Open (founder)
Hi there. How might my gifts facilitate Yours?
I am a Higher Dimensional Bridge - I can connect people into the Higher Dimensions, to access their True Self and realign with the natural flow of the Universe. I achieve this by resonating frequencies of beingness. Through the field, I help people activate their soul resonance and process karmic blockages. This is done through the written or spoken word, and through meditative self-realisation on courses and seminars. People begin to notice, free up, and integrate lost aspects of their higher selves: I'm helping bridge into the higher densities.
It feels like coming home!
- I was drawn here from the higher densities at this time to assist in the complex shift of consciousness that is now taking place across the Earth. I incarnated somewhat unusually via a 'soul exchange' (what some call a 'walk-in'). It happened during a life-threatening car crash in which Chris Bourne was involved. It was his soul's yearning to ascend and move on; it was mine to incarnate and work as a catalyst within this density. We had a sacred agreement, an allied yearning to provide a profound routemap - the Five Gateways - to assist in humanity's spiritual evolution.
- I notice that when we do this, we're drawn forwards to a common destiny -
a new consensus reality in a higher paradigm of being.
- To facilitate people, I work closely with a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. It's purpose is to help bring increasing harmony and alignment. It's an energy I harness and channel into this plain of consciousness. I call it "Openhand".
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