How to Live From 5D Consciousness...Here and Now
It's time folks. Procrastination has to fall by the wayside now. Allegiance to a dying system must progressively wither and perish, just as the system itself is doing. There will likely be fear about that. It's okay. Honour it, embrace it, because fear is a tremendous vehicle for growth. It's in the fear where you can honestly touch your identification - the holding on. Where does it get tight inside? Here's the answer your soul is seeking, here's exactly why you created this moment. So that you can break through the 3D density into 5D.
The 5D Shift - Be All In
The 3D world is no doubt pervasive. It's the solidity of it, isn't it?
You eat solid food, walk on solid ground, everywhere you feel solid things. Everything you witness reconfirms what your mind thinks about the world you see around you. Even if you're awake, witnessing, testing exploring, still the reflection in the solidity tells you about the reality of the 3D.
In many ways it's a good thing. How else would you enjoy the taste of an apple, the feeling of early morning breath as it expands your chest, or the sun on your face gently soothing?
There's great beauty in this of course. But the more we engross ourselves in it, the more it limits our capacity to see beyond, to feel beyond, to go beyond. I'm not saying not to enjoy what's left of the 3D world, not at all. I'm saying enjoy it like there's no tomorrow!
Be all-in. But here's the key - explore so deeply in, be so present within it,
that you pick up your soul flowing through the experience.
There's so much more than just the physical.
Here's how to pick up the flow of the Soul
The New Reality Creates from the Question
We know that everything is interconnected by an underlying field of energy. We can't immediately see it with our eyes, but whatever life situations you're currently involved with are subject to a realigning flow that's now gathering in strength.
Society tries to make it always about the outcome - what we might want or desire. This in itself has caused the excessive exploitation of our environment. The Universe is beginning to unwind that now, but that doesn't mean new things won't create - even here. They most definitely will. Even more so than before, but now in a different way:
If you have a challenge in your life, don't immediately try to fix it. Hold the question...what's meant to happen now? Bring your awareness and consciousness to bear; watch for and feel the clicking-in of synchronicity. Follow the steps, and work into any tightness that comes up. My friends, you WILL unwind through. Clarity steadily emerges from the confusion. Often, the higher dimensional pathway through the density only makes sense when you look backwards. It all clicks in and finally makes sense.
This is how 5D reality is built. It's not something you aim for 'out there'. It's not something you believe in and hope that it will come true one day. It's not something you create with your mind. And it's definitely not something "you put off till tomorrow" - tomorrow will never come! It's here, now. In your experience, in every experience. It's a lightness, an interconnectedness, a timelessness, a joy. It holds the deeper meaning of the moment, as an interconnective flow.
And it speaks through clicking-in synchronicity, like walking a path of golden light.
Follow the Calling into 5D
Don't expect it to be easy though. You can do it. Your soul is seeded to do it. This is its singular destiny and purpose. But in this alluring density, it's not easy. The tantalising temptations will keep pulling you back - if you let them. Don't. Hear the soft voice of the soul and keep following it.
When you follow this calling it unfolds you, it unwinds you, it expands you. Which becomes so clearly the purpose of each unfolding moment. Each moment is like a wave washing up on a welcome shore, making its 'life' and experience complete. Inside yourself, you're washing up on the welcome shores of the one. There's nothing to compare with this sense of completeness. With physicality, there is a limit, always a boundary.
But on the shores of The One, there's no limit to its depth, to its completeness, to it's fulfillment. You bathe in it, bask in it, always deepen into it. What else is there?
The 5D Happens in this Moment
So it begins inside. It must happen in every moment. The deep inner inquiry. The feeling into the contracting limitation of the physical. Where do you get tight? Where do you close down? Where does it own you? Where are you left wanting? Here are all the doorways, all the possibilities. Don't ever simply look past them, for they are the jewels of possibility.
Go deeply in, feel deeply through, look for the wind of soulful expansion that wants to Breakthrough, sweep you up and out of them. You'll be flying high in no time!
I believe the possibility of living in 5D consciousness is straightforward - not easy, but straightforward. You can do it. The time has come. It's necessary...
