What is Karma, What is its Purpose and How do you Process it?

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 06:37

Humanity is in the throws of a truly sensational transition. More and more people are waking up and beginning to fully release themselves from the Simulation. We're feeling into the blocking density, not retracting in fear and denial, but beginning to penetrate and break out. However, it's not an easy ride. To attain the lightness of being to truly launch ourselves into multi-dimensionality we have to make many breakthroughs with our karma...

Karma: a learning experience

Our universe is moving to ever-increasing vibrational harmony. We're seeking, and finding, ever finer ways of experiencing pure presence. In order for us to do this, every aspect of our soul, that fragments into the drama of the Simulation and identifies with it, must be dug up and worked through. Usually, this involves working through the trauma of past lives.

Understand the Simulation and How to Break Out

We've come from a place of maximum separation. When the universe miraculously exploded into being, it attained maximum multiplicity of form. As consciousness flowed outwards like ripples on a vast ocean, the vibrations of energy slowed down and condensed into matter - a superlative illusion of separation from the 'All That Is'. And we, as Unity Consciousness - the glue binding the separation together - dreamed an opportunity: to infuse ourselves as individual souls of experience: it's through this we create the relativity that gives meaning, sense and purpose to life.

However, it's in this experience of apparent separation, where identification also takes a hold. Instead, we must learn to ride the apparent duality. Unleash the soul as your unqiue expression. This connects you back to the source. But also provides the individualised taste of the experience - of life itself. And for this, we must confront and break through tethering karma.

The Master 'Plan'

It wasn't a plan as such, although to plenty, it may have seemed that way. It's simply the case of "the One", exploding into being, through interrelated flows of consciousness and then losing itself in the relativity. In other words, becoming identified with the illusion of reality. This karma is what we must break through, in order to gain the ultimate - an animated sense and experience of the One.

In forgetting ourselves, over time, we re-awaken and remember again. Thus we gain a taste of the miraculous. A feeling and positive experience of the everything that we are - pure harmony, individuality and interconnectedness with the whole of life.

In our departure from the unifying presence, our descent into darkness was rapid. We contravened all the natural laws of the Universe. In our exploitation, we shaped reality according to our selfish needs and desires. In so doing, we built up eddy currents of convoluted and blocked energy within the natural flow. So compelling, nightmarish even, were these eddy currents that our very souls became swallowed up into them.

Karmic burden

It's not our fault that this happened of course, as individual souls, we are protagonists in a much greater story: the One coming into full consciousness - bringing light into the darkened recesses of the Universe. We are (unfortunately!) at the front end of that. I say 'unfortunately', but of course the breaking free - back into the Source - is the most sublime, the most exquisite of experiences. It's what makes life worth living. But even we - as Unity Consciousness - couldn't begin to dream of the distortions we'd take on; the actions we would perpetrate against other sentient beings.

Take for example humanity's treatment of Mother Earth and the animal and plant kingdoms. So we built up negative energy - a karmic burden - as a result of our actions. Upon leaving an incarnation at death, the soul moves into the angelic realms to review its life experience. It takes with it the energy it generated in the previous incarnation held within the causal body. It relives the experiences in a non-judgmental way. From a higher, non-attached perspective, it gets to relive all the choices it made and the effects on other sentient life. If there is confusion, lack of understanding and self acceptance in relation to what the soul perpetrated, then that energy remains in the causal body acting like an anchor and preventing ascension into the higher realms. This 'ballast' is our karma and it must be processed out if we are to proceed higher.

Breaking Through The Veil of Separation

It is also important to realise that karma is identification - both to the 'good' and the 'bad'. It is a common misconception therefore that by performing 'good' actions we will store up 'good' karma which will help us advance. Ascension is about non-attachment to physical experience. Full stop. The soul will inevitably ascend into higher harmonies when there is no mind trying to shape events and circumstances.

