Do dreams have meanings or messages?
I recently had strange dreams in one morning. It was startling. I had many before but never knew what they meant.
In the first dream I dreamed that I was walking on a farm. The atmosphere was dark during the day. I don't know what the farm really looked like but it felt like everything was just wrong. As I walked along this farm I collapsed in tears and asked why is the world doing this it's all so uneccesary.
In the next dream I dreamed my partner was robbed in my mother's car. She went after the culprit and took him to the police station. Thereafter, we were on our way to a party of my partner's ex partner's family. On our way I saw a head with no body turning it's head and watching us.
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Wounded Dragon, Integrating and Transmuting Trauma
Hi Open,
Glad to have found your site. Much of what you say in your videos resonates deeply with me. A little intro on myself. Two years ago experienced a K activation. I cannot say for sure exactly how it happened. Guess it was just time. I am a Christian, was practicing Aikido only for about 7 months. Had a bad chiropractor adjustment, a few sessions of acupuncture to resolve the pain, felt compelled to ground in the dirt so went crazy on my gardens and hello K awakening. Interestingly enough I believe my soul was preparing me for this transition as a year prior was talking about kundalini yoga and chakras and I had no idea what they were and only practiced yoga once before in my life. This of course happened after a dark period, disenchanted with the world, materialism, environmental destruction and general lack of empathy and love for others and searching for my true identity which I understand now can be a precursor to this. I also feel the pull to help people and acquired land to develop hopefully into a retreat someday. Its been 2 years and 1.5 of it I have experienced much energy blockage in my lower chakras though. The energy began rising and got blocked early on. I experienced sexual abuse as a child and was raised in a very strict religious household and can't seem to transmute this energy. I never had counseling, simply didn't want to open pandoras box. I never did well with talk therapy. My voice was always silenced. I am working through that presently. I also had two dreams of being attacked by a dragon and the Greek word 'ophis' and free-falling off a skyscraper avoiding this beast. I have no idea what that means. However I am growing tired of the constant backache, lack of appetite, libido and everything else that goes along with this blockage. So is my spouse. I had to discontinue Aikido due to the back issue. Tried consulting with religious and no luck there either. In fact any practice in the energy arts is strongly ill-advised. However my gut tells me otherwise. Can you offer any suggestions for me?
In gratitude,
Healing through regression therapy
In reply to Wounded Dragon, Integrating and Transmuting Trauma by Fractal (not verified)
Greetings fractal - nice to connect with you
What stands out from your sharing is something I often witness in the Openhand work. It's where there's been a focus on raising the kundalini energy without necessarily realising it can only truly happen through deep integration into external behaviourisms - because the two are interrelated. What also stood out was this... "I never had counseling, simply didn't want to open pandoras box. I never did well with talk therapy. " I do understand that when you have had some deep emotional trauma, especially around issues like sexual abuse", then what can happen is there's a shutting down inside - probably around the sacral chakra and impacting into relationships.
I'd say what definitely needs to happen is regression therapy. To work with a facilitator who can regress you back to the experiences and feel into the blocked subconsciousness to get it moving and open it up. But actually yes, talking about the situation as a means of getting into the energy. I sense that also what will help is gentle sensual stimulation of the skin. I think it would be a good idea to explore this with a facilitator who can regress you.
Much love
Exactly what I'm talking about
Awesome Vimal - exactly what I'm talking about.
Open *OK*
Got it !
I got it now :) Today morning i was on my way to a job and was in a hurry. After a while i noticed that the crash guard of my bike has literally started to fall apart. Initially i got frustrated but after sometime i remembered to go inwards and ask for the real reason. Upon which my attention was drawn towards a asign board 'SLOW DOWN'. And that's what i did! What followed was a series of signs with positive attitude for the rest of my way. Wonderful *good*
Moving beyond the literal
Hi Vimal - when interpreting these things, it's always good to move beyond the literal and into the metaphoric. When I need to get something in my bodily consciousness, something always happens to the car - the catalytic converter goes when I need to watch how strong my catalysis is. It's not how I'm driving (the car) wrongly, it's simply symbolic of something else - it's always important to ask what? and show me?
It's brilliant that you're getting into it!
Open *OK*
Coming from head
Open you said the smart phone might be getting me into the head. I doubt if this is really true because i have a poor quality phone( there is no judgement) and i rarely spend time in it ( i mean compared to my friends literally living in it). But its true that i spend most time inside my head.I spend time giving imaginative spiritual lectures to my friends (its really exciting i cant help it!!) But gradually i can sense how bit by bit how coming from being than doing is more aligned. Synchronistically i am pulled to study yoga from a teacher starting monday and i'm really looking forwards for it. So lets see how that goes. *ok*
Sometimes the way is a very thin line
Hi Vimal - thanks for sharing your dreams and intuitions. In the final one...