If you resonate with Openhand's 5D Approach, then get involved with our ground-breaking 5D work...Openhand Ascension Portal
Bright Blessings
Now is the time to trust the heart and soul. My mind has made it this far in my journey. I'm at a point where my mind is demanding answers and solutions to the circumstances I find myself in. Breathing into all these experiences as they arise. I feel like I'm losing my mind at times. This is the very mind that has held up the constructs that my soul is breaking through in real time. The theme is trust, trust in the divine that everything will naturally realign with the flow of the cosmos. Why I feel that so many things and ways of being feel off is because subconsciously I'm resisting this natural realigning flow. The seeker in me is still living in seperation consciousness. Still identifying with the small I creating greater and greater suffering. Present moment awareness is always right beneath my nose waiting to be dropped into. Distancing myself from these experiences, feeling retraumatized by the same karmic thread. Betrayal is what revealed itself to me recently along my journey. It has felt big and overwhelming at times but im working with it. It's as if I I'm trying to hard, efforting too much to make something happen. The comparing machine inside of me is winning at the moment. Why do I feel I need to compare myself to others? This is keeping me stuck. I have so much downstairs that is ready to be shared with others. I have all that I need right inside of me. No more trainings or certifications needed. I need to start tuning into my inner compass. One aligned with soul not my ego. The energy is building within me at the moment. Feel pulled to disengage from others and pave my own path of unfolding in this lifetime.
Your process - be 100% all in - but play it like a game 🥎
Hi Chad - it sounds like a very rich and evolutionary cauldron you're in ♥️
One word that stood out was, "betrayal".
Intuitively I see a disconnect in your past from your own supportive "Team" in the ether. I think you'll find the book RESURRECTION illuminates this well. It's because the multidimensional bridge is often a challenging one to keep open - especially if "down here" we're efforting for an outcome, or are often in harms way. It goes "wrong", and so sometimes we disconnect from our team - then instead, perhaps try to build trust in 3D family. But more often than not, they can't see the real flow either. We learn to live an acceptable compromise, an acceptable limitation. Except we hit the point where we know it's no longer acceptable!
That's when we have to learn to build trust again, step by step, in our own multidimensional team.
Trust is rebuilt by being clear about where the path is actually leading - to the revelation and actualisation of YOU!
This kind of trust definitely works. And is most worth developing.
I find it helps to see life more as a game - be committed, 100%, but not to take it too seriously.
Remember, the flow can often bend in mid-air. In the facilitator work, I call it the "googlie", after English cricket. But in the US, you have the "curve" in baseball...
Grateful for the journey!
In reply to Your process - be 100% all in - but play it like a game 🥎 by Open
This clip you shared Open brought tears to my eyes, especially when he said it was just a "game'. This sense of lightness came over me. It felt like I was given permission to just relax through it all and have fun on this unfolding journey. Something inside of me has been trying so hard to get "it" right whatever "it" was for me in any given moment. I feel I've been wound so tight over the years especially in the solar plexus region of my body. Contracting down and playing small over and over again. The inertia just grew inwards, and I just kept putting the lid on it. I was having difficulties moving this energy on my own. Something big had to happen to rock this energy loose within my being. The energy is now moving and seeking realignment with the flow.
I'm working to connect with my guides and "Team", I feel that I was so invested in the reality that my ego created that I was blind to the gifts and awarenesses that were being shown to me. I feel at times I would catch glimpses of them but only from a purely intellectual standpoint. The word "embodiment" comes up for me at the moment. It feels like all that I've learned along my path up until this point in life is being called to be embodied and anchored down through my physical vessel. I feel this deep in my bones. This fire that is burning inside is awakening the catalyst inside of me.
Something I read in a recent article that really resonated with me was "Stop seeking. Start realizing". My mind seems to be softening with each passing day, surrendering into the unknown of it all. I feel this deep sense of peace arising in my being. I'm beginning to radically accept my purpose here on Earth at this time. I feel this strength and determination building within and it comes from a place of being versus needing to do or be anything else other than who I feel pulled to be from moment to moment.
Feeling grateful for this community at this time and I feel this energy building collectively. Movement is being encouraged collectively and individually.
Man, energy work is the real deal, learning how to hold the tension of opposites as we unfold through these times feels like a full-time job! A role I'm ready to step into and embody!
With deep love and gratitude,
Some essentials about riding the realigning 5D flow in your life
I felt to draw attention to this article today - Understanding how to Create in 5D Consciousness...Here and Now.
I think there are some essential points to bear in mind about how reality is now shifting and shaping...
- everything is interconnected by the underlying flow
- the 3D/4D reality construct is now beginning to unwind
- this will come to effect every situation in our lives, from relationships to careers and living circumstances
- it's not about the outcome of any given situation, we must surrender this conditioning, attachments and addictions
- but new creations will create, all the time, all around us
- it's about exploring into the situations and if you don't know what's being invited, simply ask the question: how does this want to go now? Then bring your attention to bear, tune in, and watch the guiding synchronicity/feeling pull
- be mindful that this approach will take you through inner tightness. But that's the point!
