ARISE DIVINE BEING: FREE Evening Seminar, Mullumbimby, Sep 20th
Our time has arrived. As the mainstream sleepwalks into a synthetic reality based on 'Smart' technology, so we must now begin our Ascension into 5D consciousness in earnest. The healing of Gaia will be to cleanse this cancerous invasion in the 3D through Abrupt Climate Change and the accelerating Pole Shift to progressively shift vibration into 5D/6D/7D. It's time to truly uncover the Divine Being in the depths of you, to break open the shell, and step out into the world as your glorious God-Self. The time for playing it small has long since evapourated. Come step into the Openhand crucible of profound evolutionary change. Our time has come.
This is a 2hr, FREE evening seminar, at the DRILL HALL MULLUMBIMBY, with International Facilitator "Open", the purpose being to express and resonate the energy of the New "5D" Paradigm so you can feel it, know it, and unleash it into your daily life. It leads into a ARISE DIVINE BEING retreat, 20th-23rd September
5 Key Themes of the Seminar
1) The Implications of the 5G/5D synchronicity. What is it Inviting?
2) What exactly is taking place in Gaia's Shift from 3D to 5D?
3) Understanding the latest upgrade to the alien agenda on Earth
4) Stepping into Your Greater Role as a Lightwarrior in The Shift
5) How to live the New 5D Paradigm here and now in daily life
Turning a Powerful new Chapter in the Earth's Shift
For anyone with the eyes to see, our times are changing ever more rapidly now. Gaia has endured the Intervention of Opposing Consciousness long enough. The unseen powers-that-be have scant regard now for our beautiful eco-systems - that is becoming increasingly clear. But every cause has an effect. And so with the introduction of highly invasive 5G, so will the Universe respond with an acceleration for the Earth into 5D. That is the startling synchronicity of our times.
Gaia is ready to transform the Earth into a higher paradigm of consciousness in the Fifth Density, through which, like a worn out skin, the old reality is steadily peeled away. It is the Openhand conviction that Gaia has now signaled this crucial new phase, in the higher interests of all sentient life, to minimise any undue suffering and begin shifting energy into the higher dimensional reality - one that exists here and now, all around us.
People with the eyes to see and ears to hear must now grasp the metal, go deep into the soul, and let the heat of alchemical change burn away the ego's dross, to unleash a new sparkling Divine Being. It's about digging deep through the karmic ballast, working it through, unleashing Kundalini, reuniting Lower with Higher Self and activating the Spirit Light Body. It's a new consciousness of light that you can prosper in from day to day. It will be your vehicle of Ascension when your time comes to pass on. And it will be an immaculate home coming!
Introducing Openhand
Openhand has been helping inspire this planetary shift of consciousness for over fifteen years now working both with individuals and groups in many countries around the world.
We're working with a highly evolved benevolent presence, the energy of Enlightened Masters through the ages. It seeks no position, rank nor title; it works through the field to highlight shifts in your own consciousness that are now possible, so that you may embody the next higher dimensional version of your own truth.
We call the energy simply: "Openhand".
Seminar by International Facilitator "Open" - a Higher Dimensional Bridge
I incarnated somewhat unusually via a soul exchange, which initiated during a life threatening car crash. It was my passion to come here and support the Great 5D Shift of Consciousness taking place on the earth right now.
I work with a higher dimensional team that I call "Openhand" who are an intimate part of the benevolent mission gathering all around the earth to facilitate the shift. I act as a higher dimensional bridge able to resonate soul frequencies of your higher self and bridge you into higher dimensions of consciousness.
It will be my pleasure to be of service.
Seminar Feedback
Here is the feedback we received from the UK National EFT conference in Glastonbury back in 2010...
"The cherry to add to the icing was the guest speaker, "Open", whose talk on the planetary shift of consciousness occurring around 2012 was jaw-droppingly, goose-pimplingly, spine-tinglingly...well, you get the picture and I would not and could not undermine his talk by summarising it. Therefore, I can only suggest that you check out the seminars and courses Openhand run."
Seminar video clip
Here is a clip from a previous Shift Seminar in Glastonbury...
Administration Details
* Mullumbimby Drill Hall: This evening seminar will take place at the Drill Hall in the highly conscious Mullumbimby, in easy reach of Byron Bay and the Gold Coast
* Dates and Timings:
Friday 20th September. Doors open at 5:45pm, ready for a prompt start at 6pm. Ends around 8pm.* Price:
FREE.* More info: To find out more, email our Community Coordinator Aspasia:
ARISE DIVINE BEING: Inspiration for your Shift
It is practically impossible for ego-mind to grasp the full scope and magnitude of the phenomenal shift of consciousness now taking place across the earth. Put succinctly, it will leave no stone unturned. That's why we must expand into higher mind and become an integral part of the PARADIGM SHIFT so as to succeed in the changes that are now unfolding. Wherever you are on the journey, gathering together in this crucible of profound alchemical awareness can catalyse your next evolutionary shift and open new channels of higher dimensional consciousness that your soul may thrive in this monumental transformation.
An intensive evening seminar in the right energetic consciousness like this can be exactly what's necessary to kick start the next stage of your journey. Join us!
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