How Do I process my 4D Past Life Karma?
4D Karma is something you carry forwards from past lives. It's where you passed on in traumatic circumstances and so the soul fragmented into this trauma and is what brings you back to this old level of consciousness. It's why we create derailing and limiting repetitive patterns in our lives that hold us back. 4D karma prevents you from leading a fulfilling, rewarding and abundant life, but have no fear, because it can be processed out!
Openhand provides an advanced process of past life regression, through meditation and journeying, that helps you clear this karma from your field. Basically, we help you activate it, bring it to the surface, and then integrate the fragment of soul that was buried there. The karmic energy is then cleansed away through breathing and movement.
Check out Openhand's instructive video for taking ownership of your 4D karma and processing it out...
Process your 4D karma on an Openhand Seminar or Retreat
Openhand can help you process out your 4D karma through an annual program of seminars, courses and retreats within what we call our "5D Ascension Program". It's an integrated development approach, both terrestrial and on zoom, that helps you step by step to move with the earth's shift to 5D.
You'll engage in meditation, deep consciousness bodywork, past-life regression journeying, sacred ceremony, and one-on-one assisted self-realisation through inner inquiry.
Explore Openhand's Advanced Spiritual Program...Process out your 4D karma
Full List of FAQs
- What is the shift to 5D consciousness really all about?
- How do I raise my Vibration into 5D Consciousness?
- How Do I Best Remove Entities and Implants?
- What do people say about attending an Openhand course or retreat?
- What are the Ascended Masters: Where does Openhand fit in?
- How Do I process my 4D Past Life Karma?
- Join us in our 5D Retreats and Courses: What To Expect?
- Am I Ascending?...What are the Symptoms of Ascension?
- How Can I learn the Philosophy of Openhand?...Openhand Evolutionary Book Series
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