Path between Worlds: Are You Ascending into the Fifth Density?
Yesterday I was at a favourite gorge here in Avalon (UK). The weather was spectacular: a sunny and bright, with clouds were flowing into the horizon, like an endless river. When I looked at the rocks, I couldn’t see them anymore; I couldn’t see the trees any longer as purely 3D. The air was no longer air, just passing into physical lungs. As I looked around me, I’d become as one with the consciousness, and as I looked into the setting sky, it was like I was flowing into it, into the 5D. It was indescribable.
Through the Eye of the Needle
Much has been written about joining the 5D; frequently it's distorted. Because it's difficult to appreciate it through a 3D mind. You can get into the sense of it by temporarily distancing yourself from the 3D, yes. But in many cases, it’s only a bubble which eventually bursts. You have to pass through the 3D in order to finally arrive on the shore of the 5D. It’s just like passing through the eye of a needle.
You have to confront all of the contractions, all of the lingering hooks that attach you into the density. It’s too hard for most. Most give up when the going gets tough. Or else distance themselves in illusionary realities. But if you’re reading this, you’re drawn because you resonate. You resonate with the truth that we have to pass through that which would limit us.
The paradox is, when we do this, the 3D melts away like a mirage in the desert.
Join a Pilgrimage with Openhand to Pass Through the Eye of the Needle
Nothing to Fear But, Perhaps, Fear Itself
There is nothing to fear from this constant confrontation; except that is, perhaps our fear itself. Push past it, break through it, by looking it square in the eyes. Take a chance. Plunge into the deep end. You will not be disappointed, you will not be left wanting; seek and ye shall find.

There's no time to waste on our evolution these days - world events are taking us towards some kind of monumental climax. Any moment that you don't engage in full consciousness is a wasted moment. Evolution is possible, right now, in every single choice. But we must be consciously engaged in every thought, emotion and feeling. Why do you do the things you do? Does that choice, thought or feeling actually create the outer landscape that serves your highest good? If not, why not? What attachment, resistance or conditioning created it otherwise? Explore with full awareness, which will reveal the distortion. Then you can work to unwind it, allowing higher truth to unfold through it. This is true alchemy. This is the path to the 5D. It's not always sexy or glamorous. It requires hard work, dedication, oodles of patience and persistence. But the approach does definitely work (see Openhand Approach).
Soften, open, penetrate through with subtle, inner intimacy. Softly, patiently, persistently, and you’ll burst through. Test the 3D with utmost commitment, absolute awareness, in every single moment. Then you’ll penetrate the illusion of it. You’ll drift right through the eye of the needle. There is nothing like this feeling.
Louder Than Words
You see the rocks, but no longer only their solidity. You feel their quintessence, as if you are that; their light, their consciousness. You see the trees, but way beyond the separate limitation of 3D eyes. You talk to them, but way beyond the smallness of 3D vocabulary; there’s a knowing exchange, a meeting of souls – namaste – you see the One in them, they see the One in you, what else needs to be said?
And then there’s the sunset. You’re driving in your car, a queue of traffic, all going about their busy day, a destination here and there, an objective to meet, lines to stay between, traffic lights to control you, the endless roundabout. But as you’re driving, the car merges into the sky, floating with the clouds, into the endless sun. Fortunately, you’re still driving the car!
This is how you can feel the 5D through the 3D, not separated, not distant. This is the Path between Worlds. Believe it is possible. Make your dream become the reality. The Fifth Density: it’s louder than words…
Are you inspired to begin the Ascension Shift to 5D? Then get involved with the evolutionary work of Openhand...
Bright blessings
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Our Journey to 5D - Openhanders, You Are Amazing!! 🌈
02/08/2024 Shift Update - into a New World
I'm simply bowled over by the magical experiences people are sharing here on Openhand, about their transcendent experiences as they progressively shift their consciousness into 5D. It's so inspiring!!
Maybe it's time to begin, or deepen, your journey?
When the external world in society is in such a mess, the only way out, is to go deeper within.
I trust my article with video above may 'nudge' you further along in that direction.
And do check out the sharings and comments of Openhanders here right now, because it's so wonderful to witness.
You are all amazing!
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Are You Ascending? (Video)
This is the best summary video that I have seen on this topic!!! I just shared it with about 50 people (something which I have not done in 10 years). Thank you for this concise and elegant explanation and perspective on ascension. What a wonderful video :)))
Are you ascending video? - great to hear
In reply to Are You Ascending? (Video) by Raymond Trott (not verified)
Hi Raymond - great to hear you appreciated it 👌
And thanks so much for sharing. In these days of censorship, it's tremendously helpful when people do share the material out to there own circles. 👍
Best wishes
Open 🙏
We are all One
Ah, lovely - we are all One!
Thanks for sharing
Open *OK*
Just WOW
These readings you have here for us are nothing short of amazing. You see as I was writing this in front of a window, there is this lilac tree and this little sparrow landed on the branch that touches the window. Well of coarse I stopped writing and started to talk to this beautiful part of life. I said hey there little bird it is nice to see in my tree. the little bird looked up at me and at that very moment I realized I did not own this tree it was there for both of us to share and thank the little bird for let me know we are all one. I ask the little bird if he could help me get a message to a dear friend that I also call little bird. the message I got was she is the little bird. The little bird looked as if she was bowing to me, I bowed back saying Namasta and the little bird took flight. Now I say to you and this wonderful family here at OPENHAND
Louder than words

Surrendering into the 5D
Hi Sandra,
I too was drawn to read this article earlier today after our conversation in the car the other day. I appreciate all our conversations which inspired me to look deeper into my own understanding of things. Today I have been processing a lot form the past week and spent some time in nature. I could feel times where I was simply relating on the 3D plane and then others when I opened and expanded into the 5D and it was truly magical. After the workshop I feel another layer of illusion within myself has been placed on the altar of my heart and I am patiently awaiting the day when the surrender and opening are great enough so that which is silently awaiting in the background can carry me back home. Wishing you well.
3D leads to 5D
Another awesome post Open! It just feels right!
There are many spiritual teachers talking about 5D. A common theme I am hearing is that if we simply proclaim we are in 5D then by way of making this declaration we are there. It is tempting to want to arrive at an ascended destination now, and to believe we can bypass the personal work necessary to transcend 3D. This constantly reminds me of the tale of the Emperor's New Clothes. Weaver's promise the emperor amazing invisible clothes that only people of a certain status can see. The emperor fully believes he is wearing these clothes (5D reality) yet in actual fact he is walking around naked.
You invite us to look for the truth in a distortion. Yes, 5D is with me right here, right now - but I can't see through the veils simply by believing they are not there...or can I? There are times when I have extended experiences of 5D and they are nothing short of magical. But each time the veils reappear along with my attachments. As I devote myself to unraveling my attachments, so will I unravel the very fabric that constructs the veils. The weave of the veils is becoming thinner and thinner until one day it will no longer exist. And then..... TA DA!!!! (cue golden light confetti) ;-)
With love,
Thank you..
Thank you for posting this again. I have needed and fed on your encouragement and the comments from Openhanders. I feel stabilized for the first time all week, while at the same time remaining open and surrendered. Another constriction surprised me yesterday..out of my mouth in the presence of a dear friend. I thought that constriction was gone, but evidently it was not. Stuff bubbles up like a gooey steamy, smelly tar-pit. It once trapped dinosaurs, but I resolve it will not trap me! Not this time. I am better equipped this time around...
I found this poet...and offer her ''Hey,Code-breaker'' this morning. She seems to me to be so in-line with Openhand..
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