The only way to process this karma is to reincarnate and reconfront the experiences. So we choose another incarnation and take the karma with us in our causal body. The karma is now the consciousness that manifests externally and shapes the outer world creating a mirror by which we can now see ourselves - assuming of course we choose to look!

In the reconfrontation, we're being invited to bathe in the pain of the past life event and not identify. This involves working through the karma by completely immersing ourselves in it - becoming so intimate with it, that it no longer defines you. What are you afraid of? What causes you to trigger into fear? These are the touch points we must step courageously into. For then you burst the bubble of the illusion and breakthrough.

9-Step Healing Process for Dealing with Karma

Here is Openhand's 9-step healing approach to dealing with your life's karma...

1. Confront the situation: You must first accept and completely acknowledge the truth of what is happening in your world. Get thoroughly used to observing yourself and accepting responsibility for your feelings in relation to what is going on in the situation. If you get tight, angry or wound up, acknowledge it. If someone is steamrollering your truth and that feels unpleasant, witness that too. Do not shy away from, or paper over, any inner retraction caused by events and other people in the outside world. By the Law of Attraction you have manifested them anyway, so as to confront and break through such a limitation. Embrace that.

2. Regress deeply into the feelings of the situation: it may not be appropriate for you to deal with the feelings in the moment they are coming up - you could be at work for example, in public or looking after your children. It is important not to suppress and dissolve the feelings, but rather to contain them: you get the sense that they are inside you, but you are on top of them and can manage them. When the timing is more appropriate (and as soon as possible), regress yourself deeply into the feelings once more: see the images, feel the feelings, let them come up inside.

3. Honour and express the pain: Essentially this source pain is caused where your soul identifies somehow with the illusion of separation and the need for a particular outcome – where the soul is not self-realised (not realising of the One). The key is to honour the pain by expressing it, through movement, sound, and emotional animation - maybe beating a cushion, for example. But then crucially, having felt these surface emotional layers, come back into stillness and feel the subtle vibrations now triggering in your field. This is likely where the karma is buried.

4. Break through with presence: When you can locate and feel the source pain within your energy body, then you're ready to equalise with it and integrate through - first through total acceptance as the One. Essentially you're observing it and dropping through it. Remind yourself that all experience is relativistic and therefore transient – it does not define who you are. What you are, is absolute pure potential, beyond the pain. At this point, there will be some key (such as a word, mantra, a visualisation or symbolic metaphor) to help you ‘open the door’ through the density and into presence. If you are not sure what that is, ask the universe and you will be shown.

5. Feel the light of the soul: When you’ve stepped into the sense of presence, then you are really processing and letting go of the density – it is like you are stirring the bed of the stream in which the nuggets of soul gold have become buried. Now you will be able to see and feel the glint of the soul as it is being liberated. It will be a sense of lightness, completeness, confidence, strength, surrender; you may feel it as a light or warmth beginning to flow into the body, through the previous restriction. Now focus on, and give energy to, this new sensation. It is like pouring fuel on an igniting flame – it grows stronger.

6. Dissolve the source pain: You are now ready to truly dissolve and fully release that aspect of source pain. Whilst staying in the sense of Pure Presence, intuit how your connection with your emerging soul, can best process the dense energy of the source pain. You have to remain soft and expanded, so that you do not tighten down out of the energy that causes the pain. So stay expanded through it, containing it within your consciousness, but then use whatever meditation comes to you to remove it. It could be a particular form of breathing, movement and dance, or it could be a visualisation. Let your intuition carry you – it already knows what best to do.

7. Contemplate deeply any conditioned behaviours: The source pain will have built up conditioned behaviours (as spoken of in Gateway 2). Now deeply contemplate what conditioning – what distortions – the source pain has caused in your life. Maybe, for example, you were needy of others? Or perhaps too competitive and aggressive. See yourself within those behaviours, being totally honest with yourself about them (reminding yourself, if necessary, that you are not to blame for them). It can help to write them down in a journal.

