Ascension Activation World Tour 2020 with Openhand
We've reached a pivotal point in human history. Our world is changing in unprecedented ways. The system is efforting to lock souls down into a synthetic high tech reality. But Gaia is conducting a tremendous shift into higher 5D consciousness to reclaim divine harmony. The time has come to consciously activate our Ascension process, to connect up with the realigning flow, peel back the karmic veils and realise a new way of being. It's not about waiting for others in society to follow suit. We must each pionneer the way forwards and live from abundant expanded consciousness right now. That's the purpose of Openhand's new work being facilitated through this next World Tour, both terrestrially and online in 2020.
Openhand's new Ascension Activation Workshops and Retreats are an integral part of the 5D Ascension Program. If you're new to the work, the energy will connect you at Stage 1 Breakthrough. And if you're a seasoned traveller, it will meet you energetically where you are, and catalyse your next shift.
Understanding Ascension
Ascension is a progressive internal journey of infolding. It's especially important at this time with our planet making a monumental shift. It's this which is the underlying cause of the instability and attempts by the shadow state to lock consciousness down. This is not a time to drift aimlessly along hoping that one day things will get better all by themselves! We each need to reclaim sovereignty by journeying deeper inwards and unleashing stronger soul flow into our lives.
When we do this, the veils of the external charade fall from our eyes. You connect up with a highly alchemical and creative flow, which is now growing in strength through these changes. You have to let go of the inner control and restraint - to take centre stream in the flow of expanded awareness. Only this can now prosper in the phenomenal change that is unfolding.
This Ascension is not an easy journey by any means, it's not all roses and light! You have to be prepared to dig deep through the layers to reclaim the lost fragments of soul buried in karmic density. This work is crafted to help you do exactly that, to illuminate where and how to work, to activate the buried fragments. As these then integrate, you experience profound new expansions and elevated consciousness, which you can bring to bear in all aspects of your life, from relationships to careers and general living circumstances.
Advanced Course Work Guided by Open
Our course work is carried out in small groups of around 12, guided by Open, who is a Higher Dimensional Bridge, harnessing the enlightened energy of Openhand to support you. His approach is to use intuitive meditation techniques, and self realisation exercises to align you with your soul. Open can guide you in how to work with the Openhand energy so as to activate authentic frequencies of soul and remove karmic past life blockages. Participants find themselves dropping into deep presence and expressing profound authentic beingness. It's an approach you can then continue to apply beneficially through every facet of your life.
We'll be applying Openhand's deep meditation practice illuminate. It's using cutting edge internal focus to move past the grasp of ego, through layers of karma, and centering in the divinity at the core of you. We'll help you feel the enlightened consciousness around the Void of Presence and establish this as the Sacred Ground of Being from which to progressively ascend in life. Your authentic self emerges from this Infinite Potential, and creates from higher consciousness, leading to abundant 5D manifestation.
But to be clear, the Openhand work is never about telling you your truth. Rather it is the transmission of various evolutionary frequencies, within a shared framework of inquiry concerning the 5D Ascension Shift, that you may feel and integrate what is real for you.
The main themes that will be covered during the Ascension Activations are:
1) Deep exploration of the 5D Ascension Shift that our Earth and a wave of humanity are unfolding through, from an intellectual, but most importantly, from an energetic internal revelation of higher being
2) Self realisation exercises, guided meditations, soul stirring ceremony with group and individual interaction
3) Energy processing to dissolve internal blockages, conditioned limiting behaviours, energy implants and past life karma
4) In-depth exploration of the self including the absolute, the soul, our chakra system, inner child and false self identities, kundalini and spirit-light-body activation
5) Understanding how the deeper energetic cosmic cycles in the shift are impacting life on the planet and how you might best ride the changes in all aspects of your life.
Life Changing Both Terrestrially and Online
Openhand has crafted ground breaking Spiritual Ascension processes by working with groups of evolving people around the world over many years. The work is equally effective on terrestrial retreats or online from your own residence - it depends entirely on your personal preference and individual circumstances - we cater for both. This is the general feedback we get from course participants...
