Overcoming Fear of the Shift: Liberate Yourself from Past Limitation

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 07:12

It's understandable that people would have fear of the Shift, because it's a massive undertaking. You're progressively shifting reality and that's pulling on all the threads of the old construct. But climbing a mountain happens with each small step. Providing we can confront our fears and process them as they come up, then fear becomes a powerful tool on the path - it shows you the direction in which you're being invited to travel. Let's explore how to deal with it.

It's understandable to have fear of the Shift

It's totally understandable if you have fear of the Shift, because so much is changing on the planet right now - literally every aspect of our lives: especially in relationships for example, where plenty are either falling apart or being invited to transform. Work situations are changing as society terraforms. We might need to change where we live because the soul is drawing us elsewhere for new explorations.

All of this is most likely to regularly bring up fear. In many ways, it's the being's natural reaction to change. Especially the lower self is programmed to comfort and safety, to inertia and keeping things the same. But you are not that lower self-identity - you are the limitless possibility beyond that constriction.

What this means is that fear becomes an opportunity. You're illuminating the places within where you identify with the "maya", with the illusion. Where you render yourself small, rather than the limitless being that you are. That's why fear is always a doorway of possibility. The only question remaining, is how to effectively deal with it? How to push through it?

Gain leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...

Evolutionary growth through learning and expression

In spiritual circles and mainstream motivation groups, it's so often the case to "imagine the best possible outcome of any given situation". Then to work to create that. But who is that creating? Who is imagining the "best possible outcome?" To me, it can only be an ego wanting a particular result. Whereas the soul is choosing the path to evolve, learn and experience.

It's essential to acknowledge fear is that, and it exists within. There is no fear in a self-realised being. Hence confronting your fears becomes the pathway down which to travel to full self-realisation and liberation.

In the Openhand perspective on the soul, there is only evolutionary growth through learning and expression. When the soul encounters a crossroads in life, with one direction marked 'hell' and the other 'heaven', the choice is made not based on what the most beautiful or desirable outcome might be; it is based on what can most be learned. And if that's in some temporary kind of 'hell', then so be it. When the soul confronts some kind of situation, which causes it to contract in tightness, there represents a golden opportunity to deal with unrealised limitation.

In so doing, when the realisation through the challenge happens, it always comes with the most incredible expansion. As you shake off that which previously held you back, then your soul integrates and soars like an eagle. There's immense joy that you reclaimed a lost aspect of Self.

How do you achieve this most effectively next time you encounter fear?

Bringing fear to the surface: imagine the Worst Possible Outcome

To me, I witness that fear mostly arises because in some way, we've unconsciously distanced ourselves from the truth of a given situation. Because it's apparently too difficult to deal with, even to contemplate. If it's undesirable, the tendency is to sweep it under the rug. This has a very limiting internal effect - it creates polarity. In other words, it creates a small "I" identity, which is living in suppressed fear of that possibility and can now be victimised by it; in which case you are not being The One, which can be completely okay in ALL situations.

People live their lives and shape whole realities based on such avoidance - like leaving an unfulfilling relationship for example, or ending a job that doesn't serve.

Fear represents a golden opportunity, but only if we're prepared to turn right into it, at the time it is arising, and work deeply through it. And the most effective way I've found of doing that, is to contemplate the worst possible outcome from any given situation. So you literally imagine what could likely happen if you take the step your soul is guiding you into. But then you work into it, work it through, and let go of the reactionary triggering.

Thus you regain the composure of the One. Now you can respond in the most positive of ways - from the soul, shaping miracles and magic that transform the situation. What you discover, is that it never turns out the way you feared. Especially because you've opened yourself up to a new possibility of how it could become - you're opening a space through the fear and channeling creative soul expression. This is bound to have a beneficial, transformative effect.

The question remains, how can you quickly and effectively deal with fear when it comes up?

5 Spiritual Keys to Overcome Your Fear

Here's how to effectively deal with your fear and open the doorway through it with 5 keys...

1). Locate your internal tightness: When you contemplate the worst possible outcome, then all your subconscious fear and constriction come up. What you're really looking for is the internal tightness - maybe it's in your head, your solar plexus or sacrum? Feel it, work into it, and above all, express it out into the world. This might be crying, screaming, shouting, or vigorous movement.

2). Become as-one with the pain: Now what's happening, is you're actually becoming as-one with the pain, with the fear. If you keep working with it, then there comes a point where you tire of it, where you've had enough of it, where you realise the baggage itself that you're carrying around, is far worse than the worst possible outcome. And you might aswell let it go. Thus, you're empowering yourself by becoming The One in it.