8. Visualise yourself interrupting the behaviours: In motivational and spiritual circles, people often speak of visualising the outcome or behaviour you would like to have happen. The risk is though, that this just becomes another level of programming. Instead, see yourself interrupting the behaviours that have emanated from the source pain. As you get increasingly sensitive, you will begin to actually feel the density and any fixed neural pathways. With a sense of surrendered will, you can begin to break these apart and literally dissolve them within.

9. Become surrendered openness, attune to authentic beingness: As the density and conditioned behaviours have been dissolved inside, increasingly you settle into an awesome place of surrendered openness: you feel expansive, peaceful, whole and complete. You are now much more able to interrupt the old behaviours in daily life and open up through them. Spontaneous acts of authentic beingness then begin to magically flow through you, which are totally right and befitting of the moment. It is like you become less an identity, and more a moving flow of consciousness through life. This is pure joy of living! I have written more about the qualities of authentic beingness that start to come through, and to which you can give energy in the Openhand Book 5GATEWAYS.

No Need To Remember Past Lives

It is important to say that we don't have to remember the specific details of events and circumstances of the past life situations to process the energy. We simply have to experience the karma again and how it impacts internally. This will happen naturally. It can be done through purposeful regression therapy such as that we conduct here at Openhand. However, it is also essential to say we don't have to undertake regression therapy to process the karma. It will happen naturally of its own accord if we keep raising our vibration, peeling away inner distortions and following our true pathway in life.

It is also vital to say that we won't process the karma if we're not ready for it. Regression therapy will be completely ineffective if our vibration isn't high enough to expand into the causal body and to hold presence there. This can only be fully possible when the density in the lower three bodily vehicles (the physical body, the emotional body and subconscious mind) has been mostly transmuted.

There is no shortcut on the path of self-realisation. That said, we can speed the process of unravelling and integration by bringing increased awareness through specific meditations, such as this chakra opening and attunement meditation. It can help to integrate soul in a managed way, then using the 9-step process above to work through whatever comes up.

Resurrection of Our Full Divinity

Whether we know it or not, we're all here working to activate, confront, process and release karma. It is only this which will truly make a difference to our lives and our evolution. Without it, we will simply keep recreating similar situations and patterns albeit with different circumstances.

Our time has come. A wave of human souls is moving into the higher vibrations. It's time to delve deep inside, to break up the density contained in our energetic fields. It's time to break out and ride the thermals into the higher vibrations, towards our next higher evolutionary state in a New Paradigm of Being. This is the Resurrection of our full divinity.

Explore the Book Resurrection and How it Can Help Your Journey

Our Ascension Is Here Now!

It is not an easy undertaking. However, we are each seeded for success and although at times life may get very tough, it is through these trials and tribulations that we attain true mastery. That's the goal for humanity in these turbulent times - let's embrace our karma and "resurrect" through, for it will be the making of us.

If you'd like support in identifying and breaking through your karma, then explore the evolutionary work of the Openhand Ascension Academy - it's been perfectly crafted to support your process:

Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright Blessings
<<< Open 💎

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Karma is popping up all the time for people in the community right now. It's very positive because karma is what brought you here, and needs to be processed out to become fully enlightened and to ascend into the New Paradigm - assuming that's of value and importance to you (no judgments if not!).

So how do you know if you're in karma?

1) You may start to have strange and lucid dreams that bring up emotional challenges for you. These can include flashes of past life experiences.

2) As the energy in the causal body starts to move, you might well feel tightness or stabbing pains in the heart and chest.

3) Peculiar feelings and tightness will arise in different areas of the body seemingly out of nowhere. These could be reflective of past life injuries and trauma.

4) You'll likely feel as if somehow your path in life has become blocked, as if something unseen is getting in the way. Or else you keep going through the same repetitive cycles and patterns in your life without pushing through.

5) Unexpected synchronicities will likely happen to put you in challenging situations and circumstances or draw someone new into your life that causes some reactive resonance in order to process the density. It's possible they traveled with you in the past life.

