Activate Your Higher Mind: Navigate Life's Complexity...8 Ways to Do it

Submitted by Open on Wed, 07/18/2012 - 08:47

In this great reset that the shadow is desperately trying to impose on society, it's essential that we be informed more by higher knowing, and create our reality from the infusion of divine guidance. It's cloudy out there - divine inspiration must inform into our reality. It's all about opening to higher mind and harnessing its energy into our being. Here' an understanding of how higher "divine" mind best works and 8 ways to better activate it in into your life.

Higher Mind - channeling pure knowing

By a cacophony of methods, society has shunted the consciousness of a broad swathe of humanity deeply into the realm of lower mind. Constant distraction, illusionary desires and addiction to synthetic lifestyles have created a fear-based control drama that over-stimulates lower mind so that it swallows up a great deal of soul consciousness. We have natural access to a divine symphony orchestra, but it's being drowned out by an overactive base drum!

Higher Mind is much more gentle, subtle, expanded, and open. It thrives on soft, abstract, and flowing; it needs no immediate solutions. It expands and opens, feeling the harmony of the moment like the sensitive tentacles of an ancient sea anemone. It doesn't need to calculate, logic or intention. Such activities are all Lower Mind based. All too frequently they come from a place of non-acceptance of the moment.

Higher Mind works from the place of absolute trust - knowing the inevitability of the Divine Design. When it is fully open and acting as it was designed to, it can weave synchronistic magic through the densest of places, unravel the most complex Gordian knot of tightness; it can move mountains, and build a solid path across wafer-thin ice. It simply knows which way the Universe is heading and what it's shaping because it is an integral part of that flow. From my perspective, its purpose is...

"To shape the immediate circumstances of one's life to bring the natural flow of the Universe through our being and therefore shape our reality according to the Divine Design so that we may evolve, learn and express our divine gifts of beingness."

Building Trust in the Divine...Why Trust is Worth It

How to get Higher Mind working for You?

Imagine for a moment you encounter a "problem" in your life: for example a difficult situation within a relationship; or it could be your living circumstances where maybe a change of location would best suit your new level of consciousness, or it could be that your career no longer satisfies. Traditional thinking in society would have you rationalise, contemplate the options and then weigh the various factors to arrive at the best solution. This is to completely disregard the limitless shaping capacity of higher mind. It shows lack of trust in Right Outcome and it actually closes down your connection to the higher planes where Higher Mind Functions. Instead, I've found Higher Mind works much more effectively from a place of surrendered openness...

"It's all about letting go of the need for an outcome; it's about facing your fear that the end result might not be as an ego would want it to be; that you might have to confront and overcome self imposed restrictions and limiting beliefs you might hold about yourself.

From this place of surrendered openness, we may then relax, expand our consciousness and simply bring our attention to the problem; then trust that Higher Mind is shaping the situation according to our highest interests and the best interests of all life. Having done this, all we then need to do, is ask the question "what would you have me do now?" and watch what our higher self is asking us to do; then to take the next step...that which naturally reveals itself.

How will you know if Higher Mind is coming active?

1) You'll start getting flashes of "future-landing-now" - visions of what is beginning to crystallise in the field.
2) A feeling sense of moving towards and into a particular situation in your life, backed by signs and synchronicity around you
3) The reactivity of anticipation, anxiety and fear because the Lower Self is wanting to resist this course of action.

If you feel the fear, it's actually a good sign, you just have to work to break through it.
(Here are 5 Ways to Breakthrough Fear)

Once you start opening through the fear, you'll pick up a new sense of divine beingness, which manifest a more aligned reality for you and illuminates the best path forwards.

Transcending fear to follow Higher Mind

No, we don't have to vision or intention the outcome. The Right Outcome simply happens. All we have to do is bring our attention to the problem, expand, relax, open and trust that Right Action is beginning to flow through the situation. We have to let go of fear doubt and disbelief. I'm reminded of a powerful incident that happened to me a few years ago...

We'd found a house in Glastonbury which was quite expensive (£695 per month), our earnings were at the time were quite low and it wasn't at all clear how we could afford it. After the first month, sure enough we didn't have sufficient funds to pay the rent, however I did have a car that I could live without which was worth around £700. So I felt to sell it and thought the best way might be on the internet through "Auto-trader" - that's how I'd always done it in the past and traditional thinking would say I'd reach the widest audience.

