Mastering the Art of Transcendence: Essential 5D Insight

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/14/2022 - 05:58

A new paradigm is beckoning the soul and the planet shifts progressively into 5D. But this is no easy process, not something to sit back and let happen. There must be a full-on, all-in, active engagement to progressively peel back the veils. That's where mastering the art of daily transcendence is so essential. You're feeling intimately into every situation that arises, whether harmonious or dissonant. Here's how to approach it and gain maximum benefit from it.

Becoming Intimately Intimate with Life

The One in you is not found by distancing yourself from life, but becoming intimately intimate with it. And that's the ultimate key to transcendence: sensitively engrossed in the sensuality of life, yet not at all lost - deeply exploring and feeling into it. This goes for ALL experiences, especially including the painful ones.

Something may have happened to you: an accident or illness. But before trying to heal or get it fixed, the crucial thing is to realise that you manifested it for a reason. Then to accept what you've created and work into it.

Let's say you contracted a serious physical health problem, such as cancer. You may be feeling pain in key areas of your body, which might be challenging you on all levels: physically, emotionally and mentally. Yet in your soul, you know you're not physical. So the "illness" invites a direct confrontation with the places you identify with the physical, and at a cellular level.

Yes, it's intense. Yes, it may seem completely unfair. But at the same time, it's a massive growth opportunity. Because it's through intense challenges such as these, that we forge soul and grow.

Dealing with Bone-Crunching Initiations on the Spiritual Path

Lost in Time

This transcendence though is not something to practice every now and then. Especially now and the Shift goes exponential and the whole of the reality construct is terraforming, the real place to be is in the quantum field BEFORE life crystallises. Then you may bring your consciousness to bear in co-creating a favourable and harmonious reality.

So transcendence needs to become a daily practice. Take whatever situation you find yourself in, immerse yourself completely; feel into all the nuances of it; be present, be the observer; then ride the wings of the soul THROUGH the experience.

It reminds me of a favourite coffee shop on the volcanic Island of La Palma, where in the past, we've held regular Openhand Retreats. The place is aptly called "El Time", and it has an absolutely magnificent view, across a vast swathe of the island. It's a bit of a tourist photographic haven, but if you get up there early enough, then you can enjoy some peace and quiet before it gets busy.

I was drinking in the panorama, feeling the expansiveness of it, using a favourite Breathing Meditation to intensify the feeling of it, when it seemed like the whole of me had simply dissolved into the landscape. I was flying in it, reveling in it, an intimate part of it.

Very quickly I'm lost in time, "El Time" had completely disappeared as I melted into the canvas of life itself. I must have been transcendent like this for more than an hour, when suddenly my attention was drawn to a small crowd of tourists who'd gathered now, photographing the resplendent panorama.

Be completely in the Moment

I couldn't help thinking, "stop photographing, just be completely in the moment, feel it". At which point, a beautiful kestrel rose up the cliff in front of us and hung in the air, and yet still people were photographing. It struck me how disconnected life is when you're distanced from it. How isolating it is to make yourself that separated identity. Rather than feeling into it, with the breath, and totally immersing yourself in the experience of the bird.

As the kestrel hung majestically in front of us, riding the spiraling thermals, it was a totally superlative peak experience - completely sublime. But most importantly, rather than being separated from it, taking photographs of it "out there", it was "in here". I'd become a part of the experience, at-one with the kestrel, hovering on the breeze above the breathtaking panorama.

And it's not just about that particular experience of itself. Such peak experiences forge soul and teach you something crucial about your internal configuration - how do you adjust internally to take maximum advantage of the flow of life itself? It's in these moments where there's the potential for maximum growth.

The Shift to 5D

Our planet, and all life on it, is shifting into a new paradigm in the 5D vibration. But it's not something to wait for - you CAN'T wait for it and have it arrive. It requires an active participation now, in all aspects of your life, all situations and circumstances. You integrating and embodying the higher consciousness here and now.

That's what I worked to convey in this video, shot on the magical Island of La Palma following an Openhand retreat. I was literally free-wheeling my way back to the airport and capturing footage at the same time...

This is the kind of work we'll be applying in the upcoming Openhand Events. If you'd like to integrate this groundbreaking approach to transforming your daily living, then explore the upcoming Openhand work...

