Accelerations in the 5D Shift and how you might personally benefit
The shift is gathering apace all the time - new layers of limiting matrix field are being engaged and peeled off. It's liberating, yes, but far from easy - it's going to affect every aspect of the life you've created, from relationships to jobs and living circumstances. The field is progressively working to help you realign them. Sometimes it may feel like stirring treacle! How might you come through this most effectively? There are energies that are acting through the field to support - shining a light through the darkness in times of uncertainty. Energies such as "Openhand" help form a resonant bridge so you may more easily feel your higher dimensional connection. That's essential right now...
A breaking down of the Old Consensus Reality
In the bigger picture, what's happening is a breaking down of the old karmic reality that Gaia and humanity have been constrained within for millions of years. A consensus of collective consciousness came together to explore particular conundrums of truth...
- How to stay connected to the source in an especially dense environment?
- How to trust in the divine, when it might appear that there's not always enough resource?
- How to work harmoniously with the universal flow in a world of predator and prey?
- How to love unconditionally even though other sentient life may judge and project?
- How to follow the synchronistic flow in a system of limitation and control?
These are just some of the explorations people are clearly having in the wider community. And Gaia too has been having her karmic explorations - how to maintain balanced harmony for all life, where some sentient forms over exploit and ravage.
The Great 5D Shift
For some time now, I've felt that Gaia has released the need to sustain this old reality - she's processed out her own karma, shifted her centre into the Fifth Density and is now progressively moving her energies on. Although the breakdown in the 3D biosphere is clearly being greatly accelerated by human activity, to me, it is most clearly a synchronistic reflection of this Great 5D Shift, where everything is working in concert, including the exposure and playing out of humanity's shadow side.
And so the shift is accelerating. It's greatly gearing up. We see this in the acceleration of the sixth mass extinction of 3D life here - the sixth mass moving on - at a rate which has increased to around 200 species per day. It's a rate which is unprecedented in earth's history. We see it in the increasingly chaotic weather patterns as the old harmonious systems - like the jetstream for example - break down. And we see it in the increasing earthquake and volcanic activity as Gaia's pole shift and concurrent dwindling of the magnetic shield intensifies.
But there is something that now needs very focused attention. Here's where you, I, and Openhand come in.
Unraveling Bottlenecks in the Flow
Imagine the light of Gaia and the consensus reality still caught within the lower densities, stuck within bottlenecks of energy. These will manifest in a very synchronistic physical way - like the gridlock we often experience in failing, over-burdened transport systems for example. Or where communities come into direct conflict, as in Syria right now. The higher dimensional light is stuck within eddy currents that have sucked in density and distortion. This will be true in most people's personal lives where relationships have been stuck within out-dated behavioural patterning.
What must happen is that these choke points must be brought into consciousness, where they appear on our landscape and worked with to resolve. Which means to explore the distortion and why it's happening; to 'normalise' in it, which means to completely accept it, then to express the higher truth within it.
At a soul level, each of you is naturally yearning for this in the very personal exchanges of your life. By bringing focused awareness to the process is going to greatly benefit your own life by restoring higher harmony, which then ripples into the wider field. That's what much of the Openhand work is about facilitating. And there'll be plenty of you who've evolved to such a degree personally, that you're now able to have a wider beneficial effect on the field itself - you're rapidly realising yourself as energy workers in the field (which is a fundamental part of the Openhand Facilitator Program)...
Your Personal Torus
Here's where the notion of Openhand as a higher dimensional bridge is now coming to the fore. And how you might personally benefit from that. And if you're relatively new to "Openhand", it is a word we've applied to describe a universal phenomenon of benevolent support within higher consciousness shifts like this one. It's a highly evolved consciousness acting to restore harmony and balance within convoluted systems of consciousness as on Earth right now.
Imagine the earth's consensus consciousness as a field, shaped something like an apple - scientifically known as "The Torus". Through the core of the apple is a torsional vortex which resolves out to a void of presence - as in all sentient life. From the vortex unity consciousness (as soul) flows out and through separation consciousness (that which forms the visible physical). But in places where's there's karma, unity consciousness identifies and gets stuck within the separation consciousness. There are many such choke points out there in the field at the moment, just as there are in many people who've still got karma to work on.
Now here's the crucial point, as the light progressively shifts into the Fifth Density, it's going to pull on all of those choke points, like a balloon struggling to rise against its tethering. If the pressure builds too greatly, the ties will snap, resulting in a chaotic breakdown of the limiting density - it collapses in on itself. So energy workers have come here to facilitate a more harmonious shift.