However, just at the moment I tried to take a photo of the car, the batteries on the camera ran out! I thought to replace them but just as the thought landed in my mind a huge black cloud passed over head and it started to rain. By now it was clear to me that a greater energy was at work - I simply don't believe in coincidences! So at this point I completely surrendered to what I should do next. Having asked the question "what would you have me do now?", I jumped into the car and drove to where I would normally park it - the space was full. I continued driving to the next street but as I drove up it, a car did a sudden U-turn in front of me. It had a "JC" in the number plate and I felt a pull to turn around and follow it. If the Christ Consciousness wants to help me sell my car - so be it! I was led on a merry journey which took me onto Glastonbury High Street - and as I was driving down it, suddenly a car pulled out in front of me with its hazard warning lights on. I experienced a distinct and sudden knowing to park the car in the freed place. Here's where lower mind then kicked it - "maybe I should put a price on it and leave it there?" It seemed like a good idea until doubt and disbelief began to raise their ugly heads "but it could be days before anyone sees it; this all seems a bit like too much chance".

However I overcame their noisy chatter and relaxed. I found pen and paper and priced the car at £700. It was now about 5pm in the evening. To my great surprise (I'm no longer surprised by the amazing organising power of Higher Mind!), I received a phone call the very next morning at around 9am. A passer-by had seen the car and was interested - he knocked on my door a short while later. As we shook hands, it was clear there was some kind of connection between us that spanned the passage of time. I invited him in and a deep sharing took place about the meaning of life, the nature of the Universe, even the kitchen sink - but absolutely no mention of the car! After about three hours, with all conversation exhausted, it seemed like it was time for him to leave and so I asked "what about the car?" We looked at each other, smiled and then doubled up with laughter - we'd forgotten the supposed purpose of our meeting!

At which point, he reached into his inside pocket and handed me an envelope with £700 cash in it! He never checked the car, just simply took the log book and keys. As he was leaving, tears welled up in my eyes. I'd rarely encountered anyone prepared to trust to this level. As he left, I asked him how he managed to come by the car in the first place? To which he replied "oh that's simple. I thought I was looking for a new home in Glastonbury, but I also needed a car. Your car was parked opposite one of the estate agents. I just followed the pull!"

Timing is Everything

It's also crucial to say that timing is everything. The guidance you pick up will confront you with inner density to be worked through and let go of. The field then must steadily crystallise around you and bring other aspects into play. At first your guidance will feel higher vibrational and "out there" - meaning you pick it up in signs and synchronicity outside of the body. But then it must be brought into the body in a felt sense.

You notice your body responding to the flow - as a pull through the heart for example. It's essential to hold the infusing energy until you feel that sense of it "clicking" within you - the landing of pure knowing.

Here's how to craft Lower Mind as Your Friend and Ally

8 Ways to Reactivate Higher Mind

So how might you best activate the awesome majesty of Higher Mind? Here are 8 practical steps you can explore...

1) Inner Purification: In order to access Higher Mind in the first place, we must purify our lower bodily vehicles so that Soul Consciousness is liberated from the lower realms and can flow upwards, plus Higher Self can infuse down. This involves purifying your diet from the denser vibrations such as meat to the lighter ones of grain, vegetables and fruit. It also involves meditation type practices to cleanse and purify your Emotional Body and Lower Mind. For more advice on raising our energetic vibration through conscious eating, click on this link...
Openhand Conscious Cafe

2) Dissolving Distortions: We must cleanse the brain and Lower Mind of conditioned behaviour patterns. We must erase the programs in our lives by confronting those moments where we would succumb to them and instead follow our higher truth. This is achieved by becoming the Observer of ourselves in all circumstances, watching our tightness arising as a result of the choices we continually make and instead choosing that which is in our highest interests and that of all life - that which ultimately leaves us more expanded and open. "Openhand Approach" is a powerful method of helping achieve this. Find out more...Openhand Approach.

