5D Shift: 9 Ways to Unleash and Embody Your Spiritual Greatness
Day by day the Old Paradigm is becoming increasingly shaky as the Grand Galactic Convergence steadily breaks it down. Some will close down in fear and anxiety, when actually there is everything to gain by opening up. The shift is a massive spur toward your spiritual greatness. I ask, what else of any real value is actually going on? Greatness is within us all. The question is how do you unleash and embody it to lead a truly fulfilled existence?
Greatness is a way of unleashing yourself into the World
You recognise greatness when you see it. It has a sense and quality all of its own. It has nothing to do with popularity, fame or fortune, yet those who are recognised as having attained some level of greatness are frequently wealthy and/or popular.
Yet I put it to you, that no one who ever achieved true greatness, set out striving for it. What they did do, what they did discover, is a passionate commitment to something which gave them true joy and fulfillment in life. They found a way they could truly express, and in so doing, a vehicle for their expression arose - a way of unleashing it into the world.
They discovered something of great importance, of great idealism, something much greater than their own selves even. Greatness is selfless, because it is 'God' - 'the One'. Some people exhibiting greatness still have ego, yes, but ego was not the source of their greatness. To them, the expression of their art, of their being, is more important than their own well-being, than their own success; more important than their own breath. To me, this is the measure of greatness.
Don't give up the dream of your greatness
Many will tell you, that when you discover your passion, the place where your innermost yearning synchronises perfectly with outer expression, then the taste of it is the sweetest nectar possible. When you strike the sweet spot of life itself, you cannot put a price on it. It's immeasurable. It has everything to do with unleashing the true nature of who you are - discovering, embodying and unleashing soul. You instantly know when someone is doing this. They have shine about them. You look into their eyes and you see into the universe. There's a warmth, that seems as though it can burn longer than the sun.
It's because when you touch your greatness, you're touching the soul. You're riding an internal wave, all the way back to the source; all the way back to God, the absolute. You become a living, breathing expression of God. And that, is the measure of your greatness.
This Greatness is in all of us, which many have yet to realise. It's because people get beaten down by the conditioning of society and then sell their dream too cheaply; they get pigeon-holed into a life of doing, chasing other people's agendas, rather than doing from being - letting the divine speak through you instead.
Greatness happens when you find and express the true nature of your soul. So if your light is being squashed into a shoe that doesn't fit, then no wonder if you're not able to dance too well!
The other problem is we confuse greatness with popularity or material success. If what we feel called to do and express, doesn't seem like it's going to be popular or successful within society, or if there's likely to be too much push-back, then we give up, don't bother, we hide our light under a bushel. The shadowside of society is depending on your doing this, to stay small in the shell, so it can more easily control you. But all awakening people one day discover, that to remain in that shell is far more painful than breaking through it!
Gain leading-edge inspiration, from the frontline of the Shift...
Expressing Soul - it's like Being in Love
To break through the shell of our conformity, we have to find our unique expression of soul. No one who ever became truly great, modelled themselves on someone else. For we are all unique. We can be inspired by the reflections we see in someone else, and that's essential motivation, but someone who achieves some measure of greatness finds their own way of expressing, from which their own path takes shape. It may run parallel to others, but it's definitely their unique flow. They didn't worry about popularity - but for many who attain such greatness, they create their niche, and then popularity follows.
You are truly being great when you are expressing your soul; for your soul is an expression of God - which is absolute unbridled perfection. So what are the characteristics of your soul? How do you recognise them?
Expressing your soul is like being in love; there's no formula for it, you just know it when you're in it. It just feels 'right'. There's a sweetness to it, that connects you all the way back to the Source. It feels like the sense of home; you come back into who you truly are. When people recognise the soul in them, or they're been reacquainted with a lost aspect of it, they are frequently brought to tears. It feels like there's been something priceless missing: you didn't even know what, but now you've found it again.
Greatness is continually striking the sweet-spot of your own being - a feeling of rightness inside. Society is continually luring people into dim shadows of this elixir - idle social media distraction, soft comfort, desire, wealth or the illusion of fame. None of it will ever live up to the simple awesomeness of your own being. It's a feeling inside that you can't bottle or own.
In this reacquaintance of your soul - the unleashing of your greatness - it helps to have a guide, to have pointers, so you can look for and attune to those qualities that have become buried in the sediment of your own life. At Openhand, we're passionately dedicated to helping people reclaim these lost nuggets of soul gold - there's nothing more rewarding and fulfilling than supporting someone in coming back to who they truly are.
So how do you recognise the greatness in you?
19 Reflections of Greatness
1) Greatness surrenders but never gives up
2) Greatness never counts the cost
3) Greatness welcomes failure, as an opportunity to learn more
4) Greatness doesn't court popularity or follow the masses
5) Greatness has a deeper sense of purpose, something greater than the small "I"
6) Greatness follows its passion, and doesn't sell its dreams too cheaply
7) Greatness is a pathfinder, it breaks the mold, unleashing free flow
8) Greatness is patient but persistent
9) Greatness is passionately creative
10) Greatness doesn't depend on the outcome
11) Greatness welcomes it's reflection in the external mirror, but isn't governed by it
12) Greatness expresses itself, unreservedly, but is never arrogant
13) Greatness isn't put off by detractors
14) Greatness is constantly open to new opportunities or different ways of doing the same thing
15) Greatness is relaxed but aware
16) Greatness is inquisitive and innocent, but simultaneously wise
17) Greatness sees and honours the greatness in others
18) Greatness is continually dieing and rebirthing in each new moment
19) Greatness attains tremendous self belief, by constant confrontation of what it is not.
