Unprecedented Global Marine Die-Off - The 5D Shift is Accelerating
Something truly shocking is happening around the world, right under our very noses. It's the unprecedented global marine creature die-off. Although occasionally reported in the mainstream media, it's accelerating at a phenomenal rate. Here below I've listed 33 reports of mass die-offs in just the last month alone. In compiling the list, I found it literally heart rending. But I also know that only the truth can truly set people free. And so I think it's vital to share. Life is constantly changing and moving on. It's important to all consciously evolving people to have an accurate sense of how the shift into the 5D is actually affecting the world. It means your consciousness softens to the impact and readies you to let go even deeper. It is for that reason that I share...
Summary of Marine die-off in the last month
Here's a summary of some of the main events to have happened in just this last month alone...
- 15th May 2016: 24 whales die after beaching in Baja California, Mexico
- 12th May 2016: 300 TONS of dead sardines wash up on the south coast of Chile
- 11th May 2016: Thousands of dead fish surface at a lake in Bengaluru, India
- 9th May 2016: Masses of dead prawns wash up on the coast of Arica, Chile
- 9th May 2016: Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Saint Petersburg, Russia
- 6th May 2016: Thousands of fish have died due to pollution in the San Juan River in Mexico
- 5th May 2016: 40,000 TONS of Salmon and 8,000 TONS of Sardines have washed up dead in Chile
- 5th May 2016: 30+ TONS of dead fish appear in a lake, 'people in shock' in Hainan, China
- 3rd May 2016: 2,600 Turtles found dead during past 6 months in southern Brazil
- 3rd May 2016: Massive fish kill in Lake Thunderbird in Oklahoma, America
- 3rd May 2016: Hundreds of TONS of fish suddenly die in Lake Toba, Indonesia
- 2nd May 2016: 200 TONS of fish found dead in a lake in Alfenas, Brazil
- 2nd May 2016: Thousands of dead jellyfish found washed ashore in India
- 2nd May 2016: Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Florida, America
- 1st May 2016: Millions of dead molluscs found washed up on beaches, 'a disaster' in Los Lagos, Chile
- 30th April 2016: 14 TONS of dead fish found in a lake in Xiamen, China
- 28th April 2016: 100+ TONS of clams have died in central Vietnam
- 25th April 2016: 65 TONS of fish have died in the waters of Kampong Thom, Cambodia
- 25th April 2016: 40 TONS of fish have died in a lake in Nalgonda district, India
- 23rd April 2016: Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Cattlewash, Barbados
- 23rd April 2016: 70+ TONS of dead fish found in a river in Magdalena Department, Colombia
- 22nd April 2016: 1 TON of shrimp and other fish have died in a pond in Phuket, Thailand
- 21st April 2016: 50 dolphins found stranded, 10 dead on a beach in Cambutal, Panama
- 21st April 2016: Hundreds of fish die in a lake, 'whole lake is dead' in Alberta, Canada
- 21st April 2016: Massive die off of fish, 'never seen this before' in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam
- 21st April 2016: Hundreds of fish die in a lake, 'never seen this before', New Jersey, America
- 21st April 2016: Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Yuriria, Mexico
- 20th April 2016: Hundreds of dead fish found washed up on a beach in Tenerife, Spain
- 20th April 2016: Hundreds of dead fish found in the Bobos river in Mexico
- 19th April 2016: 100 dead turtles found in Lam Luk Ka, Thailand
- 18th April 2016: 4,000 TONS of sardines wash up in Araucania Chile
- 18th April 2016: 48 dead turtles have washed up along the Gulf Coast this year in Colombia
- 15th April 2016: Millions of fish 'suddenly die' in a river in Mimika Regency, Indonesia
Stop. Take stock. Animate the Life-Force
Many commentators in the alternative media are scratching their heads wondering why? There are plenty of possibilities of course from increasing global warming, to ocean acidification, radioactive pollution and reduced oxygen. But really there's one underlying reason: the accelerating breakdown in our biosphere due to the excessive exploitation of the planet by society.
Life is making a decision - to let go of this out-dated reality that is long past its 'sell-by-date'. The message is being felt by sentient life deeply and communicated widely. It's a vibrational feeling - a shift into a more harmonious and equitable way of being in the Fifth Density. It's important for each to stop. Take stock. See the warning messages washing up on the beaches every day. But work through and past any sadness. It's time to let go of the old reality, inside yourself. Soften any internal attachment to it. Let your soul Breakthrough and Breakout. If you can do this, then these mass die-offs will not have happened in vain. You'll take the life-force and animate it through your being for all around you to feel. It's time.
In loving support
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Shock of the Dance
Yes, indeed, this is so shocking.
And so tragic.
And yet, as you say Open, in it is the promise of the new.
The phoenix from the ashes.
The giant-tree-seedling from the handful of compost.
We are energy ever-dancing around consciousness.
As are these poor beings.
They did not die.
Nor can we.
There is only change.
And when we become aware of, and act in, our own fundamental nature as consciousness creating within energy, the Dance of the Universe, we can actively choose how to change.
We can create our transcendence and our ascension.
I know what you mean, zero.
I feel this as exhaustion too at times.
Its like this thick dull heavy layer deep in my being, as you say, Jean.
Then when I remember what we are I know the reason for the feeling; it is the pain of our ignorance of the Truth of our Selves breaking down.
It is re-birth.
It is a sign pointing to our Selves.
A calling to Truth.
It will pass, once we acknowledge it.
Time to grasp the cosmic nettle, brothers and sisters.
And dance.
Love always,
Feeling deeply for all sentient life
Thank you for this very deep & important article once more . Its very important to be reminded of how we have been living on this beautiful living Planet as a collective . Anywhere i have been pulled to on this planet , its been very difficult to handle the magnitude of what was felt inside , very deep in thew core of my being . But i always knew as difficult as it was to confront , that it was serving a much Higher purpose for Mankind's evolution . Today i truly Realize how important it was to feel though those layers of unconscious collective behaviorism towards all sentient living beings . The real Self has a mission and is confronting any left attachment / identification to the old reality -in doing so , which is not easy but possible each day , It helps the Old collective layers to melt down as well . Its time to get real about our commitment to let go ...and reclaim our true Sovereign Power of Being . Being is the change many are still searching / working on / infusing . We can do it
Thank you
What does global 'healing' really look like?
Hi Zero - thanks for sharing :wink:
You consider "A global healing meditation". But what do you suppose 'healing' looks like? Would it be fixing everything up so society can continue? How is the current level of human consciousness synergistic with harmony for all sentient life? How would the cancer that is gripping Gaia be truly healed?
I put it to you that the great cleansing of all life that is now upon us, is the healing. Yes, it may sound extreme. But all life evolves and moves on, or else dies. It's an entirely natural process in the greater universe.
We have to think - and feel - outside of the box now. Expand into our cosmic selves. Then we see the bigger picture and can let go of the old.
I didn't say it was easy. But in progressively letting go of the small "I" identification, that's how spiritual mastery is attained. Both for us and the planet.
Wishing you well
Open *OK*
Feel it
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