The Secret Music Hearers of the Divine...Are You One?
It's a crazy world out there, but only if you focus on the shadows instead of the light breaking through. You've got to transcend the density to find the dream state, the one that's more real than reality - I'm speaking of the quantum field before everything crystallises. It's where you hear the secret music, and if you channel it through you, if you let it animate your being, then it will fill your life's landscape with uplifting joy and positivity. So are you one of the secret music hearers?
Into the Intangible
When I'm travelling through the 3D density, I just love to have my music on shuffle - the lyrics and rhythms never fail to relate to the deeper meaning and message - they speak into the flow itself. Mostly, people are busy in their own mobile metaverse, the one that's capturing the flow into a closed eddy current. But every now and then, you'll catch that knowing smile or the unspoken glint in someone's eye. Yes - they're hearing the secret music too...the one that the divine is singing to us.
The secret music is everywhere, it's always on. It's a harmonic weave and a dance, that transcends time and space. But don't expect to find it if you're hurrying and tight - if your mind is focused on the objective or distracted by that constant flurry of incoming texts. You've got to feel through it all into the intangible.
And that's the challenge. In the beginning the mind turns you off to it, with it's need for quick fixes, objectives, outcomes and needy answers. That's the secret you see - the secret music is found in the question, not the answer: what would you like to show me now?
A message of Love
The secret music is a message of love. It's that softly spoken feeling, which if you're open to it, simply melts you into one. So your heart must be open, first appreciating the magnificent beauty in all things - even the synchronicity on a billboard or that chance connection with a fellow traveler.
I was standing at an airpot security check-in one time, and noticed a lady back in the snaking queue behind me, something struck me about her, she had a warm smile and shining twinkle in her eyes - it felt like an angelic presence.
As it came to my turn to present my boarding pass, the unthinkable had happened - somewhere I'd dropped it in the bustle of the stuff we all have to carry. Shit! But then just as 'all' seemed lost, the words, "is this what you're looking for?" sounded in my ear - it was the angelic lady with my boarding pass in hand. Clearly, she was hearing the secret music!
7 Prime Ways to Hear the Secret Music
Want to know how to increase the Secret Music in your life? Here are 7 prime ways...
1) You may have to make that 'flight connection' yes, but how can you build more time in so there's more flexibility of movement?
2) It helps greatly to streamline your life as much as possible, to take out the clutter, an focus on what's really important - that way, there's more time to notice.
3) Take extra time to pause, breathe, even if for a few moments, open your mind and heart, then watch.
4) You have a particular destination yes, but just like the stream flowing down the mountain, it can take different flows - watch for these and respond. It could simply be taking a different queue through security.
5) Notice the people around you at any given moment - what are the patterns you draw? What colours of clothing spike? What's the feeling of the reflections you get?
6) Watch for signs in advertising, in 'elevator music', the words of your fellow passenger stood next to you.
7) Be open to connecting with people. Wherever the pull draws you, the Law of Attraction is in flow. So be open to connection possibilities.
So if my sharing inspires you, then brilliant! You'll join the 'clan' of the secret music hearers. This guy is clearly hearing the secret music - take a peek, be inspired...
Secret Music Hearers at Avalon Rising 22
Music, dance and joy are such big parts of the shift. That's why they will always feature within the Openhand work as a means to activate the soul. Dive in and explore how we might support your emergence...
Dance and sing with you there!
Oppenheimer: The Paradox of Life itself Exposed
16/08/2023 Shift Update: The Paradox of Life Exposed
In speaking about being a secret music hearer of the divine (see my article above), I've recently seen the film, Oppenheimer. Have you seen it yet? Yes, I understand how people might be put off by the subject matter, by the terrible end effect of what the science was used for. How could you condone that? But the story is also a great paradox. Because it also reveals the great myth of what we generally perceive as reality.
In it, Oppenheimer speaks of the paradox of life. In order to understand the quantum nature of it, you must be able to hold two apparently juxtaposed truths at the same time: reality appears, particulate, hard and separate, but in actual fact, behaves like a wave too. It all depends on how it is being observed. Essentially, intention, and what you focus on, crystallises the space-time-continuum (including your karmic unconsciousness - which is mostly overlooked within intentional manifestation). This crystallisation/manifestation can only work for a given period of time, because in all matter, including the atom, there is a disordering force, "entropy", that breaks the structures down. And this flow is prevalent through the entirety of the Universe. Including the atom.