- #2 - In this dream i'm walking back to a school with 2 of my friends and we have lost the way. I immediately checks google map but due to my 'less than smart phone' i cant read the correct way. Finally i intuit that we have to hike down the steep(or so i remember) .
Interpretation - The slope may represent ascension and i'm lost and looking for external support.
Possibly the smart phone gets you in the head. It's like a surfer trying to figure out how to ride the wave rather than just feeling it and riding it. Whatever, it feels like you came to the right conclusion *ok*
Hi Carlz you said...
- "I do spend too much time inside my head than being present. Its where I am most comfortable. So it's difficult for me to be still and meditate."
Lots of people have the same problem - and it is a general misconception that we have to be 'still to meditate' or to 'still the mind'. We don't have to do either of these. Simply actively, consciously watching is enough - watching our internal feelings and experiences. And one of the most powerful ways to do that is through conscious movement. I can recall the martial arts - it took a fair number of years to realise that in doing them, without even trying, an active mind became very still. By focusing on the movement and how I felt in it, the mind stilled naturally and I realised I was meditating :-)
Dear Erica, thanks so much for sharing. This stood out for me especially...
- "Sometimes deciphering between the souls authentic pull and the longing to be within a certain environment or experience to stimulate a perceived emotion or energy within feels to be a thin line."
Yes my friend, it's a very thin line indeed! And as you well know, it's our forging of the soul in this intense crucible.
Blessings to you all
Open *give_rose*
Activating power of higher mind
Synchronicity abounds! So I wrote this on Jan29th but didn't share, then this thread pops up on the landscape so here goes!!!
Last night was very restless. I awoke during a subconscious state while I was in the midst of a past life experience. I was caring for a soul in human form that had forgotten and given up. So I showed this being love, compassion through strength and fortitude. I was un bandaging feet that were rotting, I tenderly washed her face there was no physical pain just a deep sorrow. Then another came by my side to help as this other saw her value through "my" eyes or the realization that she was all of us.
Meanwhile, I felt the longing to leave to connect with other star souls who were awakened. You were all just steps away. I could hear you. I could feel you. I could leave that lost broken soul and join all of you. A part of me was tempted. I saw so many of you who I've crossed paths with during the Openhand retreats preparing to collectively raise up. Yet on I stayed, focused upon the ones who have given up.
Now as I write this, I know I have been here on earth many times over. That was me broken paralyzed incarcerated within the body haven forgotten all I am until the love from the one came disguised to show me I held the key to open my heart and my eyes to feel and see beyond this physical realm. I feel courageous to continue to do that.
Sometimes deciphering between the souls authentic pull and the longing to be within a certain environment or experience to stimulate a perceived emotion or energy within feels to be a thin line.
Hi Open
Thank you for the that :)
My dreams are before I wake up. I definitely often judge things happening around me. I do spend too much time inside my head than being present. Its where I am most comfortable. So it's difficult for me to be still and meditate. As for my mom and partner tthere's awkward tension between the two of them. Also I didn't tell her yet about what my partner and my relation is about.
This was helpful.
Blessings :)
Thanks carlz for bringing this up and thanks open for the tips for interpreting dreams. I used to write down my dreams some years before at 4 am, i used to automatically wake up at that time everyday. Dreams got vivid and clear as days passed by and they do tell us many interesting things or the at the least its really fun! I had stopped doing that now and i started again yesterday due to this post. I'd like share the dream i had yesterday and my attempt at interpreting them. I did interpret them at the time of writing in the early morning.
#1 I was literally having a physical fight with one of my friend from college from where i dropped out. In it at last my friend falls down from the stairs to ground floor and this startles me. I think of jumping after him but thought the better of it and climb down the stairs
Interpretation - My friend might represent the old values i have left behind but i'm holding a judgement against it of some sort. And this judgment is pulling me down
#2 - In this dream i'm walking back to a school with 2 of my friends and we have lost the way. I immediately checks google map but due to my 'less than smart phone' i cant read the correct way. Finally i intuit that we have to hike down the steep(or so i remember) .
Interpretation - The slope may represent ascension and i'm lost and looking for external support. But finally i give up and intuit the right way forwards but i have no idea why i'm climbing down (or did i remember it incorrect?)
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