3). Be prepared to completely fall apart: You must be prepared to completely fall apart. It's like you've been controlling who you are, hanging onto who you should be - to what is expected of you. If you're to truly penetrate through this, it will often feel like falling apart. And here's the paradox of a liberated soul - that's entirely okay!

4). Become The One: As you fall apart in it, as you really let go, then feel deeply through it into the sense of emptiness - into The Void. It feels like you're touching the pure presence of complete acceptance. You're now opening into infinite potential - the Source, from which authentic soul arises.

5). Unleash the freedom of the Soul: Finally, and here's the great part, look for the natural expression of joy, expansiveness and rightness of the soul that wants to come through. That which has been liberated. Dance with it; sing and shout with it; give it wings by expressing it out into the world.

Transcending Fear: A practical example...

I recall giving a presentation to a crowded hall in Glastonbury many years ago. I tend not to plan such presentations other than the production of some slides and maybe the odd video or two. I always knew, that in coming from the source, all I needed was a thread - just a word or a feeling - from which to begin.

This particular time I began with a video and as it drew to a close, I was watching for the first words to drop into mind, a place to begin, a thread to pick up. Usually they came but this time nothing - nothing at all. As the credits to the film rolled, still nothing. As the silence and expectation of the audience grew louder in my awareness still nothing. As I stood up, still nothing. All the while I was watching my inner feelings, any arising tightness - and softening into them. Yes I was feeling nervous, realising a subconscious subtle desire for the people to appreciate me and my point of view. As that penny dropped, why would I limit myself by needing some kind of appreciation or outcome? What was wrong with how I was being? Even if nothing came? Even if I stood there in complete silence?

Time seemed to stretch right into eternity. Without need of outcome at all, any sense of fear, doubt and disbelief disappeared. I was infinitely vulnerable, and it felt completely blissful. So blissful that it felt humorous. And so I felt to begin by cracking a joke about the Pope, who just happened to be visiting the UK at the time. After the slightly uneasy silence, the audience fell about laughing and the presentation then flowed effortlessly.

Increasingly empowered, joyful and harmonious

I'm not saying it's necessarily easy to approach your fears in this way. There will always be a myriad of opt-outs - comfortable other solutions that placate the fear rather than dealing with it - really dealing with it. There'll be lots of distractions and plenty of people advising how to make the best of the situation. But if you have the courage to turn into your fears in this way, you will explode the myth that they are.

Because you are The One, which has created everything by which to know itself, and therefore ultimately, fears nothing.

So work to become the One within your fears, and they will surely burst like an exploding balloon. And your soul will expand out with empowered and joyful liberation. And what's more, you won't have to keep re manifesting those fearful situations. By working through your fears, your life becomes increasingly empowered, joyful and harmonious. I wish you an empowered journey!

Did You Resonate?
If you resonate with the approach to fear, as it comes up in the Shift, then come explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand, and get involved:

Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž

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After reading your post I  picked up your book  5 Gateways and started reading Gateway 3 as you suggested in Saturdays accession exchange. 2nd paragraph, "we are ready to shift from being an identity following the soul, to being a non-identified Seer, flowing as the soul through the bodymind." My mind started tweaking. I read that over and over. My mind seems to   only know  what I tell it. It was like cleaning out an old closet and putting something new in it.  I am learning a new language, a new way of thinking and feeling. It is indeed overwhelming some days. However, there is a part of me, buried under the fear, that knows it is true. This work helps me throw that part of me a life line everyday. 

โค๏ธ Michele 


09/12/2024: Shift Update - Overwhelm in the Shift

Plenty of you out there are asking the same question, "How to deal with Overhwlem in the Shift?"

It's about finding your mast in the storm, and then putting up the sails to carry you steadily along.

Your mast in the storm, is your Sacred Ground of Being. It's that still presence at the very core of you. On any given day, anchor in this: Sacred Ground of Being

But your ship was made for the high seas, not the harbour! So it's then about allowing the flow of soul carry you forward, which may bring up fear. Recognise this is likely to happen at times, but make sure you develop your process for working it through.

I feel great changes and shifts happening pretty much all the time. Now that's most likely to bring up fear. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it's a positive trigger if we turn into it and work with it. This part in itself is essential - not to bury the fear or turn away from it, because then it only persists and you end up making poor choices in life. Instead turn into the fear, turn towards it and allow yourself to contemplate what you're afraid of - even what might be the worst outcome of the situation? Because this helps you equalise with what could happen - not that we're trying to create that of course, but we're preparing ourselves to move positively through the fear.