Openhand Events


Open Praying Emoji

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08/02/2024 Shift Update: Dealing with Inertia

Dealing with inertia can be a complex dynamic. You might have gotten used to overriding the feeling because you have to in society - set your alarm to get up for work, etc. Override with that extra coffee. But this can secure an internal dissonance: at one level there's need of rest, at another there's an override. It can create a subtle layer of embodied stress. It can still make you a target of a more subtle layer of that intervention (what are known as "tall whites"). How to deal with this?

One approach is making plenty of small changes to daily routines...

You could approach it with vigorous activity - strong walking and pranic breathing for example. But it won't necessarily get to the most subtle of layers. What we need is a softer, gentler approach in this case.

The layer I'm talking about often drives inactivity due to tiredness. Where there's a tendency to cuddle up on the sofa of an evening and simply stop, or to eat dense heavy foods, it's important to interrupt these cycles. This can be done through gentle movement, stretching, soft yoga, and especially Openhand's soulmotion to music. Then in the midst of it, to practice the art of transcendence: you're feeling intimately through any density, and unravelling with deep breathing relaxation.

Breaking routine is crucial, although to touch the deepest layers, it's best that the activity isn't vigorous - it can be softer and gentler, providing there's deep transcendence - feeling through all layers of the Body.

Yogic Eye Practice

Personally, I find cold plunging and cold showers are of huge benefit in this regard - because it causes you to feel through the whole body. Some will find that a degree brutal (!). But if you build up steadily and afterward practice the art of transcendence through this ancient kriya yoga practice:

Stand after the cold plunge, applying the yogi Breakthrough Breathing, letting the body warm up gradually. Close the eyes, raise the eyebrows and wrap each index finger around each eye from the outer edge to the tear duct. Apply gentle pressure to the eyes. Then watch and feel the light effects whilst breathing and allowing the kundalini to gently rise.

(similar to the photo except using just the index finger for each eye and covering the whole of the eye, pushing gently inwards with eyebrows raised).

What I find is that the kundalini then rises through all areas of the body. You're breaking down and integrating through any subtle inner layers of stress. Not to mention the light effects can be pretty cosmic!

Art of Transcendence

So today I'm encouraging all to apply awareness and attention to breaking into limiting inertia through interruption of conditioned patterns and applying the art of Transcendence in daily life. Do read the lead article above on that for more insight, and especially going with the flow in order to align with soul spontaneity...

Mastering the Art of Transcendence: Essential 5D Insight

Bright Blessings

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Dear Openhand family ,

I am becoming much better at staying within experiences and yes ,stating within them ,without trying to change them seems to bring a lot of new energy . I am sharing a recent experience here .

I attended a seminar organized by the department of Cardiology . I usually avoid these events as the large number of people attending usually puts me off. As I found myself there ,in the midst of the heavily tech based approach to cleaning arteries (no one wants to talk about how to prevent the impediment to the flow I had a spontaneous regression into a Sirius lifetime where in it seemed like the top half of me-head ,neck and heart were in some sort of artificial contraption. As I focussed within ,I saw how that prevented me expressing myself in entirety ..fear of being imprisoned is what it was.

Since then I am being approached by colleagues for deep catalytic conversations around healing deep child hood wounds ,people pleasing and learning to find one's own self. Very strange and very interesting stuff .

For me ,slowing down into deep stretches really helps me equalize with old probably karmic scaffolding . I am seeing colour flows in my spine while doing cat cow stretches. Fascinating !


In reply to by iamdurga


Fascinating Megha what you write about colleagues, I am kind of witnessing similar things at work. Meetings went easier and lighter, people opening up and softening, finding better resolutions , more talking about the bigger picture etc. Thank you for pointing that out!


Hi Open,

Will you be sharing some photos and videos of the La Palma Retreat while you're there, like you have before? I'll be tuning in for it.

What a great trip that will be.

much love, Praying EmojiHeart



We're just gearing up for the La Palma New Year Retreat 2020, and I'll shortly be sharing details of how you can join us through the ether. I'll be introducing a new phrase into the work as a sense of how to work internally: equalise, normalise, transcend.

