5GATEWAYS (remastered) World Launch: 3rd September 2015

Submitted by Open on Mon, 05/18/2015 - 08:33
We're moving through times of profound evolutionary change. People everywhere are evolving into Spiritual Enlightenment. But with so many philosophies and approaches, how can you be sure you're aligned with the shift into the Higher Paradigm? What's needed is a common sense of direction and purpose, that we may pull together, inspire and uplift one another. 5GATEWAYS is a profound spiritual routemap set down by masters through the ages. It can catalyse and accelerate your journey, illuminating where you are on the path, highlighting what you next need to work with. It's been helping thousands of people all across the planet...
    This new wave of Openhand work, is happening with very synchronistic timing: we strongly feel the underlying energy of the restrictive 'matrix' is now breaking down. The once unbalanced 'playing field' is leveling: it's due time for humanity to step into freedom!

5GATEWAYS Relaunch

It's now several years on since the successful launch of the 5GATEWAYS project back in 2007. Since then, the Openhandweb community has grown immeasurably, so we've felt impassioned to remaster the project and relaunch it around the world in 2015. Here's what's taking place in the autumn/winter...
  • Launch Seminar 3rd Sep: for those in Europe, we invite you to join the very special energy of the launch in Avalon, the heart chakra of Gaia. It will be filmed to share clips on Openhandweb.
  • 5GATEWAYS Book, 2nd Edition release 3rd Sep: the 5GATEWAYS book 2nd edition will be released with a new paperback and interactive digital format (also on 3rd Sep).
  • 5GATEWAYS (remastered) film release 31st Aug: our popular 5GATEWAYS documentary is being remastered for general release on 31st Aug.
  • World Tour of Seminars and Retreats: the launch will commence a world tour of seminars and retreats in Australia, USA, Canada and Europe
  • Trinity's Conscious Kitchen: Trinity will be providing some new recipes at the Launch Seminar to be featured on Openhandweb from her upcoming book "Recipes for Evolution".
We know that many thousands of you are tuning into Openhandweb around the world. You're all very cherished members of the community! And we'd love to involve you in the energy of this very powerful shift we feel given to activate. Wherever you are, get involved and inspire your journey!

Interactive Seminar around the World

Here at Openhand, we're impassioned by the liberation of soul. We simply love to assist and witness in spiritual breakthrough. So our seminars are not simply about speaking at you. We want to engage you through multiple planes of reality and inspire a divine dance of souls.
    This is achieved through impassioned speaking yes; but also through poignant guided meditations, emotive film, music and deep consciousness movement. Participants experience the breakthrough of blockages and upliftment of soul.
Here is the feedback we received from the UK National EFT conference in Glastonbury in March 2010...
    "The cherry to add to the icing was the guest speaker, "Open", whose talk on the planetary shift of consciousness occurring around 2012 was jaw-droppingly, goose-pimplingly, spine-tinglingly...well, you get the picture and I would not and could not undermine his talk by summarising it. Therefore, I can only suggest that you check out the seminars and courses Openhand run."

World Launch Seminar details 3rd September

  • When: 3rd Sep, 7 - 9pm (doors open at 6:30pm), including the book launch, interactive seminar and refreshments from Trinity's Conscious Kitchen.
  • Where: Avalon Rooms at the Isle of Avalon Foundation in Glastonbury. For location details visit...Isle of Avalon Foundation
  • Cost: we've felt to offer a very special price for the launch event of just £5, to be as accessible to as many people as possible
  • Booking: to book your place, email... Trinity@openhandweb.org
The Launch Event will be filmed to show clippings on Openhandweb in the days following. The remastered 5GATEWAYS film will go live on the web at 7am (UK time) on Monday 31st Aug. We'll be repeating the seminar in Australia, America and Canada on the World Tour.

Join the Celebration!

Many have speculated as to what's actually taking place within this great shift that is now gathering pace across our planet. And the sense of desperation and even despair is palpably growing within the mainstream. It needn't be that way! 5GATEWAYS provides a solution - a powerful sense of purpose and destiny. We don't have to struggle and effort to control life. Instead, we can surrender and navigate the internal 'super highway' which will truly manifest lasting upliftment and success in the outer world.
    5GATEWAYS offers that incredible opportunity!
So come and participate in the project. If you can't make the Seminar Launch Event in Avalon, then join us through the ether and on the web. The shifts of energy will be global and strong. And then check out our schedule of seminars and retreats taking place on the 5GATEWAYS World Tour...

Booking Information

Just a reminder of the Tour Information and booking contact address... trinity@openhandweb.org

For Potential Event Organisers:

If you have some experience of organising spiritual events and you'd like to bring the Openhand 5GATEWAYS work to your vicinity, contact us to explore further. Email us... courses@Openhandweb.org
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Yes, it certainly was a very powerful evening, difficult to express in words.

I was deeply touched by what you shared about what is happening around us right now to life here. I love how experiential last night was, how it moved me to the core, how my consciousness opened up and expanded to embrace the One. It was deep :)

My heartfelt thanks for the profound guidance and mirror in empowering me to feel deeply and discover my own truth.

Many blessings for the tour and the project, may the enrgy continue to flow forth *bye*

Love and gratitude, Fiona


It was a big night last night.

For three days prior, I've been feeling huge inflows of energy in the field. My ears have literally been ringing all the time, my head full of pressure and my heart pounding - big downloads.

For the seminar we had people from all around Europe - and what was so lovely, plenty of people we already knew to help us hold the space.

We feel like we've well and truly relaunched the project to take out around the world. Unfortunately we've been so busy, we didn't get to film last night. But we will do for certain on future events.

So do stay tuned - help us keep the energy building, because it then helps everyone else who connects.


Open *give_rose*


Yes - the books have arrived here in Australia. Can feel the energy building here too. We eagerly await Open's arrival!


Last night I was inspired to listen to "Climb Every Mountain" from "Sound of Music." I took heart from it. So this video is a perfect segue. Mighty powerful stuff. Makes me wanna go grab a bike and scale a mountain. On second thought, I'm already in the midst of a few rocky mountains. No bike in sight, however. So I'm guessing it might take longer to reach the top. On the other hand, who knows!? I know nothing.

"Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream.

A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live…"

x Catherine


Just wow Great video! Determination...


This is wonderful news Guys :) So happy to see Openhand evolving in such an accelerated rate :) You are such an important voice of Wisdom and True Guidance for all of us. USA, Australia, Canada - I can see You are taking on the World! yey! :) amazing :) So happy your message resonates with people from all over the world. Good luck with the promotion tour! Will be such an adventure! I might be in Glastonbury for 2-3 days in July, if Open will be somewhere around I might book a personal session with You. Will see how things will unfold by July. Anyway... My Heart is sincerely joyful to see this expansion of Your hard and devoted work on Openhand - I can only see it's gonna speed up even more from now on... and like ripple effect touch every Soul's life it encounters..like you did with mine.. <3


Exciting!! Always thrilled to have you back here in Florida and excited to see all that is coming this Autumn!! Much love and support along the way!! Jen