Openhand: "To Enlightenment and Beyond" - Partnering Around the World

Submitted by Open on Thu, 10/22/2015 - 13:10
Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution which integrates wisdom of masters through the ages. Based in Avalon UK, it is led by Open, supported by his partner Trinity and a team of dedicated colleagues, who have been inspiring spiritual evolution for thousands of people around the world for the last 12 years. Central to our work, is to empower a shift of human consciousness into a New Paradigm of Being, in the Fifth Density. We're looking to partner with spiritual organisations globally, to share invaluable higher dimensional insight, through books, video, talks, seminars and workshops. How can we work together to inspire this Great Shift?

Inspiring profound evolutionary change

We're moving through times of profound evolutionary change. People everywhere are evolving into Spiritual Enlightenment. But with so many philosophies and approaches, how can people be sure they're aligned with the shift into the New Paradigm? We believe what's needed is a common sense of purpose and direction, that we may pull together, inspire and uplift one another. Core to the Openhand Philosophy is 5GATEWAYS, a profound spiritual routemap, set down by masters through the ages, which is only now finding its way into the collective consciousness. It can catalyse and accelerate the journey, illuminating where people are on the path, highlighting what they now need to work with.
    5GATEWAYS has already inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the world who watched our popular documentary, leaving lovely supportive feedback. The film, which was remastered in 2015, can be freely viewed on our website Openhandweb here below...

The film was inspired by the 5GATEWAYS book, which is packed with tools, tips and advice for walking the spiritual path in day-to-day life. We believe it contains the blueprint for mankind's next evolutionary leap - Ascension into a New Paradigm of being. Here are the key features and some of the enthusiastic reviews... Book features:
  1. A profound, age-old and priceless spiritual routemap that you can apply effectively in all aspects of your daily life
  2. Understanding what is an inner consciousness Gateway - how to know if you're passing through one
  3. Ways of catalysing your evolution including meditation techniques, self realisation approaches and Kundalini Activation
  4. A comprehensive pallet of tools, tips and advice for dealing with energy blockages, conditioned behaviours and karma
  5. Understanding the true meaning of Enlightenment - how this can enhance your life beyond imagination
  6. Methods of activating your spirit-light-body, sacred sexuality, divine manifestation and Ascension
  7. Crystal clear, higher consciousness insight into the way forwards for humanity through these times of profound change.
  • "Intellectually stimulating, personality provoking, a must read for serious spiritual seekers everywhere. The magnitude of its impact lies in Open’s unique ability to understand and convey esoteric knowledge as a demystified, practical application for daily living in the 21st century. Those who take the time to absorb the depth of the message, will be launched down their spiritual path like a comet." - Lesley
  • "My dear friend, I have the 5GATEWAYS book and it sums up everything I believe and have come to know. Open's unique, sacred point of view is wonderful, his writing accessible and his knowing, I believe is true, true, true. I have added the book to my recommended reading and I shall be telling all my like-minded friends about it as essential reading for anyone on the path. thank you so much. with love and blessings." - Veronika
  • "This is a truly outstanding piece of work. It details very powerfully our journey of spiritual awakening but in a way I've not seen done before. By relating our journey to five particular transitions, it's been possible for me to see exactly where I am at and why I'm experiencing the things I am in my life. Everyone who considers themselves on a spiritual pathway should read this!" - David

Partnering with Openhand

We've been sharing the Openhand Philosophy at spiritual organisations around the world including the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Germany, Sweden, Belgium and Hungary. We're now looking to reach further afield by partnering with spiritual venues and facilitators, spiritual community organisations, spiritual book stores, conferences and radio talk shows.
    Openhand is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Audiences find our work deeply uplifting and revelatory.
Here at Openhand, we're impassioned by the liberation of soul. We simply love to assist and witness in spiritual breakthrough. So our seminars are not simply about speaking at people. We feel to engage through multiple planes of reality and inspire a divine dance of souls.
    This is achieved through impassioned speaking yes; but also through poignant guided meditations, emotive film, music and deep consciousness movement. Participants experience the breakthrough and upliftment of soul.
Presenter: Higher Dimensional Bridge - "Open" Open is a Higher Dimensional Bridge, able to connect people into the higher densities. He was drawn here by the heart-felt yearning to assist in this amazing shift of consciousness taking place on earth. Working through the field, he can empower authentic beingness in people, by resonating soul frequencies, that they can feel inside. He can resonate, and help people attune, the authentic frequency of their being. Participants frequently find themselves dropping into the profound nature of who they truly are; an experience which can then infuse beneficially into every facet of their lives. Here is the feedback we received from the UK National EFT conference in Glastonbury in March 2010...
    "The cherry to add to the icing was the guest speaker, "Open", whose talk on the planetary shift of consciousness occurring around 2012 was jaw-droppingly, goose-pimplingly, spine-tinglingly...well, you get the picture and I would not and could not undermine his talk by summarising it. Therefore, I can only suggest that you check out the seminars and courses Openhand run."

Connect with Openhand

So if this brief insight has sparked your interest in the Openhand Work, then do connect with us and explore how we might work together to bring the insightful Openhand Philosophy and Approach to the wider world. You can discover more at our web based virtual community... to contact us, email...
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really happy to spread the Openhand Perspective.