Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Fri, 06/01/2018 - 05:32

Souls everywhere are yearning for a new way of being: living at-one with the divine, in sweet harmony with the Universe. Yet all around is growing tension and challenge as the old reality construct steadily slips into decline. How will the New Paradigm be realised? It is essential to evolve beyond the current karmic constriction. Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, is already shifting into higher vibrations of interconnectivity. A golden opportunity confronts us, to integrate expanded "5D" consciousness into our daily lives, right now. This magical New Paradigm can be realised, by all those working consciously toward it. That's the divine blessing, what PARADIGM SHIFT is all about.

This is a 5 day retreat at the stunning Turtle Cove retreat centre in Mozambique. With golden sun-kissed shores, peaceful and secluded beaches, and wonderful high vibe venue. It will be the experience of a lifetime.

PARADIGM SHIFT: 5 day Transcendental Retreat, Mozambique

The central focus of the Openhand work is empowering people to connect with the mainstream of their soul; that they may live a more authentic, resilient and successful life, totally at-one with the universal flow of the moment. In so doing, we become a part of the Earth's incredible shift of consciousness into higher dimensional awareness to lead a blessed and magical life.

During this 5 day retreat we'll be applying the very latest version of Openhand's ground-breaking Breakthrough Work. Using meditation, profound self-realisation inquiry and movement to emotive music, we break through inner karmic blockages and bring you progressively into expanded "5D" consciousness - to apply now - for successful and resilient daily living.

That's the essence of this event at the stunning Turtle Cove in Mozambique. It's about touching the deepest levels of your true self and unfolding that, so as to connect up with the powerful earth shifts of consciousness now taking place. Then embodying the new consciousness to thrive successfully in the shift. It will be nothing short of life changing.

Turning a Powerful new Chapter in the Earth's Shift

For all those tuned into Gaia, it's clear that very recently she's begun a crucial new phase in her consciousness Shift - the tectonic plates of the earth are moving more fluidly now as signaled by the global increase in Volcanic and Earthquake action. The activation of Kilauea in Hawaii seemed to provide the key stone for this. It's the Openhand Team's strong conviction that this event signals the activation of a new chapter - Unwinding the Karmic Construct that has shaped our current, convoluted reality.

Gaia is ready to transform the Earth into a higher paradigm of consciousness in the Fifth Density, through which, like a worn out skin, the old reality is steadily peeled away. It is the Openhand conviction that Gaia has now signaled this crucial new phase in the higher interests of all sentient life, to minimise any undue suffering and begin shifting energy into the higher dimensional reality - one that exists here and now, all around us.

It offers an open invitation and golden opportunity for all those committed to reclaim their divine birthright as higher dimensional beings interconnected with the natural flow and harmony of the Universe. As the old reality construct crumbles the possibility opens to unfold into a magical new paradigm of being.

Introducing Openhand

Openhand has been helping inspire this planetary shift of consciousness for over fifteen years now working both with individuals and groups in many countries around the world.

We're working with a highly evolved benevolent presence, the energy of Enlightened Masters through the ages. It seeks no position, rank nor title; it works through the field to highlight shifts in your own consciousness that are now possible, so that you may embody the next higher dimensional version of your own truth.

We call the energy simply: "Openhand".

Guided by "Open" - a Higher Dimensional Bridge

I incarnated somewhat unusually via a soul exchange, which initiated during a life threatening car crash. It was my passion to come here and support the Great 5D Shift of Consciousness taking place on the earth right now.

I work with a higher dimensional team that I call "Openhand" who are an intimate part of the benevolent mission gathering all around the earth to facilitate the shift. I act as a higher dimensional bridge able to resonate soul frequencies of your higher self and bridge you into higher dimensions of consciousness.

Retreat Outline and Format

We'll be hosted for 5 days at the rustic, secluded and highly conscious setting of Turtle Cove in Tofo, near Imbahane. You'll be staying in restful, quiet and highly comfortable, eco-cabin-style accommodation that is highly conscious and comfortable. It's perfectly configured to give you plenty of space and time for reflective contemplation. For those who attended previously it's the experience of a lifetime!

Quirky, peaceful and relaxing hanging out spaces...

