Sacred Geometry
Hello Open,
I will ask this here as I have nobody else to ask this question :)
As explained by Drunvalo Melchizedek the great pyramid is proportioned such that the female energy goes both through the middle of the pyramid and the middle of the Earth. This I can understand. The male energy would touch the tip of the capstone of the pyramid and eventually spiral out toward the centre of the galaxy. In essence, I can understand, but I am left to wonder: how can a spiral emanating from a structure on a planet that is rotating while orbiting a star which is also orbiting be reaching the centre of the galaxy at all times? He describes an initiation process where the initiate would be following the spiral outward and back again for a period of about four days, but does not mention whether these are four very specific days in the year and if so, four days still means four rotations as well as a different location of the sun and of Earth in relation to the galactic core.
He does not elaborate on this enough for me to truly figure out the answer to this question. Would you be able to provide clarity on this? I would be most grateful.
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