"What an amazing, powerful experience.. To me it felt the most important thing I have done in my life so far. Powerful! I am so grateful to the facilitators, to every body Who was there and to Open for the valuable teachings and his presence. Something unlocked for me.. Something that i ve been looking for quite a while. I am so grateful! The Meditations mindblowing, the energies so powerful the transformation so Present. Thank you everyone for sharing and contributing to what took Place."... Vaso
"I was wondering how the virtual one would work and now I know the answer...brilliantly!"...Diane
"I found the retreat to be the perfect way to dive deeper into transformation and integrate the new in a very practical and real way whilst staying at home. Thank you again for all the wisdom and reminders of what our true essence really is". Desi
"A truly, truly wonderful experience and one that I am so very honoured to have been a part of... Teeari
"The shift is real and it is very powerful. Once made, there is no going back to our former way of being, despite the many temptations and occasional indulgences". Elizabeth
"Everyone who took part was so 'all in' - my soul was touched and lifted by their bravery, openness and authenticity - it takes real guts to bare your soul so freely and completely! So many awesome Openhanders with so much in common around the world - thank you all for giving me real hope for the future in such turbulent times". Pam
Facilitator Support
Essential to the Openhand work and your development is facilitation support from experienced facilitators who've been through the various stages of the advanced spiritual facilitation program. At each of the events facilitators will be on hand to support you and in follow up afterwards. Openhand facilitators are skilled at instigating deep inner inquiry, removing blockages and supporting the emergence of priceless new soul frequencies in your life.
Ascension Activations Event Schedule 2020
Here is the exciting array of events we have scheduled, for the second half of 2020, designed to be accessible for people all around the world. Group sizes are limited to enable maximum meaningful exchanges, and the courses do tend to book out, so do book early to avoid disappointment (we also cater for the financially challenged, so ask us about bursary places if required)...
5th-6th Sep: GLASTONBURY, Weekend Workshop
It's going to be wonderful working back in Glastonbury at a terrestrial retreat, in the heart of this global energy centre and working from the highly energetic "Miracles Room". There are countless places to stay and lots of sites to see. For beginners and seasoned travellers alike, we'll meet you where you're at.
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
21st-25th Sep: ONLINE, 5 Day Retreat
Openhand has crafted its work and experience for the online etheric space, from the comfort and connection of your own home. If you prefer not to travel and work to integrate expanded consciousness where you live, then this retreat is ideal for you. The timings are ideally set for Australia and NewZealand (early mornings UK).
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
10th/11th Oct: BRIGHTON, Weekend Workshop
Brighton in the UK radiates how it sounds - bright and sunny! It's a great seaside town a short journey from London and the International airports. Plus there are great places to stay and conscious eateries. Experience the Openhand Ascension Activation in a great physical venue.
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
14th-18th Oct: POLAND, 5 Day retreat
This venue is simply delicious - the Sound Temple of gongmaster Huzy near Gdansk in Poland. The retreat centre stands on the banks of an expansive lake in beautiful countryside and the energy of the temple is deeply transcendent. It's sure to be an amazing activation of consciousness.
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
28th Oct-1st Nov: SOUTH AFRICA, 5 Day retreat
Once more back in the Cradle of Humanity - there can be no better place to activate ancient Homo Sapiens karma and to process is out. We're staying at the marvellous Melody Hill Retreat in peaceful and relaxed countryside within easy reach of Johannesberg. Unmissable Activation.
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
9th-13th Nov: ONLINE, 5 Day Retreat (USA to EU time zones)
Openhand has crafted its work and experience for the online etheric space, from the comfort and connection of your own home. If you prefer not to travel and work to integrate expanded consciousness where you live, then this retreat is ideal for you. The timings are ideal for America and Europe.
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
23rd-28th Nov: ONLINE, 5 Day Retreat (EU to AUS time zones)
Openhand has crafted its work and experience for the online etheric space, from the comfort and connection of your own home. If you prefer not to travel and work to integrate expanded consciousness where you live, then this retreat is ideal for you. The timings are ideally set for the EU, India, Africa, Australia and NewZealand (early mornings UK).
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
4th-9th Jan: ONLINE, New Year "Quantum Reset Retreat"
It's been a phenomenal year in 2020 - a crazy ride! And so much is changing in life, which presents great opportunity & possibility. In order to take full advantage we need to break apart the old consciousness and let it go so we can open to vibrant new energies wanting to come through. That's the immaculate opportunity on offer here.
Come join us to Quantum Leap Your 2021.
Destiny is Knocking At Your Door!
The greatest thing to happen about the lockdown, was that for all those prapared to see, it blew out the windows of the 3D charade. Now is the time to engage with reality, what's really unfolding across our planet. Destiny is now knocking at your door and it's high time to roll up your sleaves and get on with the liberation - to knock the inner doorways down! Myself and the Openhand Team are positively relishing the prospect. So if you resonate with what's being shared, and you're ready to breakthrough the inner doorways to your miraculous expansion, then come and join us at one of the events either terrestrially or online. Whichever, here at the Openhand Team we very much look forwards to hosting you.
RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES: to book places or get more information email Openhand's Event Coordinator, Aspasia:
Marvellous Ascension Activations Online November
14/11/20: Openhand Journal Update: We've just finished another marvellous Ascension Activations with a group from the USA, Europe and Africa. It's absolutely stunning how deep people are travelling these days. For me I see it all related to the surface shenanigens going on in society - trust and any allegiance with the system is rapidly evapourating. And so people are more readily working into their own sovereignty, their own sacred ground of being.
And when you infuse consciousness of the soul in this way, then DNA is going to shift and realign in very healing ways. It's all a part of transitioning back to the Original Human in us, what we here at Openhand call DIVINICUS. It's all a part of exploring how the new DNA of the Divine Human will take form. For those intrigued, check out this lead article about the subject...
How will the New Evolution of 5D Human DNA take Form?
We developed such a close family bond as a group, travelling through ancient karma activating the Merkaba and bringing new aspects of DNA alive - it was beyond words. None of us wanted to leave at the end. I'll be making a video this week taken from clippings, but in the meantime, here are a couple of group photos followed by that awesome poem that moved us all deeply...
Deep Group Meditations...
The Great Cosmic Hug around the world...
And finally, do not go gentle into the night, "Rage against the dieing of the Light..."
I will remember our journey together always. What a magical week. You are indellibly printed on my heart!
An amazing week!!
In reply to Marvellous Ascension Activations Online November by Open
Thank you Open for the tremendously illuminating and catalytic online retreat.
It was awesome to see old and new faces from around the world, so many shifts and heartfelt sharings. If I had a favourite, it was the the "Interstellar Day".
Anyone reading, if you possibly can, do take up a place on these amazing "Ascension Activations" - the essence of what they're about is perfectly captured in the name.
They truly meet you where you are at and propel you forwards, or should I say "upwards"
From beginners to "old hands" they will take your breath away!
With amazing memories of wonderful Souls,
An illuminating experience all round
In reply to An amazing week!! by Tilly Bud
Thanks for the kind words of reflection Tilly - yes it was a wonderful gathering of souls, all digging deep and breaking through. And many thanks to your supportive efforts too.
Yes and, though I wasn't…
In reply to An illuminating experience all round by Open
Yes and, though I wasn't there myself, two of the wonderful souls on our Shine Your Light! programme this week were remarking how much they'd felt the benefits of attending. These 'activations' feel to be really important in these times - to help move us along and help us navigate the path with more confidence and ease. Hoping to be able to attend/ help facilitate on another of these activations myself soon. With much love to you, Open, Tilly and all others listening in. <3
Apologies, everyone. The …
In reply to Yes and, though I wasn't… by Anonymous (not verified)
Apologies, everyone. The 'anonymous' comment above was mine. I didn't realise I wasn't logged in!
Much love and all good wishes, Tonya (Openhand facilitator) <3
Who am I to be transforming life on the planet right now?
At times you'll wonder...
"What can I do in all this transformation and change that's happening all around us?"
"How can little ol me do that?!"
You may think at times that your life is inconsequential in the greater scheme of things.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
The world is transforming BECAUSE of the great unwinding work people are doing under the radar. People like you everywhere who are doing the quiet inner work and then rippling that consciousness out into the field. We must press on. We must keep opening doorways of light, of deep compassionate love, through the darkness that is stirring up in the field.
It's great for the world but it's also tremendous in your own life too. That's exactly what our Ascension Activations are all about, and we still have two more events before the end of the year in November. The first, timed for USA to EU time zones is almost booked, so you'll need to get your skates on to join that one. We've also added one for time zones EU to AUS (including Asia). So do check out the events if you resonate...
9th-13th Nov: ONLINE, 5 Day Retreat (USA to EU time zones)
Openhand has crafted its work and experience for the online etheric space, from the comfort and connection of your own home. If you prefer not to travel and work to integrate expanded consciousness where you live, then this retreat is ideal for you. The timings are ideal for America and Europe.
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
23rd-28th Nov: ONLINE, 5 Day Retreat (EU to AUS time zones)
Openhand has crafted its work and experience for the online etheric space, from the comfort and connection of your own home. If you prefer not to travel and work to integrate expanded consciousness where you live, then this retreat is ideal for you. The timings are ideally set for the EU, India, Africa, Australia and NewZealand (early mornings UK).
