The Transfiguration (Openhand level 3): Glastonbury 1st-8th July 2016

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 06:16

Unveiling your Divine Being

Humanity has entered the crucible of profound change. A wave of transformation is sweeping through our lives. There will be many who resist, for a while, but the only viable solution is evolution into the next plane of consciousness - into the next evolution of humanity. How do you finally make this transition? You must venture deep within and confront the final karmic attachments - the unconscious hooks that keep you locked into the old reality. It requires a deep internal penetration of the old density. In so doing, you dissolve away the karmic ballast, unleash kundalini, then activate your spirit-light-body. This will be your vehicle of Ascension into the Higher Paradigm. On this Openhand level 3 course - "The Transfiguration" - we'll be performing this profound alchemy...

Course highlights

  • confronting, healing and dissolving inner child identities
  • undertaking 'radical forgiveness' both for yourself and others
  • activating and integrating kundalini, uniting higher and lower self
  • confronting humanity's past life karma and unwinding the intervention
  • discovering, unveiling and radiating your profound, authentic beingness

Your profound birthright

An Interdimensional Intervention has derailed the natural evolutionary path of humanity and the planet. A synthetic reality has been created with humanity enslaved within it. But now a huge influx of cosmic consciousness is infusing to bring about realignment with the Source. We are blessed with the opportunity to finally realign with that wave and become the divine beings that we were always meant to be.
    In creating a safe, energetic and highly revelatory space, we're able to take you deeply through the limiting layers that might still remain in your field. If you're prepared to go there, we can take you down the 'rabbit hole' as deep as you wish to go.
If you have the courage and commitment, then we can help unveil the full magic and splendour of your divine being. We can help you peel away the vestiges of this intervention and transform into the newly divine, human beingness. It's your profound birthright: at-one-ment and interconnectivity with the Source; you become a divine child of the universe. What else is there!

The Work: Openhand level 3

When you're truly walking the spiritual path, it's going to take you into all the areas of ego and false identity - conditioning that has built up through your childhood, teenage years, the controlling influence of society and also your past lives. It is these false self and karmic filters which mask your full majesty of being. During this Openhand level 3 course, we'll be taking you into this density, deep into the convoluted story of humanity's past, stirring up life's sediment and helping you cleanse it from your field. After this deep consciousness cleansing process, we'll then resonate energetic keys to unlock the doorways to your higher self so that you may fully embody it, here and now, thus experiencing a profound shift in consciousness. We’ll use the Openhand Meditation techniques to reactivate the lost fragments of "soul gold" and to fully integrate them.
    "We’ll be using beautiful and powerful heart-stirring ceremony to truly move you to the core of your being"

The environment for our work: Openhand Centre - "Avalon Rising"

From the food we eat, to the clothes we wear and houses we live in, our society seems perfectly configured to lower our vibration removing us from the experience of divine union. Electrical gadgets and appliances, newspapers, TVs, and mobile phones are but a few things, which together, generate so much internal activity, that our consciousness - our soul - is sucked into the whirlwind of activity. It is fragmented and swallowed up like water into a sponge. In fact the distractive influence of society is so effective, it's hard to imagine it wasn't designed that way!
That’s why we’ve purposefully created a centre, which we call Avalon Rising - a window into the Higher Paradigm, where the barriers to expanded consciousness are greatly reduced. It's right in the heart of Glastonbury, a mystical destination of spiritual pilgrimage for centuries. From the outside, our centre looks like a typical house in society. We felt that was utterly important. It's no use working at a retreat centre far removed from the matrix if you can't replicate that in your own life. From the inside though, it is very different indeed. It's purposefully designed to inspire people to transcend the matrix in their own lives. We've created a heavenly oasis, an island in the storm, with minimalised electronic gadgetry and maximum attention to clear energy. It offers environmentally friendly, comfortable and energetically clear accommodation. The food will be healthy, vegan and made with love. You'll be right in the heart of converging energetic lay lines that pervade the mystical Avalon. The Tor and other highly spiritual sites are just a short walk away - sites that spiritual aspirants travel from all across the world to experience.
    "In this clear and nurturing environment, we will detoxify mind, body and spirit thereby tasting the sweetness of divine union, we'll embody the fullness of our being so that it may ripple benevolently through our lives and out into the wider world."

Course Facilitators

Open will be leading the main self realisation/meditational work. Meanwhile Trinity will be lovingly preparing our food from her Conscious Kitchen and supporting you all energetically inbetween sessions. As usual, we'll be connecting with people through multiple planes of reality, using intuitive and incisive guidance to help people drop through blocking layers. Holding a steady vibration, we'll help catalyse an activation of consciousness within, support the integration of your new realisations and also help remove releasing denser energy. "It will be our pleasure to host you"

Administration details

  • Venue: We're excited to announce this course takes place at the Openhand Centre Avalon Rising in Glastonbury. Glastonbury itself is a very special spiritual place of deep significance, with countless energetic laylines. We've worked tirelessly to harness this energy at our new centre, for the benefit of those who visit. We welcome you to our home.
  • Cost: The cost of the course is £690 which includes full board and lodgings encompassing healthy and tasty vegan food.
  • Date and Timings: The course takes place from Friday 1st July till Friday 8th July 2016. We'll be asking people to gather from 4pm on Friday July 1st to acclimatise. The event will complete on the Friday 8th July at around 1pm.
  • Travel: Glastonbury is conveniently located in the heart of the countryside and yet within easy reach by plane, train, bus and car. It is about 2hrs drive from London and Birmingham and 3hrs from Manchester. It is a 1hr flight from Inverness in Scotland. We are a less than 1 hour bus journey from Bristol which has a main train station and international airport.
  • Booking info: To book a place or to get more information, email Trinity Bourne...
    ***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder!!!

Rise Up - the universal shift is here

"The Transfiguration" will be a life changing experience, of that there is no doubt. The catalytic energy can take you deep into the fullness of who you are, help you integrate it and thus radiate this profound beingness through your daily life.
    Since reality is shaped by what we are being, life can begin to shape a new harmony around you, one that is more aligned with who you truly are.
Nothing in life can surpass the integration of your profound beingness. As the old world, fear-based reality steadily crumbles and falls away, it will align you with a new, heavenly paradigm of being, which is beginning to unfold all around. That's what we'll work to achieve on this course with you. It's time to Rise Up! The universal shift is here. Let this video from a previous course inspire you...

Transfiguration Journal...

The Transfiguration is a celebrated Openhand Course - our jewel in the crown. This course will be its 10th; we'll be celebrating the fact that it's helped people evolve from all over the world. Here's our rolling journal from last year with over 17,000 reads!... Transfiguration Rolling Journal 2015

Those booking details again...

To book a place or to get more information, email our organiser Trinity Bourne...
***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder!!!
6648 Reads

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I actually have had a year of so much inner work, including the exit of a relationship, that i really feel i will get more out of the Tranformation week next July than i would have this past one. I inwardly know that this deep inner cleaning-out will continue right up until i board the plane! Im so looking forward to seeing you again and so many peoples, whose comments and photos on your website i read daily. I know them already!


Hi Openhand. This year I found I couldn't attend this event. But I'm planning to be there in 2016. I'm already putting my notice into the family! So looking forward to this!

lots of love,