So fear is telling you that change is happening and wanting to happen in your life. And the ego is hanging on to the illusionary security of what previously existed. It's essential to point out - what previously existed is now ILLUSIONARY!

Once you accept this, you're ready to face your fear. And now we're prepared to deal with it, then there are recognisable keys we can apply to unlock it. Do check out my article above, as it contains 5 key suggestions with an illuminating example from my own life, which I believe can help you. Here's the link to take you to the top of the article...

Overcoming Fear of the Shift: Liberate Yourself from Past Limitation

Wishing you well in these challenging times

Open ๐Ÿ’™Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Thanks for sharing this Open. I often get confused trying to navigate my own process.

In the video, you were saying an important part of processing through was "looking for the resonances of frequencies that are authentic, real, and feel like you're centered in who you actually are." But how can you tell which frequencies are authentic?

For me, I might have an impulse to do something that feels more authentic or inspiring, but at the same time it feels like my ego is there wanting to get something out of that experience. And Intervention is also likely influencing my choices in the background as well. So it feels like many factors are all tied together in any given moment, and I often don't know how to tell them apart or what the best way forward is.

Being spontaneous all the time probably isn't the right way either, I assume that can be distorted too.

I know this all takes time and practice, but any suggestions on how to develop better discernment are always appreciated. ๐Ÿ’œ


In reply to by Zoe


Hi Zoe,

You ask an important question: "How do you tell, which resonances of frequencies, are authentic?"

It's actually blindingly straightforward: because it feels right.
It's like being in love. There's no formula for it. You just know when you are.

The problem is, where the ego then gets in the way, takes over, and dims that feeling. And where you keep allowing this, feeding it, then the soul keeps getting buried.

You said...

For me, I might have an impulse to do something that feels more authentic or inspiring, but at the same time it feels like my ego is there wanting to get something out of that experience. And Intervention is also likely influencing my choices in the background as well.

In the beginning try to give up making choices, or the 'right choice' or worried if you get it 'wrong'. Instead, I suggest entertaining the feeling that simply feels right. Embody it. Celebrate it. Allow it to be.

Then you'll likely find it has a natural direction. Yes, ego will try to own it, by either misdirecting it, or over amplifying it, but now you have something to work with - something to unravel through. This then, is the process - that of forging the soul.

Well wishes
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž


I recently just shared this experience with a friend about processing the worst possible outcome of a situation.  I felt it could relate to her situation and a way to possibly start to process the experience that she is currently encountering.
First of all, I would like to mention that I'm noticing big transition points or choice points that are coming up for others and myself at this time in the shift.  It feels like a quickening, everything that's needing to come to the surface to be integrated is coming up for folks.  I know this to be true along my unfolding journey.
Almost 9 years ago, I was working a job that paid well and could have had a promising future in today's worldview of "success".  I had just bought a house with my wife, we had 1 baby girl and another baby on the way.  With each passing day, I would go to this job and I realized that I couldn't go on doing this job.  It didn't feel like it was coming from my mind either.  It was my soul trying to speak to me about what really wanted to come through.  I tried to quit that job 3 different times.  Always being pulled back in by my bosses and not wanting to face the fear I was experiencing when I had to tell my pregnant wife of this realization within.
I finally hit that point within where moving forward with this career was not an option at a soul level.
What brought me to this realization was when I had a conversation with my wife and 2 year old daughter at the dinner table, I broke down to her and shared how I was having suicide ideation while walking ground on roofs.  This really hit home with me because my younger sister committed suicide 10 years earlier.  It was time to commit to the path of my soul.  I didn't know what I was going to do but I knew I could no longer live this lie. 
I remember my wife telling me she wanted a man to support her financially.  I looked left and right and told her that I don't think that I'm that guy.  She wanted me to go to a therapist and get medicine, because this experience was manifesting dissonance and depression.  My boss at the time thought I was having a nervous breakdown and wanted me to admit myself to a psycheward.  I felt know one was listening to me or my soul at the time.  I learned real quick that I had to walk this path alone.
Before making my decision final and quitting my job, I had to process and mourn my relationship with my wife while still being in the relationship.  This was a truly difficult and powerful experience that I needed to go through. 
I would say that this was the beginning of me starting to choose my soul in this lifetime.  Something big shifted in me after moving through that experience.
As I progressively gained the courage and confidence to choose soul over the years, I find myself on the shores of great change and transformation.
A part of me faced the fear of losing my relationship with my wife all those years back.  Now this has become a reality, my relationship with my wife is dissolving.  I've felt so many different kinds of emotions over the past 7 months as I process and integrate this transition.  I'm able to use the philosophies and approaches I've learned through my work with Openhand to mediate through these big shifts.
I'm growing stronger and more resolute with each passing day.
I wanted to share this with the community as it relates to the article above.