Wishing you all well in your endeavours
How are you finding creating from higher 5D consciousness?
I think one of the most important things to realise in creating from 5D consciousness is to come from the question rather than looking for an answer. What do I mean? So you're not sure about the way ahead in a particular situation, be it in your job, relationships or general living circumstances. If it's a challenging situation, the mind may well contract around needing an answer. The key is to open out through this tightness, let go of that need, but still stay attentive to the conundrum. Ask the question, put it out there into the Universe, but then do watch for the synchronistic reflections. Most often it will be about embodying a new aspect of beingness which will then shape reality in a new way.
So how are you finding creating from higher dimensional consciousness?
Do share, I'll happily offer a reflection.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Knowing ourselves as beyond the physical
In reply to How are you finding creating from higher 5D consciousness? by Open
I have recently faced some physical challenges. It's not the physical that was the real challenge, but the mind that constantly intervened with the need for a resolution. It was screaming at times. But I knew to sit in the uncertainty and unravel the constriction. It came to a point where I was inviting more of the challenges as each of the unravelings revealed a deeper aspect of myself—I'm not physical, and it's better to set down the baggage than to carry it around, whatever the consequences of that might be. I think when we come to that point, it's the most empowering place. It is the freedom to know oneself beyond the physical and not be owned by it. Yes, the subconscious density keeps pulling me back into it, but somehow the faint memory of the knowing stays still deep in my being to access at all times. How can I keep centering in it? —keep opening up wherever I identify with the physical. Not that there is a need to intend it of course; the journey will naturally reveal the situation.
Somehow the mind keeps forgetting - it makes it about the outcome rather than the journey. It makes it about the creation rather than the process of unraveling and emergence itself. Maybe it takes a million times of falling and getting back for this to be an embodied realization. All the while, new qualities of beingness - patience, persistence, trust, and deeper divine connection.
As you rightly say - The 3D world is no doubt pervasive.
Can one be in the 5D flow at all times if there's still a belief that the physical is going to satisfy them? What is the truth in this? I think the last few days I saw a deep recurring pattern in me - one of extremism - either renunciation of the physical or fully reveling in it. Possibly a karmic pattern of past spiritual disciplines. Yet the realization comes: physicality can be fully enjoyed when it is given in the flow! The mind can't predict or intend this. I have learned today that there is some blocking layer in the crown from this karma.
I'm not sure if you experienced this Open. Maybe one can call it the Pain of existence. There is a part of me that feels tired of this game at times and just simply wants to give up and rest. Not that giving up would deliver any sense of fulfillment that's being searched for. I think this tiredness is more at the level of the mind, which wants to stop inquiring and seeking. Maybe there is a fear that if I stop, then I may get lost. I suspect there is an aspect of perfectionism that is tied to the above inquiry - an attachment to purity and perfection, even though I recognize the journey as one of infinite growth and realignment. This line stood out from one of your articles. "Surrender the need for improvement, yet watch how improvement can naturally happen without effort.".
Trust in the Flow, Yes, But you will create too! 💎
In reply to Knowing ourselves as beyond the physical by Vimal
Hi Vimal - I'd say you've hit an interesting paradox...
Can one be in the 5D flow at all times if there's still a belief that the physical is going to satisfy them?
What is the truth in this?
The point is, we are here to create. We are here to actualise something that is the manifestation of what we are being. It's just that the mind forms the patterns of what it thinks is going to happen and what it's meant to be BEFORE things actually want to land.
So it's not about completely dissolving the mind - because you are going to create something. You are meant to create something.
This is where to go to work on the mind and make it more malleable, more flexible. You do it by working with the possible creations, but by constantly staying in your centre as you move toward them.
If you're not focussing too strongly, then as you step into the landscape, you'll find it shifts and changes. Until the right thing crystallise and lands - then all you have to do is reach out and pick it up.
It's time for the spiritual gym!
Open 💎
Mind becoming flexible 🌊
In reply to Trust in the Flow, Yes, But you will create too! 💎 by Open
Thanks for this response Open. It always fascinates me how you are able to pick up the right inquiry from the sharing. You said
This is where to go to work on the mind and make it more malleable, more flexible
This is exactly where I'm. I assume you use creation here in a broad sense. It's not just the creations we make like art for example but every choice and experience we end up having is our creation? For example having a coffee or going for a swim. I could sense a desire in me wanting to dissociate from the possible creations and rest in the higher dimensions. I guess this is a reticence to fully embody without taking full responsibility. But the last few days I found myself with some extra energy and willingness to step into the game. When there is less judgment and less need for the reality to be any particular way but approached with vulnerability it feels more like a game. Reality appears more fluid than rigid and it feels liberating to see it in this way. I guess every opening up of constriction , we are moving towards this experience. It also makes sense how this is actually the path of spiritual progression and not one of struggle and discipline. The mind is also able to pick the deeper message from experiences. Interestingly I watched this movie - Mr Nobody. I recommend it as it can make the mind more fluid.