How greatness hides in plain sight
It is certain to me, that this greatness is in everyone - because it is your own soul, an expression of the One. But I also observe that society frequently struggles to recognise the divine, and so doesn't frequently value the divine in you. The majority are so insecure about themselves, they'll mostly only go for the recognised popularity - those famous amongst the masses. But wouldn't recognise true greatness right under their very noses.
Joshua Bell is one of the world's finest violinists. He's musical director of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, a soloist and former child prodigy, known the world over for his phenomenal talent. The violinist is paid handsomely at sell out concerts on the top stages of the world. Yet in 2007, when, as an experiment, he rocked up to a busy metro station in Washington and busked for free. Out of 1100 people who passed by, only 27 gave any money, and only 7 stopped to listen for any duration. He earned a paltry $52. Seven years later, when he made a well announced follow up at the metro station, this time thousands of people turned out to listen.
This must tell you something crucially important: you cannot value or undersell yourself, by attaching your greatness to the support, adoration, acceptance or popularity of the masses. They are simply too fickle, or else too tied up in society's conditioning to see the real light within you. So why waste your time?
Make sure then, you don't dilute your greatness by courting popularity. Greatness has nothing to do with the number of social media followers you have!
Creating the Crucible: Your own Niche
Reach out to Joy, Openhand Facilitator
In order to find and express your greatness, you need something to express into, a crucible of your own expression. It's so that you can continually shape your expression in the outer mirror of life. Not so that you can 'preen' yourself, but so you can continually improve yourself; so you can learn, evolve and grow, because this is the nature of the soul.
This is a crucial measure of greatness: it's all about personal growth. And when you commit yourself to the constant learning, evolving, growing experience of life, then you'll be well on your way to discovering your greatness.
Recognise those people around you that resonate encouraging feedback loops to you - those that honour your authentic expression and celebrate with you in it. Let go of those that are constantly undermining. Pay attention to the reflections that can truly help you learn, evolve and grow. Then you'll be creating the perfect crucible to actualise your greatness in life.
9 Ways to unleash the Greatness in You
It is my passion in life to help people find and unleash their own greatness. So I find myself focusing a lot of energy on it. How can the greatness in me meet and unleash the greatness in another? Here's how we approach it at Openhand...
1) Become the observer of yourself: watch yourself keenly in all that you do, and work to constantly anchor into the infinite potential of the One: the Sacred Ground of Being.
2) Let go of the need for the situation you're in, to go a particular way, or for it to be supported by those immediately around you. But do watch for revelatory feedback loops that might come in an unusual way.
3) Commit to the true purpose of EVERY moment: that being to unleash some authentic expression of you, that simply feels "right". In whatever you do, wherever you find yourself, recognise there is nothing else truly going on, but the revelation of authentic you.
4) Open an internal space by relaxing into the moment and letting go the need for a particular outcome. Feel the quiet downward flow of new perceptions and nuances. Let your existence steadily become multidimensional, informed by divine signs and synchronicity in the outer.
5) Continually innovate your life and how you do things. Don't settle today for the you of yesterday. In any given situation, break through the density that's holding you back, by daring to express the possibility of a new iteration of you.
6) Look for new ways to create. Whether it be writing, art, music, video, poetry, craft and making things, look for something that challenges you to unleash new skills. Don't worry about 'failing' - watch what arises around you and simply create for creations sake
7) When you find your passion in life, give all of yourself, all your emotion, to expressing into it. Commit on a daily basis to the practices that amplify and enhance it. Meditation for example, deep consciousness body work, conscious eating, connection with nature. Be prepared to sacrifice immediate comfort for long term soul growth.
8) Pay attention to how the multidimensional landscape starts to shift with your emergent authentic beingness. Watch the flows, patterning, signs and synchronicity that support you. Surrender yourself into the dreamspace of divine co-creativity.
9) Step positively forwards into the world, on the path that is now clearly informed by your soul. Keep centering in that yearning and passion to actualise authentic you. Don't settle for anything less. Be prepared to make mistakes, but to learn, evolve and grown in the process.
The time has come to unleash your Greatness
It's time to break out of the shell. Everything is changing and there will come a point, if not already, when you realise you've absolutely nothing to lose but your smallness. Everything in the 3D will ultimately come to pass, so why be limited by the current landscape? We've been constraining our light for too long now, when there's so much of us still left to realise and actualise. Why allow only the few to have all the fun?!
Celebrate when someone achieves their greatness yes, because you're witnessing a marvellous reflection of your own soul. In your way you are every bit as wonderful, every bit as lovely, every bit as marvellous. Take it as a spur to unleash the next iteration of you.
When you find your greatness, others around you may recognise it, or they may not. It does not matter a jot. The feeling of it inside yourself is priceless. Don't sell it. Don't waste another moment without it. Now is the time to keep opening the internal space, making time and commitment for your greatness to reveal itself; then giving yourself - one hundred percent - fervently and with commitment to the revelation of it, in whatever way feels right and appropriate for you.
Remember, greatness is a feeling - that's what you're really looking for. It's striking the sweet-spot of your own being. And when you do, there is absolutely nothing like it!
Who are we?
