is far from accurate and ignores the tremendous transformational shifts going on at the underlying quantum field level - such as the reactivation of the Dragon Leylines in recent times. Check this Openhand insight here...
Activation of the Dragon Leylines; Reclamation of the Crown Chakra
Reactivation of the Dragon Leylines
One of the ways in which we're being spoken to about the underlying movements of the field, and of the Grand Galactic Convergence we're moving into, is through the phenomenon of the crop circles. They're an interdimensional intuitive communication mechanism - as you engage with them, and open your consciousness in contemplation, then guidance can speak through you.
Such as this one, which appeared in this season of 2024. Breathe, feel, how might it speak into your process right now?...
In recent times, the crop circle phenomenon has been greatly interferred with by Intervention energies, such as the Tall Whites, convoluting the field so that the necessary bridges can't be formed. But this year, we've witnessed three authentic ones that have been created by a new Star Being group - the Lyran Dragon energies. The latest of which, appeared right at the opening of the Lion's Gate portal this August, and in a location that had been 'marked' by an Openhand facilitator group.
I sat in the crop circle and felt the infusion of clear, creative and highly alchemical energy - which is the nature of this Lyran Dragon Energy, come to reanimate the higher frequencies of Gaia's Torus, so that the infusions may invigorate her life force.
On the way there, it was overcast, grey and raining. I had the intuitive feeling that reactivated Dragon Energy on the planet was expressing grief - at the misappropriation of its energy through history by the dark side - by black magicians. Dragon energy needs to express and create - it doesn't sit quietly in peacefulness. And so if a construct is created that expresses this energy, it will come active, but the boundaries of action are easy to blur, and so it can be misdirected down distorted acts of creativity - misappropriation of kundalini energies.
Consider, for example, the wonder of aligned sexual intimacy - the alchemy of the energy it creates. But because of its highly stimulating and addictive nature, if not properly contained and expressed, then it can lead to distorted expression such as porn. It's a related example as to how Dragon Energy on the planet has been waylaid - and exactly why it has predominantly shut itself down.
Now the energy is opening up once more - through the necessity of the predicament we face. Hence the grief I felt in the field, due to the aeons of malpractice. But now, with these aligned Dragon energies from Lyra infusing, and due to the strong steering force of the Grand Galactic Convergence of energies, plus the grounding of coherent and aligned Draconian energies in the physical density, it's a strong mix to encourage aligned expression of Earth Dragon energies. It's for sure a potent mix for reactivation.
Having recognised the pain and grief of the misappropriated Dragon Energy, and empathised with it, by the time I got to the centre of the crop circle, the rain had stopped, the sun came out, and you could positively feel the Dragons dancing in the heavens.
7 Ways to Embody Dragon Energy
How might we each work with this activating Dragon Energy for maximum upliftment?
Here are 7 ways to work with Dragon Energy...
1) First and foremost, make sure you're anchoring in the Sacred Ground of your inner Torus - the still presence. Be sure that this is your essential orientation and anchoring: The Sacred Ground of Being
2) Now begin to experiment and play with creativity in your life - either through creative flows of expression, or actually making creations
3) Apply strong breath and bodywork to animate and strengthen your kundalini flow
4) Work on inner purity of diet, and emotional/mental behaviour. Carefully limit social media so as not to infuse addictive behaviour that Dragon energy can fuel
5) Work in nature to connect creative feedback loops with your environment - through the clouds for example, and other elements, such as fire, water and earth - how does it want to speak to you?
6) Create the space for maximum flexibility, innovation and spontaneity - Dragon likes fast flows that create from the alchemy of the unknown
7) Pilgrimage to locations of high energy, with strong alchemical sensations. Anchor the energies with stone and crystal. Work with the crystals to keep connecting with the energies.
In the Openhand Work right now, we're incorporating a new form of Dragon Breathing into our Himalayan Bow, so as to embody and capitalise on this infusing Dragon Energy. What you'll find, is that your creative endeavours are greatly amplified by the Dragon.
Healing the Wounded Dragon
Here is an Openhand video, produced some while ago, that speaks into healing the Wounded Dragon in each of us. Its purpose is to help you forge inner coherency, especially in the areas where Dragon Energy can come active...
Bring On the Dragons!
Be aware, Dragon Energy will likely animate your distortions - especially addictive behaviours and excessive consumption. It's because the activated energy needs to be met. And so to embody it accurately, you've got to work on your inner clarity and purity. You'll need to be disciplined to disconnect from it, and go back into stillness. Learn then the skill of activating the Dragon Energy, but also calming it. Thus you can "train" the Dragon energies that might be wanting to work with you.