With Love and Gratitude,


In reply to by Patch (not verified)


This is a powerful sharing Chad - thanks so much for posting. ๐Ÿ‘

Yes, it's tremendously challenging to follow the path of the soul. I don't believe that's generally understood. "Waking up" is one thing, but this is massively misunderstood. It comes in levels. There can be waking up to the nature of the simulation we live in, but that's only an intellectual level of awakening. The real awakening is to the soul, where you feel the real you beginning to trigger and activate inside. But this is only the beginning of the journey too. It can take many years just experiencing the soul before you actually step onto the path of the soul - that which Openhand defines as, "The Realignment".

It's about opening up to the soul in every given moment, and making the "constant conscious choice". It causes a direct confrontation with all the illusionary or outdated constructs we've built in our lives. It's the journey through karma that I've expressed in the book, RESURRECTION.

The path isn't easy, but that's when we find each step in truth is supported in some way by the Universe.

Keep on walking!

Much love

Open ๐Ÿ’Ž


14/05/2024: Shift Update - Fear of the Shift

Plenty of you out there are asking the same question, "In a world gone crazy, what do you rely upon?" In this kind of community, it doesn't take long to realise it's yourself. But I know that doesn't make it easy, and my heart goes out to you all. This is where connecting across the ether with each other can be so invaluable. As we communicate, together we can make sense of the real underlying truth of what's going on. And that will always be the energy field itself, because the surface is a crystallisation of that.

I feel great changes and shifts happening pretty much all the time. Now that's most likely to bring up fear. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it's a positive trigger if we turn into it and work with it. This part in itself is essential - not to bury the fear or turn away from it, because then it only persists and you end up making poor choices in life. Instead turn into the fear, turn towards it and allow yourself to contemplate what you're afraid of - even what might be the worst outcome of the situation? Because this helps you equalise with what could happen - not that we're trying to create that of course, but we're preparing ourselves to move positively through the fear.

So fear is telling you that change is happening and wanting to happen in your life. And the ego is hanging on to the illusionary security of what previously existed. It's essential to point out - what previously existed is now ILLUSIONARY!

Once you accept this, you're ready to face your fear. And now we're prepared to deal with it, then there are recognisable keys we can apply to unlock it. Do check out my article above, as it contains 5 key suggestions with an illuminating example from my own life, which I believe can help you. Here's the link to take you to the top of the article...

Overcoming Fear of the Shift: Liberate Yourself from Past Limitation

Wishing you well in these challenging times

Open ๐Ÿ’™Praying Emoji


I never imagined that facing our fears would be the key to their release. I've always heard that when we have an emotion that makes us uncomfortable, we should focus on something that brings us joy. I will use this approach and see the results. Thank you.


Hi Open,

Wild and cool stuff going on. Since you challenged my comment in the zoom meeting at the recent Ascension workshop, things have sure ramped up energy-wise. I'd made the comment that I had "no energy" and you challenged that statement. I started going into that type of thinking, and realized it wasn't true or I'd be physically dead without energy. During that same day on a break in the meeting, I went to turn off the bathroom night light since it was daylight by then, and it would not turn off, and I mentioned that to you also. It was funny, like I was affecting the energy of the bulb. I guess you could say "The light bulb went on!" I got it. haha

Well since then, that "no energy" has turned into "I sure have a lot of energy" lol It's amazing how just correcting how you say things changes how things change. So now I'm more careful to think about what's coming out of my mouth. As I work into things, I find less and less need to respond to many things, I just let them go. I look daily to see what you've posted even if I don't always log in.

Thank you for challenging me that day, otherwise I probably never would have thought about what I was saying. I got so much out of that Ascension workshop and will be participating in more of them. Praying EmojiHeart



13/04/2022: Openhand Journal Update:

Plenty of you out there are asking the same question, "In a world gone crazy, what do you rely upon?" In this kind of community it doesn't take long to realise it's yourself. But I know that doesn't make it easy, and my heart goes out to you all. This is where connecting across the ether with each other can be so invaluable. As we communicate, together we can make sense of the real underlying truth of what's going on. And that will always be the energy field itself, because the surface is a crystallisation of that.