3) Opening the Heart: We must open the Heart as fully as possible. In other words we must begin to feel more of the natural joy and beauty of life all around us. This involves giving more time each day to those things that bring us joy, openness and expansion. Be careful here though - it's not a case of "anything goes". It's all about what makes us feel truly expanded and liberated inside (without unnatural side effects!). It's when we feel "in the groove" so to speak. You could also try our moving meditation...
The Six Senses Walk...Six Senses Walk

4) Attuning to the flow: Higher Mind can be likened to a muscle; if we don't use it, it will wither away. To exercise it, we have to give room for spontaneous acts of higher knowing within our lives. Here at Openhand we play a game called "free wheeling", being open, asking "what would you have me do now?", following the pull and witnessing what signs and synchronicities we then observe. It's a powerful exercise to activate Higher Mind and attune to the natural flow. Quite apart from that, it can be great fun!

5) Contemplating Abstractions: Higher Mind can also be opened by contemplating abstract issues such as the meaning of life. The key is that there be no need of an outcome or solution. Simple enjoyment in the contemplation is the key. That's why reading about spiritual matters can be so valuable.
That's one of the purposes of Openhand's Book 5GATEWAYS

6) Cultivating humour and optimism: If we expect our lives to falter and for negativity to happen to us, then surely enough we'll create that in our lives. Here at Openhand we believe success is measured by the degree of internal harmony, contentment and satisfaction we experience. If we're open to a more optimistic way of looking at things, then surely enough, Higher Mind will help us realise the solution to the supposed 'problem' thereby yielding greater harmony. Cultivating a greater sense of humour is also paramount to Higher Mind creation - laughing in the face of life's difficulties, always looking for the lighter side.

7) Creating for the fun of it: We can begin to 'flex' Higher Mind by creating just for the fun of it. So for example taking up the arts, playing a musical instrument, singing, dancing, painting, writing, building or modelling. The key is that there be no effort for an outcome. So for example, if we're learning to play the guitar, it's not about the tune we play, it's just about playing with sound and seeing what comes from it. If we're efforting to learn chords, it's likely this will constrict Higher Mind, not unleash it. It's the same reason that so many people like to write. Have you thought about contributing your creative thoughts to our forum for example? It can help amazingly...Openhand Forums.

8) Responding to the Flash of Inspiration: as Higher Mind activates you'll start to receive flashes of inspiration that seem to come from nowhere and land in an instant. It's essential to trust in these visions and knowings and to follow them - to step in that direction. It's a fast vibration that can easily be written over by the machinations of Lower Mind. So always follow the flash of inspiration, where you're now opening channels and pathways for this divine higher light to infuse in - trust that it knows where it's taking you!

Feeling the way forwards

Many of society's most successful artists also come from the place of higher mind channeling spontaneous higher wisdom expressed in a third dimensional way. We just know higher truth when we experience it don't we? It's packed with deep, heart-felt feelings, stirring emotions and powerful love. Synchronistically as I was writing this I felt moved to take a break, play some music and dance (even though it was 4 am in the morning!). I took out my ipod put the music on shuffle and let higher consciousness pick the tune for me. It came up with this song "Search for the Hero inside yourself"...

"In this life, long and hard though it may seem, Live it as you'd live a dream. Aim so high. Just keep the flame of truth burning bright, The missing treasure you must find. Because you, and only you alone Can build a bridge across the stream. Weave your spell in life's rich tapestry - Your passport to a feel supreme."

Ah yes! nectar for the soul! So why not invest some energy? If you feel inspired that way, then it's high time to open the magic and alchemy of higher mind, to let it infuse into your life. And Openhand is here to help people do that - dive into our Ascension Portal and explore how it might support your journey...

Openhnd Ascension Portal

Bright blessings

Open Praying Emoji💎

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26/06/2023: Shift Update - Cutting Through the Complexity

It's getting pretty complex out there in society, with all the purposeful distraction and derailment. Not to mention the escalating technology that we seem to have to deal with to navigate life - they'll be writing an app to boil a cup of tea soon! But have no fear, because we can cut through all of that and simplify life by opening to the power of higher mind and have it infuse our lives with meaningful direction. That's why I felt to feature this Openhand article today...