Especially if you've been doing this strong inner work, and are disciplined in your approach, I would definitely encourage you to work with these energies, because they can greatly enhance your life and your creative flow. And they are resurgent on the planet at this crucial juncture.
I find Dragon energy infusing into the planet right now is a welcome breath of fresh air. The Dragon leylines are reactivating which is reanimating the Toroidal flow - strengthening individual kundalini energy. It's a potent mix for sure, and the perfect antidote to the highly limiting simulation. We can be thankful for it. The time has come to begin to sweep away the simulation, and there is no better energy to instigate that welcome shift.
Bring on the Dragons!
Did You Resonate?
If you'd feel to develop your consciousness so as to be able to better master these highly alchemical energies, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand:
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
Lyran Dragon Energy Breaking Through Simulation Intervention ๐
19/12/24 Shift Insight: Overcome Tall White 'Tagging'
We've been talking here on Openhand of late, how the Tall Whites are applying AI to derail the natural path of the soul. They're using a "tagging" mechanism, whereby if you engage in the Simulation with programmed and predictable behaviours, or you trigger on key pre-planned reactions (like watching some AI-created videos), then your consciousness 'spikes' in the field. They then use an energetic tagging mechanism, that forms hooks into your field, which they can now pull and manipulate - diverting perceptions and desires. Dastardly indeed!!
But where there's a will, with awareness, there's always a way to break it down. There just needs to be the commitment to do so.

Here are 7 Ways to Overcome Tall White 'Tagging' in the Simulation:
1) Firstly, making sure your day to day activity is as variable and spontaneous as possible. Yes, I do understands people have appointments and schedules to make (for work etc), but you can still change your behaviours and flow in small ways. You can pause at key moments, breathe and open up.
2) Secondly, chakra attunement is an important meditation practice, to keep clearing and opening the chakras.
3) Sauna and cold plunging, together with meditation, helps you infuse your bodily field more fully.
4) Deep consciousness bodywork is also essential to ensure full infusion of soul through the body - including brisk walking in nature.
5) Purifying the diet to a high vibrational, plant-based one, is also paramount. It helps keep your vibration coherent.
6) Getting to know yourself more as a free flow of energy, rather than a static identity is also essential, both to the path, and to be more resistant to this intervention 'tagging'.
7) Finally, when you're applying all of the above, I've found calling in Lyran Dragon Energy (which for me anchors well with the crystal Amythyst), is another great method of clearing one's field.
(Get to know more about working with Dragon Energy by scrolling to the article above.)
These are highly transformational times, and we need to make sure we're 'on our toes' with awareness and flexibility. Especially as we move into the Festive Season.
Go well.
Go free!
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
Getting to know the Dragon
I really like the Dragon exploration๐ it's been really good to read and get reflections. Honestly I can still get quite triggered when this energy is expressed to me, but I'm more and more able to sit in its effect or to follow its tempo, and thus more able to embody it myself. For some months different types of dragons came in dreams, as they seem come every time when I start to open in the base (the reflection about taking myself repeatedly out of the grounding process has been very valuable, and my understanding of the scope of this deepened a lot). Even though I experienced myself for a long time as "empath", it's definitely not all there is and it's exciting to experience and slowly embody other aspects and give those space, working through judgements and suppression of Dragon energy.
The Challenges of Riding Dragon Energy With Empathy
05/09/2024 Shift Update: Empathy & The Dragon
Dear Megha & Ann, indeed, the Dragon is training you! I recognise this dynamic ever so well from my own journey. I am a Dragon soul.
The challenge of coming into this plane as that alchemical catalytic energy, is that it feels incredibly amazing, and the antidote to all the nonsense happening here - Dragon blazes a trail. HOWEVER, that becomes exhausting where you keep your 'foot on the accelerator' - at all levels. The 4D energy body feels it most of all, and easily becomes depleted. But also that ripples into mind, emotions and physical body. Riding this energy can quickly wash you out, until the lower being is forged to embody it.
What's not understood about Dragon, is that it's highly empathic too. That's what makes it such a good catalyst - because it readily meets the challenge the other is facing and quickly engages the energy of their density. It knows and acts instantaneously, without regret or remorse - because it's always seeing the higher picture and purpose. But this is hard for a human to embody - and especially too a Pleiadian-type soul. Because the catalysis of density, especially in others, fires the emotions and makes high demands on the sense of compassion, due to the triggering of those in the field around you.