Essentially we're exploring within and witnessing what can be felt, what is triggering. The first thing to do is to equalise with what is coming up, meaning to go right into the heart of it so there's no separation. Sometimes this will be straightforwards, but other times you're be triggering density, so you'll have to use something like the Breakthrough Approach to work it through. Once you're completely okay with what's coming up, you become so accepting of it that you 'normalise' with it - meaning you don't need it to go away, it's just there. Maybe by now the feelings are more subtle, they usually are once you've completely equalised with them. When you 'normalise' them in this way, then you're expanding through as the one. You now transcend those feelings and that layer by working through and around the feelings till you're picking up other subtle layers. It takes you ever deeper in, ever closer experientially to the source. So that's a key thing we'll be working with in La Palma: equalise, normalise, transcend.

Do share what you experience when you work this way. I'll be fascinated to hear.

Open Praying Emoji


If we want to progress spiritually, we must fully embrace everything that shows up, especially what's challenging - and not try to push it away. Instead turn right into it, embrace it, don't try to change or fix it. Bring awareness right into the heart of it. Work to let go of any judgment or fixed opinion of how the moment feels - it just "is". Become so intimate with it that you become 'normalised' in it. Then you explode the myth that it always was. As Rich, the Openhand webmaster so eloquently says: "In the unresolution, lies the progress".

As hard as it may seem, especially in these most "real" of circumstances, nevertheless, here is the opportunity.

At the highest levels, how can you and a loved one be separated?
At the highest levels, how can you or a loved one be hurt?
If we embrace "all is one", then both of the above must also be true.

That's not to say it's easy to find that level of acceptance.
But in these moments, especially these intimately challenging ones,
lies the possibility for expansive growth.
And that's exactly why we manifest them!

With love and empathy

Open <3


Dear Steve ,
I have been in the presence of Death so many times now . And it's a powerful catalyst seeing all that you held dear ,all the images and the stories reducing to dust in front of your eyes. It strips away all our well constructed defences and makes us come to face with our quivering fragile humanity . I have been there with many babies and their families. I was there when my father died after a two year long battle with brain tumour . It was horrendous seeibg my beloved Dad being reduced to a vegetable with no bladder or bowel control.And yet ,as I suspect you see already ,there is such Grace in this . The heartbreak that you are experiencing can if you allow it,take you the very essence of yourself and your loved one. I was never able to have the conversations I wanted to with my Dad. I was never able to ask him about what he felt about dying ,stripped of the dignity he held so dear . And yet ,I did have them at some level .
It is probably one of the hardest things we deal with in our lifetime . And like most hardships ,there is a fierce beauty ,a subtle blessing that we are able to perceive only after we have allowed ourselves to feel the very depth of our grief .
My heart goes out to you !


What a beautiful sharing, thank you it has inspired me and reminded me of the subtle beauty we are blessed with when we are put in such life and death experiences. We often overlook the gift we are being presented with.



Wow Megha - what a sharing - what a tremendous role you're fulfilling - the very blade edge of life itself. The world is blessed to have you there, doing what you're doing *give_rose*

Hi Steve, this is the meditation I was speaking of...Breakthrough Breathing Meditation.
And yes, we will be doing plenty more!

Sending love

Open <3


I love the phrase "riding the blade edge of life " Open . I have something to share that exemplifies the blade edge in my life . I am a neonatologist and I deal with very tiny babies ,barely alive . For me the challenge is to bring humanity to the ICU space with its soulless beeping monitors and yet exuberently alive little ones . It is often challenging in the extre . Since the 9th ( full scorpio moon ) I have been inundated with babies that have been small or really sick . And it has been challenging in the extreme . My best friend and husband were travelling and I was being a mom to my 8 year old and mom to these little ones without my usual supports .
6-7 nights of very little sleep ,occasional swims and lots of breathing later I found myself awake and doing what I do in times of such drama. Attempting to feel into my body . Past the knots of anxiety and the heartfelt anguish of the parents ,I found Gratitude . I spent the whole morning weeping with the beauty of the fact that of all the things I could be doing ,i get to do THIS. I get to be here in this razor blade's edge between life and death ,between pleasure and pain . I get to be of such deep ,life altering service . I must have incredible karma to be HERE ,RIGHT NOW ,IN THIS .
Sorry for that rave .....but thats what this sharing brought up in me !