Activating Your Ascension into 5D
So are you a Misfit Maverick? If so, do consider joining us. You'll be right at home!...
Brighton Ascension Exchanges
We've just completed the Brighton Ascension Exchanges - another wonderful experience, journeying deep, unravelling through density, coming up smiling. What was especially lovely about this one, was to be working with the younger generation too, Josh, Jack and Pearl - boy how we need the next generation to help transform society in the years ahead!
A profound heart-felt "thanks" to a wonderful group of souls. It's both very humbling and uplifting when people come together like this and connect so deeply at a soul level. It's hard to put words to - priceless, and entirely what the world needs right now.
Yes, wonderful to be soaring…
In reply to Brighton Ascension Exchanges by Open
Yes, wonderful to be soaring through the density with this wonderful bunch of souls. Heartfelt thanks. An extraordinary weekend... and am certain that the effects of the shifts that we have made will be felt for some time to come, not only within each of us but in the field. If anyone wants any help with integrating, please do reach out to myself, Mathew or one of the other facilitators in the Openhand network (see Community tab above). With much love to you all.
Ascension Activations in Brighton this Weekend - Tune in
I'm in one of my favoutite UK towns this weekend, sunny Brighton on the sea, for another essential "Ascension Activations". We've got a great group joining who are undeterred by the ongoing shenanigans of the plandemonium...
To give you a sense of the kinds of things we do, check out this video from another event, Eden Rise, earlier this year...
And if you'd like to get a sense of tuning into what we're doing this weekend, and riding some waves of the energy we'll be generating, then you could practice this meditation to begin with, which is free to listen to here online.
Have a bountiful weekend everyone. If you're tuning in, see you dancing in the ether!
Beautiful Merkaba by Asta
During our recent September Ascension Activations online, Asta painted this beautiful representation of the Merkaba. Amazing work Asta...

Amazing Ascension Activations - spanning the world
We've just experienced an amazing Ascension Activations Retreat online, which truly spanned the world - despite the enormous time difference, we had people tuning in from America, Europe, Africa, India and Australia - phew!
It's an absolute pleasure and a privilege to watch and take part in the incredible transformations people are making these days. There's definitely a quantum leap that's happened. I put it down to the deep letting go of consciousness inside. There's a fundamental realisation that the old system is defunct, in default and bankrupt. What's the point in maintaining any kind of allegiance to it? And so people are prepared to let go and dig deep into themselves - that's when you discover the extraordinary gifts of which you are capable - like a genie, emerging from a dusty old bottle!
Thanks so much to facilitators Elizabeth and David for your wonderful empathic support. Thanks to everyone who took part and making it so memorable.
I'd say to all who took part, and all tuning in out there, just imagine this, a tremendous home coming party awaits us after this process of tremendous transformation. What will it be like? Maybe something like this...
A well needed connection
In reply to Amazing Ascension Activations - spanning the world by Open
It was a beautiful journey with some of the beautiful souls I have ever met. The effect of the gathering and the energy of the meditation still ripples through me and through my life. There were many things I took away from the journey. I feel more sovereign yet connected, more accepting yet committed, more inquisitive yet surrendered in my life. I see the reflections I need to see clearly now. A much needed change and connection. Thankyou Open for your passion in leading us through this journey. Thankyou Elizabeth for the wonderful reflections you provided. I look forward to the stage 2 gathering. I hope to see you guys there ❤️
On the second day of the gathering, there was a point when The Lion energy ran through me, I literally felt like I transformed into a lion in a jungle. It was so real and one of the most powerful thing I have experienced. The confidence and fearlessness of the being was so much that I fell into tears realizing what was clearly missing from my life. A day after the session, I was searching for a back cover for my phone because a dog had torn the last one. I found this one online and immedeatly knew it was for me. How perfectly synchronistic! Now It would serve as a totem for me to remember the experience and change.
Wonderful sharing!
In reply to A well needed connection by Vimal
It's a wonderful sharing Vimal - heart felt.
"..Heaven knows it's high time.."
In reply to Amazing Ascension Activations - spanning the world by Open
For me Openhand is the greatest discovery of this year. I have been taking part in number of Openhand online retreats as this opportunity opened with this year and remember very clearly from my very first event the words that Open said - "no two retreats are the same", which is absolute truth as I can see now. I am amazed by the limitless creativity of his beautiful soul and this is very inspiring.