Vimal 🙏
The Great Economic Reset 2021
Here is a video by the World Economic Forum we all need to take note of. It's the plan for an economic reset the shadow state intend to bring in during 2021. It's out in the open, as a 'solution' to the earth's current problems. Whilst alluding to the need for practical solutions, such as over population, environmental breakdown and climate crisis, the marketed and packaged approach certainly sends shivers up my spine!
That said, I'm in no way fearful of what is to come. On the other hand, I feel great opportunity going forwards because there's a strong flow of 5D energy that's emerging through all of this, particularly recently with the growing consciousness rebellion to such control. Look into the mirror of the shadow state, see that which you are not, then pick up the realigning flows. I guarantee it will be highly successful. We can indeed thrive from 5D by beginning to focus that way right now...
What's the antedote to the 'solution' below?: Avalon Rising World Ascension Summit
All in...each and every moment! Thank you for sharing that wonderful music. I feel to go back through the door as each time I can take the heat even longer, touch others with love and compassion so that they too may come along to see beyond the physical landscape beyond and breakthrough!
"This is how 5D reality is built. It's not something you aim for 'out there'. It's not something you believe in and hope that it will come true one day. It's not something you create with your mind. And it's definitely not something "you put off till tomorrow" - tomorrow will never come!"
I'm feeling and seeing no matter where the physical being is, 5D is always flowing always within always reflected everywhere in everything in everyone.
Gracious and humble
Fly High
Open says, "It's time folks. Procrastination has to fall by the wayside now."
Trinity says, "There are two world overlapping right now, but they won't overlap forever - it's time to choose - the choice is there for each of us to make as individuals."
I get this. The 3D matrix is fast disappearing. This morning I did Open's Ascension meditation and Trinity's Higher Paradigm meditation."You've learned what you needed to learn. You don't need it anymore," Trinity says. True. Time to let it go. Time to fly high. I don't need to map out a six-month trek to the New World. It's there in every moment, in every experience that I attract: the open doorway to the Light beyond the fear. The pathless path. I'm all in. To be honest, I felt myself contract writing this sentence, boldly declaring my commitment out loud. Now taking a deep breath, letting go. much better.
"Where are you? Here.
What time is it now? Now.
Who are you? This moment."
~Peaceful Warrior
Love to all,
Great article Open and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! M, thanks for sharing your video also. I listened to it a couple of times already. It really resonated with the way I've been feeling too for quite some time now. Here is a little something I wrote back in January 2016:
"Dream, hide; Dream, Hide,
I feel this yearning burning deep inside,
Repressed suppressed,
Always feeling stressed,
No ones awake to give an educated guess,
Deep-rest, Depressed, I must confess,
We collectively co-created this mess.
There is great news, we have the power to choose.
The grid of FEAR runs deep,
It's our choice if we want to take the leap,
The journey within oneself is what we're being called to embark on.
This journey isn't linear,
There also isn't anything to FEAR,
We're aligning with who we truly are;
Divine beings, it's our birth right,
Now is the time to stand up and fight,
Most of us just want to grab our things and take flight,
We lose ourselves in the middle of the night.
This is not a battle in the external world,
This is a battle for our souls,
All it takes is one conscious choice at a time."
I'm all in!
I'm with you, guys! This song expresses what I'm feeling now:
"Dream In My Head"
I got a dream in my head
just waiting for the day
just waiting for the day to be born
I got a seed in my hand
just looking for a way
just looking for a way to grow strong
And I crossed the water
I crossed the land
I let other people lead me blind
and I searched for answers
wanting to find
a way to reveal what lies behind
I have the strongest feeling that I should try
I got to know myself, now I could cry
this is the end of pretending, now I know why
I had to lose my shell, I no longer try to hide
I've got a story to tell
just waiting for the day
just waiting for the day to be told
I got this anger and pain
just waiting for my shame
just waiting for my blame to get old
I saw some children playing with guns
I can't believe what we've become
And I found some letters, written by god
but they were signed with our own blood
And I have the strongest feeling that I decide
I got to know me better, now I could die
this is the end of the way that led me to lie
now I might lose myself, but no longer need
no longer need, no longer need
I no longer need to hide
Mind and Heart
"I'm losing my mind
And finding my heart"
All in....
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