The quantum physicists taught us a priceless lesson - our inherent vulnerability to the natural forces of life. They pointed towards the impermanence of matter, of the separation of matter, and that there is a flow that one can align with and follow. It disorders and breaks down constructs, but it then gathers once more and recrystallises in a new harmony. It's a scientific/spiritual phenomenon that we can apply to constantly recreate our lives - continually letting go of the old rigidity and aligning with a flow that takes us to the next iteration, the next highest version. That's the inspiration I took from the film.
What we also need to hoist on board, what few, if any, are speaking about, is the Grand Galactic Convergence we're sailing into. Because this is the atomic effect expanded out at the galactic level. It's a monumental movement of consciousness that will break down the old reality of our solar system, such that a new harmony in higher consciousness will take shape - it's already happened on Venus for example. We can live with this enormitude in one of two ways. As Einstein himself says, one of the founders of quantum theory, "We can either live as if nothing is a miracle or everything is".
The miracle is that YOU are this reordering restorative effect of life. That's how we can live empowered, beyond the fixation and rigidity of the temporary physical. What about we transcend the fears, the limitations and the smallness, and become the flow itself? That's the truth that so few are, as yet, willing to explore and work with. That's the 11:11 code that's inviting us all to step out of the smallness - the interrelated flow of four key centres: your soul, with that of Gaia, with that of the Solar Logos, with that of the Galactic Core.
Maybe this is an idea way ahead of its time for humanity. Nevertheless, it is one with which we are all converging toward. It's Openhand's central theme to help as many as possible come to terms with it, and by it, become the empowered God Self that you are - that which transcends all.
Can you hear the music?...
Bright blessings
Open 💎
A couple of Openhand Divine Music hearers....
I felt to repost a couple of videos from Openhanders recently, who are clearly hearing the secret music of the divine....
Sounds awesome
Sounds awesome Rebecca
All my life I have been…
All my life I have been inspired of the universal music. It is not «secret» to me. It is the safe zone I log into when I am in a crowd, when I am alone on the beach, when I write music. It is where the melodies is ready to be picked up, interpreted by poets and artists like my self. I have been singing my whole life and that was where I first felt the presence which now is an intergrated part of my life. 🙏❤️
Have a blessed journey Open✨
Hearing the Music !
Post Eclipse I have been processing pain almost non stop. It has been heavy work . Yet today after I dropped my kid off to school an old not very dear friend of mine suggested we walk together. We started talking about trees and went around my condo noticing and with heartfelt love for each tree . It was almost as if they heard us ! I felt each tree respond and acknowledge us . The flowers also seemed to connect . It was such a heart expanding experience and toward the end I felt as if I could hear the colours of the flowers .And the song Secret Garden us one of my personal favourites. Amazing !
3 times? Wow. He's got some powerful stuff there. I've never been really listening to him but sounds like his music is worth a little deeper exploration. Thanks for reminding me.
I enjoy reading the life stories of known characters, especially musicians, even if I wouldn't know their work that well. So many of them seem to be bipolar, I believe Bruce too. Makes me wonder if that's the price people pay for heightened creativity and why it couldn't be balanced.
Dancing in the Dark!
OMG! Dancing in the Dark! One of my favourite songs! Love it!
Hard not to start a fire when with all those sparks flying off the sexy Boss in this video! :D
You're definitely not dancing all by yourself, Open!
x Cathy (aka Secret Music Hearer)
Dancing in the Dark - with all you secret music hearers!
Hey everyone - great to know I'm not just dancing all by myself! Cheers to the Secret Music Hearers. And speaking Springsteen, on my way back, this track "Dancing in the Dark" appeared three times....
- "you can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a spark, this gun's for hire, even if we're just dancing in the dark!"
Here's "The Boss" for you dancers in the dark...
I am on it, just still
I am on it, just still working on this constant chatter in the busy mind.
Secret music
I have started to listen to the secret music and its getting louder! <3
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