How to Alchemise Any Typical Day in the Shift: 7 Rituals

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/29/2024 - 04:42

It's becoming increasingly clear that the "Shadow Simulation" is weakening. However, it's grasp still reaches far and wide through society. It's weakening and we can break through, but it must be a constant daily practice to access the higher alchemy of light. There's a much bigger possibility available to us. It's an energy we can harness, right from the beginning of the day, and channel into our lives for maximum upliftment, sense of purpose, and transformative alchemy. It all begins with your daily rituals. Let's explore.

Discovering Your Soul's Why?

There's no doubt about it, with the best will in the world, there'll be times when you wake up in the morning and struggle with motivation for the day. Maybe you do need some more rest - which I would suggest must come from more relaxation throughout the day, rather than necessarily more sleep: learning how to deeply relax, and completely letting go, for ten minutes or so, as if you were about to pass on. I find you can get much more from that, than several hours of regular sleep.

However, if you're still finding motivation a problem, then it's essential to discover your soul's "Why?" What's driving your soul? When you realise this, then it becomes possible to align with it, and amplify the nature of it, no matter what your day entails - especially, and including, the "day job".

I put it to you that what the soul is doing, is working to actualise itself - to bring the divine into being, in any given moment, and in your own unique way. This is what often fools the "non-duality" movement. Yes, we're living in an interconnected Universe. But your soul is unique - without "you" in relation to everything and everyone else, then there is no experience. It's a falsehood that's denying the relativity of the Universe. It leads ultimately to inertia and lack of fulfillment. And it only connects you into a disconnected bubble state, rather than the true source of infinite potential.

So get to know your soul, as much as possible, by self-witnessing, honouring, and expressing your uniqueness. What makes you feel plain "right"? But also, what's calling you to push on your boundaries, to feel and express more? Maybe it's in relationships; or creativity; deepening your meditations; or honouring the feedback loops with the Universe more; maybe it's witnessing the bigger picture of the Shift and realising there's a much bigger game at play here, to which you are an invaluable part.

All of this is going to enhance the sense of meaning and purpose in your life. It provides the possibility for you to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Gain leading-edge insights, from the frontline of the Shift...

Daily Rituals to Kickstart Your Day

Whatever is going on for me that particular day, I always begin with connectivity rituals - that vary, but have common themes:

1) Some moments breathing and amplifying my connection into the Source
2) Self-witnessing and honouring this incredible existence of being
3) Feeling the movement and expression of soul
4) Going out into the garden and connecting barefoot with the lawn; connecting with the trees, plants, flowers, birds and elementals
5) Stretching and moving the body
6) I honour the multidimensional Team that I know is supporting me, and welcome them by name into my day
7) Watching for the synchronistic feedback loops - a feather that lands in your footsteps that says, "we see you, we're with you".

I find that by having daily rituals like this, the day gears up quickly, in a way that has sense of meaning, purpose and commitment. Now I'm ready for whatever the day will bring.

Ready for Alchemy

After these daily rituals, I'm ready to "alchemise" life: How can I take the ordinary and make it extraordinary?

That could be simply how I view and feel it. But also, especially, by appreciating the bigger landscape we're moving through as a planet. If you know you're a part of the Shift, and keep tuning into that, then your life will always have a bigger meaning than the smallness and limitation of the simulation.

The simulation wants to pull you in - it's designed to do that, at every twist and turn, with the latest app, the latest drama, the latest storm-in-a-teacup nonsense. So definitely DO NOT begin your day that way!

Make sure you know the simulation in order to escape from it

You and Your Part in the Bigger Picture

Even though the internet is awash with this storm-in-a-teacup drama, make sure you have your sites of upliftment; but also, those that do tune you into the bigger picture - what's going on with the galaxy, the sun, the volcanoes, etc?

Knowing the bigger picture of the Shift is utterly essential - because it prepares your consciousness for transcendence: what's the point in playing my life so small? There's much more out there, which I can reach by going deeper within. I can discover my part as a member of the galactic family of light. What other beings have come to support the Shift? What about the Pleiadians, the Andromedans or Arcturians for example? What do I notice as frequencies of light and reflection - of animations that bring new qualities to my being?

