Mirrors? (understanding mirrors to the soul)
Hello - am not sure I really understand about mirrors. For example I am unsure about my relationship with my partner wether to continue or not. I was advised by Jane to ask "what is this relationship mirroring to me" and to soften etc. to ask how is this feeling in my body (all the noise) Howeverr I don't really understand how I relate the mirroring to me :) The morning I asked about this and said "show me" within minutes workmen were in next door hammering, drilling generally creating a lot of noise. So I took this to be a mirror :) however I don't know how to relate this to me - to what I need to see in myself? Does it tell me the relationship is disturbing my peace - my spiritual path (as I was trying to meditate lol)or does the way my partner is in the relationship show me something? He is not on a conscious spiritual path. I asked myself how do I feel about this - and tried to tune into the anxious feeling I had and asked what is this feeling telling me - I felt then I was upset and anxioius because if I have a partner I need them to be on a conscious path alongside of me perhaps. I then thought about my daughter who has been staying with me - to avoid partying so much and she feels really depressed and is addicted to the binge partying. Is she then a mirror for me? is my grandson who gets frequent coughs etc also a mirror and if they are how do I relate it all to me? thanks sorry its all a bit jumbled in my head love Elaine
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A great forum thread for understanding the nature of mirrors
For everyone wanting to explore deeper into the nature of the "mirror to the soul" here's a great thread of exchanges initiated by Elaine - do explore deeper....
Opening a path of light through inner density
Hello again
well I went out asking "show me" and within two minutes I had to slow down behind a van that said COMPLETE - I took this to mean its time to complete with the relationship just like I have been feeling on and off for a while.I did think that it was my soul urging me to do a meditation yesterday and keep my time free for that and now I feel I have resisted my soul urges many many times in last few years. I think I am beginning to tell the difference between the soul urges and the small I urges. I then another five minutes into my journey (and on thinking how will I do if I end it) and there was a lorry with RECOVERY written on the front of it! This amazed me to have signals/synchonicity so quickly happen when I asked. Then I was when parked up looking at why I panic and am desperate for time alone (being empathic I do really feel others stuff like its my own. I looked out of my rearview mirror and a van with "Clearview" drove by - haha I need to be able to be clear of others vibes in order to have a clearview of what I need etc. Then I realised that the angel knecklace that I have hanging on the mirror in my car was pointed/angled straight at me and it gave me an incredible feeling of peace I felt it was my twin soul perhaps just letting me know/feel it is there for me. I just sat and softened into all the feelings associated with my relationship and being around others and feel much more peaceful and my throat is no longer sore :) I could feel how so many decisions I have made have been from a fearful place and how its led me to pretty serious problems. Always going with the "safe and secure" way and missing some opportunities to be more soul-ful in my work etc. I really felt I had been evolving but looking at all the reactions/tight spots I have triggered over and over again I am beginning to wonder ! Quite a process ahead. Thanks so much for your time and help much love Elaine
A classic example of the mirror in relationships
- "Initial reaction was I didn't want him (my partner) to (visit) - that I had planned a meditation (and the) only free bit of time was exactly when he wanted to come. However I didn't say this to him as we hadn't seen each other much. Today I have a sore throat and feel exhausted."
Trying to understand
Thankyou. So maybe if I describe a circumstance - yesterday my partner said he was coming to visit. Initial reaction was I didn't want him to that I had planned a meditation only free bit of time was exactly when he wanted to come . However I didn't say this to him as we hadn't seen each other much. Today I have a sore throat and feel exhausted - should I have made myself become one with the feeling I didn't want him to come ? Or did I just fail to express my needs and ended up messing up throat energy ? I feel am ill - is this a physical tightness then ? Am not sure which bit of all this I need to work with:) was the flow for him to come but internally I resisted this or was it to say don't come? I feel difficulty in "being a partner" can't handle living together , sometimes don't like expecting to spend time together when he feels like it and I don't . Feels imprisoning - so this is a stuck point that I need to work with ? There's so many other aspects in both our lives there almost no time to be together then if one partner doesn't feel like getting together it causes an issue. Feels might be easier to be a hermit! Thanks so much for taking time with me - this will "click" soon am sure blessings Elaine
Ps will purchase book suggested ASAP
Understanding Consciousness 'Mirrors'
It's vitally important to first realise therefore, that nothing is ever done to you - we each create, and draw, everything that we experience. And what's the purpose? - integration and infusion of soul - essentially evolutionary growth.
- You lose your job, so instead of dealing with the attached pain, you try to fix it by finding another - You have a bust up in your relationship over something, so without fully exploring why you created that, there's a trying to fix it to make it better.

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