If you recognise karma is coming up for you, through symptoms similar to the above, then the key is not to procrastinate but turn right into them and work with them. You may feel as if you have some medical condition to solve, when often what really needs to happen is to work with activating karma (assuming you suspect it from the above symptoms). In which case, you can work with it by applying the 9 step process in the lead article above. The Openhand book RESURRECTION contains plenty of advice, tools and deep insights for recognising and dealing with it. And if you need Personal Facilitator Support, then do get in touch. The Openhand Facilitators are all trained to deal with karma...Contact Us

In loving support

<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


If I may, I'd like to expand on a point from the main article about not needing to remember past lives. I've witnessed people who do remember a past life get attached to the story and so instead of processing the karma, they get stuck in the story. I've also witnessed people who are convinced they aren't able to process karma because they can't remember it. To me, they are using this as a permission slip not to have to do the work. So I'd say if the story helps guide you into the blockage it's helpful as long as you use it as the tool it's meant to be but it's not the only tool 🙏


So when the ray 1 is flowing nicely, can you contain it and channel it in sophisticated ways too?

Ever seen Scottish bag pipes? They fill the bag first from which the air is then channeled through the pipes to make the tune.

Just a thought!

Open Praying Emoji


Dear Open,

My throat is jammed after intense exploration in my heart centre tightness over the past week. I was unable to contain it elegantly and had a rage filled outburst over a trivial matter. It seems to me Ray 1 is manifesting itself distortions and all. I seem to have a lot less fear and self doubt about so many things in my life, especially with regards my inner work.

Reflections are welcome.



I mentioned that on the recent La Palma retreat I was witnessing plenty of people breaking through inner identity layers which then propgressively activates kundalini energy. But we also need to be aware that this is also going to activate past life karma in the 4D causal body; because the consciousness of the soul can now infuse into it. So you're going to get peculiar experiences activating in daily life. These are often projected into relationships, some of which, will get very triggered by it. Or else you'll be having strange and emotive dreams or else peculiar feelings coming up in the body. Karma can manifest in a very physical feeling way, yet is often only energy in itself.

It's essential that you have a process for integrating through karma when it comes up. Hence the lead article above with the 9 step healing process and in commentary, key signs for recognising you're bringing up karma.

If you'd like an intuitive viewpoint on what you may be experiencing, do feel free to ask.

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji


For a week now I have been down in the density processing and working through some layers. I have been sick and since I don't take any antibiotics, it seems to healing slowly. A day before at night I was feeling really sick and felt to meditate for some hours and the change was so quick, I was surprised to see how the density in the field interrelated with the infection and sickness in the phsyical. Im seeing numbers like 444, 2134 etc. Some weeks before I was seeing 555 repeatedly especially in relation with the twin flame. Importance of bridging 5th density with the phsyical? I wonder if all of these points to the density of existence and soul rays. In back in my family home and all the other familiar layers like inadequacy comes up on the surface. I don't feel this heavy and insufficient when I'm alone! Am I feeling into others stuff or am I feeling into my own because of others presence. In the later case I think it would be worthwhile to persist through it. Anyway I felt to show up and share how I was feeling.


Hi Marije - when I contemplate "absolute isolation" and "touching the Void" at this time, from the first there's a feeling more of feeling the magnitude of one's aloneness as you move closely toward the Void. For me, when you're in it, there's a homeliness sense to it - like having arrived and it feels completely right. After which, it's kind of hard to feel absolute isolation (at least for me) - because while there's relativity, then there's always some external reflection. But definitely I do recall from the past feelings of this absolute isolation. To me, it's a part of realising the paradox that at the core level, there is only you.

Open Praying Emoji


Hi Megha,

I had been to tapovan 2 years before and it was such a powerful experience for me. I had not any idea it was "the realm of meditation". I had the impression there is no network available there. Or are you logging in from a different area?

