Open, where are you from?
Hi Open,
I found your website and articles just this week and am resonating with it all so far.
Just curious, when you said that you are a walk-in, what dimension do you come from? Do you remember the name of your planet?
I am fascinated by the walk-in concept, so any other info about your walking in experience would be great to know, if you would like to share.
I have been told that I am a walk-in but I'm not so sure...
Thank you!!
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A formless place of white light
Hi Consciousness999,
I've not been asked that before, although I did wonder when it might come.
Although I've had many incarnations in other constellations, my home is not a planet as such. I come from the higher dimensions. A formless place, mainly of white light.
Wishing you well
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