Overcoming Challenges
We're all going to face challenges on the path, no matter how evolved. At times the soul will take you into the density. How do you best deal with these times? How do you breakthrough into effortless joy? Rather than overriding the challenges, we need to work with them internally, because they offer a massive opportunity for spiritual growth...
Overcoming challenges on the spiritual path - Openhand video
Okay, it's an Openhand oldie, but just as relevant now as it was when we made it. How does it reflect to you right now in these times of great transformation?
Ah yes ...
... of course.
Its an epic and soul-stirring piece.
I love the way the inspiring words match the imagery so well.
I am stirred.
Dark Knight Rises pretty good too, for all its Hollywood crash bang wallop.
Bravo Both.
Keep on keepin on.
Love always.
Thanks Open for another great, inspirational video. Just what I needed to watch & hear today :-)
Thank you again
Thank you very much Open. The message resonates very deeply and it is helpful for me now. Namaste <3
Timely as always
This video could not have come at a better time. As I unravel this deep thick density that is this life, reminders of deep hurt pertaining to lack of love have presented themselves. Just a few days ago, on Thanksgiving Day, my heart was hit with a swift and forceful blow as I was reminded of my feeling of lack in the 'motherly love' scenario. The barriers and walls that my ego has built up to protect itself now have a whole in them and if I go 'in' I may be able to knock them down completely and allow soul/spirit to shine through. This hurt is so intense and a reminder of childhood pain that I've recoiled twice now and stopped the flow. Its hard expressing through when the pain is so weighted down. This pain needs a hug and I haven't found a physical hug that will suffice. It would be wonderful if the Openhand community could send some love and encouragement my way as I work to process this. Thank you all for thinking of me. :) With love,
Big etheric hug coming your way
In reply to Timely as always by ArielOwens
There's a big etheric hug coming your way Ariel.
Open *give_rose*
In reply to Big etheric hug coming your way by Open
Thank you very much Open. I truly appreciate that. ;)
great video
powerful. beautifully flowing video and message.
Thank you Open! That was amazing!! As I be with the challenges now presenting, I hear the mind encouraging me to go faster, to find resolution and close up the gap I am sitting in. Feeling supported by multiple tortoise spottings =) ... I stay in the unresolved place ... With the only commitment and resolve being to the soul. I move slowly, untangling each thread right now, re-integrating the energy that has been flowing out encouraged by subconscious patterns of need and like the tortoise finding I am home and whole within myself.... Thank you for this immensely supportive and beautiful message.
With love,
Vibrant motivational work
In reply to Challenges by .Wren
Well done Open - love it - synchronistically , it speaks so much about what i am in for the moment .
As jenny expressed so well : " I stay in the unresolved place ...with the only commitment and resolve Being to the soul ". For a few weeks now , i was truly invited to slow down and feel deeper into the energy blocks . I was`t happy slowing down but it seriously helped to fully dive further into the energetic interplays and neuro pathways . Thank you for keeping us motivated and enthusiastic . Much love guys ,
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