Activate Your Higher Mind: Navigate Life's Complexity...8 Ways to Do it

Our planet is realigning in the Great Shift, and so the real way to thrive in it, is to align with it. Here's where higher mind comes in - because it's exactly connected into this flow.

Here's a sense of what it's like to open higher mind with the Openhand film "Alchemising". What might we experience?...

Wishing you well in your endeavours

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I've shared this video on Openhandweb before, from the actor Ethan Hawke, who you'll like recognise from many popular films out there, like Dead Poet's Society for example. Here he is sharing why it's so important to find your passion in life and how to do it. It's a powerful way to infuse soul and thereby align with the Shift. Be inspired...


The link for the Higher Guidance meditation appears to be broken


11/04/2022 Journal Update

I felt it essential to add to this Openhand lead article on the importance of opening higher mind in today's complexity out there. It's about the importance of timing. Recently I've been seeing plentiful visions of future-landing-now as the field transforms and creates. But with the distinct tendency to step into it before the moment has fully crystallized.

For example, I needed a new computer, but ended up buying the wrong one because the right spec had not fully landed and been realised. It couldn't do something essential that I required. Had I waited a little longer, it would have become apparent.

So the guidance we receive may at first be "out there" in the field, reflected through signs and synchronicity. But then work to embody it and make sure you can fully feel it before stepping into it.

However, an important caveat: don't let fear cause procrastination!!

Know if you're in fear by the tightness is causes and work to break it down. Then feel for the guidance embodying in your being.

Activating Higher Mind to inform your reality is utterly crucial right now. It must be the place from where your version of truth in your life arises.

Bright Blessings

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


I feel to share a dream I had last night that seems related to this theme. It felt deeply significant, but I feel a lot of mental blockage lately in letting higher knowings land. A reflection would really be appreciated!

I was living in an apartment on an island, or at least somewhere overlooking the sea. There were a lot of birds outside my window, living on the balcony and flying around. A partridge had made a nest on top of my window, her young hatched already, and I had to leave my window open all the time. Then a bird flew inside, a blue swallow with a yellow breast as big as a crow. At some point it was sitting still in front of another window, and I opened it so it could fly out. But instead of flying away it just dropped down, it didn't spread its wings and was now suffering on the ground below. I felt really guilty and was wondering if I had opened the window too quickly, had I missed something? Why couldn't it fly? It was the right thing to do right, to let the bird out? I went down to check on it, it was now the size of a normal swallow, and it was moving a bit but couldn't fly or get up. It was clearly in pain, so I wanted to end it's suffering and went to get a knife somewhere, like one of the heavy knifes we have at the restaurant. I don't remember clearly but it was like I actually went to the restaurant to get it. Then I walked back with the knife in my hand, trying to be careful and hiding it behind my back. There was a camping ground around my apartment building and I was finding my way through tents and families with children running around who were camping there. Then suddenly I had two knifes, one in each hand, and didn't hide them anymore but was walking willfully while holding them in front of me. I arrived back where the swallow was lying and wanted to chop it's head off quickly, but now there was an older woman with me. She had light blonde hair and was dressed in white, and she told me not to act too soon and wait, give it time, because she had a feeling it just needed to rest and heal.

Today I sold a water filter I didn't need anymore to a woman looking like the one in my dream, there was a brief but deep and joyful connection.


In reply to by .


It's a fascinating dream Hannah. When higher mind opens, they will flood in. How to interpret?
It's about looking for the spiking points and how they might relate to a bigger landscape.

Here are the things that pop out for me. But then you must explore to see how it might apply to your life situation right now.

- Firstly the sense of being on an island seemed important, as opposed to the busy camping ground: you being an "island" in the ocean?
- Secondly, the window above your head spoke of a chakra being open - the crown chakra
- The bird that flew in was likely your higher self that got constricted as it fell into the lower densities and became something else
- Trying to kill the bird might be showing there's been some lack of trust in your higher self
- The arrival of the older woman speaks of the emergence of your higher self.

So I would say it's about being open to Higher Self, feeling the energy embodying right down into the lower chakras, working to align the feelings and trusting in the embodiment of Higher Self.

