The Pathless Way

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/09/2016 - 06:58

There comes a point in your life where you realise the old way of being and existing in the world, just doesn't work any more. It doesn't make sense any longer to graft and grind for the same, or similar, outcomes. It doesn't seem to fulfill. That's when the inner journey, as a moment by moment way of being, beckons. That's what this second in the new Openhand Philosophy series (including video) is all about. It's a snippet, to provide insight and inspiration, for those who are coming to realise, that the inner journey is the only true way to lasting fulfillment. At Openhand we call it "The Pathless Way"...

The Meaning of Life Suddenly Dawns

There comes a point where it suddenly dawns: it's not about trying to control and manipulate life and circumstances 'out there'. Somehow, everything seems just out of reach, like a child grasping for a helium filled balloon. You never seem to find contentment.

It's because your soul has come alive, and wants you to connect with it... "I'm here, inside, I'm what life is really all about!"

Your consciousness shapes everything that you experience in the outer world. Both the aligned aspect - that in tune with your soul - and that which is misaligned - your false self.

Looking in the Mirror - who are you being now?

So we create mirrors by which to see and feel who we are. When you soften and let go of the struggle, then look inwards for how to be - what's your highest truth in this moment? - then a different way of creating and being starts to unfold.

You start to realise the path shapes from what you're being inside.

It takes quite a leap of faith to trust in this all the time - that it will deliver a solid pathway down which to travel, one that you can rely upon. But the more you give it a chance, you come to realise, it's the only thing you can truly rely upon.

Look for the Relections

If you begin to trust, look into the mirror, watch for the reflections and simply follow your highest guidance, then even as you get it 'wrong', where mishaps seems to happen, it's no problem, because you suddenly see that you're advancing in terms of growth, in terms of your self-realisation - which is the only thing really going on.

The pathless way is about recognising there is no fixed or destined path. There is nothing to control or wish for 'out there'. Instead you're looking for a way of being, in this moment, right now. Who are you? Then to unfold that, express it out into the world, and follow Right Action from it.

That's when magic happens. A path of light flows through you, from you, where every reflection confirms who you now really are. It's a simply sublime way of being and existing. What else is there? Check out our new video here below. It's to support your Pathless Way...

(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)

About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV

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"then even as you get it 'wrong', where mishaps seems to happen, it's no problem, because you suddenly see that you're advancing in terms of growth, in terms of your self-realisation"

I experienced this yesterday, where my Reaction to someone was not what i hoped it would be, made me really go back within and inquire and explore my Un-aligned reaction...but as you state above i did have a feeling that altho i was un-aligned and reacted from Ego that there was a nice lesson to be learned from the experience :)

Thank-you for the Nice Reaffirmation Open :)



Open, thank you for your reply. You gave me much to work with. When doing dense processing (which is always), I loose my ability to see my reflection at times as well as expressing a lot of density to release.

With facilitation I removed a boulder from my Ray 1 energy. I put that there years ago to stop myself from expressing unconscious rage and getting lost in the distortion.

Thank you for clarifying for me how consciousness creates the path. That makes sense.


Hi Hannelore,

You said this...

    "I am faced with a situation where I have been contacted by a person in Europe in need of help to get out of an abusive situation. They do not have the will to do so"

Do you not see that you're looking at your own reflection?

What happens when you try to help someone that doesn't have the will to move forward? What does it do to your own energy field?

You said...

    "Lately I have waited for the path to happen as Ben says but then found a lack of motivation and direction as I hold the space."

It's a common fallacy about "letting things happen". Things truly 'happen' on the authentic path, because of the energy we are expressing. Do you get it?...your consciousness creates the path. It won't flow without that active engagement.

So where is your ray 1 warrior? Where is the letting go and positively moving forward? What can you do in your daily life that invokes that warrior?



Great article and video. You talk about goals and aspirations that appear on the path which is so seductive it engrosses you that you miss the real meaning of life. To me these aspirations give some meaning to life at least temporarily that imagining about the various outcomes gives a sense of happiness and security. But this then causes me to effort and get tight. It is difficult to surrender it to the nothingness that follows until i get a spiritual path to hold on to. As you say with surrender and non attatchment i become more relaxed and productive as well in the things i do.



Trying to live in the flow, often brings questions of discernment for me. I am faced with a situation where I have been contacted by a person in Europe in need of help to get out of an abusive situation. They do not have the will to do so, too great of a heavy energy behind them. Do I continue contact, leave it alone, learn what I can from the situation, connect with the heavy energy etc.
In the past have attached myself to situations without discernment but these situations have taught me a lot in the long run but have been detrimental to me in the short term.
Lately I have waited for the path to happen as Ben says but then found a lack of motivation and direction as I hold the space.


lovely video Open.

Its funny to live in the flow, as compared to past 'ideas' of that. For quite a while I felt like to be on the path there could be no mind, and no me/idenity, so I felt like there would be only a flow of energy. Yet many times I was stumbled with lack of motivation and direction as I held the space for the path to happen. what I eventually realised is that, as you say there's also an absolutely necessary commitment to the path - commitment to engagement and action, which means you are actively participating. so one is feeling what aspect of beingness wants to arise and how that wants to express, and then expressing! and there is also a valid role for 'mind' (by which I mean intellectual processing) too - to translate, understand and assist in acting on the impulses for example.

thanks again for your eloquence and inspiration!



Great Video Open :)
Had a couple years of gentle peaceful letting moments unfold. They have taken me back to the business world ( for a few months I feel ) and it is a great tester as the business world is all about the mind and it just loves sucking you into its world. Having said that I am aware when I am not just letting things unfold and a short walk will often bring me back.
I am in California, last weekend I went for a long walk to a nearby beach, had seafood chowder, caught a taxi back to a mall to get a shuttle bus back to the hotel. All just letting it unfold, what is special about that you may of the three other people on the bus was the guy I was working with who had flown in from Florida that morning. Gotta love it!
Cheers Graham


Thank-you :)
You say:
"I had to let go of my attachment to needing people in my life to be able to appreciate people on a deeper level"

Yes I agree and I feel I am coming to terms with this but sometimes it would be cool to be able to talk with someone that relates, however this may be a good opportunity to strengthen my relationship within/with myself but I cannot deny the loneliness it has a strong message :)



It took me some time to realize that we are all alone in life in a way...yet still connected. I have felt the same as you express for most of my life. I had to let go of my attachment to needing people in my life to be able to appreciate people on a deeper level. Namaste. Treebrother


You say:
"There comes a point in your life where you realise the old way of being and existing in the world, just doesn't work any more. It doesn't make sense any longer to graft and grind for the same, or similar, outcomes. It doesn't seem to fulfill".

I am starting to relate to this, there have been some nice ah,ha! Moments but I am also starting to feel Loneliness even when with other people, Expressing, Discussing and talking about how I feel and the changes I am going through is not easy as not many can relate and many just think I am losing my mind or becoming part of some cult. Going back is not an option.