It's our passion at Openhand to help people unleash the authentic soul greatness in them - to live a divinely blessed life in the Shift. If you resonate, explore our advanced evolutionary work and get involved today:
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
The Greatness in You - What are You hiding from? 🎭
28/11/2024: The 'Book" that's still Unwritten
We've reached that point in the Shift where it's time to break the glass ceiling that holds us in. The time for worrying about what others may think of you has long gone. To succeed with the Shift going forward, is to be clear about our life's purpose and meaning - then to express it, to actualise it, no matter what.
Don't be worried about 'failure', or feeling you're 'not good enough' to make it. The only way to fail is to stop or to slip into comfortable inertia. And since your soul is unique, how can you not be good enough to be you? The only question is then, to actively reveal you!
Many will think, "I don't have time for this. I have the day job, the kids and family." But to this I say, everything is an opportunity, because everything provides a reflection. And it's not about aiming for some particular outcome. Even though the revelation of you will lead to the Shift, it's about continually finding the next highest version of yourself in the landscape you find yourself manifesting. But yes, as you do this, the landscape will change in more favourable ways - it will become more authentic, which feels better and better.
Be aware there WILL be hurdles. Hurdles are not something to turn away from. You manifested them - they are to turn into. They're the 'weights' in the 'spiritual gym' by which you build your spiritual 'muscles'. Once we learn to embrace the obstacles rather than reject them, everything changes - because now we become the masters of change. We forge on through.
I've just started writing again, the final book in the 5D Ascension Series. I wonder: what's the story about you, that's waiting to be told?
Do check out my article above, with 9 key ways to unleash your spiritual greatness.
It's time.
<<< Open 💎
Great is thy faithfulness :D
In reply to The Greatness in You - What are You hiding from? 🎭 by Open
I was walking to the store this morning and couldn't help but noticing I felt great, layers of fear gone, radiating light. About two seconds after me thinking 'we actually can do this' my eyes were drawn to a small sticker between other stickers on a lamppost that said only 'great is thy faithfulness'. Yes, still much to work through but trust in the benevolent mission has noticably taken a front seat.
So many people just start saying hi in this city where stare-blankly-and-see nothing has been the norm as long as I can remember. In part it is because I now feel the light I radiate, but I also sense there are deep realizations going on within everyone even who don't realize it: Let's at least say hi, can we do that? Is that still allowed? Can we maybe just acknowledge each other? A general growing realization that we are in this together and the illusion of division is breaking down. Very subtle, and I feel somewhere next year the intervention will have to reveal a hand of five aces and hope nobody notices. 2025 would be a year of acceleration if I remember correctly!
Deep changes in people's fields without them realising why?
In reply to Great is thy faithfulness :D by Love-the-journey
Hi LtJ - great post and insight 👍
Yes, I get that plenty are feeling a liberating effect due to the recent field openings - and it can happen without them necessarily knowing why.
That said, it's always better if we do know why!
Well wishes
<<< Open 💎
Inspirational article
Greatness is a way of being, entirely in itself, not a thing well done, no matter how well. A person could practice and practice to perform, outstandingly, then after their endeavour, struggle to tie their own shoelaces, or dull an entire room with their stupidity. Greatness, is a side-effect of soul, mutually exclusive to lower mind. Lower mind might want to be great, it might even pretend to be great, but it can never be great, no matter how hard it tries, that's why it mocks such notions. The best it can hope for, is to be cauterised and decommissioned, so that the promise of true greatness can begin to emerge, and finally flourish. Only, by that time, who wants it?
Heartwarming scene from Philadelphia
This is a scene from the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. This scene, to me, absolutely embodies greatness that is especially near and dear to my heart: The intensely passionate expression of deep emotions through the voice, particularly opera. Just thinking about it evokes shivers and goose bumps. This calls to me. Thank you for reminding me!🙏💙
Heaven returning to Earth
In reply to Heartwarming scene from Philadelphia by sylvanheart
You can't imagine the synchronicity that's just woven for me.
I'm writing the final chapters of a new book, a new project in the Shift. I've been writing through the nights when it's quiet and the energy highly creative. It's 5 am in the morning and I've just completed one of the final chapters about, "The Christed Child", how the return of the Christ Consciousness in the hearts of men triggered the rebirthing of Gaia, amidst all the tumultuous turmoil of the old, amidst the breakdown of the old consciousness - "heaven would return to Earth".
Profound thanks for the feedback loop.
Open 💎
That's amazing! It just came…
In reply to Heaven returning to Earth by Open
That's amazing! It just came to me as a great expression of my passion that Tom Hank's character embodies. And hearing the words of the aria was especially poignant to me as well. So powerful. That triumphant "rising from the ashes", having found "God" through the devastation, which I hope to know as well. Getting to know. So glad it meant something to you. And so exciting to hear about the book! Congratulations! Very much looking forward to it!
One small step on the path/Passion and Commitment (videos)
04/01/2024 Shift Update
I felt to share a couple of Openhand videos to inspire everyone as we turn the page into 2024. They're about the importance and value of taking just small steps along the path to realise big incremental growth over time. And also then to work on your Passion - because it's going to drive you along no end.
Do share your thoughts afterwards - because when you engage at a consciousness level, you activate the inquiry into your outer landscape. The Universe will speak back to you!
