All comments
- Take up your Spiritual Flow State...Video guidance 🏄🏻♂️05.02.25
- 5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Throat Chakra Ready to Roar? 🦁05.02.25
- Wheel of Life - emotive music ☸️05.02.25
- Rain05.02.25
- Trusting the soul, Trusting the process04.02.25
- 5D Shift Bulletin: Sun goes "Nuclear" in its effects on Earth ☀️04.02.25
- How exactly will the Earth shift from 3D to 5D? Shift Free eBook04.02.25
- Understanding the Grand Galactic Convergence (Openhand video)04.02.25
- Evidence climates of all other planets in solar system changing04.02.25
- How we can evolve and grow through planetary hardship 💪04.02.25
- Just WOW!!!03.02.25
- Thank you Open, really…03.02.25
- Chills03.02.25
- Hi Asya, I just wanted to…03.02.25
- Thanks Open Thats really…03.02.25
- Gift of persistently challenging experience 03.02.25
- 💖🙏03.02.25
- Deeply inspired by the Water (shared song) 03.02.25
- Chakra attunement through coloration03.02.25
- Ayla - soul stirring: take the darkness from my eyes 😎05.02.25