Openhand Stage 3: "DIVINICUS Activation"

Submitted by Open on Fri, 07/25/2014 - 06:21

Humanity has entered the crucible of profound evolutionary change. A wave of transformation is sweeping through our lives urging a fundamental shift into the next plane of reality: into your divine being "DIVINICUS" in Fifth Density Consciousness, then to live it, here and now. How do we make this crucial transition? We must venture deep within and confront the final karmic ballast - the unconscious hooks that tether us to the old consciousness. It requires a deep internal penetration of the restricting density. In so doing, we unleash kundalini, then activate the spirit-light-body. This will be our vehicle for the Shift into the New Paradigm.

This is Openhand's legendary Stage 3 activation, previously called "The Transfiguration". It's taking place at the amazing 'Lord of the Rings' eco-village "Cae Mabon" in Snowdonia, Wales UK. All info email:

Course highlights

  • confronting, healing and dissolving inner child identities
  • undertaking 'radical forgiveness' both for ourselves and others
  • activating and integrating kundalini, uniting higher and lower self
  • confronting humanity's past life karma and unwinding the intervention
  • discovering, unveiling and radiating your divine being - the next evolution.

Your profound birthright

An Interdimensional Intervention has derailed the natural evolutionary path of humanity and the planet. A synthetic reality has been created with humanity enslaved within it. But now a huge influx of cosmic consciousness is infusing to bring about realignment with the Source. We are blessed with the opportunity to finally realign with that wave and become the divine beings that we were always meant to be.

In creating a safe, energetic and highly revelatory space, we're able to take you deeply through the limiting layers that might still remain in your field. If you're prepared to go there, we can take you down the 'rabbit hole' as deep as you wish to go.

If you have the courage and commitment, then we can help you peel away the vestiges of this intervention to unveil the full magic and splendour of your divine being. It's your profound birthright: at-one-ment and interconnectivity with the divine source. It is at this point, you fully actualise your alignment with the shift into the next paradigm... a renewed Earth in Fifth Density Consciousness.

The Work: Openhand Stage 3

When we're truly walking the spiritual path, it's going to take us into all the areas of ego and false identity - conditioning that has built up through our childhood, teenage years, the controlling influence of society and also our past lives within the limiting karmic intervention. It is these false self and karmic filters which mask our full majesty of being. During this Openhand level 3 course, we'll be taking you into this density, deep into the convoluted story of humanity's past, stirring up life's sediment and helping you cleanse it from your field.

After this deep consciousness cleansing process, well then resonate energetic keys to unlock the doorways to your higher self so that you may fully embody it, here and now, thus experiencing a profound shift in consciousness. We’ll use the Openhand Meditation techniques to reactivate the lost fragments of "soul gold" and to fully integrate them.

"We’ll be using beautiful and powerful heart-stirring ceremony to truly move you to the core of your being"

Guided by Higher Dimensional Bridge - "Open"

Open, who developed the Openhand Philosophy, works as a Catalytic Bridge into higher dimensions. He came purposefully here to support the Great 5D Shift. His approach is to use intuitive meditation techniques, and self realisation exercises to align you with your soul. He is skilled at activating one's Higher Self and removing karmic past life blockages. He can help you attune the authentic frequency of your being. Participants find themselves dropping into the profound nature of who they truly are; an experience which then infuses beneficially into every facet of their lives.

Snapshots of work you're likely to experience

"Wow, this place is like a scene from Lord of the Rings!"...

High Vibe Eco-village accommodation...

The Group gets down to some deep meditative inquiry...

Plenty of one-on-one

Openhand soul stirring movement - "soulmotion"...

The Diad work takes people really deep...

Tibetan Agni Hotra ceremony dissolving the ego..

Time to let that karma all wash away...

Shamanic serenading...

Summoning the Deva of the Fire...

Light Warriors ready for the Lodge. Let's get down to it then...

Trinity's Conscious Kitchen rejuvenates...

Plenty of joy and laughter in amongst the processing...

Emergence of the Divine Beings!...

"In this clear and nurturing environment, we will detoxify mind, body and spirit thereby actualising the sweetness of divine union. We'll embody the fullness of our being so that our aligned souls may sweep us up on higher dimensional wings, right into the Fifth Density!"

The "DIVINICUS Activation" will be a life changing experience, of that there is no doubt. The catalytic energy can take you deep into the fullness of who you are, help you integrate it and thus radiate this profound beingness through your daily life.

Since reality is shaped by what we are being, life can begin to shape a new harmony around you, one that is more aligned with who you truly are.

Nothing in life can surpass the integration of your profound beingness. As the old world, fear-based reality steadily crumbles and falls away, it will align you with a new, heavenly, 5D Paradigm of being, which is beginning to unfold all around. That's what we'll work to achieve on this 'activation' with you.

It's time to Rise Up! The universal shift is here.
Let this video from a previous Stage 3 inspire you...

Next DIVINICUS Activation?

To find out when the next Openhand stage 3 "DIVINICUS Activation" takes place, check out our Events section... Events. Alternatively email us:
***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder!!!

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