"Breakthrough" - The New Work from Openhand is Here!

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/05/2016 - 05:21

The gloves are off. The time has come. No more pretense. No more half measures. It's time to fully dive into our immaculate home coming; to take centre stream of the soul and let it carry you to the ultimate destination - the continual connection with the divine light within. It's simple, but not always easy. Openhand's new Breakthrough Work is designed to cut to the chase - the deeper meaning of every moment in your life, the real purpose, the real joy. We know many of you have been tuning in to Openhand from the sidelines for years. Well now's the time to jump right in! Come join us for the excitement of a lifetime, the thriller that can last a lifetime! We're coming to a country near you. Where will you be?...

Openhand's new Breakthrough Book

The work is introduced and explained through an epic, true story of one man’s journey of Spiritual Breakthrough. It reveals how, in every single moment, each person is supported by an etheric divine connection - a benevolent force - supporting you in life, and working with you to break through into your greater divinity. The book helps you look deeply into every situation you face and find the deeper meaning - the divine revelation. It shows you how to embrace the moment fully, what to work with and how to work, so that you can eternally live the brilliance of You. The world stands on a precipice. Divine revelation is the answer. It’s time.

Breakthrough Release Video

Openhand's World Breakthrough Tour Dates

Further Info and Booking

For general info contact: Fiona@Openhandweb.org For local info and booking, contact the local organiser listed on the individual event details. Would you like to bring Openhand's Breakthrough Work to your location? Ask about the possibility - email: admin@Openhandweb.org Come join the World Breakthrough Tour... It's time.

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The Breakthrough book and tour are going to be truly powerful and engaging. Exciting! How awesome to be facilitating people to find their true beingness in the empowering way that you do!
Bravo *clapping*

Deep thanks Open for your unceasing inspiration and commitment to supporting us on the path to higher consciousness. Words seem inadequate...

With much love and immense gratitude, Fiona


Made the scene
Week to week
Day to day
Hour to hour
The gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through
Break on through
Break on through
Break on through
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
~The Doors

I'm learning Spanish, so here goes. Atraviesa, Open!

Cathy :)


I am really looking forwards to it, the book, the tour, connecting and diving deeper. I know it will be amazing, I cant wait!!!


Set it Free! Soaring away... so grateful for your dedication to sharing the experience as it was revealed through you!! I'm in awe. Much love, Erica


Thanks for the energy and support guys - much appreciated.
So much work goes into launching these - it's great when there's support to help it fly in the world.

Big love to you

Open *OK*


I read Divinicus and the 5 Gateways multiple times each. I am so Excited to devour this one too!!