See how that feels.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

It is interesting how many of the themes you post on the website are phrases and inspirations coming through me . As I was mentioning to Openhand buddies just yesterday ,I am feeling the torus embody in a very strong way. My attention has suddenly shifted to my diet . I am eating much more fruit and raw meals and these days I am cooking in my solar cooker almost exclusively food that I have grown on my little farm . A fact that for some reason fills me with joy .I am at different parts of what are very 3D days ,conscious of energy running through me into the ground . Emotional upset still occur ,just today I was feeling abandoned as my daughter refuses to move in with me after I have left her father . I softened into those emotions and instead of having a chilly conversation with her ,just mentally gave myself a hug and instead fed her some wonderful healthy lunch . I am gradually having to let go of my attachment to her or what her childhood “ should “ have been or what I “ should “ do as her mother . And just be myself in this situation .

I had a strange dream last night . There is a room where there is a placenta hanging off the ceiling fan. I am afraid to go in there as the in fact I am seeing that the foetus seems to be growing outside in that room ,not in a womb, and seems to have something inserted in her throat . Like she is plugged in . Some thing then changed . I don’t remember what but the placenta grew bigger and more ….coherent somehow . And the infant still attached to this aerial placenta is now free from the deformity and beautiful .

I am so looking forward to the Return to Atlantis. I sense that there is energy work to be done and cycles to be completed .

See you soon !


In reply to by iamdurga


Hi Megha - yes indeed, so many of us are having powerfully transformative experiences right now - to be fully embraced 🧡👍

The dream you had could be one of soul-harvesting. Beings being pulled into a collective consciousness outside of the natural flow of the Torus. But then the freedom, liberation and joy of coming back to the Torus. That's my sense of it.

See you in Egypt!

Open 🙏

In reply to by .




Dreams. Often full of cryptic info that can take a while to percolate down to our conscious perception.
In reality, the swift - superficially similar to a swallow - cannot take off from the ground. It has no legs as such, just tiny feet good for gripping the face of a cliff or some other temporary shelter in times of inclement weather – but walking or jumping, it can’t do it.

The swift is my favorite bird, it may stay aloft for many months at a time and traverses continents and oceans with ease.

Where we live there are many corellas, a white parrot about the size of a jackdaw. They visit us in flocks sometimes as many as 80 or so birds and consume a large amount of wild bird seed mix that we give them. Sometimes they bring their young fledglings and sometimes they leave them at our place while the adults go and do whatever they do elsewhere, returning later to pick up their young.

Sadly one of this year’s young corellas had paralyzed legs. It was a very sorry sight. The poor bird could only crash land onto our deck and could hardly move once landed. We did our best to throw seed to where it could reach it and hoped for the best – and it’s parents never gave up on it either, they always stayed with it and never left it in our care.

Over time our hopes progressed to prayer – and little by little the birds legs that were at first useless appendages began to improve, first by one foot having some movement and then the other.

Still crash landing the young bird at least had some ability to shift about on the deck. Eventually it was able to hobble around after crash-down and much to our delight was ultimately able to accomplish a legs-down landing like the other corellas and soon after that even overcame its characteristic limp.

We name some of the birds that visit us and this one is called ‘Miracle’ for obvious reasons. What at first looked hopelessly sad evolved into an uplifting example of positive and compassionate intent by those involved, both birds and people.





In reply to by Open


Loved the personal story in the original article on how higher mind led you to make that journey and soulful connection in such a priceless way that the rent was an afterthought! Ray 3 wants to know: how the heck did you pay it next month?!

Along with that, a deeper exploration around Ray 3 and how it relates to higher mind would be appreciated. 👍🏻

In reply to by Eric.


Good question Eric - after the first month things began to take off for Openhand, so we squeezed by on beans and lentils!

So higher mind opens to the flow and even begins to weave it. That will be more around creating situations of how to be. What new aspects of beingness want to come through? But then how do you mediate that through society and into life? What's more, how do you pick up the flow itself?

Ray 3 is more about reading the patterning of the flow that is weaving together - the signs, the symbols and sacred geometry. The ray 3 helps interpret what's creating so you can step into it.

Makes sense?

Open 🙏

In reply to by Eric.


To answer metaphysical questions Eric, I always like to back to first principles - to the big picture.

How do soul rays relate to densities? And then bodily vehicles of expression?