So, the empathic nature needs to take on a different quality to it. It's like you dart in, act (from compassion but catalytically), and then withdraw. The point being: you only catalyse where "knowing" tells you so. You're acting spontaneously from 5D - which takes the embodiment of an enormous amount of courage and selfless, but expressive, commitment: you're accepting the risk of exploding the field. The point being, you're only acting where you know the higher self in the other is asking you to undertake the catalytic action - even though their lower self might react negatively on the surface. But then, crucially, the Dragon doesn't get embroiled in the lower emotionality. If there is emotionality on the part of the other that you've catalysed, the Dragon knows it's delivered rightness, but invites the other to own their triggering - and withdraws emotionally, so as not to get embroiled - otherwise it "loses its wings!"
You need to be aware you will get judged this way (by people around you). And unfairly, unjustly. But Dragon doesn't worry about this. Because its focus is on the fulfilment of the bigger divine picture, and the benevolence of that. It's also why Dragon tends to be a loner.
So the Dragon darts in, and out, in this way.
And I know that for a human soul, or Pleiadian especially, that's how an accompanying Dragon would work with you - would train you. The Dragon would come through and amplify that catalytic action with you, but then just as quickly withdraw.
It's an exhilarating ride for sure. And it's exactly what the planet needs right now. The more people that can understand and ride it, the better. But to be sure, it is not easy to ride, is much misunderstood, and requires a high degree of mastery to fulfil. Go for it - dive right in (but then pull out again!).
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
Creating opportunity
In reply to The Challenges of Riding Dragon Energy With Empathy by Open
Gratefully at this point my dragon is calling all the shots and my role is just to experience and learn. And I'm even more grateful that even though it immediately withdraws, it leaves some type of energetic shield is the best way I can describe it, so that I don't absorb into my field the projectional emotions it has triggered. When you talk about the key is not for the dragon the get embroiled in the lower emotionality, I can say as a high empath that's almost impossible and could easily lead to regret and remorse. So it is absolutely fabulous to have a dragon as a partner who understands and has a way to navigate through. At this point, I don't see my dragon every showing up as strongly as yours because my energy configuration is so different. But from what I've witnessed so far, I feel it will just be different not less effective.
Also I have a strong sense, and this just dropped in this morning, that my dragon is not only training me but together we are training the Pleiadian group I have a contract with. By helping me to embody this energy without losing my sense of self, and me allowing it to happen without hesitation, it is also showing the group how it can be beneficial and synergystic to let other frequencies in (as with the Nordics) so as to soften the edges around their attachment to purity of frequency.
Creating your own blend of Dragon Energy
In reply to Creating opportunity by Ann B
This sounds brilliant Ann - and of course, there's no suggestion that you should completely shift from the Pleiadian energy - not at all. As you're clearly on course with, it's about how to integrate one into the other. Then you get your own special mix!!
I'll be fascinated to witness what that looks like.
<<< Open ๐
Dragon energy with acceptance
In reply to The Challenges of Riding Dragon Energy With Empathy by Open
Integrating the dragon energy with empathy. What I see a dynamic within myself is that the dragon energy can readily become attached to the outcome amd thus lose its purity. With that comes a descend into negative vibrations which is subtle and not easily detectable in some cases. It gets easily overriden with the strong energy expressing itself. The vision of the outcome plays a huge part in firing up this energy and thus if its let go , then passion , drive and motivation seems missing. So its a conondrum to stay motivated to keep expressing the energy yet know that its actually not about the outcome but alignment of the expression itself. The mind can easily crystalise around the vision , create stories which may not be in the flow. So there is active attention in knowing the bigger picture through the expression and thus come from right action and flow. It also makes it easier to know when to take the foot from the gas pedal and simply enjoy the game.
Sonce majority is not oriented in this way, its easy to descend into self doubt when the right reflections are not there. But when there is reflections , a feeling , knowing , realisation or synchronicty , there is resting in the stillness..
Vimal ๐
not owning the dragon
In reply to Dragon energy with acceptance by Vimal
This is brilliantly expressed, Vimal. So synchronous. I just experienced a massive surge in Dragon energy, clear as night and day. And yet, through it, there was the ego mind on the fringes, trying to own the experience.
I think this level of awareness is such a good thing, a navigational tool. Great post.