The way we work is by bringing focused attention to disharmony within ourselves. We work to realise out the distortion. Upon which, we send a realigning rippling beacon of truth (for that particular issue) out through the field. The more you've processed personally, the more into alignment you've come, the clearer is your resonance, and therefore the greater beneficial impact you can have. In short, you experience greater harmony in your own life and a greater creative flow around you.
The question is, how might you maximise this personal effect for the good of yourself and more widely through society?
A Higher Dimensional Bridge
Since the necessary higher dimensional shift in my own personal life, I've felt a concurrent strengthening of the "Openhand" energy. As previously mentioned, it's an ancient consciousness that works to restore evolutionary balance in convoluted areas. Openhand is working as an energetic bridge between the old karmic reality and the new one taking shape within the 5D. Consider the Torus which is depicted in the video below. You don't at all need to understand it at an intellectual level. Just get the feeling that energy is flowing out from the central vortex in waves, flowing through the physical phenomenal thereby animating it, before flowing back to the central vortex - the source - once more. As you might intuit from the animation, there's an outer circle which can represent the old 3D reality, and there's an inner circle which might represent the higher vibrational 5D - take a brief peek at the animation (but feel it rather than intellectualising it)...
In the animation, the energy is shown flowing smoothly. But this is far from the case for Gaia right now, where there are countless blockages - choke points - in her field. And many of those choke points are caused by, and contain, human consciousness connected into her consensus field. As many of these must be unraveled as possible so as to facilitate a smoother 5D shift.
What can you do directly? This is where it gets really exciting!
Establishing a free flowing energy torus in your own life
Take yourself off in meditation. Reflect on the animation of the Torus above. Get the sense that there are flows going on within you, where higher alignment wants to happen (use this Breakthrough Meditation to facilitate the alignment of the torus within you). Work within the sense of a shift taking place from the lower 3D consciousness to the higher 5D one. The higher has a much greater sense of connectivity, of peace, trust, unconditional love, and above all, synchronous flow supporting all life.
- You should get some sense of movement, flow, joy and harmony.
Now, during the rest of the day, especially where there might be some disharmony or dissonance, pay attention to that sense of realigning flow inside of you (I've found it works great to resolve traffic jams!). The more you can activate the flow in you, the greater the resolving effect you'll witness. And if you can't catch that at the time it's happening, take yourself off into meditation later in the day and reflect again on those particular circumstances, working to bring realigning flow to them.
Of course you can't simply override your own attachment or unrealised consciousness in it to have a beneficial effect. In which case, you're need to explore and unravel your own tightness first (check out this video to give you a sense of how to work).
Hugely exciting times to be alive
So these are really exciting times. As we prepare for the beginning of the New Year (2017), the consciousness field is so loosened, it's ripe for major shifts both in your own personal circumstances and society at large. Even, and especially, since the shadow side has revealed itself, means that shifts can greatly strengthen.
Do call on the "Openhand" energy if it feels appropriate for you. It will respond. It always does so by highlighting personal limitation and resonating the possibility of the higher truth. So if you look for that possibility, it will be highlighted for you.
Thankyou for all that you are, and your involvement in this essential work - at what ever level you feel to commit to it.
In loving support
(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)About Openhand:
Openhand is a bridge into higher dimensions of consciousness. It is a way of tapping into the benevolent guiding hand of the Universe, to help you align with your soul through life. It empowers people to be totally authentic in who they are, and in so doing, facilitating a profound shift of consciousness into a new vibrational paradigm, in the Fifth Density. Discover more...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV
To inspire
Dear Cathy, I feel the most aligned with my eternal Self, when I have the opportunity to inspire others in some ways. I've been getting more and more confirmation from the external world recently, that this is exactly why I am (and maybe most of us in this community are) here. So, I am really happy and grateful to hear that you were also inspired by the exchange between me and Margaret.
Margaret, what you described above corresponds closely with my experiences. (For instance, I had this dream when a voice said 'The three sheaves of wheat is now becoming one' and so on.) Yes, a LOT of synchronicities. Meaningful messages everywhere, more and more people coming to me for some sort of spiritual facilitation. It is like 'my powers are growing stronger'. And yes, everything is so intensified! :)) As for the karma: I feel like that I have to redeem Spirit/Light from matter on an hourly basis..:) So it is never a walk in the park, of course. WOW. Yet, what a blessing!
with love to you all,
Holy Trinity
Hi Margaret,
For the past while I've been waking up at the same time in the middle of the night. When I look at the clock, it always says 3:00 a.m. After I stopped fussing about not being able to sleep, I finally relaxed and contemplated the deeper meaning. What came to me was the Holy Trinity, unity of body/mind/spirit, so we're in sync on that, Mark! I felt this realization as an invitation to meditate and infuse the light of my soul through my bodymind. So that's what I'm doing every night at 3:00 a.m. when Heaven's Gate feels easier to pass through without all the daytime distractions. I'm feeling this is helping me channel the divine ray 3 more fully: harnessing, interpreting, and translating formless, higher, abstract wisdom into an accessible form that others can intuit and appreciate. A path with immense heart!