YES! You are so inspiring! i…
YES! You are so inspiring! i want to SING. Always have but that pesky self esteem and all that. i started singing out loud again at home and work because i will no longer stop being myself. It's just too late in the game to let petty ego fears run my life anymore. i recently learned an aria from La Boheme and while i'm not great, you make me believe i could be. i just need somewhere to practice, and eventually a teacher, but i don't want to put this passion on the back burner anymore. i always thought i had to be perfect and as good as Whitney Houston, but with time running out and a new-found drive to stop giving a *#_@_ about what others think or needing their approval, this desire feels like it wants to burst outta me like an alien! And i do believe i'm a decent singer; not too worried i'll hurt anyone's ear drums or get tomatoed😉 But it would be so amazing to see just how good i could get, and if there is greatness in me. i have this fantasy of going into the forest and singing for the trees and critters, or standing on a cliff by the ocean and seeing if my voice could get as big as the sea😊 On a stage somewhere, singing from the depths of my heart and soul and putting so much love into it the audience is bathed in it. i want to make hairs on arms stand up, because when that happens to me it is absolutely exquisite and to give that gift to others would feel wonderful. i've been toying with the idea of busking down at the city hall square, to face my stage fright and just to let it OUT! This has given me the inspiration, just need to find the guts. And just wanted to say how grateful i am you follow your passion. Thank you!❤️🙏
Sing, sing, sing - into the Chakras!
In reply to YES! You are so inspiring! i… by barbfromkingston
Hey Barb - just go right ahead and do it - sing, sing, sing!
I never used to be much good at singing before - until I discovered singing into the chakras - that improved things no end.
Come on a retreat sometime, we apply the singing chakras meditation often. 👍
Open 😄
Since your post i've been…
In reply to Sing, sing, sing - into the Chakras! by Open
Since your post i've been going into the gym wbere i work when no one was around and belting out a song; so much fun! Wobbly but can hold a note lol!
And And singing while i work i've discovered keeps the nasty thoughts away and improves my mood and attitude.
Funny you say that about your singing; i remember hearing you sing in the background of one of your videos and your voice is not only lovely but moving as well, so you bet i'm going to start "chakra singing", thanks for the advice!
i was so hoping to come to the UK for the next retreat but losing my cat and back to back illness has delayed everything, but i'm well on the mend and am making it my mission to get to one somewhere asap, so hopefully we'll be harmonizing before the year is out!
So much gratitude!❤️🙏
Sing your Dream!
In reply to YES! You are so inspiring! i… by barbfromkingston
Hey Barb,
I have to share this with you so you'd know where your greatness lies - when I was reading this:
i have this fantasy of going into the forest and singing for the trees and critters, or standing on a cliff by the ocean and seeing if my voice could get as big as the sea😊 On a stage somewhere, singing from the depths of my heart and soul and putting so much love into it the audience is bathed in it. i want to make hairs on arms stand up, because when that happens to me it is absolutely exquisite and to give that gift to others would feel wonderful.
the shivers ran through my body up and down and I choked with tears held in the throat. This means there is a power in these your words as they are expressed right from the depths of the beingness. You are already making the hair on someone's arms to stand up just by puting this your dream out here. My eyes are full of tears as I write it - you reached my soul even though I haven't ever heard you singing... Just wanted you to know that.
The question is why it is named as a fantasy? Why not to really go into the forest or the ocean coast and sing your dream?
Thanks so much for sharing 🙏
With love 💜
Dear Asya, i hope i can…
In reply to Sing your Dream! by Asya
Dear Asya,
i hope i can convey the love and gratitude i feel at your heartfelt words! To have someone not only understand me but also feel what i feel is a balm on my soul, and that connection gives me goosebumps! i love that you not only felt it, but that the feeling behind the words touched you. Feels amazing after so much believing i had no gifts to give. i hope we can meet soon, and i can hear about your passions and be moved by you!
To answer your question: Why indeed? Your encouragement has me finding creative ways to include this in my life now, despite the challenges (opportunities for growth 😉).
Thank you so much for your encouragement! 😊❤️🙏
Resonates in many ways!!
This article stirred up a lot for me in many different ways. I've spent some time playing small in many domains of my life. Feeling myself expanding and contracting at several twists and turns of life. I've hidden behind the fact that I'm a stay-at-home parent of 4 little girls and that what wants to come through shall wait until this particular date that somehow continues to get pushed off further and further "intellectually". I've noticed this pattern for some time going on inside of myself. I've made some changes recently and I'm starting to see things more clearly. This tension that has built up is still very alive inside my being but I'm learning to work with it and sit with it. With this I can feel a sense of momentum building up inside. One thing that comes up for me is that this energy is wanting to come up, out and through my being.
I've been working on several different ways to express myself out into the world over the years. But there has been this "resistance" that arises as I begin to express. I contract, play small and the tension builds inside. One of the things I noticed is comparing myself to others has been my modus operandi which only causes me to contract and pack my ideas back in the closet. I feel this loop has been exhausted, I can see it so clearly now.
I also sense and feel how this system we live in is very much in the game of helping people play small by the many different distractions that are available to us today. A lot is being sold to society based off of this, not being enough unless you have x, y and z to show for it. This insatiable energy only grows, and we continue to look to the external world to fill us up. I'm speaking from my own personal experience over the years. It has worked for some time but has reached its expiration date! Thank you for this article Open it really hit something deep inside me.
I realize that one of the greatest gifts I can give my daughters is for them to witness the authentic expression of this man they call dad. I feel that I've done the best that I can up until this point but there have definitely been some distortions that needed to be worked through. I'm feeling really great about 2023 for many different reasons. This article even got me more pumped up! Thank you for the inspiration Open.
Peace and Love,
Breaking out of the Shell
In reply to Resonates in many ways!! by Patchouli (not verified)
Hi Chad - it's a real joy to have you reconnect with Openhand - thanks so much for sharing 🙏💙
Your sharing will likely touch many out there who have kids and are in families - how that can constrict the freedom of soul expression.
