The 5D Ascension Book Series by Openhand

Openhand provides an interrelated series of 4 groundbreaking books to support your evolution to 5D, in digital and paperback. We call it the, "5D Ascension Book Series". Although connected, each book is standalone - you don't have to have read the others for each to make sense...

BREAKTHROUGH: Activating our Ascension

This is an epic, true story of one man’s journey of Spiritual Breakthrough. It reveals how, in every single moment, each person is supported by an etheric divine connection - a benevolent force - supporting you in life, and working with you to break through into your greater divinity. The book helps you delve deeply into every situation you face and find the deeper meaning - the divine revelation. It shows you how to embrace the moment fully, what to work with and how to work, so that you can eternally live the brilliance of You. The world stands on a precipice. Divine revelation is the answer.

Learn more and purchase the BREAKTHROUGH Book...

5GATEWAYS: Our Journey of Ascension

Where are you on your Spiritual Journey right now? How might you be affected by inner child conditioning? What might you do to activate Kundalini and process your Karma? Are you approaching Enlightenment? Are you Ascending into 5D? Understanding how these all interrelate and affect your life, can greatly influence your destiny. There are many ways up the ‘spiritual mountain’, for each of us there is a unique path. Yet those who have ascended before, often speak of five key expansions, five key 'altitudes' through which all tend to pass. It is a common journey of Ascension that has been followed by spiritual masters through the ages.

Learn more and purchase the 5GATEWAYS Book...

DIVINICUS Book: rise of the divine human

Where did humanity really come from? Where is he really going to? This book will take you on an enthralling journey: from the deserts of Arizona to the planes of South Africa; from the Garden of Eden to the Big Apple; from ancient Lemuria to the submerged Atlantis. Sharing perspectives into the full magnitude of this interdimensional reality, helps process humanity's ancient karma and activate your spirit-light-body - that which will activate your Cosmic Divine Being - the evolution of humanity in the New 5D Paradigm.

Learn more and purchase the DIVINICUS Book...

RESURRECTION: reclaiming our Divinity and the Planet

Openhand's latest, new out now:
This is a cutting edge account of the challenges faced when crossing the 4D karmic plane, based on the real life account of a historic character. Learn how to regress into your past life karma and process through, what you’ll likely face, and how best to deal with it. Discover the true meaning of the “Christ Consciousness”, as a non-religious energy that is intrinsic to our own souls. Learn to negate shadow interference, consciously weave the world around you, and ascend with the Shift.

Learn more and purchase the RESURRECTION Book...

The 5D Ascension Series eBooks

Get all 4 eBooks together, and catalyse your higher dimensional shift for £25...