The journey from bhojwasa to tapovan was the hardest journey I ever come across other than the inward journey ofcourse :D. I had ascended too quickly and though it was a solo trip I made friends with some guys on the trip and I was actually struggling to catch up with them. They were more experienced then me. I started getting symptoms of fever and a throbbing headache while I was climbing and there was no way of going back. The place had lots of wild tulasi, so I would pick them up and breathe into it which would restore my breath temporarily. Luckily out guide also offered to carry my bag. There was this guy from rajasthan with us who would stop with me whenever I stopped and motivate me to climb. I don't know how on earth I made there but on reaching there, there was about a 10 min of bliss seeing the place and the wild deers there. But then I fell sick and went to sleep in the hut of the baba who doesn't talk. But these guys came again to my rescue and I descended with their help. Imagine the love I felt for them. These total strangers were ready to shorten their sightseeing for my benifit. What I really remembered was the night before I had helped and given medicine to this Japanese guy who was shaking because of fever beside me. I had slept in contentment the night before and look how the help came back. I was not much mindful of the breakthroughs because of my health but I'm sure I had many because there was considerable shift within me after the journey.

​​​​​​Enjoy your journey and wishing you lots of unique experience like the one you mentioned.

Vimal <3


It sounds like you're having a truly beautiful journey Megha, both inside and out!

In fact that meditation (the chakra attunement one) first originated in the Himalayas. Do say "hi" to the yogis in the ether there!

Best wishes

Open Praying Emoji


I am in a beautiful part of India,aptly termed Tapovan ,"the realm of Meditation ". I did the Chakra attunement meditation today and became conscious of many layers within . For me ,I have become aware from reading all the sharings here,it is much easier to feel within . That is ,I am able to feel many more layers within . Witnessing the reverse eration outside is still something that comes much more easily to others ,it would seem .

I felt very deeply into tightness in my throat today and in my heart centre.

As I was reflecting into the tightness in my hips ( I have been walking up and down the Himalayas and can feel into them much more deeply now) ,I saw a beautiful piece of rock ( density) that was complaxly layered. Just then a butterfly flew past .

And I for once got the message



Hi Everyone - i felt to draw attention to this lead article today...
What is Karma, What is its Purpose and How do you Process it?

I perceive lots of people in the Shift moving through 4D karma right now, which is a very positive sign, and yet at the same time, can be deeply challenging.

The essential thing about karma, is understanding what it is, why we create it, and most importantly, how to turn into it and work speedily through. Then any unnecessary suffering can be minimised. As a result, people will keep experiencing breakthrough expansions. So it's not all density, there are definitely two sides to the coin.

The Openhand Facilitators are all trained in helping people work through karma, and it's something that is frequently activated on the Openhand gatherings and worked through...
such as the continuing PARADIGM SHIFT World Tour

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Re-Reading this article is the Synchronistic sign that Devine has sent me, I feel it deeply; It's timing is simply DEVINE <3

Your last paragraph in your personal share/experience is the message, Thank-you so much for sharing <3



"And there are several levels of 'getting this'. You might get a sense that it's correct, then on the surface kind of accept it. But really there's still resistance inside."

I am going through this now, staying on the surface....good to read about it to make me aware...Thanks Open.



Helen you said...

    'If I had projected it (the karma) I would have been in the loop of "what shall I do about this?" and of victimisation. I might then have distanced myself from both the projection and the victimisation or I would have smoothed over and denied the feelings. And not got anywhere. But I was able to acknowledge the feelings and didn't feel silly about them being so strong for an apparently minor reason. And it worked! It was a really good experience.'

That's brilliant - a perfect example of how to approach it - how to catch oneself and work into the karma.

You ask...

    "why karmic pain in particular leads to blaming another, rather than suppressing, denying etc"

I'd say many, if not all of these things - like suppressing and denying - have karma at their route. And mostly there'll be a distorted route of blame, because karma is created by non acceptance of the moment. Particularly that you created your reality.