Lovely and inspiring to read about your breakthroughs.
Wishing you well as you journey on!
x Cathy
Thank you Mark
Thank you Mark!
There is truth in what you're saying, I feel it, I feel the alignment happening. It is very tangible. I see it in meditation in a form of 3 vertical lines coming to alignment, and when that happens, there is clarity, peace and a strong presence.
There is also a strong sense of completion, and a pause between the next phase. Synchronicities are everywhere and this world feels like an echo of something more real. I'm also manifesting like crazy... 2 days ago I just thought how nice it would be to get some cash inflow to support myself for the next few months, I didn't even think of any details ... yesterday a 6,000 tax refund came through. I also thought how nice it would be to refresh on my craniosacral skills and received an invitation to participate in an advanced module for free in exchange for volunteering during the course. It feels like the little wishes are coming through tenfolds... The veil is so thin at the moment... I'm also getting into spontaneous karma releases almost daily. My gosh. One thing I know is that I am not going crazy, hahaha! I also feel like watching when I'm getting seduced by the 3d world. It's like there is a choice every few hours, minutes... a choice between the perception via the 3d glasses or staying unattached in the current. I keep coming in and out, but the depth of the non-physical experience is increasing and that seems to loosen my attachment to the 3d version of what's going on.
As usual, it is great to bounce things off this forum. (I sometimes feel like I over-share as my posts are rather lengthy. But this is what I feel like expressing at this moment.) Just typing all the above brings me so much more clarity. Everything is so intensified! wow
PS Also, events involving me seem more and more impersonal, as is the love that flows through.
Number 3
Hi Margaret :)
Just a personal point of view on the synchronicities with number 3. It is only my intuition, but number 3 for me is also about the 'Holy Trinity', the a symbol of the union of body, mind and spirit. This is happening in alchemy towards the end of the (first big cycle of the) Great Work.
Working with a strong mirror
I just re-read Open’s response here to my December sharing. It is a wonderful reminder for me at this moment as the experience is still unfolding.
Acquainting with the wild animal that was standing between me and the lily (the divine) in my vision was only a part of the journey. It is really the lily that I’m afraid of. I see the reflection of the divine in another that continues to shine sometimes unbearable light at me. The light is so strong and there is nowhere to hide, there is no choice but to see the distorted parts of me, the behaviorisms, even the abandoned dreams!... and the light that is underneath. The reflected light seems to disable my usual coping/hiding mechanism and forces me to look at the distortions. It brings up some good amount of fear...But who is really the one afraid? The ego? The OC projecting at me? Karmic conditioning? All the above? Can’t be Me. What matters now is feeling and softening into that fear. I've been getting strong synchronicities indicating the rightness of the process... the message being "stay with it". I saw my animal guide 5 times in the wild in the last 3 months! There are other synchronicities suggesting highest attention to my internal processes.
I spent the last 3 months gathering courage to glance into that mirror, shrinking back (sometimes because there is simply too much light and freedom in it), gathering more strength to glance again, etc. Open, you said:
“Now imagine the entity winds an energy 'tentacle' around the aspect of soul that is returning to the source, and subtly distorts it - in this way, it can assimilate the highest frequencies of love energy - it's pure manna, and very attractive for OC.”
Yes, I totally get what you’re saying. When this derailment happens it feels like my energy is boxed up. There is a sense of circulation, but the circuit is much smaller, tighter. The stream of energy is also thinner and it charges the attachment to being safe and being taken care of (perhaps it feels thinner because most of the energy is consumed by the OC and the rest is used for the internal circulation to reinforce the conditioning? Yep, it does feel like a big chunk of energy just disappears. Both the feel-good sensation and fear of abandonment have a numbing effect and when they are activated I lose sense of where the energy is going). The feel-good sensation feels pleasant and warm, but at the same time it proportionally charges the fear of abandonment. So, I sometimes watch myself allowing this temporary feel-good, numbing energy to work through. I watch for the trigger just before the derailment happens and sit with the awareness of it.