During session times, using meditation, breathing, movement and guided inner inquiry, the work will naturally guide through blocking consciousness, that you may peel it away, and then shine the light on new emergent aspects of soul that want to come through. These then go on to radiate positively through your life. It is only such authentic beingness that can make such profound and lasting change.

There'll be plenty of hanging out time, on the beach, and at the beaurtiful atmospheric centre...

Accommodation is high vibe, rustic and highly peaceful...

The food will be high vibe, plant based...

You'll just love your stay here!...

Administration details

  • Venue in Turtle Cove: The retreat will be taking place at the magical Turtle Cove retreat at Tofo. It's a rustic, secluded and highly energetic centre on golden beaches near Imbahane. Full info and images...Turtle Cove Retreat
  • Dates & Timings: The retreat takes place from Sunday 24th at 10am and finished Thursday 28th February at 5pm.
  • Cost: The full price, including all facilitation fees, healthy vegan meals and conscious 'cabin-style' accommodation at the Turtle Cove Retreat is as follows:
    Accommodation: R150 per person sharing per day / R 300 for a single person
    Meals: R 300 a day (3 meals per day / fresh vegan & nutricious meals
    Facilitation fee: R3000 per international participant (ask about our special discount for locals)
  • Travel:

    FLY IN...

    Tofo is located just 20 Km from Inhambane airport, which runs a bi-weekly service directly between Maputo and Johannesburg.

    Taxis can be pre-booked or arranged on arrival at the airport; the transfer between Inhambane airport and Turtle Cove costs R400 for 4-6 people and is approximately a 20 minute drive.

    A taxi transfer from the airport to Tofo is about R400 per transfer and can seat 4 – 6 people in the vehicle. Taxi fee needs to be paid direct to the driver.


    Tofo is a 1100 kms drive from Johannesburg and Durban. The Maputo Corridor is complete from Johannesburg to Maputo and there’s a toll fee of R 120.00 in South Africa (from JHB) and Mt110 in Mozambique (each way) which is cash only payable in Rands, US dollars and/or local Mozambican Metical.

    We recommend you have local currency with you and use the substantially faster Ring Round around Maputo to travel up to Tofo, which saves you an hour.

    You don’t need a 4x4 to travel to Tofo and Turtle Cove can be reached in a standard sedan vehicle, but it is a nice to have to navigate Tofo’s beach roads with.

    We also recommend an overnight stop en-route to Tofo; the border crossing and speed limit in Mozambique is 60 kms resulting in a 7-9 hour travel time from the Komatiepoort border to Tofo (ask about our accommodation recommendations).

    Travelling after dark is not advisable; there are no streetlights, other vehicles with inadequate lighting and a constant stream of pedestrians, animals & cyclists on the road all contribute to difficult driving conditions after dark.

    It’s advisable to fill up at the garage just before the border. The best place to fill up in Mozambique en-route to Tofo is in Xai Xai where you will find a variety of clean filling stations with ablution facilities and convenient stores. Unleaded petrol is available in all towns of Mozambique, including Xai Xai and Inhambane.

  • Booking info: To book a place or to get more information, email Nelia at Turtle Cove... ***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder
  • Not-for-profit: Openhand is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the upliftment of mankind through the sharing of this unique philosophy.

PARADIGM SHIFT INTENSIVE: Outcome, Booking & Further Info

It is practically impossible for ego-mind to grasp the full scope and magnitude of the phenomenal shift of consciousness now taking place across the earth. Put succinctly, it will leave no stone unturned. That's why we must expand into higher mind and become an integral part of the PARADIGM SHIFT so as to succeed in the changes that are now unfolding. Wherever you are on the journey, gathering together in this crucible of profound alchemical awareness, can catalyse your next evolutionary shift, and open new channels of higher dimensional consciousness, that your soul may thrive in this monumental transformation.

Now is the time, to look into the external mirror, and see the limited physical being that you are not! Let the veils of limitation fall from your eyes and from your being. Here is the golden opportunity to step out and become all that you can be. Spiritual beings were made for these times ahead of us. Your purpose and destiny for being here, is set to come fully into view. Honour, own and embrace it. Step courageously and fearlessly forwards into your divine being. And this wave you're about to step onto, will become the ride of your existence!

BOOKING & INFO: to book a place or get more information, email Nelia at Turtle Cove:

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