Divinicus Cometh - the story of humanity
If I'm a little quiet on the web of late, it's because I'm beavering away in the background, completing the content for my upcoming book "Divinicus". All is going well, the material is mainly complete. It's literally a roller coaster ride, sure to be a very different experience than Five Gateways, which was more text book style. This instead is turning out to be a real heart racer. It's not just writing a book, but the feeling of activation of consciousness through a deep spiritual journey. What might readers expect?
A true story, larger than any fiction
I knew from the start I was given to share a message: What exactly is going on behind the scenes of this unraveling matrix? Why is it unraveling and why does it need to? And what's humanity's part in it? So I tell the story of how I incarnated into Chris's bodymind, the walk-in experience, the sacred contract each of us had. I share what it's like to come consciously into the physical density, to partially forget the higher paradigms and what it's like to remember again.
- In so doing, I was taken on a journey, across the web and around the world, unveiling an incredible story for humanity and the planet; steadily activating a hidden multidimensional landscape, mysterious in its magnitude, breath taking in its duplicity, awe inspiring in its wonder. I share an insight into where humanity really came from with hard scientific evidence hiding in plain sight, but even more importantly, from past life regressions that many are now beginning to experience. Why exactly is the planet in the current mess that it is? And more importantly, what's the divine design of benevolence which is now very much in the process of resolving it?
It's a true story, but larger than any fiction. It's sure to enthrall, to captivate and to challenge... At times it may make you weep with the deepest sorrow, and then shine with the greatest joy. It's certainly not for the feint hearted, even a highly skeptical mind may well find his fixed ideas of reality unraveling. It's purpose is to captivate, catalyse, to break down, and then to inspire. It's not to replace your truth with mine, but to challenge any falsehood, that a higher evolution of your own truth may unfold. This is my story, but its sure to reflect a good deal of yours too.
Book launch
With the content nearing completion, we've been given a date for the release party. It will take place in the Avalon Rooms on September 1st this year, from 7-9pm (doors open at 6:30pm). I'll be presenting the book and sharing a short documentary Trinity will be producing. We're giving lots of advance notice, because we'd love to see plenty of Openhanders there. It's all about spreading the ripples of energy, that they may accelerate the tides of change. Following the launch, we'll be releasing the documentary the next day on the web (2nd September) where the ebook and paperback will be available on general release.
Those event details once more:
- What?: Divinicus Book launch
- When?: 1st September, 7-9pm, doors open at 6:30pm
- Where?: Avalon Rooms, Isle of Avalon Foundation, Glastonbury
- Entrance?: Free, including refreshments from Trinity's Conscious Kitchen.
See you there! Open
Thought you all might like this one
Only love can prevail
Yes indeed, it depends from what perspective you watch the film as to how you'll enjoy it. I guess if one has no spiritual awareness, you might consider it quite 'hammy' and unreal. But if you have a quite deep connection, and are reading the wider play of events going on, then you'll get some pretty profound messages in it.
And yes - only love can prevail.
Open *OK*
Re: Only love can prevail
In reply to Only love can prevail by Open
Absolutely, this is why I called it controversial. I personally liked it and recommended it to everyone (ok, maybe not 'everyone').. :)
Noah: an awesome film but with flaws
Noah and 'Splitting of the Worlds'
In reply to Noah: an awesome film but with flaws by Open
Open, thank you for your comments on the film. I fully agree with you on that Noah turned out to be a quiet controversial movie.
I also find it interesting that the most visited news site in my country decided to publish two parallel reviews on 'Noah' with two completely different approach and rating from two movie critics (2 out of 10 and 8 out of 10)
This is what we experience in the outer world in general, the 'splitting of the worlds' so to speak. One is getting the messages/metaphors the other is not.
For me, Aronofsky's message in that crucial moment you mentioned was also that 'the other side of the waters' only Love can prevail...
It's only the truth that can truly set you free
Am I the only one feeling
Am I the only one feeling trepidation? How much more? This is hard core. I will be there.
The Unseen
- "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen."
Indeed Erica. Perfect. If we want to live in any kind of truth, any kind of enduring reality, this is what we each must now do.
Mystical journey
Congrats on embracing your truths so fully. Sharing is divine. I'm drawn to a verse I read in my teen years that was inspiring to the point I taped it to my bedroom door. The metaphors truly are universal that depict patterns that shine through self imposed veils that protect from seeing the altruistic meanings that pulsate through consciousness. "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal"
So gracious to experience all that comes especially such divine universal truths that shines light. I am an instrument, open to play the vibrations that resound in each moment! enJoy, so peaceful to allow happiness to softly settle upon these weary human shoulders...
The Biblical Times

You're a star!
We'd love to have you there Martin - and thanks so much for spreading the energy in Sweden - you're a star!
I'd love to come. I'm really
I'd love to come. I'm really looking forward to read it. And I will spread the word in Sweden as much as I can. The Sweden Openhand interest is increasingly growing!!!
A thrilling ride
Thanks so much for the lovely support guys. You're wonderful *OK*
I can promise you a real rollercoaster!
It'll be accompanied by a real shift in the course structure to reflect the work.
Writing this book has been literally phenomenal. I feel like every time I get into writing a particular section, I'm actually tuning into the consciousness I'm working with. So it's not so much writing, but activating and processing simultaneously. That's why it's been very tiring. Getting up early mornings around 4am in the quietness. But thrilling too.
I can't wait to share it!
Open :-)
So exciting!
Open, your book sounds amazing on many levels. I am so looking forward to reading it. I also plan to attend on 1st September.
Much love to you and Trinity. xx
Love and Support
Ahh Amy, of course you can crash here - open house, always!
Open and Trinity, I would love to be a part of bringing this new energy in - feels so profound! See you there!
With love and Support xxx
I'm feeling very excited!
I'm feeling very excited about this! A beacon of hope I think I can feel in my heart. I've diaried the date and hoping the lovely Jaq or Shelly will let me crash out at theres for the night ;)Putting it out there!
Much love xxx
Accelerating tides of change
Hi Open,
"….A higher evolution of your own truth may unfold." Your words totally captivate me. Thank you for the advance notice about your sure-to-be mind-blowing and heart-shattering book. As challenging as it may be, it's at the top of my list. Best wishes on your book launch. With love and appreciation, Catherine
More than just a Book, it will signal a change of gear
Actually Divinicus will be much more than a book. It will signal a shift in gear for Openhand, to mirror the shift in the flow we're feeling which we sense accelerating under our very feet.
So what that means, is following the launch of the book, the courses will be reshaped to include the new material. Our work will transform into activating and helping unveil the new being in people as the old reality continues to crumble around us.
So we look forwards for what is to come this Autumn.
Love to all
A Delicous Taster
A wonderful appetite whetter Open - very exciting.
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