But I'm sure you also know that our kids can be our greatest gurus too!!
I would say that when in this kind of situation, to recognise the mountain top (wherever that is for you) is reached from each incremental step. What step wants to happen now? The work to actualise that, how ever small we think it is. Progressively we find ourselves making a great stride formwards.
Wishing you well in that Chad - do come and get reinvolved with the retreat work - it would be marvellous to see you.
Bright blessings
Open 🙏
It's getting crazy out there! High time to untether the soul 🕺
27/09/2021: Openhand Journal Update
It's getting crazy out there! The energy of the shift is ramping up, which anyone with their head not buried in the sand can see and feel - the escalation of storms and volcanic action for example. No, it's not man made global warming! It's solar forcing during the Grand Solar Minimum as Gaia's Pole Shift winds to an epic climax. Meanwhile the shadowstate continues its charade of smoke and mirrors to keep people blinded from the underlying truth - they know all too well what's coming. It's why the Billionaires are building bunkers and launch pads. But the bunkers won't be deep enough and the rockets won't be able to fly far enough. The energy that's travelling from the galactic core will sweep through the entirety of the solar system. We're heading for 5D folks - the only way out is through.
And this means going progressively deeper inwards, connecting with the Sacred Ground of Being and then unleashing the soul to flow completely freely. It is only in this way that you'll craft the Merkabah, your vehicle of Ascension. So don't hold back, don't waste a moment, it's the only viable thing that now makes sense.
That's why I felt to inspire you all today with a reworked version of my article above...
5D Shift: 9 Ways to Unleash and Embody Your Spiritual Greatness
Our greatness is achieved by the untethering of soul, unleashing it through your being and out into the world.
How might you do that today?
Open 💙🙏
Greatness within
In reply to It's getting crazy out there! High time to untether the soul 🕺 by Open
This was great to read, I notice the strong conditioning in myself to want recognition and do and say it "right" all the time, seeing myself through those fixed lenses of what success looks like. Since the last day of the retreat I am guided to different places to work with energy in the field to release constrictions, but also bring back higher frequencies (that seem to tie in with my own too). It probably looked weird haha, but that didn't matter, it just felt right and priceless, and it made me realize this feeling of "greatness" within myself.
This is so inspiring, thank…
This is so inspiring, thank you!💜💜💜🙏
The Shiva Energy is Emergent at this Time
07/04/2021 Openhand Journal Update:
As we transition through Easter 2021, I'm here running a Quantum Shift Retreat with Openhand and I can positively feel the emergence of the Shiva energy in the field. In my awareness that always comes at a distinct point within the shift. The shadowside has revealed itself, run rampant, but now as people see it and tire of it, a kind of rock steady coolness arises. And from that, a sense of dismissal of the drama - to entertain the ridiculousness of it no more. The Shiva is not in least concerned with popular opinion. It cannot be owned by the need to placate, please or confine itself to some quasi woke moral code. It is simply going to be, do and express in the feeling of aligned rightness.
If this moment signals a general activation of that energy, then we are indeed at a very pivotal point. Shiva is often depicted as dancing on a demon, and right now, it's clear the demon of the "Black Snake" energy has clearly revealed itself out there - for all those willing to see. You can actually feel that energy in people's fields as it plays on the emotions and psyche in the guise of the bogus, artificially created pandemic.
This is why I felt to share this particular lead article today about discovering and unleashing your greateness. Meaning to unreservedly let out that which is the strength and aligned soul expression of you, without reservation or concern about what others might think.
9 Ways to Unleash and Embody Your Spiritual Greatness
When it starts to activate, we will each express this Shiva energy in different ways. With some it will be forceful and strong. In others quietly confident and unshakeable. It will be patient, but ultimately does not suffer the fool. Meaning it won't be constrained by other people's delusions, such as those in society still buying into the bogus pandemic. Let's be clear, this is a clear revelation of the shadowside and now the invitation for the emergence of the Shiva, to dance all over it.
Time to Dispense with the Demon
Here's a real life example of that this Easter by a pastor in Poland, boldy resisting the ridiculous machinations of the (pademic) police there. To be clear, in showing it I am not suggesting that all behave in this manner. It feels to me like a clear emergence of the Shiva in him - and how powerful that can be. How might that degree of resoluteness, and not suffering the "fools" (not meaning to judge!) in the drama mean to you? At some point, it is necessary to see and act with clarity, recognising the "demon" will present in some quasi acceptable way. There comes a point when the Shiva has to rise and call it for what it is...
Time to unleash the Shiva greatness through society.
Time to dispense with the demon of ridiculousness!
Again amazing sincronicity
In reply to The Shiva Energy is Emergent at this Time by Open
Wow what amazing sincronicity. Yesterday I completely lost it, not done that since about 2017.
Don't get wrong I used to use a little anger with some situations to give me a push, but that eventually made me a bully as I knew that I could overpower almost anyone to get what I wanted. So I sought to disengage with that energy.
Well, Yesterday I lost my rag, and thank god I did. I recognised this powerful energy and at first I was mortified that I had succumbed. How could I lose it like that again? What's the point of this reflection, am I a fraud?
So now it's 12 hours later and I can see that this is an opportunity to move and create. Instead of ruminating on how I am the victim and building on that initial angry burst of energy, someone will have to pay attitude. I can see it as opportunity to learn what's really gone on. Ha Beauty and the Beast just came to mind.