I feel great changes and shifts happening pretty much all the time. Now that's most likely to bring up fear. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it's a positive trigger if we turn into it and work with it. This part in itself is essential - not to bury the fear or turn away from it, because then it only persists and you end up making poor choices in life. Instead turn into the fear, turn towards it and allow yourself to contemplate what you're afraid of - even what might be the worst outcome of the situation? Because this helps you equalise with what could happen - not that we're trying to create that of course, but we're preparing ourselves to move positively through the fear.

So fear is telling you that change is happening and wanting to happen in your life. And the ego is hanging on to the illusionary security of what previously existed. It's essential to point out - what previously existed is now ILLUSIONARY!

Once you accept this, you're ready to face your fear. And now we're prepared to deal with it, then there are recognisable keys we can apply to unlock it. Do check out my article above, as it contains 5 key suggestions with an illuminating example from my own life, which I believe can help you. Here's the link to take you to the top of the article...

Exploding Fear in 5 Steps...Liberate Yourself in Any Given Situation

Wishing you well in these challenging times

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Marije - as you probably realise by now, the 'dead end' is the answer! The Universe has no purpose to go anywhere. It's just expressing. So in hitting the dead end, you'd be confronting what it is that needs a meaning, a purpose or a destination.

I felt to share this by the wonderful Alan Watts...


Hi Marije - if you felt a sense of relief, then strong likelihood is that was the right choice to make. Thumbs Up Sign

I can offer the reflection that having heard you speak about it several times, I didn't pick up any strong spiking in the field that it was right. At least not the job.

Very best wishes

Open HeartPraying Emoji


I'm with you too Marije - and that's gteat advice Megha OK Hand Sign

It's clear you're breaking down the fixed identity small self, that has rigid mental ties into the old reality. When you start to break through this, you come more into the presence. It often feels like you 'don't know who you are anymore'. You'll likely often have heard me say, "I don't know who I am until something arises in me". This is the fluid dance of the liberated soul as it starts to come through.

This breaking down of the false self, the 'death of the ego', can be very unsettling at times. They key thing is just to let go, don't need the moment to go any particular way, or result in any tangeable outcome for the moment. Just let the feeling of open spontaneity ground in your being. Just allow it to be. Then start to go with the impulses from there.

It's all cool!

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Dear Marye,

First I want to say that I have been in the last few days feeling deep feelings of love for you spontaneously . You have been in my heart .

Secondly ,what leaped out for me is the misspelling . Self sensor ship you wrote. It feels to me that you are beginning to sense your real Self and all your previously entrenched mind patterns are therefore coming up. In my very humble opinion ,it may be helpful to ground yourself in the body and emotional plane until the disoreintation in the mental plane passes .

Wishing you tonnes of support through the ether !



Hi Marije - great to hear from you in your alchemy! Heart

That's the point, when you actually take a step like this, it's the movement itself that creates the alchemy of inner change, because it stirs up so much. It's only then that you get to activate the density.

You said...

So my inquiry at the moment is how to avoid making โ€˜fear-basedโ€™ decisions. Particularly, when does tightness indicate that something is perhaps not the most aligned choice and thus something to listen to? And when is tightness a sign of fear about a particular choice that might stop you from making it and keep you in your comfort zone and therefore rather something to work through?

It's a good question. I'd say watch the obvious patterns that are shaping - so you know there is fear arising around a challenging step which seems to be in rightness. The only way to truly open out that fear is to keep taking the step that initially feels right - not to deliberate too long over these things. Then once you've unwound those layers, you may well find there are other layers underneath and the dynamic will change - when to authentically apply caution for example.

You have to go with what's arising right now though - not second guess the deeper layer!

Much love

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi everyone, I felt to draw your attention to this article again today...
Exploding Fear in 5 Steps...Liberate Yourself in Any Given Situation (scroll to the top)

Some people have talked about the fear that the role out of the new 5G technology activates. That's understandable - it is highly significant. But let's not surpress fear when it comes up. It happens as we identify with our concerns about potential outcomes and situations - it only activates through some form of identification with reality. Therefore it represents a golden opportunity to turn into and work through. They we can be liberated and illuminated by it. By transcending it, reminds us progressively of our greater spiritual selves.

It's good to process. If you'd like to share any arising fears here, so we can work them through, go ahead. I'll gladly offer a supportive reflection.