It is hard to believe the metamorphosis of my being that is unraveling so fast. But the progress can be seen only retrospectively, when we look back and assess our path walked. Lots of disillusionment happened earlier, identifications dropped away. This retreat I felt as if I stepped into the new level of convergence with the soul. After a big emotional release it feels so exciting to witness the emergence of awesome gifts that my soul brings from its origins.
"The greatness of teachers is not measured by how much they know, but by how much they share" (Rev. Jesse Jackson)
Thanks from the depths of my heart to Open - he is the greatest example of how huge ones heart could be! The ripples of his so loving, crystal clear, shining energy reaches farthest corners of the world through the ether. I feel that energy surrounding me during these online retreats and long after the event, if not always..
Thanks to fantastic facilitators David and Elizabeth for heartwarming reflections and insights. I'll carry your loving hearts within my heart.
I also honour the whole group who brought incredible bunch of energies together. We are all so interconnected.
I have tried so many different meditations earlier in my life and was searching through endless energetic and spiritual teachings but only Openhand's approach like the big piece of puzzle perfectly fitted in the picture of my this life's exploration. With my curious impatience already looking forward to the next Openhand event.
Much Love to everyone

Embodiment of soul gifts utterly priceless
In reply to "..Heaven knows it's high time.." by Asya
Hi Asya - thanks for your kind words - it's lovely to get that kind of supportive feedback for the work
As I expressed to you at this Ascension Activations, you've made enormous shifts and progress since coming along to the gatherings. Consequently your consciousness has expanded/deepend tremendously. Clearly you've having strong inner source connections, and that's beginning to channel a stronger infusion of soul - such that you're gaining some wonderfully alchemical gifts - the appreciation of sacred geometry for example and what this means in an energetically creative way.
What I find is, that no matter what we do or don't create in the 3D, these soul gifts are utterly priceless. And you start to live with amazing feedback loops with the universe that are priceless to behold.
A beautiful track from Glastonbury Weekend - Sep Online Next!
People so often ask me about the beautiful music I play at the Openhand gatherings - they all come from the divine! And they tend to pick themselves. I find when played at the right moment, they readily activate a feeling expression of soul. Here's a beautiful track I've recently come across by Tina Malia, called "Way Home". It's entirely appropriate right now.
And a reminder that the next event in the Ascension Activations series happens in a couple of weeks and is an online event, for which there are still places available...
Review of Ascension Activations Glastonbury - Sep 2020
Hey everyone - we had a wonderful start to the Ascension Activations Work in Glastonbury over the weekend. The sense of importance and relevance was greatly heightened by the situation out in the world and the stormy waters we continue to sail in. But we need have no fear. These are EXACTLY the times we need to birth the new human evolution DIVINICUS. It was a marvellous weekend working with the group - a beautiful bunch of maverick souls gathered, all pioneering the shift forwards. Here's a video snippet from the event...
Ascension Activations Begin Today - let's Thrive in 5D!
I'm trhilled that the new Ascension Activations World begins today, with our first event in Openhand's home town of Glastonbury - yeah!
It's been several months due to lockdown that we've been able to run a terrestrial retreat and we have a wonderful group come to join us. We'll be in the aptly named "Miracles Room" pictured here below...
So what might you expect at an Openhand Event? here's a sense below from a video last March...
And since we have an Online retreat coming up next in September (Online 21st-25th Sep), here's an uplifting snippet from the conclusion of one this summer.... For all you Mavericks, Misfits and Wayshowers....
And if you feel inspired and would like any more information about the Tour, do contact us...
Openhand Event Info
See you down the flow!
5D Accension
Thank you for your articles which resonate with me and confirm some of my experiences are being felt by others. It is an ongoing process and I think everyone experiences this differently. I myself have had intense vertigo, states of awareness of the earth's deep power and energies coming in from source. Wishing you every success in your continued endeavor to assist and educate. I hope to one day attend one of your retreats.
Ascension: the only meaningful answer to what's happening
I'm tremendously enthusiastic to release details of Openhand's New World Tour today, scheduled for September/October/November 2020. It's all about activating Ascension.
To me, the only truly meaningful answer to the craziness that persists out there in society is to elevate our consciousness and ascend out. The Ascension process will cause (is causing!) the unravelling/unwinding effect that's already begun to take place. The Openhand view is to accelerate it!
As you'll see from the schedule above, we've got both online and terres trial events so as to reach the maximum number of people and to be accessible everywhere.
The Openhand work was specifically crafted for these times - it's highly alchemical which people find life changing. If you resonate with the approach, come and join us, we'd love to host you.
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