The Soul Ray Frequencies of Dragon Energy
In reply to Dragon energy with acceptance by Vimal
With respect Vimal, that doesn't sound like Dragon Energy you're really connecting with just yet - or if it is, then it's flashing in and out.
Here below, I'm speaking mainly of higher dimensional "Air Dragon", as opposed to, let's say, lower dimensional "Elemental Dragon".
Dragon Energy does not attach to an outcome. It is a flow of quantum field energy that is all about transformation. Its 'pleasure' is in witnessing change, in relation, and aligned with, the much bigger picture. It doesn't have the time, nor really the patience, to be engaged in the minutiae.
Dragon doesn't have a "vision of an outcome" - because that's hugely limiting to its expression and flow. It merely expresses, in line with the movement it can feel.
Purity of action is retained by non-investment. And there is a strong orientation to sovereignty - which overrides excessive empathy.
Likewise, the energy tends to prefer its own company, rather than community (unless it's an evolved community). Because it is often much misunderstood, and can find the emotional projections of others distracting and tiring.
Dragon Energy is a particular harmonic of the 9-Rays (attached below). Ray 7 is the strongest, backed closely by a strong Ray 1. There is a good level of Ray 2 empathy, but this is also counterbalanced by a strong Ray 6 - but not so much from the yearning to be a spiritual guide, but that of sovereignty. I would say Ray 4, 8 and 9 are very quietened, and need to be, so as not to form fixed relational attachments. There's also a good resonance of Ray 3, but more from the shamanic, interpretational frequency.
Dragon Energy is not going to work through you, if there's too much investment in the lower physical/emotional/mental, or if there's not yet been enough internal integration. Otherwise it would tend to throw the being into a tailspin, and be very destabilising.
So let catalytic action break things down in life, and work to integrate past attachments. That doesn't mean not to empathise, because empathic connection is also essential. It's being in the experiences, but working to be dissociated from them. It will require a high level of mastery of self, coherency and integration, through all regular aspects of life, in order to be able to embody this energy.
For this reason, if one isn't specifically of that orientation, it is best consumed in measured amounts. Recognise it's not necessarily for everyone, but everyone can benefit from it.
Well wishes
<<< Open ๐
With withdraw
In reply to The Challenges of Riding Dragon Energy With Empathy by Open
Riding the energy of these power animals or archetypes to deliver a truth or act, itโs crucial to dissolve any attachment afterwards. If identity forms around further association, weโre at the mercy of entities that then mimic the expression of that energy to deliver distortion, usually a position or attitude in the cosmic drama, that power plays others and feeds off the differential. Itโs like Frodo Baggins with the Ring, ego self tasted power, status, perfection, for one moment and gets hooked, needy. Then a subtle veil essentially holds all parties in bondage, itโs a falling back into some collective malaise, a group think of some form. Or individually itโs a soulless automaton, even if only momentarily. Thereโs a fine line maintaining full sovereignty especially belonging to community. I remember you intimating this theme sometime ago Open. Throw it away, throw it all away. There's always more to come!
On Dragon Energy - negating the ego of power plays
In reply to With withdraw by Starsky (not verified)
This is well said Starsky - a great deal expressed accurately, in a short amount of words.
Yes, power plays can become a gross distortion - pure Dragon Energy knows that power (over others) becomes attachment (to others) - and that limits its freedom of expression. It's simply not worth the cost, to lose the freedom of action.
I witness a lot of communities get limited this way. It's why this one has naturally fragmented a good few times, as new expressions and iterations come through.
And yes, there's always plenty more to come!
<<< Open ๐
A Plaedian feeling the Dragon ?
Dear Open ,
Itโs a bit strange that I very much resonate with rising dragon energy despite having deeply empathic nature . It feels feral within me and its been let loose after the dramatic dissolution of my marriage . I am in several very creative and innovative projects and helping many others to actualise the same.This is addition to a very on-the-edge-of-life-and-death job . I LOVE IT !
The Bow is my central practice to process all the energy for me and yes I have to be mindful of my capacity or I will crash severely.I am also confronting within relationship my neediness and projection of inner childhood wounds and recognising how they take away power.
Power seems to be the central theme here . I am also very mindful of how it brings up kundalini energies including sexual energies and I find I am a bit afraid of not misusing that power .
I find I seem to be rather adept at creatively weaving all these aspects in my life . I am currently exploring embodiment practices in depth as I need to ground this energy - that what my central thought is. For some reason I have started training with weights and there seems to be a strong urge to move the body ,feed it better food ,fast a lot more and confront my cravings much more urgently than before . Many things seem to be just โ happening โ and the road seems to be just coming together for me to walk it .