When the energy derailment takes place I notice the resistance growing within (resistance to being owned), but it doesn’t feel right to act out of that place. So I try to stay with the resistance and once that resolves, there is a pull for an authentic expression that originates from outside of the box (where there is no such thing as “being owned”). It feels spacious, open, like a powerful waterfall, an unstoppable current. If my action originates from within the box, it is destructive, controlling and it charges up the safety-abandonment attachment. It feels so good to be able to share it here on the forum. I feel more awareness of this process anchoring in as I type. I feel like sitting with what it means “to be owned”…getting a strong disgust-like intervention-related angry reaction to that one.
You said: “It requires being profoundly honest with yourself, especially in relationship. To be vigilant about where you might hit blind spots, where you might give over power - where you might go unconscious. You may find yourself pulled in two different directions”
I spent the last 3 months being close with this incredibly strong mirror. That time felt more like 3 years for me as I’ve learned so much. We both agree that we’re just relating for now and we openly recognize both, our attachments to one another and the growth that happens as we move beyond it. The experiences brought up my ray 2, which calmed down the ray 1 (which was strongly influenced by the distorted need to control). Sometimes I feel ray 1 and 2 playing in such a beautiful harmony as they come forth together! I’ve always imagined them taking turns, never playing together!
I’m taking a short break now from the experience to just be with myself and soak in the learnings. It looks like I’ll be back for another 3 months in another 3 weeks… as I’m typing this I begin to realize that it is the ray 3 that is knocking at my door at this moment. I’ve been getting strong synchronicities about number 3, but thought they were just invitations to feel deeper into myself (numerologically my number is 33).
And yes, I often feel a pull in 2 different directions and it becomes clearer that one direction means numbness, safety, the old me and the other feels like unknown, freedom, unleashing the authenticity and the fear of all three. From the 3d perspective it appears crazy to pick the freedom scenario. It doesn’t make any material sense and it might even appear as uncaring toward some loved ones. For my soul though there is only one plausible course of action. It’ll either crash me or make me. We will see.
With love.
Ipod on shuffle - works every time
Hey Anatoly - don't you just love "ipod on shuffle" - works every time!
Open *OK*
Open, what a timely post
Open, what a timely post resonating well with all the shifts going on in my own life! Thank you. I seem to have been doing what you described but instead of meditation during soul motion, dance and music combination. This seems to add a whole new dimension to the energy work. I put the playlist on shuffle and it seems to pick itself what is the most appropriate at the moment to work on in personal life as well as the wider field. Sometimes, the energy going through is so much feels exhilirating and exhausting at the same time or a bit later in a day. Just something I wanted to share.
Much Love,
OC hiding in Twin Flame energies
Hi M - a powerful sharing indeed.
My intuition tells me it might well be related to your Twin Flame experience and how that gets usurped in many people by OC. Effectively OC hides within the Twin Flame experience.
Imagine your soul consciousness flowing as a loop, out from the source, into manifestation and back to the source again (within the Torus). Now imagine you lose yourself to some degree in a relationship - could be past lives aswell. The relationship bleeds energy - as many do - through subtle (and not so subtle) degrees of attachment. It's prime landscape for an entity to enter, unseen below the 'radar' of codependency. One's guard of complete awareness is down because you feel safe.
Now imagine the entity winds an energy 'tentacle' around the aspect of soul that is returning to the source, and subtly distorts it - in this way, it can assimilate the highest frequencies of love energy - it's pure manna, and very attractive for OC.
The problem is, that the frequency feels like love, and is very close to your aligned vibe. So over time, the distorting frequency sinks into your authenticity and buries itself there. In effect it becomes a part of you. It's a very tricky deception indeed and my sense is that its rife within many relationships. In effect, people are being derailed from the true connection to their twin flame.
So how to solve the predicament?
It requires being profoundly honest with yourself, especially in relationship. To be vigilant about where you might hit blind spots, where you might give over power - where you might go unconscious. You may find yourself pulled in two different directions - a part of you is saying "do this", another "do that". If so, watch the dynamic keenly, and above all, watch what the synchronicity is saying.
Step out of your usual living circumstances (and relationships) as much as possible. That way, you're in a more pure reflection of yourself - the synchronicities will reflect your authentic energy more clearly.
Watch your behaviourisms in relationship - use the time away to realign yourself as much as possible.
If you're consistent, you'll start to feel the internal mismatch. At which point, you can consciously peel off the distorting strands of energy and eject any entity in the mix (because it will now become visible). These are highly tricky, and highly advanced. They don't like being ejected that way, so there'll likely be some kind of attack that goes on at this point. No worries - just keep persisting with the realignment. Eventually your twin flame energies will become pure again.