You say 'Open'
"I was drinking in the panorama, feeling the expansiveness of it, using a favourite Breathing Meditation to intensify the feeling of it"

If i may ask you share this favourite breathing meditation? maybe add it to your downloadable meditations on the site that we may purchase? i don't want to sound to bold or take away any of your Personal ways but I am glad i asked this same question at the Seatle 5 gateways retreat, Then you shared your Meditation on How to bring back our Love and gratitude completing the feed back loop to to our Twin Flame. I have used this meditation daily since and I find it particularly extremly beneficial, i always feel it almost Instantly right after the meditation, It really works!

Edited: I feel i have a good understanding of that mediation i speak of above but i would also Love to have your assitance in a guided medittion to download and Purchase.




My heart goes out to you. When I read your words and felt your feelings, I was flooded with memories of sitting by the beside of my own father as he lay dying. My heart shattered into pieces witnessing his suffering, fear, vulnerability, and brokenness. But in those last days we connected soul to soul and experienced immense healing and forgiveness. His final words of recognition about who I am as a soul have continued to inspire me with courage throughout my life since then and have helped me to step up and embrace my destiny.

You are such a beautifully sensitive and compassionate soul. Much love to you.

x Cathy


Hi Steve

Its a beautiful thing to hold space for another who may not be as consciously awake like you are doing for your father. Its a strong person who can sit with the sadness. For years I thought tears were weakness but they are not they are strength. One huge realisation I had after the passing of my mum was that we all have our different gifts - mine is to be with people in their most vulnerable moments and I have the strength for that and it includes honouring my grief. For a long time I felt less than my sister - she is "successful" in the matrix kind of way yet she couldn't sit with my parents and hold space like I could. Her gifts helped in other ways. I have done this for the last few years for both my parents watched them both suffer and struggle while feeling so sad yet keeping one eye on the greater picture that this is just a moment in the real vastness of a souls experience. I can still remember seeing my strong resourceful father lying in a hospital bed after a heart attack looking the opposite so weakened. Yet it seemed this is when he started to become much wiser and stronger in other ways instead of just physically. I kept asking the angels to surround them and me. At one point my mum who had dementia came around somewhat and said to me "oh there are four angels around the bed and you are one of my angels aren't you love" and "theres my mum and brothers standing over there". I know it gave her comfort and it certainly gave me comfort. Such difficult times but now thinking of it really it was a huge blessing and honour to be with them through their difficult times and their transitioning. Even expressing how sad and how helpless you feel is a great strength I think.
blessings to you


Hi Aspasia, Steve & Cathy, thanks for showing up and supporting the vibe. When people connect, in their hearts, with the energy of the sharing, it helps radiate the vibe much further afield, and embodies it further for us.


Open *give_rose*


Thank you, Open. I bow in reverence to the power of music and the magic of metaphor to shine light into the dark corners of my wounded heart. To unlock my feelings.

"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood." ~The Animals

There is no greater sadness than feeling misunderstood, burned and broken. There is no greater power than coming home to oneself. Flying straight into the shining sun. Ad vitam. Back to life.

The everyday chatter and distractions fade as I lose myself more and more in the presence of the radiant beauty that surrounds me. I hear the sweet melody of birds singing. My heart sings with them.

x Cathy


That Video, The words, The Title, have brought me to tears, standing helplessly by watching my fahter after his 12 to 13hr Open heart surgery slowly recovering, Once a strong man he has been reduced to weakness beyond description, he is Extremely tired, tired of fighting, Ups and downs on a hourly basis have become the Norm, i sit there and watch, nothing can be done but Hold the space, that just does not seem enuff. I continue to sit and try and feel through this, the only real feelings are helplessness, deep sadness and feeling futile...I try to hold the space and i am finding out how incredibly difficult this is, watching my father in the state he is in...tears well up inside of me untill there is no way but to let them flow...sadness, deep sadness :( i have asked benevelonce for guidance and i do feel there are definite signs telling me how to be through this Experience.

Thank-you for the catalysing tools that are Openhand, that are keeping me a float <3



A stunning music video (and in my list now)!
An upwelling of awe, wonder, love and grief. Can grief arise from a non-divided beingness? yes, it can - it is.

Lovely :)