am I supposed to do nothing?
Hi Open,
My days are empty mostly right now, I was pulled to empty my outside life of school, work, and even hanging out with friends and now I have no idea what to do in my day to day, how to be with the void of not "doing" trying not to push the river and I know the little me is on its way out so I'm trying to facilitate that and not get pulled back in to identifying with the ego (though I still do) and I know I've had some success but feel blocked up, and when I am out in the world I analyze everything for meaning and it sends me into fear and even things that are beautiful seem to be something I'm not supposed to like cause it's an "attachment" or it might scare me like "ah what does that mean!?" What is a distortion? Could that be what this is?
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The woman without arms or Openhand
Hi, I'm new in the community.
I'd like to share a passage out of a book written by Anais Nin in 1932, called "The House of Incest". At the end of this very small book she describes a scene with a dancer first living in tightness and distortion, then surrendered to the flow. I find it beautiful and it explains so much.
"We all looked now at the dancer who stood at the centre of the room dancing the dance of the woman without arms. She danced as if she were deaf and could not follow the rhythm of the music. She danced as if she could not hear the sound of her castanets. Her dancing was isolated and seperated from music and from us and from the room and from life. The castanets sounded like steps of a ghost.
She danced, laughing and sighing and breathing all for herself. She danced her fears, stopping in the centre of every dance to listen to reproaches that we could not hear, or bowing to applause that we did not make. She was listening to a music we could not hear, moved by hallucinations we could not see.
My arms were taken away from me, she sang. I was punished for clinging. I clung. I clutched all those I loved; I clutched at the lovely moments of life; my hands closed upon every full hour. My arms were always tight and craving to embrace. I wanted to embrace and hold the light, the wind, the sun, the night, the whole world. I wanted to caress, to heal, to rock, to lull, to surround, to encompass. And I strained and I held so much that they broke; they broke away from me. Everything eluded me then. I was condemned not to hold.
Trembling and shaking she stood looking at her arms now stretched before her again.
She looked at her hands tightly closed and opened them slowly, opened them completely like Christ; she opened them in a gesture of abandon and giving; she relinquished and forgave, opening her arms and her hands, permitting all things to flow away and beyond her.
I could not bear the passing of things. All flowing, all passing, all movement choked me with anguish.
And she danced; she danced with the music and with the rhythm of earth's circles; she turned with the earth turning, like a disk, turning all faces to light and to darkness evenly, dancing towards daylight."
This actually works!! ;)
Well Open and Cynthia thank-you both for softening my communication with other Spiritual individuals :) already I am seeing a difference! :)
Noted Open..
using the word Religiously going to the site might have been a wrong choice of words ;)and I do not and have not pushed my truth as I see it through the guiding of Openhand on anyone :) I share on my Face Book my personal daily happenings and how I get through them and share Openhand's articles , I use Face Book as sort of a Diary but Open to others opinions and thoughts, some people privately have messaged me for my opinion and their curiosity on my new way of being and as u state Open I provide My truth as I know it to be now, of course I mention You Open and Openhand as this is where I am getting my new way of being and guidance, it has truly changed my life :).
Thank-you for the push once again in the right direction Open and "Openhand acting as a Mirror" having each person feeling their individual truth, that statement has re-organized my clarity on understanding the Openhand way.
Openhand is acting as a mirror
That's great Jetster - but let's not make Openhand a religion!
It is acting as a mirror. What you feel as truth, is your own truth, no one else's. The key then is to express from that place.
Who are you? What is your truth? Come from there.
Open *OK*
Thank-you both Cynthia and Open, I strongly believe in my core The Openhand way is my path and the Righteous path but it had gotten to a point the more I spoke to people on a spiritual Journey the more I got frustrated with the mainstream approach and of course then my feelings came out wrong, I have been trying to work this out myself but no success, your methods are certainly not easy but I do believe with some practice it will lead to better communication with other spiritual individuals.
I was also looking for an outcome in the exchange, my bad.
I am pleased and surprised to say I have had some friends reading my Face Book posts and Openhand sharing's on my Face Book privately ask me for my opinion and guidance to their daily issues.... I try to be very careful as I realize I can only provide insight to them only from my level of consciousness, I have done nothing but be me to have this happen and I am very careful how I proceed and when I do I come from the guidance of Open and Openhand, I completely leave my ego aside and very openly state to them if I feel I cannot grasp or really help give a proper opinion, but I go religiously to the Openhand site and read and use the tools and guidance to integrate consciously the teachings of Openhand with the best of my abilities...I always mention Open and Openhand and that this is my place of guidance and that this is where I recommend they go to.
Ask the question then hold the space
Yes, perfect Cynthia. Look for the question.
So in this case, it would always be an open question: they usually begin with "what, how" or "tell me about".
In this case, you might ask something along the lines...
"How do you feel moving into bliss is actually solving the problem?"
"What happens when it comes up again?"
"Isn't avoiding the tightness simply attachment?"
"And is not enlightenment to be enlightened by all things?"
You don't have to seek an outcome for the exchange. Simply ask the question and then hold the space.
See how it goes
Open *OK*
Perhaps questions Jetster.
Perhaps questions Jetster. Questions are helpful since they neither provide an answer nor do they presume that any one approach is better than another. They simply provide an exploration of options and an observation of experience.
I Work in progress...
As you stated Open "For someone only beginning to truly confront their tightness, this is quite advanced work."
But this article and many others you have written and shared with us are great guidelines.
I do have one question and it is a tad off topic, when I communicate with people on the Spiritual Journey I seem to be noticing almost all are coming from the mainstream of spirituality as u state "The spiritual mainstream approach tends to be either the avoid it, or somehow take the pain away by using some technique to move into bliss" I find it difficult to express myself without possibly sounding like I am right and they are wrong? I feel like I may be over stepping my boundaries on these people but it pains me and frustrates me to see this approach?? not sure how to approach these people as the way I feel is pushing me away from connecting with them???
Find a centre in the storm
I feel for you LJ :-)
What's needed is not to see your meditation as somehow different from daily life. Rather to practice looking for beauty as you go through your life, then connecting with how you feel about it within. So building external internal connections which build the sense of soul.
It's not to avoid the darkness; but instead to give you a different centre - a mast in the storm so to speak.
So work on this, and when you have it, then you can better process the density.
I will email you privately about someone I would recommend as a facilitator to work with.
Best wishes
Thank you Open, I truly
In reply to Find a centre in the storm by Open
Thank you Open, I truly appreciate your guidance
Thank you for your insight
Thank you for your insight fullness. I am struggling so much right now it's hard to make it through the day, I'm stuck in a big eddy and am close to a major break down, I've been working with letting go but now I'm just too stuck in fear, I have stopped contact with most of my friends and now feel isolated and spend all day doing nothing and just being with all my worry and fear, I try to meditate but then when I'm done meditating I still feel resistant to facing the unknown. I don't know how to get through each day, I don't want to be like this, i feel scared maybe a facilitater could help any suggestions of who?
The Openhand Approach to Dealing with "Tightness"
- To be a living, breathing expression of the One in any moment, constantly seeking out ever finer ways to be, and express, the One
- Let us be clear, the One in you - who you really are - wants and needs nothing. Because it already has everything! And the soul is yearning to express this completeness in every moment. It's singular purpose is to be realising of the One Self. But where ego forms, and the idea that you need a particular outcome, this creates resistance inside, felt as tightness.
- The way to deal with it, is to deeply feel into the tightness when it comes up; to explore your neediness in it - what is it you think you need from the situation? What are you resisting? Remember, the One in you needs nothing from the situation, only another experience through your soul.
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