Open *OK*
The torus synchronicity
This article is strongly synchronistic and helpful for me and I feel like sharing bits of my recent experience. I’ve been feeling the toroidal energy flow quite strongly since our last gathering this month. Few days ago, I found a golden coin with an image of a toroid and a letter "M" at its center. When I look at it I feel my energy strengthening and swelling out.
All this shifted my consciousness and activated an old, massive karma, an issue that’s rooted in childhood (and beyond) and that is touching other distortions like a gigantic root. It’s always been derailing and energy draining for me. It took the center stage recently and my heart is stirring (but not hurting) and the third eye feels wide open, like a stretched rubber band.
The universe provided a person in my life that pulls ALL the strings related to the issue and what a lesson that is! This person also shows me new ways of being by reacting in new ways to my patterns. At times I feel like I’m drowning, grasping for air, panicking, even throwing internal tantrums. There are also moments when I manage to slow down enough to have a strong sense of the energy flow from myself outwards. It seems to be forming my reality and then circling back to me, and again outwards. What a beautiful dance it is! It doesn’t last, but I’m able to carry the flavor of this experience for quite a while. When I’m aware of this toroidal energy flow, there is only love and compassion behind the story and I am the only actor on this holo-deck. This momentary shift of perspective enables me to glimpse at the mechanics behind the drama. What a construct! It doesn’t feel like a part of me, but there are still chords of attachment that want to be let go before this construct flows away. They are so ancient and I’m happy I can see them better now.
I sat with the fear related to my issue lately and I saw a face of an angry animal showing its sharp teeth, then the image subsided and was replaced with a white lily. I know there is something so beautiful and pure that is wanting to be revealed if I could only get acquainted with the monster. And I will!
Last night, I had a dream and in it I was chased by a grizzly bear. I run from it, but I wasn’t afraid of it. Seems like perhaps the fear is not as strong, but the conditioning is still in place. When I say “not as strong” I mean I’m not in a panic, just slightly terrified.
I’m also getting quite a bit of insight into how I allow myself to be derailed. The moment I’m not fully conscious, I allow the opposing forces to re-route my energy. I feel the thoughts being inserted and how they play on my distortions taking me into daze-filled states. It leaves me tired, confused or numb. I also noticed many people walking around and functioning while in that daze. I’m strongly invited to be vigilant and aware of my energy all the time. If I can stay sturdily in my energy even just for few hours, I feel so much more clarity and joy.
The energy flow in my torus is strengthening and is unwinding the karmic layers with a new speed and depth. At times, there seems nothing more important than to align with the natural flow of things. It manifests as a right action that arises faster than the judgment. I'm feeling a magnetic pull and a yearning to flow back into the ocean and dissolve in it, become it.
With love,
Thanks, it feelt like
Thanks, it feelt like something that was clogged was tucked loose in me when I contemplated Your answer. Might be big. Big thanks =)
Always look for the truth in the distortion
I could actually feel the
I could actually feel the torus this time in respect to the manifestation process, although watched it before. Cool! This truly developed my perception. I'm so excited about helping the humankind and Your post is inspiring. I wish I could be in the flow You so often speak of, conscious of performing a purpose. I'm uncertain if it's my ego or soul longing for such a task in this life. It's one thing to live in an existential experience of fulfilling a purpose and an other to psychologically experience it as a truth. I certainly feel rooted in this dimension with a longing to achieve physically, even if I believe in the unconscious impact of higher consciousness on others. I daily pray for divine guidance and alignment to my highest truth and the uncertainty still bothers me, although I practice to let go of as much as possible including desires. I humbly present before this community now too, in hope of some resolution or advice.
Always grateful for the gifts bestowed by You for my path... Thank You Open. And for the silent ones, benefiting humanity by their pure hearted compassion, I love You.
Holding the breath
Yes, truly awesome! I love the way you describe feeling the flows within - sensing the shift wanting to take place from 3D to 5D. Watching the torus I felt the breath flowing in unison with the pulse...out and back in. I recalled a recent meditation where I witnessed a visual of myself taking in a huge breath and not being able to breath out because of a heavy sense of responsibility...clearly one of the "choke points" for me. I do feel things accelerating in the exposure of these congested areas...grateful for the inspiration on working with these as they show up in the personal and I love how you elaborate on the effects on the wider field.
Beautiful article Open!
Fantastic post
What a post.
Awesome and some.
I love that animation - masterpeice!
Understanding what's happening, within and without, in this way is so valuable.
The idea of energetic 'choke points', how we can process them for ourselves, and how that helps clear the wider field gives fantastic and inspiring tools to work with.
Exciting times, indeed.
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