I see separation consciousness emerging from the singularity at the big bang. And then frequencies of density - dimensions - taking form as unity consciousness draws them together and condenses them into standing waves. Each standing wave takes a different form dependent on which soul-ray frequency is condensing it. When you work right down to the human level, through aeons of evolution, now you have a relationship between a particular soul-ray and a particular density - for example, the ray 1 relating to the physical body through the base chakra. However the soul is not then limited by this formation. So it can still flow as a harmonic of all 7 rays through any given bodily vehicle.

That's how I see it. I trust it makes sense.

Open 🙏


22/11/2021 Openhand Journal Update

We explored last week how to craft lower mind to be your ally and friend in daily divine manifestation (article here). I felt to revise and explore with you how to open Higher Mind more fully so that it may infuse your life with greater divine flow - in today's 3D craziness that's certainly necessary!

Perhaps our greatest challenge right now, is that as the 3D/4D construct terraforms, it's demanding immediate solutions from us in this lower realm. We need to have the courage to stay open to divine possibility, even if it doesn't immediately seem like a solution is landing. Keep working with it, keep opening. And work to be optimistic, enthused, fascinated. For these energies are the lifeblood of Higher Mind.

What flash of inspiration is calling you right now?

The main article is here...

Activating the Power of Higher Mind...And 8 Ways to Do it

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Our Glastonbury workshop this weekend would be the perfect place to open your Higher Mind to the next divine inspiration. We're nearing capacity but there are still a couple of last-minute places. Here's the full info...

We're in the heart chakra of the planet, the sacred Glstonbury, where the veils are thin and you're stepping into an alchemical portal of transformation. Applying ground-breaking Openhand processes to break through karmic blockages and unleash the majesty of your True Self.
Deepening into Your Sacred Ground of Being


Plenty of people don't talk in spiritual terms and yet clearly are having profound spiritual realisation. Here's a tremendously illuminating video by the actor Ethan Hawke, which to me, demonstrates quite brilliantly how creativity and following your passion tends to open highe rmind. Priceless...


Hi Julie,

Thanks for your sharing, this line feels powerful "I am practising letting go, just resting and trusting that the next step will be there, when it is time for me to take it." It reminds me that sometimes not being in the flow, is the flow! How wonderful to be able to maintain the trust that the next step will be there when the time is right.

With love and blessings, Fiona


This is something I have been struggling with, until I found your site. Grasping. Wanting an outcome. Seeking. I felt tight and the synchronicities stopped and I was shrinking. I am practising letting go, just resting and trusting that the next step will be there, when it is time for me to take it. This article has really reminded me to listen, feel and have patience, but most importantly trust and belief. Thank you ❤️ Julie x



Oh good! I was thinking maybe I needed to activate my higher mind in order to see them! I came back here to check on that meditation ;)



How funny Wyndè :-) Well we do speak about "contemplating abstractions". It's certainly abstract if there's nothing at the link! Open *ROFL* PS - the links are fixed now!



This is an awesome article, I'm definitely going to write these steps down in how to re-activate higher mind.

But I had a good laugh though as well that I wanted to share here. I went to go click on the links and though hrmmm as the first one was "page not found." The second was the same and I got to thinking try a third or just maybe someone went and switched today St. Patricks day to April fools ;)

Well alrighty then!! Still an awesome article! Maybe tomorrow the pages will be found hehe



A reminder that there are no short cuts, no easy roads, and no way but to trust. Tears of deep knowing flowed while reading this article. By golly she's getting it!! Thank you. In time I will be.......


I keep repeating myself but OMG this article is sooooo beautiful, insightful and a guiding tool of incredible value... and the words of expression in them are .....have me lost for words :)

I have completely changed my eating habits, have been integrating being the observer and I now have a pull towards SoulMotion meditation.

Being an older article is this the reason I cannot find on your site the book "Gateways of Light"??


Earlier today it came to me that I'd never drawn a picture without an attachment to an outcome before. I'd drawn, but only for the approval of others. So I went to drawing and it felt wonderful!! It created itself and I flowed along with it. Upon finishing I read this article, including "Creating for the Fun of it" and just laughed and laughed. My deepest thanks.


Thank you for such an inspiring article! ...Trusting and relaxing...