All comments
- Love this!21.12.24
- Solistice Blessings - Mr Blue Sky 🌄21.12.24
- Sounds of Sirius - Inner Harmony - Music for the Solstice 🎶20.12.24
- AI influence19.12.24
- Unleashing the Natural Flower of Life đź’«19.12.24
- Intervention 19.12.24
- Lyran Dragon Energy Breaking Through Simulation Intervention đź’Ž19.12.24
- This resonates18.12.24
- One more thing to consider about Tall White/AI Intervention18.12.24
- Yes, nothing to do with the video18.12.24
- A different dynamic in the crown chakra đź‘‘18.12.24
- my thoughts on the video18.12.24
- 5D Shift Bulletin: Beware AI & Tall Whites on the Internet đź—ż18.12.24
- How Tall Whites Use AI to Hijack the High-Heart ❤️‍🩹18.12.24
- Feels linked somehow to my experience17.12.24
- Great example17.12.24
- Important17.12.24
- Misalignment17.12.24
- Sharing my experience in case it helps17.12.24
- Landing17.12.24