Much love always

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Open

I spent yesterday in a horrible place in my head...came home and did the lovely 5D meditation...ahah all was well again...read the last few days posts including the fear exploding one above. How glad I am that I did, as I woke up to a feeling of fear again and started pushing it away but then remembered your fear exploding in 5 steps and poof it had gone, just going to print it off and stick it on the fridge...oh and a second one for work!

So beautiful

Much Love Heather


I felt to post this one again today... Exploding Fear in 5 Steps...Liberate Yourself in Any Given Situation (scoll to the top).

I'm sensing a lot of courage amongst people here in the Openhand community which is immensely inspiring - awesome! The Sun EmojiThumbs Up Sign

Fears really do represent the gateways through which to pass, so it's crucial to know how to deal with it when it comes up. And by sharing wider awareness, helps many more breakthrough and at deeper levels.

So what's happening for you in your journey right now? What are you encountering? Do share freely below, I'll gladly offer a supportive reflection to help you break through.

Open Praying Emoji


Thanks for your sharings folks Heart

Paula - glad to see you working through.

Paul you said...

Many lessons learned from spending those three hours in fear of dying of a heart attack - breathing deeply and allowing myself to feel as much as possible.

Yes I think it's essential to understand that fear does create powerful physical symptoms like this. But if we go right into the heart of it, as you did, then you'll unwind the effects and expand through. Awesome!

Love your little story Wyndรจ OK Hand Sign


Heyas all!

I love this topic, its something I notice alot in people everywhere and all I got to say to it is, just dont... dont deny it, dont ignore it, just see it as it really is.

Here is what I do - Every time I sense it in myself I just say hrmmm - what are you, why are you, how are you, what do I have to learn within this very moment to understand what I need to understand about it or me for me.

I hesitate to say - but even like you Paul, I too have seen horrible disfigured faces that arise within my own mind and to that face I just gently say hello and listen however I can. Because more often than naught, its just me needing to know something I don't know.

I'll tell yall a little story that happened to me - I was standing in my kitchen one day, not alone and I heard someone yelling, quite literal loud yelling out of my name..Sure it made my heart beat faster, my blood ran a little colder, my breathing slow to a crawl and my senses heightened. I asked my company if they could hear anything and to which all replied a joke.. Like sure, you just talked, I heard you ask a question.

I did not turn away, run or otherwise halt my pathway, I ran straight towards whatever was calling my name and in the end I found myself and a whole lot of just wow, things :)

Now I have had some extreme supernatural experiences in my life and that one right there is one of my most favorite!



Very timely for me too Open. Thank you.

Last Thursday night I suddenly began experiencing sharp heart pain in my chest. For three hours it came in waves. I had never experienced symptoms like that before and was worried I could be having an actual heart attack. My fatherโ€™s side does have that history. Almost went to the hospital, but my gut told me it was heartburn related to the fact that Iโ€™d fasted for the last 24 hours and then went nuts on dinner earlier that night. Reveling in the physicality indeed.

Many lessons learned from spending those three hours in fear of dying of a heart attack - breathing deeply and allowing myself to feel as much as possible, kissing my sleeping daughter for what felt like the last time, feeling immense shame for leaving my wife and family without a father, feeling angry at my own lack of control, feeling like I wasnโ€™t ready to die and hadnโ€™t completed the โ€œmission,โ€ whatever that is. I can feel the same tightness in my chest again now..

The next day I ate mindfully and in balance. But that night at the exact same time of the evening, this time my lips, tongue, and throat began to swell up! I havenโ€™t ever experienced an allergic food reaction, but for some reason avocado did it. An antihistamine brought it back down after 45 minutes - but it was another 45 minutes experiencing the same feelings of the night before. This time constricted breath instead of constricted heart.

(here I continue to sit with constricted chest and lump in throat and tension in solar plexus writing this)..

I didnโ€™t find alone time for a couple days and was simmering with anger internally over the weekend. Contained it as much as I could in my daily interactions. Finally allowed myself to go into the feelings of both experiences yesterday โ€” and it was like a scene out of The Exorcist. Like a spitting writhing consciousness in me who was me simultaneously spitting obscenities and grief and rage. A primal upwelling of โ€œGET OUTโ€ emerged and I felt energy in my lower back followed by calm.

Drawn to your shower meditation and visualizing the density washing down out of my feet. The Bell Chant helped me let go some as well. A couple of the bell peals froze me in what felt like animated stillness.