It's a major step to realise and then accept that you create, and draw to you, every circumstance of life. And there are several levels of 'getting this'. You might get a sense that it's correct, then on the surface kind of accept it. But really there's still resistance inside. There has to be that deep "aha" realisation - "I am the creator and therefore master of my experience".

Actually that's when the path really accelerates.

Open *OK*


The interesting thing was in this case, that just the realisation that the pain had a karmic source, since I was blaming, enabled me to overcome my conditioning and to accept and honour the pain. If I had projected it I would have been in the loop of "what shall I do about this?" and of victimisation. I might then have distanced myself from both the projection and the victimisation or I would have smoothed over and denied the feelings. And not got anywhere. But I was able to acknowledge the feelings and didn't feel silly about them being so strong for an apparently minor reason. And it worked! It was a really good experience.

In fact, it doesn't really matter whether it's karmic or any other pain, it's really a question of approaching the pain with a different mind set, of owning and feeling it.

Still, it would interest me why karmic pain in particular leads to blaming another, rather than suppressing, denying, lulling etc.


Hi Helen,

It's a good question. There's a difference between acknowledging the sense of blame within ourselves, and projecting it out into the world at someone - the proponent.

If we project at oneanother, we'll create reactions to the energy we project - what you put out, comes right back at you. It's fine to express, but work for it not to be subjective - aimed at a particular person or entity.

What you seemed to do here, was contain much of the feeling and work into it. In which case it does take you right into the source of the karma. If on the other hand you project at the other, it tends to dissipate the energy in their direction and distracts from the source pain.

Getting the balance I know is not easy. But with practice, it does come.

Open *OK*


I have just finished reading Divinicus for the second time. In the second to last chapter, 'Alchemy of Transcendence' (p. 211) there is this sentence:

With 'Receiving Hand' often when the people feel the pain in some way, be it emotional, mental or physical, the typical reaction is to immediately drop it, placate it, try to take it away; or in the case of karmic pain, to try and blame it on someone else.

Just yesterday I got all upset and angry at somebody for what they had done, normally nobody else would have thought it was particularly bad. I went into the feelings, felt deep into them and could release them, with the realisation that I was blaming the other for them, but that the situation had actually triggered karmic pain.

So my question is, if blame is an indication for karmic pain, isn't it better to be aware of the blaming instead of overlooking and overcoming it as it a disempowering reaction?


Thanks for your perspective. The key factor is as you stated to be "acutely" watchful and it is this that I need to be more mindful of and I certainly agree with doing it with a sophistication.


Hi Kelvin,

Actually I've stepped on plenty of mines in my time!

What I felt urged to do initially, was simply to express, without too much reservation, and then to watch the affect in the mirror. It wasn't that I was intentionally trying to push buttons. It's just that it seemed the best way to get some kind of reflection and feedback - you simply can't progress at all if one is not prepared to put oneself out to a degree.

I came to realise that if you do challenge yourself, the universe will always meet you half way.

In the various exchanges, I'd be watching both the external mirror and myself accutely. I'd notice where my actions activated distortions in others (hence the point), but I'd also reflect on how in the future I might do it more diplomatically and with greater sophistication.

The key point is though, unless we're prepared to step in and act, we're not going to get much of a mirror from which to work.

Very best wishes



My lack of emotional diplomacy has often lead me into antagonising sensitive issues. While not entirely the point of your article, I recognise from it similar symptoms pushing buttons with people, during which I oft-times struggle to anticipate and march right into the minefield. One of the most illuminating aspects of reading the articles here is the level of respect and integrity that comes across. I am very humbled by your eloquent manner Chris and appreciate the opportunity to learn. One of my challenges is to be helpful without antagonising, and learning to become emotionally detached yet remaining sympathetic.


I really got lost in my karma clearings and what I lack most now and always is self-acceptance of what I have been through, hence also self forgiveness. Is there anything in particular I could do to be more self-accepting? this is a way out, but I feel such block inside that I feels like hitting the wall with my head. Thank you.