Anyway I am grateful for the lesson and for your Shiva article. Thank you.
well, i lost it a little…
In reply to Again amazing sincronicity by Keith (not verified)
well, i lost it a little today too lol! an elderly gentleman nearly hit me with his car as i walked through a parking lot. all of a sudden a great "honk" and i turned around angrily, instantly defensive. he reacted by saying i had just walked out in front of his car which i had. i argued that it was a parking lot not a road and drivers should always be mindful of pedestrians to which he replied it wasn't true but he was already driving away, thankfully as i would have escalated, so i hollered "have a nice day" sarcastically. ego always has to have the last word, that little imperialist so and so lol. his wife who understandably was indignant on his behalf retorted a snarky "you TOO!" and that was that. inevitably the remorse set in immediatlely after; i will never touch coffee again, i've learned my lesson, but after the initial anger wore off, suprisingly quickly thankfully, wait, that's a lot of adverbs in one place lol, anyway, after i couldn't help but giggle at the wife, who i really felt was very sweet and her retort was probably the angriest she gets. despite my feeling bad, i get a kick out of how civil it was and how sweet she was behind her reaction. a diamond in the coals. apparently we're coming off some Aries energy and well, cultk0vid doesn't help. it's an ongoing process 😉
The Shiva energy is a conscious strong response - but not angry
In reply to well, i lost it a little… by barbfromkingston
Hi Barb - yes, how many can identify with your experience!
It's clear anger can easily arise when we're startled in some way - I'm guessing that's what happened. In which case, I'd say the key is to see it as an opportunity to explore how tuned in one is to the surroundings in any given moment - or else lost away somewhere else.
But to be clear, the Shiva energy is quite different. It is tuned into its surroundings fully - it is the ascending movement of consciousness itself, but can also be expressed through this human form. It can, and will, express strongly, without fear of mortality - because it's an energy that ultimately breaks down mortality as the reality construct is ready to disintegrate.
The Deeper Meaning of the Middle Way
In reply to well, i lost it a little… by barbfromkingston
Hi Barb
You mentioned Aries energy, it's really powerful right now, we have Sun and Chiron there plus two of personal planets - Mercury and Venus. And the third personal planet - Mars - is the ruler of Aries and it's still out of the bounds so losing control is perfectly normal. For me it's kind of "just do it" energy, unlocking your personal lock down. Guess it have to be so, it gives you chance to meet your real you so you can deal with it.
Here's great video from Adyashanti about meeting your real you, and funny, it's not in the extremes of polarity but in the middle of it
Being careful not to be lost in the "non-dualism"
In reply to The Deeper Meaning of the Middle Way by Danniel
Hi Danniel,
I think it's important to allow people the space to explore into distortion. The "Middle Way" has often been interpreted within people as a dropping of their extremity - "dropping the hot coals" - is something you often hear. The problem is that you then become an identity who is "dropping the hot coals" and adopting the "middle path".
In the Openhand Approach, there is the recognition, and allowance, that every distortion conceals a hidden gift - a nugget of soul gold that got buried in the distortion. It's because ultimately, every distorton is a distorted expression of the soul: anger becomes the distortion of expressed warrior energy or powerful will - the ray 1 of the soul (see Openhand's view on the 7 Rays of the Soul). The problem in simply "dropping the hot" coals of this distorted behaviour is to risk "throwing the baby out with the bath water. You're denying and suppressing a crucial aspect of yourself. It can lead to frustration and the creation of another type of identity - the spiritual identity - I'm behaving like the Buddha for example (rather than allowing the fiullness of myself).
That's why at Openhand we apply the Breakthrough Approach - you allow and encourage expression of the distortion, including regression into it. But then you're feeling into whatever the attachment might have been that belies the distortion. Needing people to respect you for example. You let go of that need as you experience it. Then the strong energy can flow through but without projection or judgment - you're able to find a constructive way of expressing the power.
I do think this "non-dualist" approach has been pretty good at bringing people to a good degree of surrender and letting go. But now, if we're truly to evolve, it's time we move beyond these teachings and really delve into the nature of the soul: there is The One, the absolute in you (non dual), and AT THE SAME TIME, there is the unique expression of you. And actually, by unleashing the unique expression of you in any given moment leads to the One - the true essence of the One.
The Shiva energy for example is also an expression of the One. It can be highly destructive. But destruction leads to construction when it contains the seeds of the future. Thus the Shiva becomes the necessary catalytic energy that breaks the old reality construct down that the new can emerge. The risk of playing the "Middle Path" is that you'd miss the fullness of this very necessary energy. We all stay in limitation. And that's definitely what humanity needs to evolve beyond right now.
More on the Breakthrough Approach...
In reply to Being careful not to be lost in the "non-dualism" by Open
1) Confront the Truth of the Situation: what's going on here? What is truly being invited? What am I resisting? What outcome do I think I really need? What's the worst possible outcome and how do I really feel about that?
2) Honour and express the tightness: in allowing yourself to explore the truth about any given situation, you'll expose some form of tightness within. It could reveal as a busy mind, unsettled emotions, nausea in the solar plexus, tightness somewhere in the body. And even a complete numbness can be classed as 'tightness'. The point is to delve deep, then to honour what comes up. Allow yourself to fully express the tightness, in whatever way your natural guidance invites of you. It's like you blow this inner layer up to fill the world around you for a while. It enables you to see where you were holding on, where you felt you needed some form of outcome, what couldn't you accept? Where have you been in avoidance?