My heart is so heavy as I type this and there is still much rage here. Iโ€™m scared it will consume me. It feels like father figure energy distorted into extreme consumption. Rape. A crow just cawed at me. Yup.

I keep getting this image from The Matrix where Agent Smith goes, โ€œTheyโ€™re not out yet.โ€

Thanks for holding the space. Iโ€™ll continue to apply these tools.


I have struggled through a lifetime of fears and am very intolerant of anyone who allows fear to control their actions. Now I see that this is a direct message from my higher self to stop and look at the places where fear still controls my actions. Wow! This is a great step for me to take. Just recently I've allowed my fear of upsetting another to control my true reaction and I avoided and capitulated. There are 3 people in my life I've done this to/with in just the past few weeks. Unable to see this clearly until now! Thank you so much!!


Hi Everyone - I felt to share this today, because I've sensed fear arising in the field of some of the shifts in the field that are taking place. There is a loving and supportive space here for people to explore what comes up. So please do explore your perspective on fear and how best you find to deal with it?

Wishing you well

Open Heart


I love the Openhand Challenge Open. This is something I have really been working on.Letting go. Letting go of just about everything.....and wondering what is there to hold on to ?

Here is a poem that speaks directly to the possibility of letting go.

Pauseโ€ฆTake a Breathโ€ฆReadโ€ฆSee What Arises

She let go
She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.
She let go of the fear.
She let go of the judgments.
She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head.
She let go of the committee of indecision within her.
She let go of all the โ€˜rightโ€™ reasons.
Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry,
she just let go.
She didnโ€™t ask anyone for advice.
She didnโ€™t read a book on how to let go.
She didnโ€™t search the scriptures.
She just let go.
She let go of all of the memories that held her back.
She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.
She let go of the planning and all of the calculations
about how to do it just right.
She didnโ€™t promise to let go.
She didnโ€™t journal about it.
She didnโ€™t write the projected date in her Day-Timer.
She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper.
She didnโ€™t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.
She just let go.
She didnโ€™t analyze whether she should let go.
She didnโ€™t call her friends to discuss the matter.
She didnโ€™t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.
She didnโ€™t call the prayer line.
She didnโ€™t utter one word.
She just let go.
No one was around when it happened.
There was no applause or congratulations.
No one thanked her or praised her.
No one noticed a thing.
Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.
There was no effort.
There was no struggle.
It wasnโ€™t good and it wasnโ€™t bad.
It was what it was, and it is just that.
In the space of letting go, she let it all be.
A small smile came over her face.
A light breeze blew through her.
And the sun and the moon shone
forevermore โ€ฆ

~ Reverend Safire Rose

With Love


Wow Open the challenge you posted really stirs something up inside of me. This morning the Fear is overwhelming again. Breaking me down, so much confusion, pain and sadness. Seems like there will be no end to it. I am not sure I am turning into it enough but I am sure I have created it so there is not an option to not go into it. I dragged myself to the gym this morning and went to a cycling class. The music really spoke to me and I was able to shift something inside. It helped me to see the separate part of me that is lost in the fear and can't function to an upwelling of authentic internal powerful will and the desire to push on. During the class I was remembering a time in middle school where I ran track. I always wanted to be a fast runner but sprinting was not what I was good at no matter how hard I tried to go fast. I was much better at endurance, remembering the feeling when I would want to give up and then something would shift inside and I would get a second wind allowing me to push through and keep going. That is the feeling that was arising in me. I felt to share a couple of songs that the teacher played which really spoke to me. For all of you out there reading that are facing challenges right now and perhaps some inspiration to push through. Thanks for the space to share.





Great thread to explore! A lot comes up for me. Although I'm aware I still feel fear at times, I also realize I've created and co-created fearful situations since the day I was born and have somehow managed to "JUST DO IT" over and over again throughout my life despite many challenges. So I wanna say, "You IS awesome, girl!" haha!

Not that I don't have more fear to bust through, but given my past record, I know I'll keep doin' it! I am becoming more conscious of truly empowering myself in the very moment of disempowerment, choosing love over fear. This is important since I tend to suppress through fear and then over-react from pent-up frustration and anger.

A huge challenge for me right now is becoming too impulsive and hot-headed due to the powerful upsurge of warrior energy I feel, partly fueled by anger about injustice of any sort but also by what feels right and aligned. It's like I lose all fear of any consequences but don't take the time to 'chill' and center myself before reacting. It's a tricky one since I could easily get lost in dissecting what could go wrong if I wait too long to honour my will to act. I'm feeling a bit lost on this one lately so welcome any insights others may have. I'm feeling there are blind spots I'm not seeing. I relate to your comments about the shadow identity, Open, and feel that I'm perhaps attaching to fixed ways of being, to roles that feel noble, good, and right but are off in subtle, ego-based ways. I shared with you a dream I had a while back about riding a motorcycle and agreeing to take on a passenger. You recommended I consider contemplating the shadow identity, the sidecar passenger that you explore in one of your books.