Itโs quite amazing .
Deep Bow to the Openhand Family . Hope to see you in pilgrimage in India soon .
Learning to Ride Your Dragon Energy ๐
03/09/2024 Shift Update: Dragon Energy
I'm speaking to plenty of Openhanders personally now, many of whom are experiencing these strong infusions of Dragon Energy. It's certainly a beautiful energy to ride: it's strong, alchemical, creative, it flows, dances and weaves. You feel it surging through you with power and joy - dancing in the heavens, but at the same time, you're finding new gears of engagement here in the 3D. There's new energy, vivacity, courage, conviction and determination.
But you have to be careful riding this energy for extended periods of time too. The Dragon must learn to rest, step back, pause and take some time out too. Or else it can lead to exhaustion and even burnout.
I'm also hearing from one or two people with strong Pleiadian energies that the Dragon is not so easy to raise. I would say that's because it's quite an anathema to Pleiadian energy, due to its strong catalysis. It's not one to get stuck in empathising with the surrounding field - it can definitely feel what's going on around it, yes. However, it tends to burn a path, blaze a trail, right through. So for someone of Pleiaidan orientation, it's going to need increased boundaries on the empathic/emotional area, so as to be able to infuse this energy and ride it.
I find the Dragon loves to play, to explore, to adventure. So it will hit the accelerator in "play time" too. Here you've got to boundary the energy to some degree aswell. Make sure it doesn't go over the top. This is where discipline, and simply sitting back for some deep breathing comes into play.
Energy workers I'm connecting with are also feeling the Dragon Leylines activating now, in all parts of the world. Which is another great sign in the Shift of planetary energies, and how this is going to feed into the shift in balance of power on the planet. Let's see how Dragon "turns over the tables in the temple" - that's the phrase that springs to mind!
Just as an amusing anecdote, I felt to share this clip from, How To Train Your Dragon, for anyone recognising the challenges of riding this powerful and playful energy. It's a metaphor for the challenges you might be facing. But do stick with it, because it's definitely worth it in the end!...
I wish you well in learning to ride your Dragon!
PS - do share your experiences and feedback, I'll happily provide a reflective illumination.
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
My dragon is training me
In reply to Learning to Ride Your Dragon Energy ๐ by Open
My dragon is showing up in probably a much less intense way than for most. It's helping me to set boundaries, draw a line in the sand and say no. All things that with my strong pleiadian energies are very difficult for me on my own. It comes out spontaneously, lightening quick in a very aligned way when it deems a boundary has been crossed. Then it retracts just as quickly. Each time the whole process start to finish happens so fast I don't have time to get in my head and second guess whether or not to let it come out. It seems like it's training me on how and when to use this energy. Maybe it will show up in more ways as time goes on, maybe not. For me, right now, it's a very welcome energy and I'm enjoying the journey of getting to know and work with it.
The Challenge of Embodying Dragon Energy
Dragon Energy can be a real challenge to embody, but incredible when you do. So I felt to share what I consider the key challenge of it.
As always, the greatest gift is where distortion can readily manifest.
Dragon Energy is highly active and creative - constantly expressing to transform the field and surroundings. However, especially in this density, not everything or everyone will transform at the speed of Dragon, which can get frustrating. The question then is, "where to put all that energy?"
Somehow, the energy has to be met. And this is where distorted behaviours of consumption and then addiction can readily kick in. Or else the being slips into exhaustion.
Firstly then, it's essential to build discipline in the expression of Dragon Energy. We must be mindful of boundaries of expression - when to tone the energy down or channel it into more gentle creative arts. Bodywork is essential for consuming and channeling any excess energy. Bringing the energies more into the core of the Torus is necessary at times too. I find it's like being a surfer, watching for the ideal wave to ride, but then quickly receding back into the stillness once the wave has gone.
Dragon Energy requires denser foods, that require some degree of digestion - I find salad with denser pulses good in this regard. The salad is cooling and requires plenty of chewing, while the pulses, chickpeas and beans etc, anchor down to some degree in the stomach.
Dragon Energy needs to measure stimulants like caffeine very carefully. Caffeine will amplify the expression of Dragon Energy, but if consumed too much, becomes ungrounding, jittery, until there's the plummet into tiredness and exhaustion.
It's a challenging energy to embody for sure - which requires a great deal of inner purification, discipline and careful self-witnessing so as to stay aligned and on the path. But when in the flow of the Dragon, it's a totally magical and supreme experience.