3) Become as-one with your feelings: When you're at the height of the expression, now soften into the feelings, surrender into them, quieten and let go. Become so accepting of the circumstances you don't need them to go away. Hold the feelings within - be witnessing and observant. You're becoming as-one with the experiences. When you've reached this level of surrender, then 'open a doorway' of complete acceptance through the tightness. Remind yourself that you are NOT the experience itself and that all experiences are transient. They come and go. Thus you're becoming The One in the experience - that which you truly are.
4) Unwind soul out of the constriction: once you've become so accepting that you've found The One amidst the tightness, contraction and pain, you're already at the point where you're healing; you're already digging up the roots of the constriction. Let go even more at this point. But then keenly watch the new energies of soul wanting to come through. You're reclaiming nuggets of soul gold that were originally stuck in the drama and creating the tightness itself. Let that now unwind, unleash and freely express new aspects of soul. Now the flow takes off for you, and the newly liberated soul creates in unimaginable ways.
BREAKTHROUGH (divine revelations)
This is an epic, true story of one man’s journey of Spiritual Breakthrough. It reveals how, in every single moment, each person is supported by an etheric divine connection - a benevolent force - supporting you in life, and working with you to break through into your greater divinity. The book helps you delve deeply into every situation you face and find the deeper meaning - the divine revelation. It shows you how to embrace the moment fully, what to work with and how to work, so that you can eternally live the brilliance of You. The world stands on a precipice. Divine revelation is the answer.
BUY A COPY...Paperback from £12:00, Digital ebook £5.50
In reply to More on the Breakthrough Approach... by Open
Thanks Open, always great reply. I don't really see it as different knowledge but more like different approach. For me it's always joy to find common ground in seemingly different teachings, it's kind of confirmation that my feelings are on point. Like someone said, you can better see the truth when you look at it from different angles, it's kind of win-win game, more possibilities for individual to resonate.
I can feel here this big problem of duality between being individual vs being part of. It's systematic, the system is pushing hard to get us in and producing powerful resistance so to get you stuck in duality. Hard to break through as shown here...
Being individual and a part of the great whole
In reply to Individuality by Danniel
It's a funny clip for sure - and yes you have a point.
However I think humanity (at least a swathe of) are already moving beyond the iconisation of something or someone outside of themselves. I do see a lot of individuality emerging, yet I think there's a growing recognition that we are all part of the same too.
It may sound pedantic, but I find it essential to draw a clear distinction of the Openhand work with much in the mainstream that have adopted a "non-dualistic" approach. I witness it often being extremely derailing and has been very exploited by entities in the field - "we really don't have to work at it, we just have to accept things because we are all one". Yes, AND no!
Open 🙏
Hi Open, Thank You, i so…
In reply to Being careful not to be lost in the "non-dualism" by Open
Hi Open, Thank You, i so resonate with your statement that anger is a distortion of warrior energy! i have been repressing my will since i'm a child b/c of the fear instilled in me. All the times i boiled over because i just couldn't hold it in anymore. But then being so terrified after of the retribution (the times i thought my mother would kill me or kick me out of the house or withold food etc) i would just close up again and not only play it safe, but most of the time not even participate in life because of that fear. Many times i did find courage to go after a goal and speak my mind, but the old unexpressed wounds would inevitably shut me back down, and the cycle would repeat. And a lot of that anger i realize is anger at myself for not taking risks and following those soul-pulls. I had another outburst today at someone not respecting my boundaries who i had simply been ignoring, thinking i was taking the high road while avoiding the fact i just didnt want to deal with it. and although after i felt the usual fear that i'd done something wrong, i realized as the day wore on that it had felt good to finally put my foot down with their behaviour. I feel like maybe i'm finally learning not to be afraid to truly say what i mean and express myself authentically. It feels kind of liberating and i hope i can keep that momentum, and maybe learn not to let fear inform that expression any more. i always admired families who could have great arguments and then be totally ok after, respect and love still intact; the freedom in that is something i envy. So now instead of remorse at a perceived failure, i see now that i may have made a wee breakthrough 😊 oh to be able to finally and thoroughly be my true self...now that's something worth standing up for!💜💜💜🙏
Hi Danniel, thanks for the…
In reply to The Deeper Meaning of the Middle Way by Danniel
Hi Danniel, thanks for the support, good to know i'm not losing it completely lol. The energy is influencing my "voice"; where i usually keep quiet to appease others and avoid their disapproval (old response to mother wound), this energy is helping me speak up. BUT i think Open is right that anger s not the way. Anger has been a defense mechanism to help me get past my fear of standing up for myself and other's (mother) anger towards me. And tbh sometimes i'm all ego and imperialism and entitlement and that kind of anger is particularly ugly. But i have had opportunities to approach situations calmly from a higher vibe and it feels so much better to not let my ego run the show and spend all that pr3cious energy defending myself. i've been finding too that anger that i've been holding on to regarding a difficult life situation, created by me, only seems to draw more unpleasant people and situations into my life. But oh how hard it is to let it go sometimes. Ego for me can be very tenacious. But i will persist, and hopefully overcome. Thanks for "listening" and i'll check out those videos for sure, thank you! 💜💜💜🙏
Feeling this today !
In reply to The Shiva Energy is Emergent at this Time by Open
Dear Open ,
I am feeling this and how ! I am also DONE with this ridiculousness . It is so intense this RAGE that it is hard to contain it . I am thinking I am going to put on some intense music and DANCE .