Of note, I took a quick quiz today on Jungian Archetypes and came out as THE REBEL. Included in the description was a caution to reign in my rebel nature. I heard myself say, "Fuck that!" Clearly, I have work to do. :)

x Cathy


    So, I have a challenge for you all. How about we do away with fear. What would your life be like? What possibilities might be open to you? How magical and adventurous might your life become? What might you discover about yourself? You can do it. You can just decide. Right now, that whenever fear raises its head, instead of retracting back, you can see it instead as a golden opportunity and turn right into it. Explode the myth that it always was. That you are much greater than this limitation, this box, that you confine your soul within. You could look deeply into it's eyes, actually make that choice that activates the most fear, and walk directly into it - take that choice. Very few have the courage to do this. But if you do, you'll discover something profound about life: that fear and liberation are two sides of the same coin; that the ultimate liberation of soul, comes from exploding the sum of your fears. In many ways, fear IS the pathway to full awakening. Because it's the only thing that limits the amount of love you can embody. So, I invite you, today, this hour, this moment, to simply decide, decide to live a blessed life beyond fear. Then witness just how magical your life can become.
Open *OK*


Great that you're tuning in guys - we're bound to get loads from it!

Anatoly you said...

    "So my question is the following. Do we need intentionally manifest the situations where we can explore and burst the fear or it just happens naturally? I resonate more with natural approach but the something wants to intentionally manifest to bring about the fearful situation, probably coming from ego? But how can it be - ego trying to burst itself?

My observation is it's best to let it come up naturally, as it surely will. And with regards to the second part, it's classic that when one understands the rightness of the path (ie through fear in this case), an aspect of the intellect will try to own it. In 5GATEWAYS I speak of this as a 'shadow identity' - a shadow, or echo, of the soul. So best to just let it unfold.

Marije you said...

    "Recently I had a profound experience confronting pain and it exploding, and was amazed how in a time-span of less than 45 minutes it is possible to move from the most excruciating pain to feeling absolutely elated, as if the pain never really happened or existed. From that experience it almost seems silly not to confront the pain and stay in agony/fear."

Yeah! Totally awesome! Exactly! That's the point - when you really turn full-on into the pain and fear, then you can 'explode' it quickly and expand out the other side. But you must really go into it and fully express it for it to work properly.

Treebrother - "who will pay the bills?" Had that one many times. But what I've witnessed countless times, both in myself and others, is that when you truly follow the flow of the soul, then you get exactly what you need. Not more, but definitely not less!

Wishing you all well

Open *OK*


So this is just perfect as I am exploring a change of focus from a lifetime of fixing machinery to doing something like energetic bodywork for my "job" Holy Shit the fear of the unknown is breathtaking. How will I pay the bills? Who is going to even want my services in central WI? Hell right now I don't have much to offer anyone. So for the short term this is about letting the next step unfold in front of me. And trying to be ready and aware of it when the opportunity comes.


I totally resonate with this approach to fear. Thank you for timely post, Open! I was exploring and contemplating about fear or fearful situations and intentional manifestation of such situations. For example, it seems i have a fear of downing and had close encounters with drowning this lifetime. I can feel tightness around it and well aware of it. So on a recent trip to the beach, I felt while in the ocean, not that i was avoiding going to the water but it seems i was overly cautious and seemed to have had conflicting feelings. One was to explore fear cautiously but in a limited way by staying closer to the shallow waters. The other impulse was to go deeper intentionally possibly without feeling any ground under the feet. I went with the first option at the time so feel like i haven't fully exploded the fear.
So my question is the following. Do we need intentionally manifest the situations where we can explore and burst the fear or it just happens naturally? I resonate more with natural approach but the something wants to intentionally manifest to bring about the fearful situation, probably coming from ego? But how can it be - ego trying to burst itself?
BTW, all the true fearful situations of drowning in this lifetime happened naturally for me without any kind of intention. Also, I feel like there maybe other ways of dealing with fear like contemplating about it as mentioned in this article or spontanious karmic experience as i witnessed on some Openhand retreats. Just some explorations ...

With gratitude,