I'm intrigued Openhanders, what are your experiences? Do you recognise this energy and how does it sit with you?
Well wishes
<<< Open ๐
Working with dragon energy
In reply to The Challenge of Embodying Dragon Energy by Open
Hi Open,
Its nice to have a perspective on what I'm experiencing. I feel the dragaon energy wanting to be met and how sometimes it can slip into distorted expression. The surfer waiting for the ideal wave make sense - its like holding the energy within and channeling it into most rightful expression. I think its also fine to slip into distorted behaviours if we are being aware of it happening and how it leads into exhaustion. And in time we are able to channel it positively. It can also illuminate shadow and bring it to the surface. Connection with nature and yoga greatly helps in grounding the energy. Another thing that helps me is singing.
Vimal ๐
Love the photos!
In reply to The Challenge of Embodying Dragon Energy by Open
When the empath is ready, the dragon will arrive ๐
Hi Open,Well I've been doingโฆ
Hi Open,
Well I've been doing the wounded dragon meditation for past few days to deal with intense father wounds that have been triggered up, and I'm delighted by the results so far. I'm feeling more grounded and steady, and sitting this morning I was able to get deeper into stillness and SGOB. I noticed how the pain I habitually carry receded and it felt right in my body, relaxed. When a trigger happened and I let myself get pulled out I gently brought myself back to center and despite urge to avoid, I stayed still and watched my reactions. I noticed how the trigger caused a flare of pain in my 'bum' knee, which was proof to me most of my pain is emotional reaction and attachment. I've also noticed despite anxiety and anger I had the will to go outside for some connection with Gaia despite challenging people being around. I can see so much clearer how my energy attracts my circumstances. I'm better able to keep the anger at bay and stay focussed. Not fully there yet but I'm feeling the foundation being laid. The anger is gone today replaced by excitement and determination to stay this path of inner and outer healing. Because of the wounded dragon (and the multidimensional) meditation, and working through the memories with the bow, I'm really starting to believe I can do it. I actually feel like I've made progress when I thought i hadn't. It helps to keep reminding myself that it's all a part of it and not failure as long as I stay present and aware. Being easy on myself is important, as I carry a lot of shame from past behaviours. Reminding myself I'm not to blame and that those behaviours are not who I am but came from unconscious drives to fulfill unmet needs has been crucial. Acceptance is indeed vitally important. Reminding myself I'm the observer is changing things too and slowly helping me separate from my attachments to my habitual distortions and dramas. When I went out today a van past by with the words 'Iron Will' on it. Dragon energy is helping me embody that! I will have to keep diving in the muck to find my pieces, but now I know dragon will help fly me back out, and then burn me clean. Thanks for the guidance, motivation and upliftment! The video is so helpful! Very much appreciated as always. And very much looking forward to learning this new breath! Blessings and deep gratitude to you. barb ๐
PS Ive also noticed that I'm starting to feel again. Like I used to, when I could look at anything and get a deeper sense of it, and how alive that makes me feel. How amazing it is to be alive! I was feeling grossed out recently after touching some fruit fly eggs but then explored it. What's so gross about life? So I brought my consciousness to the eggs and oh wow! The joyful anticipation, the simple ecstatic thrill of emerging from the husk! "I'm alive!" We assume insects feel nothing but I don't believe that anymore, all life is precious! ๐
Healing the Wounded Dragon Meditation
In reply to Hi Open,Well I've been doingโฆ by sylvanheart
Stunning Lyran Dragon Energy Crop Circle Experience
I headed to Avebury this weekend, to help animate the Dragon Leyline energies I'd felt in Tibet. The day began overcast and raining heavily - I felt the grief and the sadness of the Dragon energies that felt they'd been waylaid and misappropriated over the aeons by Black Magicians here. As I explained in my new article above, Dragon Energy is so highly alchemical that it can be readily misdirected and needs some strong degree of discipline to contain.

I was stunned to discover the crop circle was still there, even though it had appeared a couple of weeks earlier at the opening of the Lion's Gate portal. There it was, still in its majesty, in the field right in front of the Lion monument where the Openhand Facilitators had gathered at back in July - where we felt and anchored a strong infusion of energy.
Even though the crop circle had been there a couple of weeks, the energy was still very much present. It felt clear, activational, and even playful. It's a wonderful testament to the quantum energy feedback loops the facilitators worked to create.

Well done everyone!
<<< Open ๐
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