There is a whole array of multidimensional beings that are gathering around us in the Shift, reaching out in support right now. But they're not going to overwhelm by necessarily appearing right in front of you. That risks overriding soul sovereignty. They're here to support you becoming YOU. The real YOU. Because this is the antidote to the limitation of the simulation. Here at Openhand, we make it our business to tune into these energies, like for example, the new Lyran "Dragon" energies that are infusing our planet.

But to be clear, it's all about activating new frequencies in you. Because this will unravel you from the simulation and align your trajectory with the Shift.

Check the new Lyran Energies Here

The Power Is Yours

So how will you now begin your day tomorrow?
How will you transform your day today?

It's all a matter of choice, and the power is all in your hands. Let's lift our heads up from the simulation sidewalk and into the heavens above. Then every single moment of our lives will become extraordinary. It's something we've worked to express in this Openhand video, about the inner journey of revelation...

Did You Resonate?
If you'd like greater clarity and support on working with the unravelling Simulation, both in your life, and in the world around you, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It's especially crafted to meet these extraordinary times of great transformation...

Bright blessings
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Alchemy - The Name of the Game

Alchemy is the name of the game for the Openhand work. It's about tuning into the multidimensional field and attuning energies that can transform lives. Right now, the planetary matrix is in overdrive, trying to constrain people to distracted and limited lives. But for those who're tuning into the bigger picture, the limitations are breaking down, and a magical dance with the divine unfolds.

You have to be clear, from the start of every day, what's your why? What drives your life at the soul level? What soul contracts are you here to fulfill? Then ultimately, what's the grandest version of you that you can be?

If you keep working on this orientation, and asking for your multidimensional team to support you, then you're going to find a fulfilling pathway through it all. Your life will be expanding with the Shift.

If you've ever been on retreat with Openhand, then you'll know, that's exactly what we help people experience. Watching people drop their karmic baggage and unleash new aspects of self, is a joy to behold. You're watching lives transform, right in front of you. That's certainly the possibility in these four remaining events of 2024 and opening into 2025...

1) In the heart chakra of our planet: Glastonbury
2) "A retreat in a 1/2-day" for Ascension Exchanges
3) 3-Day, New Year, Quantum Shift Retreat
4) 7-Days in the La Palma Stargate

For those who attend, they'll be life-transformative - lifetime opportunities. Discover more...29th Nov-1st Dec: Heart of Gaia Pilgrimage: 3-Day Retreat, GLASTONBURY
Journey to the heart chakra of Gaia, for a most alchemical expansion in Glastonbury. Gain valuable insight and resonance of the aligned path for humanity into 5D consciousness. High energy meditations and illuminating self-realisation with the Openhand Ascended Master energies, where the mystical Avalon is like stepping through a portal into another world.
Soul-stirring Adventure in high energy portal

7th Dec: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

30th Dec-1st Jan: NEW YEAR RETREAT: 3-Days, ZOOM
There's no better time to gather with Openhand than at the turn of a New Year, especially with so much shifting in the field. Gather half-days online, so you can spend time with family too. We'll apply ground-breaking meditations with Openhand Ascended Master Energies to quantum leap your consciousness into 2025. We're developing an unstoppable wave in the Shift.
Activational Ascended Master Energies

19th-25th Jan: NEW YEAR RETREAT: 7-Days, LA PALMA
Journey to the island paradise that is La Palma, off the North Coast of Africa. Connect with the ancient energies of Gaia as you meditate on an active Volcano; Secluded and peaceful retreat centre; high-vibe cuisine; ground-breaking meditations; trips out around the island; break-taking scenery; cruise with Whales. All in this adventure-packed retreat of a lifetime. No better way to quantum leap your New Year 2025.
Soul-stirring Adventure in high-energy Stargate

Where will you be?
See you there!
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