Around me though things have shifted. The acquiescence is gone as more and more people are standing up to stupid rules and bogus science. I have been told to self isolate after my Holi party revelry . I am therefore going to take a very public mask free walk in the compound .
Interestingly ,a patient called me today asking for a prescription for our 'flavor of the moment' disease . I told him to take vitamins and relax ,it is just the damn flu. His name was Rudra ( Shiva in his wrathful form )
:) Looking forward to see you in the retreat .
Great feedback loop
In reply to Feeling this today ! by iamdurga
Lovely! - Thanks for sharing - great feedback loop
When I was a kid - inspirational video
I loved this. To me there's a lot of truth in it...
And right now, I do believe the journey is that of our Ascension... Ascension Activations Worldwide 2020
How can you be different today? How can you be more of you?
Hi Everyone - I felt to repost this article about Greatness and 9 Ways to Unleash it. Greatness is not something mystical, out there, and achieved by only a handful of 'Gods'.
Greatness is in each and every one of us. It emerges, quite simply, when you fully align with your soul and breathe it out into the world. From that moment, anything becomes possible, miracles will unfold. It'll be in the simplest of things, there'll be that audible 'click' in the field as everything falls into place around you.
But it's crucial to step out of the mediocrity of accepting 'anything goes' in your life. It's about being clear about who you truly are, at a soul level, and expressing that as often as you can. Push back the boundaries, on a day-by-day basis. Keep allowing for the new you to come through. Profound Transformation is the path of many small steps. So I ask you, how can you be different today? How can you be more of you? I challenge you, so that you may challenge yourself.
Yes, I see
You're right, Open. It's a behavioural approach and although it may lead to more self confidence, it does write over the problem, as you said.
Caution about manipulating bodylanguage
Thanks Helen, but I would caution the approach. Just the intro offers an important insight into what I would say, is a case of tail wagging the dog...
- "Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success."
Here's my point, body language is the EFFECT of what you're being within, not the cause. So it offers telltale signs as to some hidden source pain limitation. If you're not confident, work to find out why? Why is it you don't believe in yourself at a core level?
The trouble with manipulating body language to try to get some 'result' in the world, is that we write over the problem, remove the evidence that might point to it, and build an even thicker sense of false self - you put on layers rather than take them off.
This (distorted) approach is rife within the self empowerment/motivation arena out there. So I'd offer a strong caution.
TED-Talk about greatness
This is a remarkable and very moving talk, about how anybody can grow and empower themselves with easy and small changes.
The Greatness in each of us
Today did not disappoint, I found a post that literally made my heart swell to the point I thought it would burst, it really felt that like it was meant for me. Once I recognized my ego, I did my best to feel into it and why I needed this feeling of acceptance and love, so much. We must all feel this way right? The need to be loved and excepted unconditionally. We are here to experience our personal journey yes, but also to recognize and love those around us, and abroad. I wish for everyone to feel their heart swell as I did today, my heart and soul is once again restored and ready for what's next. Although sometimes quite painful, growth isn't just about ourselves individually, but each other at the same time.
You are all amazing and I look forward to tomorrow and learning how I can be a positive vessel for change and spreading honest love where it is needed.
Regarding Greatness
I come here everyday, looking, Sometimes I find what I should, some days I do not. The quieter I am, the more I find what I need. I know this post for today is older, but it was needed, and this was the second day in a row.
So I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being. Thank you for being, here.
poweful posting
such a powerful article! reminiscent of watching your seminar the other day.
"Remember, greatness is a feeling - that's what you're really looking for. It's striking the sweet-spot of your own being. And when you do, there is absolutely nothing like it "
Lovely quote
Lovely quote Catherine - thanks :-)
A Bell Is No Bell 'Til You Ring It
Hi Open,
I was flabbergasted when I first saw this video a few years ago of the renewed violinist, Joshua Bell, playing his violin undercover in the Washington metro station as the hypnotized masses strode by -- too asleep to hear his angelic music. It is such a powerful illustration of your words:
"This must tell you something crucially important: you cannot value or under sell yourself, by attaching your greatness to the support, adoration, acceptance or popularity of the masses. They are simply too fickle, or else too tied up in society's conditioning to see the real light within you. So why waste your time?"
I love this deeply inspiring article and your overall message that greatness is a feeling of coming home to yourself and expressing who you truly are -- and that no amount of acceptance, popularity, fame, or fortune is worth silencing the glorious song of your soul that only you can sing.
"A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it…" -- Oscar Hammerstein
Thank you!
Catherine :)
Allowing greatness to come in at the right pace
It's wonderful that you notice that sense of pure joy inside Jen - the infusion of soul, no doubt. And yes, people often feel a reticence with it too - often a fear of just how energetically great this can be. Yes, it is immensely creative when unleashed.
It's a case of just working with it, allowing it to come in at the pace that feels right.
Open :-)
Urge to hold back
Beautiful article Open! What I have noticed is that the more I give some energy toward where I feel a burning ember of passion inside, I not only experience a sense of sheer joy and fulfillment, but also things begin to open up as opportunities in the world... As vehicles for expressing that passion. What I also notice inside though is a subtle urge to slow it down, a fear around the largeness of it all and a reticence to give all to it. It feels like the small "I" wants to control it and keep it all small and unseen and yet the wave is clearly inviting something larger and a letting go of fulfilling ego desires for a much truer sense of fulfillment... A greater giving of myself to something larger... An inner expansion feels invited by the presentation of expanded possibilities of outer expression.
x Jen
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